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Subject: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
Do you sleep in the Nude.....I have since I was 16.
I also have to have a fan set on high speed since that same age! The thing that sucks about the fan is that I can now never sleep without one, AND I can now hear all noises over and above the fan :( Anyone else care to share thier "Sleep Habits?"
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
I HAVE to have my clock radio on. And the computer either has to be shut off, or the screensaver is turned off. It is so annoying to try to sleep with a screensaver flashing on your wall!
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
That backround noise from the fan, also called white noise, is absolutely essential to me in order to have a good night's sleep.
I'll add:
I stayed in a hotel once where they must've had the most quiet air conditioner ever created. There was no noise! I couldn't sleep most of the night. Then I finally passed-out from exhaustion. I mean, it was horrible. :P :P :P
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
Do you sleep in the Nude.....I have since I was 16.
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Why am I not surprised? ;D
I usually have to bury myself in the blankets before I can sleep.
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
That backround noise from the fan, also called white noise, is absolutely essential to me in order to have a good night's sleep.
I'll add:
I stayed in a hotel once where they must've had the most quiet air conditioner ever created. There was no noise! I couldn't sleep most of the night. Then I finally passed-out from exhaustion. I mean, it was horrible. :P :P :P
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I know exactly what you mean...stupid hotels.
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
I sleep wih the AM radio on. There is something I like about being half asleep and listening to Coast to Coast AM. For a while it kind of freaked me ut, but I have heard Ghost recordings, Alien stories, Mels Hole, and the weirdness known as Baker California so many times that I have become Immune.
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
The only time I sleep with clothing on is when we have company over or I am on a camping trip with friends. My oddest "sleep" habit is that I have to create "stories" in my head in order to fall asleep. I get a lot of ideas for my writing this way.
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
My sleep ritual encompasses loooots of tossing and turning and dodgy arm re-shuffling. I STRONGLY PREFER a pitch-black room and silence, but living in the inner city doesn't allow for it.
My wife insists she MUST have one hand on my butt-cheek to simply fall asleep! LOL! (Who am i to deprive the woman!) ;)
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
I can't sleep in total darkness. As a child, there was a streetlight right outside my bedroom window, and I got used to it. Now that I'm living on a quiet dead-end street I keep a night-light on. This is also practical, since I have an all-black cat. I don't want to trip on him if I get up in the night.
I also must have some sort of noise. Our house was sandwiched between a very busy street, and the railroad tracks. There were always cars, trucks or trains roaring by the house at all hours of the night. And being only half a block from the local fire station, I got used to all kinds of loud noises. These days, I just turn on the radio, or pop in a favorite CD and set it to auto-repeat.
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
Sleep habits, if any, consist of a series of one hour periods, tossing and turning, remembering I didn't do my homework, waking up at 1am, doing my homework, falling asleep again, and being woken up by cats at 5am.
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
I'm one who has trouble staying comfortable for very long in one position. I am constantly tossing and turning, often giving my husband very little room! LOL! It's a good thing that he learned how to sleep in tight spaces while in the Navy! ;D
As for sound, I need to be able to hear at least the hum of a fan in the room. If it's too quiet I'll just end up laying awake all night!
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
As for sound, I need to be able to hear at least the hum of a fan in the room. If it's too quiet I'll just end up laying awake all night!
End Quote
Some sort of white noise seems to be a common theme, and I too must have my fan running to get a truly good night's sleep. I sleep fitfully if it's quiet.
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
I have a quilt that my grandma made. I have to have that on my bed. I don't necessarily use it...just hang on to it. It also has to be a little light in the room. I can't sleep well if the room is pitch black.
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
Ooh, I like my room pitch black. I sleep better. http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/schlafen/schlafen013.gif
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
I usually toss and turn all night...wake up about 1 hour before the alarm goes off. I probably sleep better with some white noise...
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
Must be dark
Must be NO lights creeping under my door
Must be quiet
Must be warm
I must be under blankets and quilts
Must be naked
These are the rules of Your Highness Queen of red death and all things red. :P
(If we ever have to sleep in the same room together your better off in the hallway)
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
Basic rules have been for a long time: no noise, and no light.
But I'm much better now. I think esp. since I had an apt in town. Not a big town, but enough to know the diff.
I still prefer this; time was, I couldn't handle at all having any seeping light or TV noise. I'm better, but it still bugs me. I hate noise, esp., as my old neighbors ("good" and "bad") will attest. I spent many a nite yelling at people inside and out for disturbing me.
Also, our neighbor has this annoying big garage lite that faces my room. So I've drawn shades ever since. But, it's better now since my parents built a garage themselves, which gets in the way of their lite.
But I still get uptite about hall light on, room down hall lite on, parents' TV (ggrrrrrr); I'll notice just as I'm ready to sleep, jump up, and try to turn it off. "White noise" doesn't bother me as much if it's constant - like traffic. Periodic changing noise like TV drives me nuts!
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
When I'm working at night and sleeping days, I have 2 rules:
1. The room must be dark and thanks to room darkening shades it is.
2. My thunderstorm cd must be on. I only listen to it during the day. It drowns out the street noise and any noises inside the house like my boys fighting!! ;D
Otherwise, dark is my only rule!!!
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
Sometimes I wear a t-shirt...sometimes nothing at all....depends on the weather!
I MUST have a light on...I am afraid of the dark...and yes I am 31...wanna make something out of it??
I need some kind of noise....normally a ceiling fan will do the trick....and lots of pillows....yeah I know...it's a girl thing...but I love to snuggle up to my body pillow.... ;D
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
I'm a night person so I usually don't go to bed 'til like 5am or so. BTW, it's 3:18am now. Sleep in 'til like 2 or 3 pm or so.
I have to have it dark. No lights and a few light sounds don't bother me. During the cold months I like to keep the blankets off the bed so when I go to bed it's cold. Along wearing pajama pants with a muscle shirt or some junky shirt. Along with a heavy blanket wrapped up.
As for the warm months. Shorts with a tank top. Light blanket.
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
Underwear only - otherwise it's too hot - even in winter ...
I prefer the room to be pitch black...
Helps if there is the sound of rain on the roof ;)
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
Lately it has been go to bed-toss-turn-go to fridge-back to bed-toss-turn-go to fridge-back to bed (Repeat for 5-6 hours) Finally sleep around 3am (After putting radio on snooze for 6 to 8 times. Wake at 4. (Can anybody substantiate that warm milk actually helps you sleep?)
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
I'm a nightowl and rarely go to bed before midnight, sleep like a log, and then wide awake at 5.30am. I sort of feel like I'm wasting time when I sleep!
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
Lately it has been go to bed-toss-turn-go to fridge-back to bed-toss-turn-go to fridge-back to bed (Repeat for 5-6 hours) Finally sleep around 3am (After putting radio on snooze for 6 to 8 times. Wake at 4. (Can anybody substantiate that warm milk actually helps you sleep?)
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Gee, ReddyRules...you sound a lot like me (except for the going to the fridge part). ;D As for the warm milk thing...well I'm lactose-intolerant so I'll let someone else answer that one. Just the thought of drinking milk "warm" makes my stomach turn... :-/
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
No clothes-No lights-No sound. Kid at my back, cat on my feet. Oh, milk and Oreos about 3am. ::)
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
No clothes, lots of blankets; window open; fan in summer; earplugs; bedroom door must be open to see nightlight in bathroom; one or two cats.
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
No clothes-No lights-No sound. Kid at my back, cat on my feet. Oh, milk and Oreos about 3am. ::)
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For a moment there I thought you were going to do the "Gilligan's Island" theme ;D
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
No clothes-No lights-No sound. Kid at my back, cat on my feet. Oh, milk and Oreos about 3am. ::)
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No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound... Ooops! Wrong thread again... ::)
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
There's no true silence, IMO. Well, at least for me. :-/
Say, for eaxample, you didn't have any backround noise whatsoever.
Don't you hear that annoying sound, sometimes described as a steady unchanging whistle or a brief ringing that almost everyone hears at apparently random times in quiet surroundings?
I do and mostly at bedtime. It drives me bananas! :o
Thus, I enjoy the white noise when going to sleep.
Speaking of ringing...
I thought I'd bring up (for the heck of it) a few simplified definitions of hearing disorders:
Tinnitus - not a disease, just the ability to hear sounds generated by the auditory (hearing) system, evidence of compensatory mechanisms that are part of its normal function. The problem is the distress created - not the type of sound.
Misophonia - dislike of environment sound(s). With or without tinnitus! Varies from 'chalk scratching on blackboard' to dislike of all sounds around you.
Phonophobia - fear of environmental sounds. Fear that they may damage hearing or make other symptoms worse...
Hyperacusis - over-amplification of environmental sounds in the auditory pathways. Everyday sounds seem too loud, but others people aren't complaining!
For more information:
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
My habit is sleeping late, usually 1 or 2 in the morning, with the alarm, on work days. Then tossing and turning, depending on how late my sister sleeps and how loud the TV or radio is.
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
I want a darkened room, a big, fat, hard pillow and plenty of blankets which I wrap around me. (And if a woman slept with me, she'd be pretty cold! Another reason why I never married--I'm a blanket hog!) I almost always sleep in my underwear.
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
I either sleep in my underwear or naked...and if I'm battling a cold I'll sleep in a sweatshirt, sweatpants and socks...like MissInformation I almost always have to make up a story in my head...and I simply can not fall asleep unless BOTH my shoulders are covered...my legs can be sticking out and it can be a hundred million thousand degrees but I gotta have both shoulders covered to fall asleep....
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
Well,during the summer I sleep with my underwear on(for all you ladies) ;D and my air conditioner pumping.
During the cold winter I sleep with my pijamas and covering myself all the way with my blanket and trying to get warm.My hands are sometimes purple when I sleep in the winter.That's why I'm always cold. ;D -howard-
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
If I'm tired enough light and noise don't matter. The only thing I can't stand is being too hot. It's much better if the room is a little cool and I need a blanket and comforter.
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
Does anyone still use those heat blankets from the old times where you use it as a blanket and turn the dial up to 1 for warm and 10 for hot? When it was ice cold outside,I'd be nice and hot in my heat blanket.All toasty and warm. ;D -howard-
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
Does anyone still use those heat blankets from the old times where you use it as a blanket and turn the dial up to 1 for warm and 10 for hot? When it was ice cold outside,I'd be nice and hot in my heat blanket.All toasty and warm. ;D -howard-
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I love my electric blanket! ;D The dial goes all the way to 20! It's gotta be dual control though. The "other" likes to be cold and miserable. ::)
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
I love my electric blanket! ;D The dial goes all the way to 20! It's gotta be dual control though. The "other" likes to be cold and miserable. ::)
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Mine goes up to 22! I have slept in the room off of my bar recently..and been nice and comfy ;)
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
Mine goes up to 22! I have slept in the room off of my bar recently..and been nice and comfy ;)
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Fark! Mine goes up to 3!! ???
Subject: Re: Sleeping Habits....What Is Your Routine?
Sometimes,I also sleep on my stomach but in the morning I wake up with a stuffy nose So I've been sleeping on my back on occasions. -howard-