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Subject: Weight Issue
I'm 15 Lbs. overweight and my doctor tells me I need to lose it.
I'm wondering -
Is it at all possible to lose 15 Lbs. in 2 weeks?
No smart alec responses, thank you. ;)
Your helpful input is appreciated. :)
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
In only two weeks? Doubtful. That is, it's doubtful that it could be done in such a way that it would not cause other health problems.
I've been working on losing weight myself. A diuretic (water pill) can help you lose between 1-3 pounds in one week, but not more than that. And without a lifestyle change, it will all come back within six months.
My doctor has told me that ideally, a person should not lose more than a pound and a half per week. Any faster and you could be making youself seriously ill.
I've been trying to increase the amount of exercise I get, by walking more instead of taking the bus. Without changing anything about what I eat, or how much I've managed to lose almost five pounds in three weeks. (I'm not really trying hard though, I could be doing better.
What method(s) are you looking into? Diet changes? Workouts? Other?
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
As far as methods, I'll do whatever it takes at this point. I had a deadline before my next Dr. appointment. I've gone and waited to the last minute. If it gets me a little lighter in 2 weeks, I'll give it a shot. Exercise alone is not doing it. :-/
Does anyone know if "Slimfast" really works?
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
Yes, but not that fast. I used it years ago. You really have to add in an exercise program with it.
When I was using SlimFast, I stuck closely to the suggested nutrition plan. Between meals/meal replacements, I only drank water, or coffee with a no-calorie sugar substitute and non-fat milk (which is allowed) I walked approximately 10-15 miles per week. I managed to lose close to 50 pounds, but it took me 3 1/2 months.
Whatever you do, please do not try MetaboLife, or anything that has Ephedra (Ma-Huang) in it. That stuff can be really dangerous. My brother was using it and suffered a (minor thankfully) heart attack.
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
You can Lose 15lbs in two weeks through conventional methods, I have done it, but you have to be in the "Habit" of loosing wieght first. When it happened to me I had already been working out and dieting for at least 2 months. But you might want to try the 48 hour Miracle Diet they carry them at Walgreens. They say you loose close to 5% of your body wieght in two days.
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
But you might want to try the 48 hour Miracle Diet they carry them at Walgreens. They say you loose close to 5% of your body wieght in two days.
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The body weight lost is just water weight when it comes to those type of things like 48 hour Miracle Diet, The Hollywood Diet, diuretics or anything that requires you to sarve yourself for 48 hours. :-/
Thanks anyway though. :)
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
Maybe I'll try just eating 1 sensible meal a day with 3 fruit/veggie snacks, drink lots of water and ride my exercise bike for an hour (1/2 a.m 1/2 p.m.) everyday for the next 2 weeks. That sounds like it might work. My chances of making it are not very good. Well, at least I'll try. :P
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
No one likes to hear that they have to do something by a certain time.
Most doctors understand this, and I think if you go back and honestly explain why you didn't make your goal, and show what progress you have made anyway, he/she will be a bit more understanding than if you just blew off his/her instructions altogether.
Maybe the doctor can give you a reasonable and workable plan to work with?
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
- Of course you can lose 15 lbs in two weeks. But there's no safe or smart way to do so. Kat's pound and a half a weeks is a responsible goal. Why the hurry to get it off?
- The best diet aid, and the one you can count on after all the others fail you, is your own resolution. This sounds like lame Grandpa Walton advice, but there you have it.
- I would have a long talk with myself before using any diet product or agency.
- Moderate exercise and a moderate diet is the goal.
I'm sorry I wasn't more help. Losing that much weight in that short a time is dangerous.
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
I work for a Rehabilitation Provider, right next to the section with the Staff Health Advisors.
I put your original question to one of them this afternoon...
Their response was quite uneqivocal..."Not Healthily"
She said of course it can be done, but it would be at the risk of the rest of your health. I see some other respondents have suggested as much.
Her suggestion was to consult a Doctor or Dietician, but that was without having seen your follow up messages.
I suppose the key is, if you can't do it in the 2 weeks, at least if you are some of the way there without knocking yourself around too much in the process......
FB :)
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
Maybe I'll try just eating 1 sensible meal a day with 3 fruit/veggie snacks, drink lots of water and ride my exercise bike for an hour (1/2 a.m 1/2 p.m.) everyday for the next 2 weeks. That sounds like it might work. My chances of making it are not very good. Well, at least I'll try. :P
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What do you plan to do for week 3, 4, 5, etc? Do you intend to maintain this regimen?
If not, you may be in for a rude shock.
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
Quoting:What do you plan to do for week 3, 4, 5, etc? Do you intend to maintain this regimen?
If not, you may be in for a rude shock.End Quote
This deadline was given to me a bit ago, so please don't think my Dr. is psycho. I am! :o
Actually, since that deadline was given, I have made some very good changes. Those changes have made some difference, but the results are very slow. I know they'll make a difference in the long run, though. I do know that. :)
Let's put it this way - I'd eat an entire bag of chips in one sitting. I've cut down on the snacking and when I do snack moderately, I eat healthier. I'd drink an entire 2 liter bottle of Coke a day. That alone contains 100 calories per glass. So you can imagine how many hundreds of calories I save myself from by just by having only 1 glass daily - 700! :o
I used to be in very good shape and it was definitely due to the fact that I exercised more - Mind you, I still had poor eating habits then.
Now that my life's busier than ever, I've not had the energy or the will to exercise at all. So, I didn't. So, I put on weight.
The weight's enough to have made a significant difference. I tire easier, I feel tired more often than not, cholesterol's higher, my pants barely button-up because of an expanded waist line. It does bite when clothes don't fit well and you have to go out and buy some to accomodate extra pounds. :P
I'm going to accomplish my goal and not kill myself doing it. It won't be a fad diet or some outrageously expensive weight management company by which means I will succeed.
I may take some time off to devote to extra exercise for the next couple of weeks and at the same time cut down some more on my calorie intake. Meaning that instead of 3 meals a day and snacks in between, I'll do like 1 meal a day and the snacks.
After I see the doc, I'll attempt to balance myself out. I won't be doing as much exercise, but definitely more than I'm doing now. Oh, and I will be going back to my 3 meals a day too.
My metabolism should be kicked-up a notch by then, so I will be able to burn the calories much more efficiently, thus not gaining the 15 Lbs. back. Of course, I will not be eating as poorly as I'd been either.
Thanks again for your input folks! :) You're the greatest. ;)
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
A guy I worked with used to go on a thing he called 'the navy diet' and he lost 10 lbs in a week. I don't remember what amounts of which you were supposed to eat, but it involved crackers, tuna fish, hot dogs, and cottege cheese. I couldn't use that diet because I don't eat meat.
I went on slim fast , but I think the most I lost was 5lbs in a week, and I was one cranky woman.
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
HS, if you do only one meal with snacks you may end up being hungry. If your meals and snacks are healthy(and not huge) it shouldn't be a problem. Also you want your cardio to be at least 40 minutes per session. Once a day is fine at that amount. This is a great time to get into a good routine. BEFORE the holidays when we all binge a bit. ::)
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
This is a great time to get into a good routine. BEFORE the holidays when we all binge a bit. ::)
End Quote
Good point. Goodness, I love my Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners!!! <Homer Drool "Arrghrrrgh"> :)
Pumpkin pie, Pecan Pie, Candied Yams... Oh, and the food too! ;D
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
I think you are on the right track ,it's a case of rethinking what you eat.Also as we get older we need less food apparently only we don't eat any less! hence weight gain.A healthy diet and exercise are the key.Personally I work on the a little of what you fancy does you good.Whenever I've tried to cut out chocolate etc I just end up binging so now I eat stuff like that but in moderation.A friend of mine ate healthily from sunday to friday then onsaturday she would eat whatever she wanted with no guilt,she found in the end that because she knew she could have 'bad' stuff at the end of the week she stopped craving it.
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
I've been going down this path for awhile.. I gave up soda almost completely.. I started drinking seltzers.. zero calories and just some minor artifical flavoring.. not chemical tasting like diet colas.. it took some getting used to.. the first few times I drank it, I totally disliked it.. but now I find regular cola to be way too sweet..
when I exercise, I lose weight quicker, but just by cutting stuff with sugar and cheese out of my diet, I found I lost weight ... and I still can eat two meals a day (I never really eat breakfast.. just a piece of toast and some OJ).. the biggest thing you can do is just read the ingredients of what you're about to eat.. lots of carbohydrates are bad.. especially sugars... but you shouldn't do the Atkins diet thing and completely remove them either (your body does need carbo's)..
I'm still heavier than when I was in high school.. and I was overweight then... but I lost about ten pounds since July and up until October.. which unfortunately with all the Halloween candy and other temptations helped knock me off track and I gained a pound or two.. but I stabilized this week and I've started taking off weight again.. if I can avoid eating too much during the holiday season, I'll do better..
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
I don't know what my story is lately. I've been eating more than ever and I've just been able to fit into a pair of PVC trousers that I haven't worn in a year...I'm less active than before as well. Geez,go figure! :D
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
I use Weight Watchers. In 4 weeks, I've lost 6.2 pounds. Keep in mind, I do not have much to lose. In fact, I started out w/ in my weight range. So it's slow going, but for someone my weight, I should not loese too fast since I hav'nt got much to lose. But 15 pounds really is not too much either. In fact, I am doing WW now b/c my company is hosting a WW series and I wanted to lose, so I can have room to gain between now and New Years. I think you can lose at least half w/ in two weeks. If you are a male, you can definetly do it. For some reason, men lose more weight quicker. Those Bastards!! only kidding. Go to www.weightwatchers.com It's a great web site and it will show you any meetings that are close to where you live.
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
Well, first lesson, do as I say, not as I do.
A few little tips:
Get off caffeine and salt. They both make your body retain water. (Yes, yes, yes, caffeine is a diuretic, but over long periods of time, your body adapts and begins to retain the water it knows will be drawn out.)
Drink TWO LITERS of water a day. No foolin' around, I'm not kiddin'. Carbonated water or diluted fruit juice will also work if you just can't stand the boredom, but nothing with sweeteners. (Yes, fruit counts as a sweetener.) Carry it around with you, so you're more likely to sip it over long periods.
Cardio is important, but you will be more productive doing a lighter longer session than two short ones. Your body goes through different phases of exertion, and you burn the most calories between thirty and forty minutes of your target heart rate.
Find some random health site and calculate your target heart rate. A lot of people push too hard in an attempt to get faster results and become anaerobic, which accomplishes the opposite effect. If you over exert yourself, your body is going to shut down non-vital functions like turning fat into energy...
Finally, never tell yourself you CAN'T have something. Inevitably you'll either end up bitter or give in, resulting in the I've-failed-so-f^$k-the-whole-thing-where's-the-HagenDaaz syndrome.
Edited because I had too many paragraphs starting with "finally".
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
Oh yeah, I forgot one more thing. Resist the urge to take a hacksaw in her sleep to people like, nothing personal, BPChick who can eat anything and loose weight. They are pod people. Here to goad us into jail sentences. They have been programmed by penguins.
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
weight watchers is a good program, i lost 20lbs in about 2 months. my goal was to reach 15lbs but I ended up losing more. not sure if i could go back to it again though.
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
I'm packing to many extra lbs but I have lost 20 lbs the past couple of months just by drinking more water, and not keeping booze in the house. No beer, whiskey, scotch, Vodka, Rum,...nothing...."sob"... at.."sob, sob"... at all "sniffle" :'(
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
bad me, I drank nearly every day on WW and lost loads..I was living on just veggies though so I dont think i was a role model for them! it's a good thing i never told the others at the meetings about that because it might have discouraged them.
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
Oh yeah, I forgot one more thing. Resist the urge to take a hacksaw in her sleep to people like, nothing personal, BPChick who can eat anything and loose weight. They are pod people. Here to goad us into jail sentences. They have been programmed by penguins.
End Quote
Is it a bad thing to have the urge to hold these people down and stuff them with twinkies until they weigh twice what they were before? ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
I'm 175 pounds and I eat too much crap,drink too much coffee,eat too many doughnuts each morning,I salt/pepper almost everything.Now that tops the cake. -howard-
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
Is it a bad thing to have the urge to hold these people down and stuff them with twinkies until they weigh twice what they were before? ;) ;D
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Trust me, it's a strong desire!! My dear hubby has this superfast metabolism-he can eat like a darned horse and never look a pound heavier. I hate that. He has actually recently put on maybe 5 pounds in ten years--he whines and I say, don't complain to me honey--it's about time someone besides me in this house can't fit their jeans so well anymore!!
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
As far as methods, I'll do whatever it takes at this point. I had a deadline before my next Dr. appointment. I've gone and waited to the last minute. If it gets me a little lighter in 2 weeks, I'll give it a shot. Exercise alone is not doing it. :-/
Does anyone know if "Slimfast" really works?
End Quote
What good is it to lose 15 pounds in two weeks if you are not healthier. There is no healthy way to do it. You may lose water weight, but that will not be real weight loss, as you will get it back again quickly.
The most important thing to do is exersize. Dieting will not work. Here is why: When you cut your calorie intake (eat less food), your body burns less calories by lowering its metabolism. So if your body right now needed 2000 calories, and you only eat 1200, after a few days your body would adjust to only burning 1200, and you would stop losing weight. What is worse, when you go back to your normal diet of 2000 calories, for a few weeks your body will only burn the lower amount, and you will gain weight.
What is so wonderful about exersize is it raises the metabolism. So if your metabolism burns 2000 calories a day, and you run or do aerobics for an hour, you could burn an extra 500 calories a day, and that would be without changing your eating habits. I would also do some weight training too as a means to keep fat off the body, because every extra pound of muscle burns 105 calories a week. That may not seem like much, but an extra 10 pounds of well proportioned muscle would burn over 54,000 calories a year (about 15 pounds of fat a year).
Now here is where it gets really exciting, if you lose your 15 pounds, and replace it with some muscle, you will look so much leaner and thinner, becasue pound for pound, one pound of fat takes up as much space as 3 pounds of muscle.
One other side note, once you start exersizing, and your metabolism increases, that is the time to change your eating habbits. One general rule is not to drastically cut your calories, instead lower your portions by a small amount. You will be suprised how quickly you lose weight. Remember, it took you a lifetime to get to where you are, you can not reverse it in two weeks.
Lastly, if you do cut back on food, get a good vitamin supplement. You need B vitamins to metabolize carbohydrates, you need calcium to keep your bones strong while you exersize so you do not get stress fractures, and you need certain ammino acids and minerals to help burn fat. Not to mention the other vitamins in a good supplement will help keep you healthy.
Good luck, and take it one day at a time. The start is always the toughest.
Subject: Re: Weight Issue
Well I've just had an infection in my jaw and let me tell you a diet of heinz tomato soup certainly improved my waistline!! Sadly I'm able to chew again now so I guess it will all go back on........
I too have the misfortune to live with a stick in human form.I swear to God If I ate what he ate I would be the size of a house,grrrrr makes you sick!