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Subject: What TV production logo scared you?
There are a few web pages where people talk about some production logos at the end of TV shows that were scary. I thought I'd bring that subject to Amiright.
What was scary to me when I was a little kid was the Universal logo of the 60's & 70's with the globe zooming in. I used to think that was the moon falling. I had a few bad dreams where I was outside at night, when all of a sudden the first 5 notes of the Universal theme started playing all around me. Then the moon started falling as the rest of the theme played.
Deet, deedeedeet, DEET, DEEDEEDEET-
I woke up before the last note could happen, because like they say, you always wake up before something hits you in a dream.
Also, when I watched reruns of "Brady Bunch" episodes from its 1st year, the Paramount theme at the end of those episodes really put a tear to my eye - much like Tabasco sauce puts a tear to your eye. The fast version of the Viacom theme with the big zoom-in V unnerved me as well.
One logo that some people online say is the scariest was the Screen Gems logo of the 70's. It wasn't scary to me, but the last note of the theme really pierced my ears. It was one of those high-pitch sounds that make an extra mystery note happen in your ears.
I don't like how the production companies tack new logos at the end of shows to replace the old ones. I have grown to appreciate the Universal theme as something that is really neat, and thankfully, they don't put new logos on their reruns. I think they're the only company left that keeps the original logos. Sad, ain't it?
Anyway, here's a link to Eric Hartman's Closing Logo Descriptions page:
The link pages have interesting stuff on the subject as well.
Subject: Re: What TV production logo scared you?
There are a few web pages where people talk about some production logos at the end of TV shows that were scary. I thought I'd bring that subject to Amiright.
What was scary to me when I was a little kid was the Universal logo of the 60's & 70's with the globe zooming in. I used to think that was the moon falling. I had a few bad dreams where I was outside at night, when all of a sudden the first 5 notes of the Universal theme started playing all around me. Then the moon started falling as the rest of the theme played.
Deet, deedeedeet, DEET, DEEDEEDEET-
I woke up before the last note could happen, because like they say, you always wake up before something hits you in a dream.
Also, when I watched reruns of "Brady Bunch" episodes from its 1st year, the Paramount theme at the end of those episodes really put a tear to my eye - much like Tabasco sauce puts a tear to your eye. The fast version of the Viacom theme with the big zoom-in V unnerved me as well.
One logo that some people online say is the scariest was the Screen Gems logo of the 70's. It wasn't scary to me, but the last note of the theme really pierced my ears. It was one of those high-pitch sounds that make an extra mystery note happen in your ears.
I don't like how the production companies tack new logos at the end of shows to replace the old ones. I have grown to appreciate the Universal theme as something that is really neat, and thankfully, they don't put new logos on their reruns. I think they're the only company left that keeps the original logos. Sad, ain't it?
Anyway, here's a link to Eric Hartman's Closing Logo Descriptions page:
The link pages have interesting stuff on the subject as well.
End Quote
Paramount, definitely. From the "Split" to the "Blue Mountain", that production logo (due to that jarring song) used to bother me for years when I was a child. To this day, I can't look at the Paramount logo without a squint (the new 90th one is really not that bad, and since they don't play music with it a lot, it doesn't really suck that much).
Was that Paramount song you heard the same one they playe with the "Blue Mountain" or that... Dun-dun-dun--DUNDUNDUNDUNNNN with a flute thing at the end? That one would probably unsettle most people if it still was in circulation.
Subject: Re: What TV production logo scared you?
Was that Paramount song you heard the same one they playe with the "Blue Mountain" or that... Dun-dun-dun--DUNDUNDUNDUNNNN with a flute thing at the end? That one would probably unsettle most people if it still was in circulation.
End Quote
That second one, definately! The Eric Hartman website and other people online affectionately call it "Closet Killer" music, which is a pretty appropriate name.
Subject: Re: What TV production logo scared you?
That one...yes, indeed. That would just be a killer for sure. Sounds like music they play in movies when they find a dead body or the culprit of a crime. To think they'd stick that at the end of TV shows. Surely, the production companies tend to be a little more aware of this.
That webpage rules though. Finally, I have found validation in the fact that some of these logos can just be downright unsettling to children!
Subject: Re: What TV production logo scared you?
I always hated the old Mark VII Productions closing theme (the dirty hand holding the die, followed by loud clanging as the hammer hit the die twice, which was lifted to reveal the Roman numeral VII stamped in the metal beneath).
Subject: Re: What TV production logo scared you?
I always hated the old Mark VII Productions closing theme (the dirty hand holding the die, followed by loud clanging as the hammer hit the die twice, which was lifted to reveal the Roman numeral VII stamped in the metal beneath).
End Quote
That one scared me. I remember that and hated it.
Subject: Re: What TV production logo scared you?
I always hated the old Mark VII Productions closing theme (the dirty hand holding the die, followed by loud clanging as the hammer hit the die twice, which was lifted to reveal the Roman numeral VII stamped in the metal beneath).
End Quote
Not to mention that it was followed by the Universal production theme! :o
Subject: Re: What TV production logo scared you?
The Channel 4 Kids Learning Centre countdown logo... It scares me because I only saw it when I was ill from school as a child. Kinda bed memories I suppose. :'(
Subject: Re: What TV production logo scared you?
I'd like to announce, to those who may not know, that the Screen Gems logo I mentioned is BACK! In the TVLand reruns of "Bewitched", the show now ends with the Screen Gems logo from the show, which is then followed by that newfangled Sony logo. Speaking of which, does anyone else out there think the Sony logo music sounds like a ripoff of the 1975-90 Universal music?
One thing that scared me when I was real little was the NBC peacock of the 60's-70's. I was in the 1st grade when they stopped showing it, as well as when they changed the music of the Universal theme.
Subject: Re: What TV production logo scared you?
I'd like to announce, to those who may not know, that the Screen Gems logo I mentioned is BACK! In the TVLand reruns of "Bewitched", the show now ends with the Screen Gems logo from the show, which is then followed by that newfangled Sony logo. Speaking of which, does anyone else out there think the Sony logo music sounds like a ripoff of the 1975-90 Universal music?
One thing that scared me when I was real little was the NBC peacock of the 60's-70's. I was in the 1st grade when they stopped showing it, as well as when they changed the music of the Universal theme.
End Quote
::) ::) ??? ???Why were you afraid of the NBC peacock?Cheers! ??? ??? ???
Subject: Re: What TV production logo scared you?
we all got way too much time on our hands...
Subject: Re: What TV production logo scared you?
Why were you afraid of the NBC peacock?End Quote
Well, i'm talking of course about the 60's-70's peacock, which had this weird animation to it. I guess what gave me chills at my headstart age were all that color stuff moving around, the music which sounded gloomy to me then, the gloomy announcer ("The following program is brought to you ... in living color ... on NBC."), and just then a sudden flute "trill" and the feathers suddenly popping out into place. All this stuff was scary to me then.
Well, nowadays you can see this thing online on a few sites, including http://www.retromedia.tv/primetime.html (The announcer on this clip doesn't sound quite as gloomy as the one I remember).
I have this clip downloaded, I played it to my 7-year-old nephew, and heck, he even wonders why I used to be scared of it. I must've been one sensitive kid.
(PS: You can hear a audio clip of the "gloomy announcer" version on http://www.telesearch.org/themesonline/index.htm under "Jingles", then "NBC-TV".)
OK, I admit it - I do have too much time on my hands. Pathetic case, ain't I? :'(
Subject: Re: What TV production logo scared you?
I won't go there!
Subject: Re: What TV production logo scared you?
Well, i'm talking of course about the 60's-70's peacock, which had this weird animation to it. I guess what gave me chills at my headstart age were all that color stuff moving around, the music which sounded gloomy to me then, the gloomy announcer ("The following program is brought to you ... in living color ... on NBC."), and just then a sudden flute "trill" and the feathers suddenly popping out into place. All this stuff was scary to me then.
Well, nowadays you can see this thing online on a few sites, including http://www.retromedia.tv/primetime.html (The announcer on this clip doesn't sound quite as gloomy as the one I remember).
I have this clip downloaded, I played it to my 7-year-old nephew, and heck, he even wonders why I used to be scared of it. I must've been one sensitive kid.
(PS: You can hear a audio clip of the "gloomy announcer" version on http://www.telesearch.org/themesonline/index.htm under "Jingles", then "NBC-TV".)
OK, I admit it - I do have too much time on my hands. Pathetic case, ain't I? :'(
End Quote
;) ;) ;)ok,just wondering.I used to like it,though.Cheers!
Subject: Re: What TV production logo scared you?
I used to think the NBC logo and the symbol on Colony paint cans looked the same... ::)
Subject: Re: What TV production logo scared you?
I'd like to announce, to those who may not know, that the Screen Gems logo I mentioned is BACK! In the TVLand reruns of "Bewitched", the show now ends with the Screen Gems logo from the show, which is then followed by that newfangled Sony logo.End Quote
I saw it, but i didn't listen to the music, because I thought it would scare me.
Subject: Re: What TV production logo scared you?
I saw it, but i didn't listen to the music, because I thought it would scare me.
End Quote
Oh, come on! Try it, you'll - umm, tolerate it. :)
Anyway, I forgot to mention one more thing about the NBC Peacock. There's a skit I have on tape from a 1976 episode of "Sonny & Cher" where Tony Randall, dressed up as the original peacock, goes to the welfare office because NBC recently "fired" him. I don't think I'll comment any further about that one.