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Subject: Cats or Dogs?
Which do you prefer and why?
I prefer cats, independant and low maintanance. I have a lab dog to, good looking pain in the 'ss!
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
I love them both, but I have two cats and no dogs. Dogs are indeed a bit too high maintenence for me at this stage of my life. My two cats are a dream to take care of and are very affectionate and entertaining. I imagine that I will have a dog again sooner or later, as I miss their type of companionship! :)
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
I love both, though do find little yappy dogs annoying: dogs should have brains, cats should have independence (and enough sense not to fight with the dogs - they usually do, but not always)
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Oh I much prefer cats! They don't smell or drool or chase visitors or get overly friendly with your leg or rip the washing off the line or bark.
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Cats genearlly only annoy me when I'm trying to type on a keyboard and they wish to get their two cents in too. My dog, he's a constant state of devoted annoyance, walking very closely in front of me with his head turned just in case I change direction, insisting on licking my face :P when I'm seated or lying down, spilling food, water, whatever that whip-tail he has can strike, and those muddy big paws >:(! What a mess.
My cats have been total guys cats, the only thing they get excited about is not having food in the dish and when I (rarely) vacuum. They can take me or leave me and were all cofortable with that arrangement.
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Cats, of course, and not just because they are low-maintenance. I have always purrrrrfurrrrred cats, there is just something about them I find utterly beautiful. I love dogs too, but they just don't amaze me the way cats do. But I know I'm never going to convince a dog lover that cats are better.
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
I ask; Whats the most fearless creature on the planet?
A Kitten has got to be the answer. My wife and I aquired two kittens to add to the collection last summer and they amaze me with there fearlessness. Sonny and Rico are nuts! Sonny especially, I swear if I could find a snowboard that fit his little paws he would be doing K-2.
Cats, of course, and not just because they are low-maintenance. I have always purrrrrfurrrrred cats, there is just something about them I find utterly beautiful. I love dogs too, but they just don't amaze me the way cats do. But I know I'm never going to convince a dog lover that cats are better.
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Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Right now, cats, because even the largest one is small enough to be kept indoors all the time.
Yeah, I hate cleaning the litter box, but I hate walking a dog in the rain, wind, and freezing temperatures, too.
I had a dog as a kid, and would love to have one again someday, but with my schedule the way it is, I can't properly care for one. A big dog needs to be taken outside, not only to do it's "business" but also for excersize. Right now, I can't afford to hire a "dog-walker" to take a dog out for a mid-day romp.
I wouldn't consider a small dog--why bother? I want a Lab, German Shepherd, or Husky when the time comes.
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
I prefer dogs, especially my chocolate lab...he may be a dumba$$, but he is very protective of our family and he will attack anyone that is trying to harm us.
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Chocolate labs are beautiful dogs. Mine is dark with a reddish brindle coler to him, I think he has a bit of boxer in him.
I prefer dogs, especially my chocolate lab...he may be a dumba$$, but he is very protective of our family and he will attack anyone that is trying to harm us.
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Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Which do you prefer and why?
I prefer cats, independant and low maintanance. I have a lab dog to, good looking pain in the 'ss!
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I agree...we have a lab too, but our two cats do take less, I don't know, effort than our stupid dog does.. ::) But, our cats are about idiots too--they all cause their own share of pains in the rear every now and again. But one day, I'm gonna get my dream puppy, (a Great Pyrenees, if anyone is interested.. ;D) and she's gonna be really good. And smart. And easygoing. And beautiful. (okay, with a Pyrenees, that's a given ;)) And...and...and.. ;D
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Dogs: I love Beagles and Jack Russell terriers. They're fun to have around.
Cats: even though they don't fetch, they're really pretty and cuddly...kinda like women (no offense) ::)
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
I like cats & dogs equally. :)
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Speaking of...what did y'all think of the movie? I loved the beagle.
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Speaking of...what did y'all think of the movie? I loved the beagle.End Quote
It was more entertaining than I thought it would be. I wouldn't go out and buy it, but I'd gladly take it if given to me. ;D
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
It was more entertaining than I thought it would be. I wouldn't go out and buy it, but I'd gladly take it if given to me. ;D
End Quote
We bought it...and I swear to God, my dog will actually lay there and watch it. I'm not kidding. ::)
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Maybe the dog is receiving secret messages from the Head Dog through the DVD signals...those dogs are sneaky.
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Maybe the dog is receiving secret messages from the Head Dog through the DVD signals...those dogs are sneaky.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
I am a cat person.
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Ditto, dagwood. ;)
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
I am a cat person.
End Quote
I like chicken
I live liver
Meow Mix Meow Mix
please deliver
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
I love dogs cause they're always licking my finger whenever they see me. ;D -howard-
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Gee, didn't I just ask this question last week? :)
Again, my own answer is slight edge to dogs - because they're practical for guard duties (and other things, if you need them). But then, I do have an aversion to some breeds so it may depend on the dog breed compared to the avg cat.
Anyway, I do love both and like to have them around. Only just now getting a puppy again on the trail to being a good citizen, my 1st pet in 6 years since my cat died. (Raise/train your animals - properly w/high expectations - and they're virtually NEVER a pain; my dog and cat brought me nothing but PRIDE and true joy for a decade. 97% perfect - I mean that!) Don't know how long it will be till I have a cat again.
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
dogs are just too much work for me.. I'm a total cat person.. got two right now.. two boys, lost their mother a few months ago.. mine are outdoor/indoor cats .. I barely have to take care of them since they seem to do a good job at taking care of themselves.. they barely even eat cat food, since they seem to prefer their meals warm, if you know what I mean..
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Even a cat will make a good burgler-deterrent under the right circumstances.
Before my daughter was born, I lived in an apartment building in a very densely populated part of the city. There had been a rash of burlaries that week; the thieves were getting in by climbing up the fire escapes, then hopping roof to roof hitting several places in a day. We had an apartment right on one of the fire escapes.
You guessed it, one day the burglar tried to hit our place. Only he disturbed our cat, who was trying to take a nap under the window. The cat not only yowled holy blue murder, he absolutely mauled Mr. Burgler's leg. ;D ;D
When the police caught him twenty minutes later, he was positively ID'ed by the rivers of blood running down his leg. ;) ;D
We still have that cat, who is now a senior citizen by feline standards, but he is still on the job, protecting us from any nasty fly or moth that dares to enter our home. ;)
Moral of the story: let sleeping cats lie!
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Your cat is awesome.
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Neither. Dogs are way too annoying, and cats make me sneeze.
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Neither. Dogs are way too annoying, and cats make me sneeze.
End Quote
You have no soul. (j/k)
What about hamsters?
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
I used to be a dog person because we didn't have cats when I was growing up. When I moved out on my own I lived in a house on a dead end street and was quite lonely. I worked so I knew I didn't have the time to care for a dog so I adopted a cat from the shelter. From then on I was hooked on kitties. A few months later I adopted another cat (they 'FORGOT' to mention she was pregnant) so at one point I had 5 felines in my house. Now I'm living with someone in Scotland and he's got two cats of his own. Part of the reason I initially fell for him was because he talked about how much he loved his cats. My two are still in the states being looked after by my mother (whos got 2 of her own cats) so when we move back to the USA, I'll be taking his two cats and then introducing them to my 2. That's a whole lotta kitties!
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
....What about hamsters?
End Quote
AAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! NO! Not Hamsters!!!!!!!!
Sorry. Didn't mean to shout. :-
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
AAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! NO! Not Hamsters!!!!!!!!
Sorry. Didn't mean to shout. :-
End Quote
I had hamsters when I was growing up, but I doubt I'll ever get one again. My mom had a cat and he didn't bother my hamster. He was far too fat and lazy ..
One of the hamsters I had bit me, he was usually tame and I had taken him out of his cage and played with him and all, but one day he just bit me and wouldn't let go of my thumb. Years later, a friend gave me two hamsters and they had babies. I was waiting until the babies got old enough to give them away but I noticed that each day there seemed to be less and less babies and one day......well my hamster home-placement problem was solved because there weren't any babies left. I soon got rid of the cannibal parents. It really grossed me out. At least I was a teenager when that happened, but try explaining that one to a kid! ;D
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
I like dogs - especially Border Collies.
My girlfriend has a cat called 'Ziggy'. He is neurotic and he goes mental after he's done his business.
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Guess? ;)
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
I love them both. But due to my rental agreement, I have neither right now. (And Hubby is very allergic to cats). However, we do have a house bunny and a ferret. All of you that think that dogs are alot of work. A ferret will drive you nutty.
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
I LOVE cats, they taste just like chicken ;) And dog, if its cooked right, reminds me of venison. ;D
Just kidding, REALLY!
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
I love both to death:)
Dogs KNOW I love them......they strain on leashes and lick out of car windows and service dogs ive even had want me to pet them and wanted to lick my hand.Friends call me "the pied piper of dogs" LOL
But,where I live,Urban Core,Apartment is no place for a dog.I have 2 Siamese Cats Ive had since teeny tiny kittens and theyre getting older(13 and 12)but theyre a riot.They still have plenty of life left in em LOL
If I got a dog what would I get?When I was a kid we had hunting hounds and I love their temperaments.Blue Tick or Greyhound(which ive heard is loveable as hell)any dog that is as interactive as the Siamese cats:)
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
Cats. I like the way they're independant and loyal at the same time. Besides - they're gorgeous! ;D (Most of them, at least)
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
I like cats more...I have 10 cats LOL...but I do have a very cute dog named Toby...part German Shepherd, part Chow, part...something else. I dont know a lot about dogs.
Subject: Re: Cats or Dogs?
I would have to say DOGS! I hate catS!!!
Dogs are so much fun. You can wrestle around and play with them and not worry about hurting them.