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Subject: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
I'm positively addicted to these forums. I don't miss a day, if I can help it. ;D
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
You betcha. It's become that close, hasn't it, between us? A lot of you guys I feel I know a lot lot better than my so-called "real friends" who discard and mark me down. It's not like that on the internet. Never has been. In fact, I was nearly able to log onto here for three extra hours today, but I missed my chance, and therefore got all depressed.
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
You have to ask Me :D
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
My name is DJ Midas, and I'm an inthe00saholic.
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
My name is DJ Midas, and I'm an inthe00saholic.
End Quote
Me too....please pass me another Post, would ya, DJ Midas ;)
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
I'm positively addicted to these forums. I don't miss a day, if I can help it. ;D
End Quote
better be careful you don't exceed your Internet allowances...
I'm not addicted.. I can stop any time I want to.. at least that's what I keep telling myself...
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
You'll have to count me in. I went a whole week without it, because I went on vacation and had no Internet access where I was. (And boy, did I miss it!) You may remember me as the guy who goes berserk when people post in the middle of the night when I'm asleep (I know it's early morning in Britain and afternoon in Australia) because mainly, I miss the point of a lot of these overnight posts that go off into a different tangent, mainly due to Christy and Gayla, two sisters born in Arkansas who now live miles apart. Christy admits to being a chronic insomniac and Gayla is a pediatric nurse. Maybe it's cheaper for them to talk this way than over the phone. Of course Christy is not mad at me anymore and I hope Gayla isn't, either. (And if you don't know who Christy and Gayla are, remember Christy is the one still in Arkansas…)
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
I am, and I'm not afraid to admit it! ;D
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
It's the singers, not the song... ;)
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
In the words of Milhouse Van Houten.....
"...I know it's wrong, but I just can't look away..."
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
I am addicted to message boards in general, but I don't really post all that much. I've been on this sight since May, and I haven't even broken 500 yet. But I do read the posts every day!
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
I am addicted to message boards in general, but I don't really post all that much. I've been on this sight since May, and I haven't even broken 500 yet. But I do read the posts every day!
End Quote
Oh really....could YOU be one :oof the many lurkers around here
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
Yeah, this place has become a habit for me and a good place to relax. I really shouldn't spend as much time as I do on these boards because I tend to neglect housework and such. :-/
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
you mean i could become addicted to this? thanks for the waning people, i'm a recovering addict (2 years) and the last thing i need now is another addicton. i'm gonna start a 12 step program for some of y'all.
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
Yeah, this place has become a habit for me and a good place to relax. I really shouldn't spend as much time as I do on these boards because I tend to neglect housework and such. :-/
End Quote
That's crazytalk. The house can take care of itself.
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
My name is 80sTrivia and I'm addicted to these forums!!! ;D ;) :D
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
You betch I'm addicted.I've been coming in here for almost a year now,I feel so old. ;D -howard-
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
I am so very addicted. My mom has been staying with me for the past week so I haven't been able to come by as often. It is driving me insane. :o
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
I only found this site a week ago and already I can't wait to see what's happening here everyday! It's gonna really suck when I have to leave for work and not visit for TWO WEEKS at a time. I work in remote locations and have no way to access the internet. :'(
Max Power
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
I'm more addicted to amIright.com!
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
Heck, yeah, I'm addicted!!
I recently went through two months of unreliable internet access. I couldn't deal with it. It was really driving me bonkers because I was laid off from work over the summer and all my real-time friends are at work all day--they can't just stop and chit-chat just 'cuz I'm bored.
I found myself starting conversations with total strangers just for someone new to talk to (not a good idea in some parts of town-I could have met an ax-murderer). Well, now I'm back, and I have not met any ax-murderers (that I know of....) ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
I've been enslaved by 2 people, been encouraged repeatedly to run naked, and battle with soda zealots on a daily basis. It's one of the first sites I go to in the morn, and one of the last I check at night. And I sneak a peek in at work here and there.
Yeah, I'm addicted.
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
Only new - but quickly becoming addicted. You guys are just all too nice ;D
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
I was told the first step to a cure was to admit it....so, I admit it....I am a board junkie....I have mouse tracks on my fingers ::)
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
I do read the posts every day!
End Quote
Me too. ;)
I used to be really addicted to the board. (in fact, I'd be royal now if it weren't for that so-sad incident those months back!! :'()
I've met some cool people on here that I really enjoy talking with. Sadly, though, the newest family member around here seems to keep me away an awful lot these days. I guess now I'm more of a "visiting passerby" than the board addict that I used to be. :-/
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
How about this! When I started visiting Message Boards at the beginning of this year, my Editor (very little local rag), asked me to write an article on 'internet addiction', which I did with an enormous amount of smugness and self righteousness (for those poor sad suckers!.) Oh how the mighty have fallen!!!
I plan to give it up soon for something less sedantry, like cleaning the house!
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
My PC's on, and I'm online
Where I spend too much time
I read threads, I write haikus
And time is what I lose
Oh, I say I could leave it but that's just a veneer, oh yeah
Closer to the truth to say I'll be here all year, you know I'm
Gonna have to face it I'm addicted to here
...or something like that ;-)
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
No way........... ??? whats wrong.............(sweats)with you guys?...........(hands shaking, more sweating)...I can...... ??? take it or leave it.........(now sweating profusely, turning pale)Y'all need to..........(soaking wet, whole body quivering).....get a life!!(GRAND MAUL SEIZURE!!!)
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
I finally found some friends who I can laugh with but,not in person. -howard- ;D
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
uh...uh...ummm...my name is PoP & I am a messageboard addict. ::)
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
Are you kidding? When I'm not here, I'm wondering what's going on, then again, sometimes when I am here, I am wondering what's going on...I keep telling myself I can quit anytime I want to, I just don't want to ;D
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
i'd say i'm addicted...i visit the boards everyday, and even while i'm supposed to be doing projects. (OOPS, did i say that? i mean, i would NEVER chat online while doing important projects for school! ;D)
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
I'm addicted. I admit it. I don't want to change it either. :D There are just too many fantastic people here!
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
I admit that I have lately spent a little more time then I should on these boards...but I don't have a problem..
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
I'd sell my first born to keep active on this board.
"C'mon Mrs. Race... I was jus' jokin'... really... I didn't mean it....okay."
I take that back. :-/
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
It's almost been a year and a half already and I'm just lovin' it day after day.I come home after a loud workshop and this is my relief! :D
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
The Jonman is addicted to these boards as well. It's part of a daily routine....and I hate it when I can't get here!
Subject: Re: Who Admits To Being Addicted To These Forums?
Hmmm well it is the first place I go to when I log on in the morning............