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Subject: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
I mean, come on, everyone's done something silly or stupid or embarrassing...those are the best stories to share :)
I'll share some of my stories later...they usually involve firecrackers and pyrotechnics ;D :o
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
Hmmm, I called 1-800-HARDEES once and asked for their recipie for curly fries. They said they'd send it to me, and I have no idea why, but I said my name was Bernard and I made up a fake address in Orlando, Florida. Geez, I can be so stupid ::)
There will most likely be more to share later :)
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
Oh yes, I could share few stories but off the top of my head this one comes 1st.
Some friends and I went to a local tavern that had kareoke night going on, I hate kareoke.
I had downed a few high test microbrews and decided to give the crowd a little bit of me. 8)
After giving the dj my selection and being called up I started my song by 1st announcing over the PA-
"This song means so much to me, I often sing it in the shower, I pretend my penis is microphone" :o
Then went immediatly into "I am woman here me roar" ;D
That's as far as I made it, I thought I was the funniest man alive and could not stop laughing.
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
Plllllease Kiddies - Don't do this at home or anywhere ever!!! :o :o :o
I had a bad habit of using aerosol cans (namely hairspray) as blowtorches.
It was all fun and games until...
The person who taught me this outrageously foolish stunt got severely burned upon the explosion of a can right in his hand! :o :-X :P
He lost a finger too. :-[
Using hairspray cans for blowtorches is the stupidest thing I've ever done to date.
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
Using hairspray cans for blowtorches is the stupidest thing I've ever done to date.
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You set me up perfectly for my anecdote :)
So my friends came down from New York to visit me in NC (when I was at Duke) and we went down to Myrtle Beach. We proceeded to purchase about four bags-worth of firecrackers and other flammable funthings, and we also had my potato cannon and some bouncy balls and gasoline and lighter fluid and...well, just about anything that is flammable.
(FYI: potato cannon --> www.spudtech.com)
Anyway, we shot off a few bottle rockets and some flaming bouncy balls, but the police didn't actually come until the restaurant called in a complaint about a flamethrower on the beach (yeah, doing this next to a popular restaurant was probably not a good idea). The flamethrower? My friend, spitting rubbing alcohol into a zippo and making flames that would make the dragon from Shrek green with envy. Good times--only because we didn't get arrested :)
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
Plllllease Kiddies - Don't do this at home or anywhere ever!!! :o :o :o
I had a bad habit of using aerosol cans (namely hairspray) as blowtorches.
Using hairspray cans for blowtorches is the stupidest thing I've ever done to date.
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Ouch ! I often wondered how many Hairspray related injuries there were after that scene in the Blues Brothers where Dan Ackroyd disabled the elevator wiring - he made it all look so easy...... :(
As for me, yesterday may qualify as silly...... ;D :-/
FB ;)
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
I'm sure I could come up w/many. But the 1 most devastating, covering the most ground w/most people involved - my citation as a pre-teen for crank-calling.
My best friend and I had made a huge habit of calling people. Sometimes we did randoms, but we always centered on a few people we liked/didn't like. Well, the family of the boy we didn't like had the phone tapped. I and my friend were visited by the police separately. Imagine my parents' shock (they had no clue - we were very good at pretending ;) ). My friend's mom (a pretentious, snotty, cold, overprotective *&%$* anyway, but we won't get into that here) wouldn't let her see me for some time (we were in many same classes at school - kinda hard). We each had to visit the teachers we had tortured - mostly I remember checking in w/1 whom we liked, and how embarrassing it was. :-[ :-[ :-[
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
The stupidest pyro- stunt...
Well, when I was about nine I held a smoke bomb in my hand after lighting it and got the worst burn on my thumb. Hurt like heck.
When I was twenty I got into a speed-firing contest with a muzzle loader. Worked as a tour guide at Fort Snelling here in MN and we carried circa 1820 muzzle loaders and gunpowder charges w/o bullets. Me and a co-worker, to the delight of all, spent a furious two or three minutes loading and firing as quick as we could. No bullets, but full loads of gunpowder. Fortunately, the guns didn't go off when we were ramming the rods down the barrels, and the barrels didn't explode in our faces even though the barrels got really gunked up in short order. In fact, because I was the winner, the worst thing that happened was my taking the winners option and... I hung his period cap over the muzzle of my gun and blew it to smithereens.
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
When I was twenty I got into a speed-firing contest with a muzzle loader. Worked as a tour guide at Fort Snelling here in MN and we carried circa 1820 muzzle loaders and gunpowder charges w/o bullets.
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Wow, you did that? That's way cool! I'm afraid I'll never get my lazy butt to be a RevWar/1812 reenactor myself....I assume you had flintlocks, no percussions?
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
I picked a freshly used Iron up with both hands when I was about 4 years of age - I still remember how it felt :'(
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
Wow, you did that? That's way cool! I'm afraid I'll never get my lazy butt to be a RevWar/1812 reenactor myself....I assume you had flintlocks, no percussions?
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Flintlock and smooth bores. I'm not sure about this, but I don't think rifling and percussion caps came around til 1860 or so.
It was cool. The flints used to break a lot, and if you've ever shot black powder you know what a pain it is to clean.
My second favorite thing was playing in the blacksmith shop. The blacksmith was a cool dude and he let me make, or at least try to make, iron nails.
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
-I stripped to my undies at a party and took a dip in the pool on a dare... stone cold sober. (And then just plain cold!)
-I took a swing at a Gambino henchman. (He spilled his drink on me one too many times. I later found out that the horrid shirt I was insulting was a gift from Versace himself. Don't care. Still looked like somebody puked on a Victoria's Secret nightie.)
-I pressed a used feminine hygiene product into an ex-Detroit Lion's hand to prove to him that I was on my period and absolutely NOT going to sleep with him. (That's one's probably gonna get deleted. I totally understand. Still, pretty silly, eh?)
... that'll do for now.
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
-I pressed a used feminine hygiene product into an ex-Detroit Lion's hand to prove to him that I was on my period and absolutely NOT going to sleep with him. (That's one's probably gonna get deleted. I totally understand. Still, pretty silly, eh?)
... that'll do for now.
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OMG Lang!! :o Ok, you win, hands down!! I don't think that anyone can top that one!!! ;D
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
-I pressed a used feminine hygiene product into an ex-Detroit Lion's hand to prove to him that I was on my period and absolutely NOT going to sleep with him. (That's one's probably gonna get deleted. I totally understand. Still, pretty silly, eh?)
... that'll do for now.
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Well, the censor is going to have their work cut out for them. So.... which ex-Lion are we talking about?
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
I've done something really stupid....I had a tutor for math this in my freshman year and I liked him so much because he was so sweet and I think he liked me and I didn't tell him that I like him :( I could have had a chance...... :-[
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
Ok, this happened at the last dance of the school year, just before I graduated from Junior High. I was feeling ticked off, and left out because it seemed every other girl in my class had a boyfriend but me. One of the chaperones was a boy who had just graduated high school, and he had always been nice to me, and seemed to pay more attention to me than the other girls. So I 'made a pass' at him at the end of the night. At that age it was nothing more than a kiss on the cheek, and asking him to the movies the next day. He said ok, he'd call me in the morning. He never did, and I later found out he was starting in the Seminary the following Monday to become a priest. :-
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
Cruel, very very cruel :P
Cheese for the entire year? Unless it's got fresh pepporoni and sausage with it that would be hell.
During the hot daze of August. We sneaked into this guy's dorm when he was out of town visiting his girlfriend. We rubbed all kinds of cheese on the floor, the window, and the walls... and we left the room to simmer under 90 degree F temperature, so that the sweet sweet smell of lox and swiss was juuuuust ripe enough to permeate the room for the ensuing year ;)
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Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
Lets see silly, stupid and embarrassing moments:
I once had this great idea to jump on the back of a friend of mine. I ended up jumping too far and went over him instead landing my face on the concrete floor. I almost lost a tooth for that one.
Years ago we had wrestlers come on island for a show. My girlfriends and I met one of them at a bar and took him to the beach later that evening. We all stripped down to our underwear and went swimming. He thought he was going to have a really good time that night...needless to say he was a bit disappointed.
I unbuckled a Japanese Tourist pants while he was standing outside of a hotel.
Those were the days. LOL!!!
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
On the Night Exchange which is a number to leave messages for guys and girls and I disguised my voice as a girl and I got messages from guys wanting to make love to me.Weird! :o ;D ;) -howard-
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
'K, you younger guys have to realize that this happened in about 1977 when we seriously didn't know the dangers of drugs. ::) The over 30 crowd will remember how we used to "time" taking our whatever for maximum effect. We (my band) were playing a classy "Vegas" type bar and were doing our last set, so since we didn't have to tear down that night, and I wasn't driving home, I wait until about 10 minutes before the last song and eat 2 Quaaludes (high octane sleeping pills for those of you that didn't know)to mellow out on the way home. So this guy walks up to the front of the stage and says "I'll buy the bar drinks and give you guys $200.00 for one more hour." ::) Needless to say, starving musicians that we were, we jumped on that. About 4 songs into that hour, I was told that I had everything (amps, pre amps, keyboards) cranked up to 11, and was playing and singing "Aqualung" to the top of my lungs while the rest of the band was trying to do "Too Much Time On My Hands". A roadie mercifully unplugged my stuff (I didn't even notice), and I gained the nickname "Aqualung" for longer than I care to say. Kiddies, JUST SAY NO!! ;)
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
Dude, that is a story that legends stem from. Cool 8)
(Don't worry I'm over 35)
'K, you younger guys have to realize that this happened in about 1977 when we seriously didn't know the dangers of drugs. ::) The over 30 crowd will remember how we used to "time" taking our whatever for maximum effect. We (my band) were playing a classy "Vegas" type bar and were doing our last set, so since we didn't have to tear down that night, and I wasn't driving home, I wait until about 10 minutes before the last song and eat 2 Quaaludes (high octane sleeping pills for those of you that didn't know)to mellow out on the way home. So this guy walks up to the front of the stage and says "I'll buy the bar drinks and give you guys $200.00 for one more hour." ::) Needless to say, starving musicians that we were, we jumped on that. About 4 songs into that hour, I was told that I had everything (amps, pre amps, keyboards) cranked up to 11, and was playing and singing "Aqualung" to the top of my lungs while the rest of the band was trying to do "Too Much Time On My Hands". A roadie mercifully unplugged my stuff (I didn't even notice), and I gained the nickname "Aqualung" for longer than I care to say. Kiddies, JUST SAY NO!! ;)
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Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
Dude, you are my hero. Conan should've had you do the Aqualung bit during the Emmys :)
Needless to say, starving musicians that we were, we jumped on that. About 4 songs into that hour, I was told that I had everything (amps, pre amps, keyboards) cranked up to 11, and was playing and singing "Aqualung" to the top of my lungs while the rest of the band was trying to do "Too Much Time On My Hands". A roadie mercifully unplugged my stuff (I didn't even notice), and I gained the nickname "Aqualung" for longer than I care to say. Kiddies, JUST SAY NO!! ;)
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Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
That's a great story Dude :D
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
parade around in my underwear at home. ::) ;D -howard-
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
parade around in my underwear at home. ::) ;D -howard-
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Everybody does that...it's hardly silly ;)
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
In high school, piling 7 guys into my Datsun 510 wagon, each wearing a different crazy hat/headpiece (sombrero, rainbow afro, Mickey Mouse ears, Double can/bottle-holder with straws hat, etc.) and cruising up and down the main drag in town...it wasn't even halloween...
PSA: Don't drink and drive. You may hit a pothole and spill your drink. Seriously, though, always use a designated driver. They make the silly things a little safer.
Subject: Re: what is the silliest thing you've ever done?
Everybody does that...it's hardly silly ;)
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Well Rice,to me it is.I had to get something downstairs and I ran downstairs with my underwear on.I don't have a gorgeous body,It was something I had to do that was in a hurry. ;D :o ;) -howard-