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Subject: Resignation
Yesterday I decided to GIVE MY JOB THE FLICK!! :D
I totally recommend it for ANYONE who feels stuck in the drudgery of the day! I made a decision and threw in the towel... what a wonderful bombshell it was...watching all the office-politic shrapnel fly around!
I figure if im gonna devote 9 hours a day to working in my life, it might as well BE for my life, my home, my family. I have been in this job for nigh on 5 years.
You'll have the BEST night's sleep guaranteed!
Anyone else thrown caution to the wind and resigned from a job they feel imprisoned in so that they could move forward to follow their dreams?
Subject: Re: Resignation
I sure have, my job was stressing me out so bad and it was getting to the point I was bordering a nervrous breakdown and my doctor even signed me off on workman's comp for a couple of months. During that time I flew to Scotland to visit someone.......and never went back. I wrote back a month or two later telling they can give my job to some other sucker. That was a year ago .My friend still works there..and they're laying everyone off anyhow. I never had my nerves rattled at any job like that before.
Subject: Re: Resignation
Good luck to you, Aphasia.
I have done it before. I was a waitress and our boss was the worst. He hired his new girlfriend (who had no experience, btw) to be head waitress because she wanted to be instead of one of the other waitresses who had much more experience. I had worked the overnight shift and did all my work. We got busy just before she came in. She yelled at me in front of the customers saying I didn't vacuum the stairs. I don't mind having to vacuum them again, but I took great offense at being told that I didn't. I told her so along with what she could do with the overnight shift and left. The restaurant went under not too long after.
Subject: Re: Resignation
Resigning is such a feeling of empowerment! Good luck to you, Aphasia. I know that you will find something better out there! :)
Subject: Re: Resignation
Good luck to you, Aphasia.
I have done it before. I was a waitress and our boss was the worst. He hired his new girlfriend (who had no experience, btw) to be head waitress because she wanted to be instead of one of the other waitresses who had much more experience. I had worked the overnight shift and did all my work. We got busy just before she came in. She yelled at me in front of the customers saying I didn't vacuum the stairs. I don't mind having to vacuum them again, but I took great offense at being told that I didn't. I told her so along with what she could do with the overnight shift and left. The restaurant went under not too long after.
End Quote
So many horrid people in this world >:( I know just what you mean, Dagwood. I was a Shipping clerk long ago, for an office supply store. The sales guys were so happy that I was putting out thier orders on time, compared to the person before me. I couldn't believe how easy it was...just DO my job and make people happy ::) Anyway, the bliss was short-lived, as the owner fired the general manager that had hired me, an replaced ME with his daughter (The owner) and sent me down to to cashier work. I quit and within 3 months they were out of business....I believe in Karma ;) Good luck to you Aphasia2000, you have my support :)
Subject: Re: Resignation
Yes, and I was swept with a feeling of rightful peace.
I was a supervisor and there was a Production Manager that started that was completely incompetant and not doing anything to improve, he was not a bad guy, just clueless and I had no respect for him. The other supervisor quit and we were talking about who we may replace him with, he recommended a family friend of his that was as clueless and had very little experiance. I raised my concerns politely and then he implied that the turnover was becasue of me. I said "So you think he left becasue of me?" "Yes", he replied.
"Well then, it's time for me to leave too."
He was asked to resign the following year.
Since then I have happily come back to the company and been here 4 years.
Subject: Re: Resignation
I have never lost a job because of the way i choose to be, but i did grow so tired of people that were so mean to me. I had the fortune of meeting a wonderful man who accepted me as i am. It was a pleasure to work with him. Now i have become fortunate enough to not really need to work much anymore.
Subject: Re: Resignation
Yes, I have had that happen! Five years ago I went back to an employer that I'd worked for before I had my daughter. The real reason I went back to this job was because it had the best pay of any place I'd ever worked, and I needed money. I had never really cared for my boss. He was a perfectionist and seemed to expect everyone else to be that way, too. Had I known that the second time around was going to be so much worse than the first, I never would have gone back. My boss was never happy with my work, even though I gave my best. I was always being criticized or compared to other employees who worked faster (though in my opinion no better) than me. His little talks with me got me so stressed that I would come to work every day feeling nauseaous and wondering what I did wrong this time. I even began to lose a lot of sleep because of this. Then came the day when my closest friend there decided she was going to leave. She had been going through almost the same thing that I was and had had enough. I hung for a few more months before I decided that this just wasn't healthy for me. I wrote my letter of resignation, telling my boss how unfair I felt he was and that I hoped he would be easier on the next poor soul who filled that position. (I didn't use those exact words but that was what I meant). He did not like this at all, and even had a meeting with me to discuss the letter and try to "defend" himself from my accusations. Even though I had given my two weeks notice, my boss (who apparently heard from another employee in the company that I felt it was "unbearable" to continue working for him) decided that I didn't need to remain there for the whole two weeks. I was so unnerved by this that I grabbed my stuff and left, but not before exchanging some very bitter words with him!
Even though it's been 4 years now since I left there, I still have bad dreams about my ex-boss. I think he must have really traumatized me. It just makes me so angry!!! >:( Now I am a stay-at-home mom and I also babysit for a friend of mine. I love this job and wouldn't trade it for the world! :)
Subject: Re: Resignation
I can't wait to resign from my workshop.The place is a hole.It's disgusting and filthy.It's so filthy that the bathroom toilet lost it's cover and now it's broken and we now have to use toilet paper to wipe our hands with.The people there are treated like robots.REALLY.It's like they're almost programmed to be told what to do.When I leave that hole,I'll be free as bird and look for a more pleasant job. :D
Subject: Re: Resignation
Congratulations on getting out of a bad situation, Aphasia! You'll feel much better, and the break away from the stress is good for your health, too.
I once worked as a clerk/cashier for a bookstore in the downtown financial district. One day, in the middle of the busy Christmas season, my supervisor made me shut down my cash resgister, and brought me to the very middle of the store to yell at me because there was a two-minute discrepancy between the time I punched back in, to the time I arrived at the register three feet away.
I pointed out that I had helped a customer find something, and she screamed at the top of her lungs that that was not my job, and in the future any time a customer asked for help I was to ignore them and "do what I was supposed to be doing". ::) ::)
I'm must admit, that I lost my temper, and shrieked back at her. It wasn't the most mature thing to do, but I felt better. I told her, more or less, that being rude to customers was no way to run a business, and if she wanted to screech and call me names she would have to pay me a lot more than minimum wage. Then I walked out never to return.
A week later, one of my co-workers told me that all the fancy high-powered bankers and lawyers who were in the store that day to witness the whole thing, called corporate HQ to complain on my behalf, and the "Beastly Woman" lost her job. The company asked me to come back, but by then I had found another job with a competitor for $1.50 an hour more.
Good luck on your next venture, Aphasia!!
Subject: Re: Resignation
WOW! Its great to hear people who have felt empowered by making a decision that ultimately effects their life and future career outlook.
Basically it all boils down to doing what you want to do and doing it for all the right reasons. I'm fortunate enough to have a fantastically supportive wife, so it will make the transition easier.
Thanks to all of you for all your kind words...I'm probably more excited about future work prospects than I was just after leaving Uni! ;D