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Subject: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game Board
This is on behalf of some of our members/posting buds:
Quoting:When a particular thread reaches 20 pages, there are certain members who will automatically start a new thread with the same subject matter. Some threads have been repeated numerous times.End Quote
Quoting:How long are these repeated game threads going to go on? It's been several months now. I can understand doing a game once or twice but some of them are up to 10 sets and it just seems they are going in circles! I think there should be a limit.End Quote
Monotony, anyone?
That is the question.
There's an issue with the # of repeated games on the Games board.
Would you please participate and let us know your opinion on this issue.
Your help and honesty is appreciated. :)
A vote then! :D
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
I know a lot of people like to play the games, and that doesn't bother me. But in my opinion, I think they're getting dumb and boring, so I just don't play them. I'm all for having the game board, because I know a lot of people still enjoy the games, which is great, but I don't like them, and I'll be honest, so my vote is No. :)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
I have hated the game board for a long time. I guess it is my short attention span, or maybe it is the lack of originality. Anyway I think it is a good idea to limit the games, however if you limit "naming a basketball team" someone is just going to start a "name a football team" thread. Still unoriginal, but not exactley the same.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Not surprisingly, my vote is .....
Well hang on....
The question is Monotony - Yes or No ?
L15 seems to be saying yes and answering No so I wonder if it is clear what the question is....?
I would vote to retain them
and repeat earlier statements that if an individual doesn't like it, don't go in there.....
Why is this still a problem people ?
The Wanted section doesn't interest me, so I don't go in there....
I don't campaign to have it removed - what's the go ?
FB ???
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Not surprisingly, my vote is .....
Well hang on....
The question is Monotony - Yes or No ?
L15 seems to be saying yes and answering No so I wonder if it is clear what the question is....?
I would vote to retain them
and repeat earlier statements that if an individual doesn't like it, don't go in there.....
Why is this still a problem people ?
The Wanted section doesn't interest me, so I don't go in there....
I don't campaign to have it removed - what's the go ?
FB ???
End Quote
What ^ said...if you don't like them, don't play them ;)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
What ^ said...if you don't like them, don't play them ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
I vote yes --retain them.
I have to spend all my offline time racking my brain, trying to figure out how to pay bills and keep a roof over my head -- literally. I come here to relax and veg out, not to think. If I want to think, I can go into the 2000 board and get into a political debate.
People who do not like the game boards do not have to go there. Simple.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
I don't think Hairspray is asking if the Game Board should go away, she's simply stating that some feel the games are getting repetative. I have to agree. I enjoy the games a lot myself, but it does seem like there should be a limit to the number of times one game can be done.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Of course I want to keep them! 98% of the posts I make anymore are on that board and it keeps me from getting bored. I am almost at 5,000 posts myself and I'll bet that #5,000 will probably be made at that board unless I catch myself…
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
I want opinions on whether or not the current explosion of repeated games is too much of the same, boring, monotonous, TOO REPETITIVE?
Real possibility at this rate: "I Have... (#137)" :o
A vote on that, folks.
Further suggestions on the issue are still very much appreciated. :)
For clarification: There's no issue with whether the board goes or stays. I don't think it's going anywhere right now. ;)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Ohhh. Well, yes, I do think the games are getting very repetative. They got old a looong time ago. I'm sorry, I just don't find the fun anymore in naming "carrots", "cream cheese", and other foods that start with the letter C, or whatever. I do play the movie unscrambler on the 90s board sometime, and the chain songs on the various boards once in awhile, and I participate in the Quizzes, but the game board doen't interest me. That doesn't mean it doesn't interest others, and it's cool that people like to come here to play the games, if that's their choice. I would just much rather play a game of Uno or Scrabble. ;)
Is this what you wanted to know, HS?
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Ohhh. Well, yes, I do think the games are getting very repetative. They got old a looong time ago. I'm sorry, I just don't find the fun anymore in naming "carrots", "cream cheese", and other foods that start with the letter C, or whatever. I do play the movie unscrambler on the 90s board sometime, and the chain songs on the various boards once in awhile, and I participate in the Quizzes, but the game board doen't interest me. That doesn't mean it doesn't interest others, and it's cool that people like to come here to play the games, if that's their choice. I would just much rather play a game of Uno or Scrabble. ;)
Is this what you wanted to know, HS?
End Quote
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Well, I know they are getting quite boring and I have to repeat myself over and over on some, but some are quite original and these I sort of like…
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
No, I don't think there should be a limit to the number of threads one game can have. I think as long as there are people still playing them, then what's the harm? I don't play many of them anymore, but others do, so more power to them! When enough people get tired of a particular game it will die out on it's own, IMO.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Yes, some of the games get very repetative. However, there is endless room for creativity, and I and a number of my fellow posters attempt to exercise that creativity. If you don't like the monotny, and do not have an imaginative bone in your body, then just avoid the thread, okay?
As for "I have", "I need" etc. these are always original, because they represent what people wish to express at a given moment, whether seriously or frivolously.
I would suggest that those who are complaining invent new games, then. If people like them, they will play them. If not, they won't. I mean, I don't really care for the compound game, so I seldom go there.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
If we limit the games' threads (which I never read or play) then we should limit the number of times we can have a thread on "The Greatest (fill in the blank) of the (fill in the decade)."
A message board like this is somewhat like a park. Some people want to play in the pool, some people want to feed the pigeons, some want to throw hoops and some to play chess. My honest opinion? I don't think the premise is valid. Obviously, enough people don't think the games are repetitive... if they did, they wouldn't be so popular. Only if it was a question of storage space would I say limit them.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Yes, some of the games get very repetative. However, there is endless room for creativity, and I and a number of my fellow posters attempt to exercise that creativity. If you don't like the monotny, and do not have an imaginative bone in your body, then just avoid the thread, okay?
As for "I have", "I need" etc. these are always original, because they represent what people wish to express at a given moment, whether seriously or frivolously.
I would suggest that those who are complaining invent new games, then. If people like them, they will play them. If not, they won't. I mean, I don't really care for the compound game, so I seldom go there.
End Quote
I'm not complaining... and it's not like I'm not very creative or anything... I just said my honest opinion, since I am pretty sure that's what was asked for in the first place. I said that I am getting tired of them, and if others want to play them, then go on ahead.. :-/
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
I'm not complaining... and it's not like I'm not very creative or anything... I just said my honest opinion, since I am pretty sure that's what was asked for in the first place. I said that I am getting tired of them, and if others want to play them, then go on ahead.. :-/
End Quote
I ddin't take you as complaining, L15, and I'm sure everyone appreciated your opinion.
This issue has been done before as I recall, and last time it split everyone into two camps, which I thought was unnecessary, and the same thing seems to be happening this time.
And in regard to your last sentence, that is quite correct - so that brings me back to my question, why has it become an issue again ??? ??? ???
At all ? :-/
FB :)
PS I am aware I am sounding like a broken record (CD for the post 70-s members ;D) so I will stop - sorry !
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
And in regard to your last sentence, that is quite correct - so that brings me back to my question, why has it become an issue again ??? ??? ???
At all ? :-/
FB :)
PS I am aware I am sounding like a broken record (CD for the post 70-s members ;D) so I will stop - sorry !
End Quote
I guess the first time it was an issue was before I came here, but I'm wondering the same thing, FB.
It looks to me like some people like them a lot, which is good enough for me. They're in their own little area, so the people that don't like them aren't tripping over them. The posters seem to be polite and well behaved. It's a valid question.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
I agree with everyone here. ::) ;D
But seriously, sometimes I think a little repetition is a good thing. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I understand all sides of this issue, but as Zella said, those that like the games play them and those that don't, don't. Not really rocket science, guys. ::) :-/
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Personally I like the game boards especially when theres nobody on and it's just me the games give me something to do. I say if you don't like them then don't go on there it's not like theres a rule that says you have to go on there and reply. Just ignore them. The food game and stuff just ignore those too.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Keep everything JUST the way it is. I hate when things are running smooth and things get shaken up. Oh sorry, I was rambling about previous Job experiences ;D Anyway,my vote is for them to be left alone ;)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Great! Everyone's getting their 2 cents in. :)
There's no need to consern yourselves with reasons as to why I posted this question.
I'm sure you will all understand when I say this "refresher" thread was needed in the interest of objectivity. :)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
No, I don't think there should be a limit to the number of threads one game can have. I think as long as there are people still playing them, then what's the harm? I don't play many of them anymore, but others do, so more power to them! When enough people get tired of a particular game it will die out on it's own, IMO.
End Quote
What he said. :D
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
They were bothering me only when they were still in the PPP. They started during the summer, when a lot of people were on vacation without access to computers. Those of us that were here, started them without realizing how popular they would eventually become.
When people came back, and conversations picked up, I found I had to go back two or three pages to catch up on all the non-game conversations.
Now that they are in a separate area, I'd say leave them alone. If enough people think it's dull, it will die a quiet death on it's own. Just like the "80's News Items" board did. The games are obviously interesting to a great number of people right now.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Now that they are in a separate area, I'd say leave them alone. If enough people think it's dull, it will die a quiet death on it's own. Just like the "80's News Items" board did. The games are obviously interesting to a great number of people right now.
End Quote
actually.. that board only died out due to technical problems with the board and my 80s news script.. it was actually kinda popular when I had it all working..
there's no plans to remove the games, we just wanted to gauge feedback about limiting topics for games.. it doesn't sound like too many people really want any limits on them, so there probably won't be any..
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
I don't understand the problem with motonony as far as too many threads of one game. Zella, Fussy,CD and R&RF, have already spoken for me.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
I personally think that the game board is being used to create more posts counts in a short period of time for some members. I am guilty of using the games to add to my posts count and for lack of anything else to post to. They were fun when they first were started but now it seems that the game board is dominating all the other boards. And "Yes" if we don't like the games no one is forcing us to go in there and participate.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
What ^ said...if you don't like them, don't play them ;)
End Quote
Count me in too for that POV :)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
I want opinions on whether or not the current explosion of repeated games is too much of the same, boring, monotonous, TOO REPETITIVE?
Further suggestions on the issue are still very much appreciated. :)
End Quote
Yes. Too repetitive.
However, I don't really have a problem w/people doing what they want to do.
I just wish, sort of like Islandgirl indicated, that people would spend more time w/discussions. I like to get a little more in-depth. Guess I have kind of the opposite view of Zella - I don't always have enough time to have real discussions w/real people, so when I get on line I'm often looking for loquacious discussions.
If I could come up w/something myself for games, I might make a trivia thread or such, rather than the one-liner type. Heck, I even liked the poll questions better - I guess we could call that 20 Questions. It was fun answering and fun seeing other people's answers - all in 1 place rather than spread out over 500 posts in 5 threads.
I'm glad at least the one-liners are in the Games area - in the Playful area, they'd push off the other discussions. This kind of thing happens in many forums. For ex., on racing forums people start posting - and giving condolences - about every single horse that has died. Well, the forum only retains so many posts at a time. So that starts knocking off long discussions and breaking them up so you can't always pick up where you were. I'm grateful at least that can't happen here since there's a separate Game forum. On the racing sites, we should have a "death notice" forum.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
I have other shared opinions to add.
Again, this is in order to continue to gauge feedback. :)
It is our hope this topic continues to remain an intelligent and civil discussion.
Any and all opinions shared do not reflect the views of moderators. We remain impartial. :)
Quoting:It's a method for many users to boost their post count.
"Congratulations" posts are continuously on the rise and in relatively short periods of time.
I remember when it actually meant something when someone achieved a high post count. It was almost like an honour with all of the time devoted to thought, typing and true contributions.
It's just a measure of how often they can pop in on some little game of "Names that start with S".
It almost seems like a clique around here with those who want to post one-liner after one-liner on that board, and those who came here to be a part of a close on-line community and have discussions with at least some substance.End Quote
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
So why aren't the person or persons who posted the above comments here in this thread voting against the continuation of certain game threads? So far, all the people with one possible exception that have posted here have either said "yes" or have said that while they do not personally care for the games, they do not mind that others are playing them, as long as they remain in their own forum.
There certainly seems to be a lot of venom in the above private communication with Hairspray or the other mods. If you like well-thought out posts so well, why not bring your opinions directly here so that those of us who like the games can deal with you one on one? Why do you insist on hiding behind the moderators?
You know, there is not a person on this board that I do not feel warmth and appreciation for, and reading the above comments makes me realize what a fool I was to think that the feeling was reciprocated. As a person posting in the games thread, I feel that I have just been characterized above as being basically silly and frivolous, as well as "clique-ish". Well so be it. This board is the one place I can come to get away from the pain and stress I deal with on a daily basis in my "real" life. And I thought I was part of a family here. Stupid me. It hurts, but I'll get over it....
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
So why aren't the person or persons who posted the above comments here in this thread voting against the continuation of certain game threads?End Quote
People have a right to their privacy. We respect that as we respect everyone's opinions in these forums.
There certainly seems to be a lot of venom in the above private communication with Hairspray or the other mods.End Quote
That is your personal perspective and assumption.
It could be read with objectivity instead.
If you like well-thought out posts so well, why not bring your opinions directly here so that those of us who like the games can deal with you one on one? Why do you insist on hiding behind the moderators?End Quote
To avoid conflict. Some people are just not confrontational and it is their right.
Posting in this thread was not an obligation, thus not everyone has to display their thoughts publicly here.
You know, there is not a person on this board that I do not feel warmth and appreciation for, and reading the above comments makes me realize what a fool I was to think that the feeling was reciprocated. As a person posting in the games thread, I feel that I have just been characterized above as being basically silly and frivolous, as well as "clique-ish". Well so be it. This board is the one place I can come to get away from the pain and stress I deal with on a daily basis in my "real" life. And I thought I was part of a family here. Stupid me. It hurts, but I'll get over it....
End Quote
There's no reason to take opinions personal.
They're generalized opinions, which people have a right to express.
It is our hope this topic continues to remain an intelligent and civil discussion.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Whoa!!! :o That was quite a backlash, Zella! I don't know why you shouldn't feel that you're part of a family here. I don't think anything's changed... ???
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Whoa!!! :o That was quite a backlash, Zella! I don't know why you shouldn't feel that you're part of a family here. I don't think anything's changed... ???
End Quote
Um, that's what I was thinking... I don't know if your comments were directed at me or not, Zella, but I for one, certainly don't want you to leave... a lot of people around here like you.. I thought this discussion was about the game board? ???
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
There have been a few opinions shared here regarding the desire for 'some' members to be more like 'other' members, and post more in discussions threads.
The observant ones of you may have noticed that I do, sometimes, but not often.....
This is for a number of reasons....
(1) I spend all day in a job where I deal with a whole bunch of people always wanting to 'argue a point' with me - I have to use my head to interpret legislation etc etc
(2) I avoid anything political or religious. Years of experience has taught that it is just plain unwise debating such issues. I could have jumped in boots and all into the Bali issue, but why stress myself ?
(3) The level of 'discussion' is not necessarily as stimulating as others may find it - that is just a matter of preference.....
(4) A lot of the subject matter is primarily US based - understandably - and it is hard for me to comment on Senator Wellstone's passing e.g......
Still I always have a look, occasionally I find something I can write about.
But for the above 4 reasons I leave things alone generally. Like the previous poster, I come here to have a good time, to relieve my stress
I am NOT going to add to it by innocently writing my point of view to have it shot down by someone who considers their opinion more valid than mine yet does not have the social or written skills to word their reply in such a manner as to make it clear that they are not personally attacking me....
Hey, I get that at work 8 hours a day....I'm not going to do it here.
Some of the debate here is quite interesting and I always take the time to read it. But some of it is just so restricted that I wonder how the posters manage to get on in the 'big world' with such an insular point of view....
Hairspray - I appreciate that your comments reflect that this topic was intended to spark opinions over the issue, but I had been feeling that the board had settled down nicely after the little period of unpleasantness in the past....
The concept of quoting people anonymously and more than once is IMO adding fuel to something which shouldn't have been on fire in the first place...?
I would think, unless of course you have had a number of comments/complaints in regard to the same issue, that a better strategy would be to say to your correspondent that they should deal with it on the board should they feel so strongly about it as an issue.
The current method is not a level playing field.
FB :)
I modified myself !
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Um, that's what I was thinking... I don't know if your comments were directed at me or not, Zella, but I for one, certainly don't want you to leave... a lot of people around here like you.. I thought this discussion was about the game board? ???
End Quote
It's a little hard L15 - when I feel like I have people telling me that I should be posting more to the discussion areas (just a suggestion I know, but as I talked about in my reply, it is the manner of the wording which gets under my skin...), I find it a little hard to swallow....
It's like i'm being told I am not as worthy or valid because I am not in the 'more important' places....
It is because of the attitude of some of the posters in the discussions threads that in general I avoid them....
Sorry .....
FB :)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
People have a right to their privacy. We respect that as we respect everyone's opinions in these forums.
End Quote
That is fine. But if they are writing the mods because they hope to limit (or take away) something that I and many others here enjoy, then I believe they should have the courtesy to express their opinions here in the thread that was created for that purpose.
Quoting:It could be read with objectivity instead.
End Quote
Those who do not play the games can probably read it that way. Ask those who do play the games how it reads to them... ???
To avoid conflict. Some people are just not confrontational and it is their right.
End Quote
I am not normally confrontational. That is the main reason why I do not go into the debate threads and have "intelligent" discussions. Because in the past I have watched it get ugly and I do not wish to participate in that. Hell, I have gone in there and smoothed people over before they got themselves booted off the board.
Well, I am being confrontational now.
Posting in this thread was not an obligation, thus not everyone has to display their thoughts publicly here.
There's no reason to take opinions personal.
They're generalized opinions, which people have a right to express.End Quote
I am sorry, but that is the only way I can take it. If they had posted it here, and I saw who was saying it, I probably would not have taken it personally, as I am sure that whoever posted it is someone I like (since I like pretty much everyone). But I cannot joust with a shadow.
It is our hope this topic continues to remain an intelligent and civil discussion.
End Quote
Well, I do hope I am not being uncivil, but I am angry.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Hairspray - I appreciate that your comments reflect that this topic was intended to spark opinions over the issue, but I had been feeling that the board had settled down nicely after the little period of unpleasantness in the past....
The concept of quoting people anonymously and more than once is IMO adding fuel to something which shouldn't have been on fire in the first place...?
I would think, unless of course you have had a number of comments/complaints in regard to the same issue, that a better strategy would be to say to your correspondent that they should deal with it on the board should they feel so strongly about it as an issue.
The current method is not a level playing field.
FB :)
End Quote
This is all your opinion and it is duly noted FB. :)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Um, that's what I was thinking... I don't know if your comments were directed at me or not, Zella, but I for one, certainly don't want you to leave... a lot of people around here like you.. I thought this discussion was about the game board? ???
End Quote
Lebeiw honey, I am not going anywhere... I am very hard to get rid of! ;)
And I was only directing my comments at the "anonymous" persons that Hairspray quoted.... :-/
You have expressed your opinion directly here, and I appreciate that. :)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Lebeiw honey, I am not going anywhere... I am very hard to get rid of! ;)
And I was only directing my comments at the "anonymous" persons that Hairspray quoted.... :-/
You have expressed your opinion directly here, and I appreciate that. :)
End Quote
Okay, thank you for your response. :)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Whoa!!! :o That was quite a backlash, Zella! I don't know why you shouldn't feel that you're part of a family here. I don't think anything's changed... ???
End Quote
Karen, I appreciate that. But I do feel that as one of the "game players" I was personally attacked. I know you play the games from time to time, and obviously you were able to be more objective than I. I don't get angry very often, but the anonymous comments hit a nerve... :(
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
And I was only directing my comments at the "anonymous" persons that Hairspray quoted.... :-/
End Quote
I'm sorry this bothers you, but people have a right to express themselves (or not) as they see fit.
We must respect people's opinions no matter how much we may disagree with them and no matter how much we may disagree with the methods they've chosen to express them.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
This is turning into a singularly strange thread.
I'm struck by the concern over the anonymity of Hairspray's private correspondent. I, too, don't understand why we are discussing a subject filtered through a moderator. Let's face it, folks, we're all anonymous. That's the beauty and the bane of the internet. If someone wanted to bring this topic up and maintain anonymity, all they would have had to do is create a new user name. We have control over our right to privacy to a much greater degree than in the real world.
Second, the complaint seems to be there are too many game board threads and they are to repetitive. Their proliferation and repetitiveness speaks directly to their popularity. Those who post on them often find them engaging. Those who post often but not on them find them monotonous. They are segregated, so that shouldn't be an issue. Even if they weren't segregated, how much trouble is it to click 2 to get to the next page?
Third, I don't believe all of us want to build post counts. I, for one, wish I was still a fjordland penguin. They are a rarer, and, in my opinion, a finer bird than the royal penguin.
My sense is that the key word in this is "clique". Maybe there's a feeling by the complaintant that the "I have..." threads are the private preserve of a select few posters, and feels excluded. That's a tougher issue. You guys have all known each other for a while, and your friends. Is there an exclusive quality to some of the boards? I haven't noticed it the few times I've played, but I may be less sensitive to it than others.
Or, look at it this way. A few of you have mentioned the off-putting venom in some of the more topical threads. What you find offensive the people doing the arguing may find invigorating.
Again, I'm rather puzzled by this whole thread. It seems a tempest in a tea pot.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
I'm sorry this bothers you, but people have a right to express themselves (or not) as they see fit.
We must respect people's opinions no matter how much we may disagree with them and no matter how much we may disagree with the methods they've chosen to express them.
End Quote
I respectfully disagree. I have no respect for, say, Hitler's opinion of minority populations. Nor do I have to necessarily respect the methods used to express those views.
The purpose and import of this thread is vague, and a little too "real world" to be fun.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
My sense is that the key word in this is "clique". Maybe there's a feeling by the complaintant that the "I have..." threads are the private preserve of a select few posters, and feels excluded. That's a tougher issue. You guys have all known each other for a while, and your friends. Is there an exclusive quality to some of the boards? I haven't noticed it the few times I've played, but I may be less sensitive to it than others. End Quote
I for one, love to see lots of people in the game threads. It is perhaps a sub-family of the board in general. But I would hope it did not feel like a clique. I myself occasionally feel ignored in some of the game threads, but it all depends on who is playing. And when that happens, there is always another one to go to....
Or, look at it this way. A few of you have mentioned the off-putting venom in some of the more topical threads. What you find offensive the people doing the arguing may find invigorating.
End Quote
I do find the debate threads invigorating, but I am wise enough to know that if I get in there, I will cause trouble! ::) And I have seen a couple of posters repeatedly get within inches of being kicked off the board for their "vehemency" so to speak.
Again, I'm rather puzzled by this whole thread. It seems a tempest in a tea pot.
End Quote
Ah... you can have my games when you pry them out of my cold dead hand.... ? ;) :D
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Third, I don't believe all of us want to build post counts. I, for one, wish I was still a fjordland penguin. They are a rarer, and, in my opinion, a finer bird than the royal penguin.End Quote
Quite ! I didn't bring this up as it was being pointed out that it was a discussion re the games board only....yet it was brought up elsewhere.
I said in the original thread about this that I don't care - and I don't ! Take it away and I will still be here ! Maybe it could say "Somewhere over 500".... ???
Once again though, the post count seems to be an issue for some people, but why ? It doesn't entitle me to a payrise or an end of year bonus. I don't strut around at work preening myself because of it.
Quoting:My sense is that the key word in this is "clique". Maybe there's a feeling by the complaintant that the "I have..." threads are the private preserve of a select few posters, and feels excluded. That's a tougher issue. You guys have all known each other for a while, and your friends. Is there an exclusive quality to some of the boards? I haven't noticed it the few times I've played, but I may be less sensitive to it than others. End Quote
I sometimes feel that too, and sometimes I do observe the same thing - I will happily play with anyone who joins in a thread that I am in, unless what they say offends me, that is pretty rare.....
Quoting:Or, look at it this way. A few of you have mentioned the off-putting venom in some of the more topical threads. What you find offensive the people doing the arguing may find invigorating. End Quote
Agreed ! What I was saying was that was my take on it - some people get their kicks from arguing - good luck to them - but they will be doing it without me.
I have a good laugh though, reading them ! Lots of head shaking !
Quoting:Again, I'm rather puzzled by this whole thread. It seems a tempest in a tea pot.
End Quote
The point I have been trying to make !
And to re-iterate what i was told : "This is all your opinion"
Mine that is !
FB :)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
For clarification:
Not "correspondent".
There are a significant # of posters who do not want to post on this thread and judging by the course of it it is Perfectly understandable.
There's nothing sinister happening here. It is a clear case of opinions being expressed, regardless of the methods by which they are expressed.
If people feel the need to go througgh moderators, that is perfectly fine. That is one of the reasons we are here.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with people wanting to avoid confrontation.
Let's stop obsessing over the anonymity of people with conflicting opinions and get back to the topic and opinions on it.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Hmmmm.... I think the operative word in the subject was "vote"?
So which votes will count, the public ones in this forum, or the secret ones? ::)
And before I get jumped on for that, please understand that I am being my usual flippant self. Well half-flippant..
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Sorry Hairspray
I have to disagree with you on a number of points
But i'm starting to feel there is no point to any of this
You are the only one who knows what the issue is, and you are not telling anyone else. I know that seems blunt, but I can't find another way of putting it.
Therefore it is not, and cannot be a reasonable debate.
You said :
There are a significant # of posters who do not want to post on this thread and judging by the course of it it is Perfectly understandable.
Is this a value judgement or an assumption ? It is hardly venomous, as some threads are.....
Just because people are not posting to it does not mean they find it threatening....
FB :)
PS I have gone back to have a look at the original issue - surely it is asked and answered ?
Perhaps the obsessing (imflammatory word ?) of people with the anonimity is symptomatic of something that such people, myself included, feel much more strongly about than the original issue.....
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
May I vote again? It was on that board where I made my 5,000th post and this is post 5,002…
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Hmmmm.... I think the operative word in the subject was "vote"?
So which votes will count, the public ones in this forum, or the secret ones?End Quote
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
May I vote again? It was on that board where I made my 5,000th post and this is post 5,002…
End Quote
Point well taken.
Comments, anyone? ;)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Ah.... what if there are hanging chads? :o
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Please join in - it will help to dispel the feeling that people are afraid to post here....
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Sorry Hairspray
You are the only one who knows what the issue is, and you are not telling anyone else. I know that seems blunt, but I can't find another way of putting it.
End Quote
Read from the first post up to ChuckyG's post. You'll get the idea.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Read from the first post up to ChuckyG's post. You'll get the idea.
End Quote
Oh that's good - "Sarcasm not required" thanks very much ....
I meant you seem to be in possession of more info than the rest of us.....
I can read thanks !
FB (standard Smiley withheld on this occasion !)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Every one of you who is giving Hairspray crap should be ashamed of yourselves. You FBVP, specifcally said:
"You are the only one who knows what the issue is, and you are not telling anyone else. I know that seems blunt, but I can't find another way of putting it."
and then when it's pointed back at you what this is all about in the first place, develop an attitude with Hairspray? What is all that about? So there are people who have chosen to place their votes privately with Hairspray along with thier reasons, why is that an issue? Let's take a look at Zella's response to this:
"There certainly seems to be a lot of venom in the above private communication with Hairspray or the other mods. If you like well-thought out posts so well, why not bring your opinions directly here so that those of us who like the games can deal with you one on one? Why do you insist on hiding behind the moderators?"
Now, that is only PART of Zella's response, yes, but go back and read the whole response. I'll wait...
Viewing that response, is it any WONDER the people who are voting privately are choosing to do so? Yeah, *I'D* want to post my views in this "oh-so-friendly" atmosphere. I think they did it just to avoid being flamed for their opinion, like what seems to be happening to poor Hairspray. Kudos to Hairspray for taking the flak FOR them!
And possibly they have a valid point. Let's take Crazy Don for example here. We're now in the middle of a great debate concerning this, with the inflammatory opinions that people are boosting their post counts with the games, and BOOM, CD announces he's reached 5000! Yay for him! And we're seeing how many of these kinds of posts each week? If post counts truly didn't matter to you guys, why make an issue of it with each and every milestone?
I have to ask you guys one thing. Why did the anonymous people's opinions offend you so much? Is it because somewhere in there there's an element of truth to their opinions? Think about it.
This thread has shown me one thing. Perhaps this board IS getting a bit clique-ish. I'm starting to feel like I'm in High School again watching you guys here.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
there's no plans to remove the games, we just wanted to gauge feedback about limiting topics for games.. it doesn't sound like too many people really want any limits on them, so there probably won't be any..
End Quote
Hi, Tarzan Boy, where you been and how you doing? :)
Okay, my interpretation of ChuckyG's post. I think the overwhelming response is yes, the games are monotonous. And yes, the political threads are monotonous, and yes, the congratulation threads are monotonous... what you have is a vibrant, multi-faceted community.
So, what is the purpose of the vote? What are we voting on? How do you propose to limit the number of threads? Are threads other than the obvious no-no flames and spams under review? What offense is under review? Monotony? If monotony and exclusiveness are the issue, I think the congratulation threads should be limited, too. Perhaps the milestones, graduating from one type of penguin to another, should be eliminated as well.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
I have to ask you guys one thing. Why did the anonymous people's opinions offend you so much? Is it because somewhere in there there's an element of truth to their opinions? Think about it.
End Quote
I'm probably as un-cliquish as anyone here. But, I'm offended because someone's behavior in this community has been criticized, the moderators have parceled out the complaints, and we are being led to believe that the contents of the complaints are under review and may bring about changes.
If this had been presented differently, without bringing in excerpts from the private messages, I would have had no problems. Being presented with anonymous accusations, directed at me or anybody, is highly offensive.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
TV9, you will note, if you read my second post of the day (which I am sure that you did) that I said:
I am sorry, but that is the only way I can take it. If they had posted it here, and I saw who was saying it, I probably would not have taken it personally, as I am sure that whoever posted it is someone I like (since I like pretty much everyone). But I cannot joust with a shadow.
Now, may I ask you several questions, please?
1. Did I, or anyone else in this thread, flame or get nasty with a single poster who posted a differing opinion, prior to Hairspray's comment of this morning, showing the responses of the anonymous posters?
2. Did I thereafter get nasty with Karen or Lebeiw when they subsequently posted their opinions?
3. Have you ever, in the entire 8 months I have been on this board, ever seen me flame or get nasty with someone here?
In the months I have participated on this board, I have done my best to be a peacemaker. I have joked with SB and TB in the political threads when they got close to verbal blows to draw them out of it. I have sent numerous pm's and fielded phone calls to help deflect some of the nasty personal issues that occurred via the board a month and a half back. And the couple of times I've messed up and made a verbal gaff, I have immediately gone in and publically apologised for it.
As for Hairspray, he/she is doing his/her job, and I am not angry with him/her. If I were, I would not have gone in and lightened the mood by joking about it here a bit later.
Now, if the answer to the above 3 questions is "No", then would you please explain to my why those persons wished to be anonymous prior to this mornings posts?
As for the post counts, I will state my opinion here and now. When I was a new member, I got a kick out of reaching Royal Penguin. After that it is pretty well meaningless to me. Yes, I have reached milestones, and have been congratulated. I have gone into the congrats threads and kindly acknowleged them. Was I supposed to do otherwise? And yes, I have run congrats threads for others. Why? Because I like to make people happy. Is that a crime? As for my occasional reference to post counts in the games threads (including earlier this morning) it is this and nothing more: I play "catchya" with Fuss back and forth because our post numbers are so close. That is all. Beyond that I do not give a hoot.
TV9, I am not trying to get nasty with you. I am hurt, and I am just trying to explain, and I would appreciate your feedback.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Every one of you who is giving Hairspray crap should be ashamed of yourselves. You FBVP, specifcally said:
"You are the only one who knows what the issue is, and you are not telling anyone else. I know that seems blunt, but I can't find another way of putting it."
and then when it's pointed back at you what this is all about in the first place, develop an attitude with Hairspray? What is all that about? So there are people who have chosen to place their votes privately with Hairspray along with thier reasons, why is that an issue? Let's take a look at Zella's response to this:
"There certainly seems to be a lot of venom in the above private communication with Hairspray or the other mods. If you like well-thought out posts so well, why not bring your opinions directly here so that those of us who like the games can deal with you one on one? Why do you insist on hiding behind the moderators?"
Now, that is only PART of Zella's response, yes, but go back and read the whole response. I'll wait...
Viewing that response, is it any WONDER the people who are voting privately are choosing to do so? Yeah, *I'D* want to post my views in this "oh-so-friendly" atmosphere. I think they did it just to avoid being flamed for their opinion, like what seems to be happening to poor Hairspray. Kudos to Hairspray for taking the flak FOR them!
And possibly they have a valid point. Let's take Crazy Don for example here. We're now in the middle of a great debate concerning this, with the inflammatory opinions that people are boosting their post counts with the games, and BOOM, CD announces he's reached 5000! Yay for him! And we're seeing how many of these kinds of posts each week? If post counts truly didn't matter to you guys, why make an issue of it with each and every milestone?
I have to ask you guys one thing. Why did the anonymous people's opinions offend you so much? Is it because somewhere in there there's an element of truth to their opinions? Think about it.
This thread has shown me one thing. Perhaps this board IS getting a bit clique-ish. I'm starting to feel like I'm in High School again watching you guys here.
End Quote
I'm sorry you feel that way TV9.
The one time I go and post my feelings in here, instead of hanging back and biting my lip, I am getting torn to shreds as well !
This is why I do not post in the 'intelligent discussions' - because I see plenty of examples of what you are talking about going unchecked.....
I am trying hard to see both sides, but I am trying to make the point that the fact that I do not know who is the complainant is akin to being accused of something and sent to trial, and not having a chance to defend myself.
Why should I defend myself anyway ? If you don't like what I have written that is your right. The original person(s) that Hairspray quoted is able to enjoy sitting back and watch the fur fly....
I pointed out to Hairspray that I felt that his/her wording of the last post was less than desirable - but because I give the same quarter as I get I am the bad guy ? Puh-lease.....
I have seen Hairspray hand out much worse than what I wrote - so don't get up me unless you are going to be consistent, please. There are plenty of other people you can jump on in that regard.
Hairspray - I appreciate your job as a moderator is difficult, thankless, and unpaid. I am not attempting to make it more difficult for you. I am somewhat irritated that the one time I speak out about something I feel is important I don't feel like my views are being taken into account.
I regret if my reply to you was uncomfortable, but I felt the throw-away response that I got deserved similar in return. My apologies.
As for the anonimity, TV, all I can say is to repeat what I have tried to say earlier. I do not believe it is the best way of dealing with the issue. I would not expect Hairspray or any other mod to post something on my behalf because I sent it to them.....
And I really do not feel that there is flaming in here - check out some of the threads in the decades....
FB :)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
In your second posted, you did say "I am sorry, but that is the only way I can take it. If they had posted it here, and I saw who was saying it, I probably would not have taken it personally, as I am sure that whoever posted it is someone I like (since I like pretty much everyone). But I cannot joust with a shadow."
The key word there is PROBABLY. But then you add in that last sentence, and it begs the question, "What if the poster doesn't WANT to joust, but just have THEIR opinion known?" Without creating any animosity that could and probably WOULD linger between the unintended offender and the offended, even after this debate has died down? I'm sorry, but I have to fully support the anonymous posters in this regard.
Perhaps flame was too harsh, but this definitely has the potential to turn into a flame war. It's already feeling warm here.
As for why they would wish to be anonymous? I can only speak from my experience on this one. If you'll recall the thread in the past regarding the boards becoming boring recently, I posted MY opinion on the games board then, and was promptly, in my view, ridiculed for it. I also had the opinion the posters were using it to boost counts, even if it's just to one-up each other, and stated that. And I had fellow board members afterwards joking "Well, I'm gonna go and boost my posts some more." I'm sorry if I felt I had a valid statement there, but didn't appreciate being mocked for it. I still feel that way myself. But life goes on.
Do you think that those who like the games board are going to be given less weight on their votes than those who've chosen to vote privately? Why would you think that? That's the only thing I can assume from your reference to being sent to trial with no chance to defend yourself. When you vote on issues and political figures, do you do it out loud for everyone to hear, or is your vote private? What is the difference here? So they stated opinions for thier votes, so have you? What is the difference if Hairspray placed their opinions here or not? Does that make them any less valid? Read my statements above for possible explanations WHY they've chosen to remain anonymous. But I certainly don't feel it's to "enjoy sitting back and watch the fur fly."
You state: "I pointed out to Hairspray that I felt that his/her wording of the last post was less than desirable - but because I give the same quarter as I get I am the bad guy ? Puh-lease....."
But before that, you stated: "You are the only one who knows what the issue is, and you are not telling anyone else. I know that seems blunt, but I can't find another way of putting it."
Her response, which you say was the same quarter as you got, was perhaps a bit, shall we say blunt, but it's not like your first one was any less so. The issue here IS stated right where she said it was. It those who took offense with the anonymous posters opinions that have veered it off track. Keep that in mind.
Again, no flaming yet, but can't ya feel that temerature rising?
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Hairspray - I appreciate your job as a moderator is difficult, thankless, and unpaid. End Quote
I appreciate your appreciation.
I am not attempting to make it more difficult for you. FB :)End Quote
Then let's not continue to derail the original topic of this thread.
...K!? :D :D :D
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Some re-direction may be needed as to the original topic & purpose:
A vote (as to whether the # of repeated games should be limited, sorry if I didn't make that clear enough earlier) and opinions on whether you had any issues with the Game board and the # of repeated games.
In ChuckyG's words:
"we just wanted to gauge feedback about limiting topics for games.. "
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Thank you for your feedback.
You are right, I did say "probably" and that was, I guess, a bad qualifier on my part. I don't think I have ever been guilty of flaming anyone here, and I never would intentionally do so, or belittle anyone's opinions. I am on occasion outspoken, but I certainly hope not at the expense of others.
I am sorry that you felt that your opinions were mocked the last time this issue was brought up. I hope nothing I said at that time made you feel uncomfortable (I don't think I would have, but cannot honestly recall).
I just do not understand why this issue of the games is being brought up. There are two "camps" -- those who play and those who do not. Those who do not are not affected by it, so why should they care? As for those who do, if they are unhappy with the repitition, it is simply a matter of starting new types of games, or avoiding those they do not like. It is a mystery to me why the anonymous posters are so up in arms about it. It just doesn't make any sense... :(
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Do you think that those who like the games board are going to be given less weight on their votes than those who've chosen to vote privately? Why would you think that? That's the only thing I can assume from your reference to being sent to trial with no chance to defend yourself. End Quote
It was more of a reference to the single line responses I was getting - I have made NO reference to votes being given less weight ???
It is frustrating to be asked to contribute and then be largely ignored.
Quoting:When you vote on issues and political figures, do you do it out loud for everyone to hear, or is your vote private? What is the difference here? So they stated opinions for thier votes, so have you? What is the difference if Hairspray placed their opinions here or not? Does that make them any less valid? Read my statements above for possible explanations WHY they've chosen to remain anonymous. But I certainly don't feel it's to "enjoy sitting back and watch the fur fly."End Quote
I understand your comments about why - but they chose to do that from the start ?
Is it 1 person, ten people , 50 people etc ? The only reason this is an issue is that it is not stated....
If you do not see that as an issue, that is up to you, others do. It does not make either of us right or wrong...
The 'Fur' statement was ill-advised, I agree, my point is that the original people have the 'luxury' of watching from afar. I do not think myself or Zella or anyone else who has contributed here really have the reputation of chewing others heads off when they say something....?
Quoting:You state: "I pointed out to Hairspray that I felt that his/her wording of the last post was less than desirable - but because I give the same quarter as I get I am the bad guy ? Puh-lease....."
But before that, you stated: "You are the only one who knows what the issue is, and you are not telling anyone else. I know that seems blunt, but I can't find another way of putting it."
Her response, which you say was the same quarter as you got, was perhaps a bit, shall we say blunt, but it's not like your first one was any less so. The issue here IS stated right where she said it was. It those who took offense with the anonymous posters opinions that have veered it off track. Keep that in mind.End Quote
I explained my reasons for that statement previously. Those who 'veered it away' have an issue with it and feel it IS relevant....
It is In Mind, but has a different value to me I'm afraid.
Quoting:Again, no flaming yet, but can't ya feel that temerature rising?
End Quote
No, not really, this is quite sedate ....
In relation to your comments above those addressed to me, you identified that the person was joking. I appreciated your views as I did everyone else's. I have already had my say re post counts.
But if they were joking, why not take it in that spirit ?
FB :)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
This topic should be locked and the issue clarified and re-presented.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Some re-direction may be needed as to the original topic & purpose:
A vote (as to whether the # of repeated games should be limited, sorry if I didn't make that clear enough earlier) and opinions on whether you had any issues with the Game board and the # of repeated games.
In ChuckyG's words:
"we just wanted to gauge feedback about limiting topics for games.. "
End Quote
Okay !
I note this was posted some time before my last post
I did not post after seeing it
I had lunch in the middle of typing - just for clarification that it was not my intention to continue to stir the pot after the post...
FB :)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Got nasty there for a while, didn't it? I think I'm going to go into the games and play with my new friends :) I suggest y'all do too.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Got nasty there for a while, didn't it? I think I'm going to go into the games and play with my new friends :) I suggest y'all do too.
End Quote
Good idea! :)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
ahhhh..... okay..... but I only play with rockhoppers or higher..... ;)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Some re-direction may be needed as to the original topic & purpose:
A vote (as to whether the # of repeated games should be limited, sorry if I didn't make that clear enough earlier) and opinions on whether you had any issues with the Game board and the # of repeated games.
In ChuckyG's words:
"we just wanted to gauge feedback about limiting topics for games.. "
End Quote
Okay. Hopefully this will be my last post on the subject...
I am missing something here...
Let me try and put it as succinctly as possible...
Some people want to see the games limited.
These people either:
a. do not play the games
b. do play the games
If they do not play the games, then why do they care? ???
If they do play the games, then why not start new ones, or simply avoid the ones they do not care for (which is what I do).
Maybe I am just incredibly stupid, but this does not make any sense....
The only thing I am getting out of this is that some people must be mean spirited and have the attitude that "we hate the games, therefore, let's mess them up for those who like them..."
Now, I cannot see anyone on this board having that attitude, so.... can someone please explain to me what is going on? ???
If this is about post counts, then I will state right here, that you can strip me of all my post numbers. I do not care -- the games are where I go to interact with people and have fun and be silly and I do not want to lose that... :'(
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Wow, who would think this would be such a flashpoint? :-/
I'm sorry if I offended anyone by saying I like discussions better - I think I was the only 1 (early on) who specifically brought up that aspect. And I know I'm probably 1 of the hot-heads that makes some of those discussions uncomfortable for you. (Really, it's not because I like to get into tussles - God no - it's just sometimes I feel "the other side" must be heard.) :-non-political and still write volumes on inconsequential subjects! I wasn't trying to be snide and arrogant regarding discussions (incidentally, I never saw the modifier "intelligent" in any of those posts) - and don't think anyone else was, either. We just want to have more verbose conversations - and they're not all flaming politics! You know, yak-yak-yak women-on-the-phone type feelings! (Gee, just look at this post, e.g.!) :D
Again, for those I may have offended, I'm sorry - I really didn't mean anything here. :)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Hey OlLine! Nothing you have said here or elsewhere has ever offended me. You always come forward and say what you think and I respect that! :)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
This topic should be locked and the issue clarified and re-presented.
End Quote
Not a bad idea, Steve. :-/ And if this issue is about "Games", why not have it discussed on the "Games" board? That way people who are not interested in playing the games, and never visit the "Games" board, don't have to deal with it.
I won't re-state my opinion/vote about the games board. I did that back on page 2. But this whole thread had gotten waaay off-topic. :P
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Here are some point’s suggestions that could fix the problems:
-The people who like the games claim they don’t care about post counts. This is fine, except some people feel that post counts are a measure of seniority.
- Some people who have not been here a long time have an extremely high number of posts making them seem more senior than other veteran members.
- From what I have seen, the people who have complained against in the games are upset because the game players are boosting their post counts for "worthless" threads.
How can this be fixed?
- Keep the game thread, but have the posts in the game thread not add to a person's post count.
- Get rid of the post counts, and just have the penguin ranks.
- Many message boards also have a "Date Joined" near a persons avatar, get rid of the posts counts and add this that way we can all tell who has been here a while and who has just joined.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
With all due respect, sir, why does it matter anyway? I don't think this is some kind of contest, this is a forum for people to discuss things and have fun. Worrying about stuff like post counts and seniority doesn't sound like a lot of fun to me.
Here are some point’s suggestions that could fix the problems:
-The people who like the games claim they don’t care about post counts. This is fine, except some people feel that post counts are a measure of seniority.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
With all due respect, sir, why does it matter anyway? I don't think this is some kind of contest, this is a forum for people to discuss things and have fun. Worrying about stuff like post counts and seniority doesn't sound like a lot of fun to me.
End Quote
I was just stating points I have observed and ways to fix the arguement. if post counts don't matter to you that is fine, but they matter to some, or this wouldn't be a hot issue.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
I understand. It seems most people here are level-headed about the whole thing, so I don't see any reason to fan the flames...peace! :)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Cool. Everybody is equal, it's just that some people are more equal than others....? ::)
Screwball, I think your suggestions are excellent. Then those of us who enjoy playing the games because we like interacting with people can go back to doing so, without worrying that our means of entertainment will be whisked away. And those who are up in arms about post counts can be "more equal" and everyone will be happy! :) :)
I vote to adopt one or more of Screwball's suggestions.
Hairspray or Chucky, you have my permission to remove my post count from my profile anytime you wish.... now can I go back to playing with my friends and having a nice time?
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
- Many message boards also have a "Date Joined" near a persons avatar, get rid of the posts counts and add this that way we can all tell who has been here a while and who has just joined.
End Quote
I think that is a great idea! :D
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Maybe that would be a good idea to have a "date joined" near the avatar…I have just surpassed the 5,000 post mark and have been here on the new board longer than Indy Gent, Zella, FussBudget, and even Rock&RollFan, and all of them have more posts than me!
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Sorry to drag this a little off topic, but something just got said that really got to me.
Why does every argument have to go back to post padding. It is a little ridiculous...most of us don't really care.
For the record here are my suggestions
1. Don't show post counts.
2. Leave the game board alone. Like it has been mentioned before, if people get bored of a particular game it will die out. If you don't like the game then don't play it. There is not a rule that you have to.
Can we stop this argument now? Please.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
A big thank you to everybody who came in and posted in the midst of the "flying fur." I am sorry I was such a b*tch yesterday; I was just terribly hurt after reading the anonymous comments and just for once I didn't feel like being "mrs nice guy."
I truly DO think that Screwball's ideas are good and valid, and I hope one or more will be adopted. I really love all the people here and I go into the game threads to play with them, not to up my count. I would hate to lose that vehicle for interaction.
Don, honey, I will happily give you a few thousand of my posts if you can figure out a way to transfer them.... ? :)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
A big thank you to everybody who came in and posted in the midst of the "flying fur." I am sorry I was such a b*tch yesterday; I was just terribly hurt after reading the anonymous comments and just for once I didn't feel like being "mrs nice guy."
End Quote
Hey, you're entitled to a little public frustration now and then. (My problem is I get frustrated and flustered often! ::)) We can't hold this against you - sometimes things hurt even if they're not meant to. (I'm a genius at that too; I honestly don't mean to hurt people but my social skills - including writing - aren't always so great. Really.) If people can't deal w/your occasional "outbursts" then those're their problems. We already have ample evidence you're a very nice and patient person. :)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
There is another board that allows people to cast a vote on certain things. It is not added to thier post count...so how about not counting any posts for the game boards. Okay, line up and start hitting me anytime :-X
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Hey, you're entitled to a little public frustration now and then. (My problem is I get frustrated and flustered often! ::)) We can't hold this against you - sometimes things hurt even if they're not meant to. (I'm a genius at that too; I honestly don't mean to hurt people but my social skills - including writing - aren't always so great. Really.) If people can't deal w/your occasional "outbursts" then those're their problems. We already have ample evidence you're a very nice and patient person. :)
End Quote
Thank you so much Rebel, for the kind words. I appreciate them greatly... :)
There is another board that allows people to cast a vote on certain things. It is not added to thier post count...so how about not counting any posts for the game boards. Okay, line up and start hitting me anytime :-X
End Quote
Nope, no need for violence.. :) I agree with you 100 percent. And if the game posts cease to count, I suspect the traffic there will not cease significantly, as I truly do not believe that is what people are "using" them for.... (okay, occasionally -- yes; regularly -- no)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Nope, no need for violence.. :) I agree with you 100 percent. And if the game posts cease to count, I suspect the traffic there will not cease significantly, as I truly do not believe that is what people are "using" them for.... (okay, occasionally -- yes; regularly -- no)
End Quote
Thanks, I hope everyone else agrees, and I hope it can actually happen.
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
The games board, (I thought) was created to stop the overcrowding of the PPP with game tags. Therefore if the game board was deleted would the games not start filtering in to the PPP again?
I mean why not just leave it?
Everyone seems to have the same view here if you don't like it don't go there. But why spoil the fun of the people coming here simply to have a good time? I mean personally I still look at the other boards and so on, but yeah I do tend to frequent the game board, because thats where a lot of people are, its not like it isn't doing something for the people using the boards. As my Tutor never stops telling us-
"Games are the easiest ways to bond with others."
(But again, thats just my personal view.)
Subject: Re: Honest Opinion - Vote - In Reference To Game B
Deleting the Games board was never an issue.
The issue was to get opinions by way of vote on limiting the number of repeated games threads, gauge feedback, then make a decision on that.
The decision was made by popular vote that the repeated threads be left unlimited.
The logic:
If you do not want to participate, don't.
Possible personal solution:
Create new, original, different games.
Issues with multiple numbers of posts emerged later in the thread.
The desicion to remove posts count in the games thread has been in consideration from the time the issue emerged in the thread. When the final decision on that issue is reached, the changes will take effect accordingly.
I never saw the modifier "intelligent" in any of those posts) - and don't think anyone else was, either.
Again, for those I may have offended, I'm sorry - I really didn't mean anything here.End Quote
I find those 2 statements above contradictory.
Being as how that statement above was a personal judgment on my (modifier) intelligence and the intelligence of others, I must say this:
It is quite easy to be judgmental and condescending.
I am terribly dissapointed on how this thread turned out. It shows our worst qualities as fellow posters. Truth is nobody's perfect and we all have a lot to learn.
Issues of this nature will be handled differently in the future and not in the forums.
Let's all move-on.