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Subject: Weird
I need to tell everyone what happened to me this morning. I have a bookshelf right next to my bed, and I put my glasses on there before I go to sleep at night. Okay, so last night I did that like normal and went to bed. This morning, I got up, walked around the foot of my bed (which is like 5 feet away from my shelf), and stepped on my glasses. But that's not all...when I walked around the other side of my bed to get my phone, my journal was on the floor and the ribbon that I use to keep my place was laying about a foot away from the journal. I know I put that ribbon in there last night after I wrote in it. Then the door in my room that leads out to the garage was unlocked. I check every night to make sure that the door is locked, and it was definitely locked last night! So what does everyone think? This is downright creepy. I know I'm not crazy, but this is making me feel like I am! :o
Subject: Re: Weird
Spooky!! :o And on Halloween too.
Subject: Re: Weird
That does sound spooky but I know you're not crazy. As long as you're safe, that is my main concern :-*
Subject: Re: Weird
Brrrr... made a chill run down my spine. Have you searched your whole place yet?
Subject: Re: Weird
So, do you live alone, Jessica? Haveyou checked your drawers (both kinds)? Could be the "underpants gnomes"! ;D
Subject: Re: Weird
That is very odd, Jessica. Not to mention every creepy! :o
Subject: Re: Weird
Looks like someone (or something) is playing a cruel practical joke on you, Jess. :-/
Subject: Re: Weird
I can top that! When I was about 14 years old, I took a trip to Florida with my parents. I had a little cheap keychain with a horseshoe and horse's head on it that hung from the strap of my purse. It had been given to my by a freind, and I didn't want to chance losing it on the plane, so the morning before we left I removed it and put it in the little dish-like base of my desk lamp, next to a number of odds and ends that I normally kept there. The house was locked up for two weeks with no one in it. When we returned from Florida, and I went to get my keychain, it wasn't there. And it never again turned up! :o
Subject: Re: Weird
I need to tell everyone what happened to me this morning. I have a bookshelf right next to my bed, and I put my glasses on there before I go to sleep at night. Okay, so last night I did that like normal and went to bed. This morning, I got up, walked around the foot of my bed (which is like 5 feet away from my shelf), and stepped on my glasses. But that's not all...when I walked around the other side of my bed to get my phone, my journal was on the floor and the ribbon that I use to keep my place was laying about a foot away from the journal. I know I put that ribbon in there last night after I wrote in it. Then the door in my room that leads out to the garage was unlocked. I check every night to make sure that the door is locked, and it was definitely locked last night! So what does everyone think? This is downright creepy. I know I'm not crazy, but this is making me feel like I am! :o
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Anyone else have keys? Even someone who may no longer be in your place.
This would be really disturbing to me. Do you have pets? What is your sleeping pattern? Serious question, some people habitually, periodically and otherwise do strange things in their sleep. Keep us posted. :)
Subject: Re: Weird
Now that this has become the "spooky thread" how about this. The old gentleman that built and lived in our last house until we bought it didn't like electric blankets. Fairly often I'd wake up cold in the middle of the night because my blanket had been shut off. We won't even discuss the coffee he tried to drink in the morning.
Subject: Re: Weird
Anyone else have keys? Even someone who may no longer be in your place.
This would be really disturbing to me. Do you have pets? What is your sleeping pattern? Serious question, some people habitually, periodically and otherwise do strange things in their sleep. Keep us posted. :)
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Not that I know of. The house belongs to my aunt and uncle, who have only rented the house to a few people (my other aunt and her kids, and some friends of our family), and they wouldn't do this because they don't even live around here anymore. I have a dog, but he sleeps in my parent's room (sometime he will get up in the middle of the night and start barking for no reason). I'm a fairly light sleeper, so I would have known if anything alive (besides me) was moving around my room. I would like to mention though that what happened to me last night isn't the first incident in this house. My cousin would often find things of hers moved around. And my sister actually saw what we consider a ghost in her room one night...the room I sleep in now because we switched about 4 years ago. :o
Subject: Re: Weird
That's it...your house is haunted. Get the priest dude from Exorcist.
This may not qualify as weird, but with Election Day coming up (and I already having submitted my absentee ballot, a-thank you), the Democrats and Republicans are piling on the junk mail. Not JUST junk mail, they're even deluging my answering machine with "vote for me" messages. One guy even called all secret-agent-like and said "I am WARNING you NOT to vote for this candidate!" and I was like, "Please don't hurt me...*whimper*..."
Don't forget to vote on Tuesday :)
Subject: Re: Weird
Not that I know of. The house belongs to my aunt and uncle, who have only rented the house to a few people (my other aunt and her kids, and some friends of our family), and they wouldn't do this because they don't even live around here anymore. I have a dog, but he sleeps in my parent's room (sometime he will get up in the middle of the night and start barking for no reason). I'm a fairly light sleeper, so I would have known if anything alive (besides me) was moving around my room. I would like to mention though that what happened to me last night isn't the first incident in this house. My cousin would often find things of hers moved around. And my sister actually saw what we consider a ghost in her room one night...the room I sleep in now because we switched about 4 years ago. :o
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What I was suggesting, though, is that you might be doing something like sleep walking. It's happened to me a few times, especially when I'm sleeping in a new environment. You get up and walk around and do things and don't remember it the next day.
Are you alone in the house? Were the locks changed when the rental tenants changed? If that had happened to me, I think I'd have the dog sleeping with me for the next few nights.
Subject: Re: Weird
What I was suggesting, though, is that you might be doing something like sleep walking. It's happened to me a few times, especially when I'm sleeping in a new environment. You get up and walk around and do things and don't remember it the next day.
Are you alone in the house? Were the locks changed when the rental tenants changed? If that had happened to me, I think I'd have the dog sleeping with me for the next few nights.
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I thought I might have been sleepwalking too, but I've never done that before. I'm not alone in the house because I live with my parents and my sister (for now anyways). And for the even scarier part, my dog absolutely refuses to sleep in my room. He'll go in there, sniff around, and then leave. Or he'll go in there, sit down, and just stare at a certain spot in my room. I did manage to sleep in my room last night without any other incidents occuring. I don't know what I would have done if something had been moved again.
Subject: Re: Weird
:o :o :o :o The dog refuses to stay in your room? !!! That's a sure sign of something spooky going on. They say that animals can see into the "otherrealm". That is, they can see ghosts and fairies.
Maybe it's a harmless one, just trying to play a trick on you.
Subject: Re: Weird
If it were me, I'd rule out this realm explanations first. (Although I'd still chain the dog to the bed post before I went to sleep)
Subject: Re: Weird
If it were me, I'd rule out this realm explanations first. (Although I'd still chain the dog to the bed post before I went to sleep)
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The truth is out there, Steve...you may not be able to explain it logically.
The dog would probably pull her out of the bedroom while knocking over her glasses anyway :)
Subject: Re: Weird
Still and all, I'd go through the drill. Sleeping pattern, wind gusting, little critters scurrying around. Usually the answer is in here...
Subject: Re: Weird
Still and all, I'd go through the drill. Sleeping pattern, wind gusting, little critters scurrying around. Usually the answer is in here...
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Little critters!?!
Subject: Re: Weird
Little critters!?!
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Maybe a squirrel snuck inside...
Subject: Re: Weird
Maybe a squirrel snuck inside...
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Yeah, right. ::) A squirrel. ::)
I'm sure the dog would have alerted everyone to the presence of an ordinary, everyday, non-spooky squirrel (or other critter) by chasing it all through the house.
Subject: Re: Weird
Yeah, right. ::) A squirrel. ::)
I'm sure the dog would have alerted everyone to the presence of an ordinary, everyday, non-spooky squirrel (or other critter) by chasing it all through the house.
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I thought the dog wasn't in the room... ???
Subject: Re: Weird
Yes, that's what I'm trying to say. Ordinary, non-supernatural explainations would not cause the dog to refuse to stay in the room.
If a mundane intruder, animal or human had re-arranged the objects, the dog would have set up quite a ruckus. But the dog did not wake anyone up that night. And while the dog will go into her room, it acts odd, and refuses to stay. Which is traditionally an indicator of some sort of supernormal activity.
I don't expect everyone to believe this explaination. There are a lot of people who don't, and that's fine. It's Jessica's room though, and I think she might believe in such things. I also think she has checked out most, if not all mundane explainations.
Subject: Re: Weird
Which is traditionally an indicator of some sort of supernormal activity.
If you believe in supernormal activity. Maybe there's a smell in the carpet or floorboards the dog finds offensive. Maybe the dog prefers sleeping in a different room.
How many ghosts have been captured, or documented, and accepted by the general public? I'm not saying it's happening here, but if someone believes in ghosts, and something unusual happens, they won't do an aggressive check of non-supernormal causes.
If you want to believe in ghosts that's fine. If you want me to beleive, you have to convince me.
Subject: Re: Weird
...How many ghosts have been captured, or documented, and accepted by the general public? I'm not saying it's happening here, but if someone believes in ghosts, and something unusual happens, they won't do an aggressive check of non-supernormal causes.
If you want to believe in ghosts that's fine. If you want me to beleive, you have to convince me.
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Fair enough. We will have to agree to disagree on this one.
For those among us that are still undecided, remember that once upon a time there was no scientific way to prove the existence of invisible-to-the-naked-eye animals causing diseases. But today, everyone believes in the existence of germs.
Subject: Re: Weird
Microscopic organisms have always existed in this realm. It was simply a matter of developing machines capable of helping us see them. Despite the best efforts of uncountable paranormal investigators, using sophisticated instruments, no ghost or spirit has been discovered and verified.
Subject: Re: Weird
Microscopic organisms have always existed in this realm. It was simply a matter of developing machines capable of helping us see them. Despite the best efforts of uncountable paranormal investigators, using sophisticated instruments, no ghost or spirit has been discovered and verified.
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It was simply a matter of developing machines capable of helping us see them.
That's the basis for my viewpoint. I believe they (ghosts and spirits) exist, and that science has not yet developed machines capable of seeing them. Science has also not yet developed scads of other things, like a cure for AIDS, or a safe, effective way to close the hole in the ozone layer. I do believe that scientists will keep looking for a cure.
Right now, there are not enough scientists who believe in ghosts to be bothered to try to develop better detecting instruments. Maybe someday that will change, maybe not. My own personal experiences cause me to believe. I don't need objective proof, but I respect the fact that you do need proof.
(Gosh, we sound just like Scully and Mulder don't we? :P ;))
Subject: Re: Weird
Perhaps we could just say that she was possessed by midi-chlorians and she is subconsciously harnessing the Force to move her glasses around...I like that explanation, can we use that please?
Subject: Re: Weird
Perhaps we could just say that she was possessed by midi-chlorians and she is subconsciously harnessing the Force to move her glasses around...I like that explanation, can we use that please?
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LOLOL!!! Works for me, Rice!! ;D
Subject: Re: Weird
It was simply a matter of developing machines capable of helping us see them.
That's the basis for my viewpoint. I believe they (ghosts and spirits) exist, and that science has not yet developed machines capable of seeing them. Science has also not yet developed scads of other things, like a cure for AIDS, or a safe, effective way to close the hole in the ozone layer. I do believe that scientists will keep looking for a cure.
Right now, there are not enough scientists who believe in ghosts to be bothered to try to develop better detecting instruments. Maybe someday that will change, maybe not. My own personal experiences cause me to believe. I don't need objective proof, but I respect the fact that you do need proof.
(Gosh, we sound just like Scully and Mulder don't we? :P ;))
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True, but science has allowed us to diagnose HIV/AIDS, and to recognize the degradation of the ozone layer.
How would you explain the fact that scientists haven't found proof of ghosts? Why don't enough of them believe in them to be bothered with it, in your opinion.
Subject: Re: Weird
...How would you explain the fact that scientists haven't found proof of ghosts? Why don't enough of them believe in them to be bothered with it, in your opinion.
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Funding is part of the reason. Gone are the days when independantly wealthy men and women would spend their days devoted to science, and whatever discipline within that inspired them most. Today a scientist must obtain a grant from a university, business, or other benefactor. He who pays the bills, tells you what to study and research.
The other reason would be "fear of ridicule" Most scientists, I believe, are afraid to ask for a grant to study the supernatural, in part, because of what happened to scientists who engaged in unpopular research in the past.
Back in the late Middle Ages/Early Renaissance it was considered to be a "fact" that the sun, moon, stars, and planets revolved around the earth. The few scientists who dared to say otherwise were ridiculed,tortured into recanting, excommunicated from the church, or executed as heretics. Sometimes all of the above.
I'd like to think that we no longer torture or execute our scientists, but wide-spread ridicule would effectively "kill" a career.
Subject: Re: Weird
Funding is part of the reason. Gone are the days when independantly wealthy men and women would spend their days devoted to science, and whatever discipline within that inspired them most. Today a scientist must obtain a grant from a university, business, or other benefactor. He who pays the bills, tells you what to study and research.
The other reason would be "fear of ridicule" Most scientists, I believe, are afraid to ask for a grant to study the supernatural, in part, because of what happened to scientists who engaged in unpopular research in the past.
Back in the late Middle Ages/Early Renaissance it was considered to be a "fact" that the sun, moon, stars, and planets revolved around the earth. The few scientists who dared to say otherwise were ridiculed,tortured into recanting, excommunicated from the church, or executed as heretics. Sometimes all of the above.
I'd like to think that we no longer torture or execute our scientists, but wide-spread ridicule would effectively "kill" a career.
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The few scientists who dared say otherwise were doing so after direct observation. Verifiable, repeatable observations. Some ran into trouble with the Catholic Church, as you mentioned. But the church wasn't employing a scientific method... the church believed strongly in the other realm. In fact, the observations made by Medieval scientists directly threatened the authority of the Church.
Subject: Re: Weird
Let's bring this thread back to the item at hand...hey Jessica, did you ever figure out that weird thing with the stuff moving around in your room?
Subject: Re: Weird
Let's bring this thread back to the item at hand...hey Jessica, did you ever figure out that weird thing with the stuff moving around in your room?
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Nope. But I am happy to say that nothing else weird has happened.
Subject: Re: Weird
You should go to the "80s" or "wanted" sections and see if anyone has those old Real Ghostbusters proton pack and ghost trap toys...probably won't do much, but they're fun to play with :)
Subject: Re: Weird
Perhaps we could just say that she was possessed by midi-chlorians and she is subconsciously harnessing the Force to move her glasses around...I like that explanation, can we use that please?
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Ahh now here's athought,the force eh?Jessica are you a jedi??Maybe Obi wan is coming into your room at night "Use the force Jessica" or perhaps Yoda"Mmmmmm move your glasses you shall"