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Subject: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
It's October, the time of year for horror movies. List three horror flicks you like (and why), and two you don't (and why).
I'll start:
Rosemary's Baby- A suspense movie with a bizare ending, that plays on psycological fears of expectant mothers. Also has a Japenese guy with a camera, can't beat that.
Storm of the Century- This is a Steven King "made for Tv movie" not bassed on a book. It is prequal to "Rose Matter" and takes place on the same Island. It has an outstanding Villian. It is about noticing something others do not, and paying a price for it.
American Werewolf In London- One of my favorite movies and now considered a "classic". I like the spooky english countryside at the begining, the special effects are outstanding for the time, and I love humor in the movie theater scene.
Titles I dislike:
Halloween H20: The character development is lacking, the plot is almost non-existant, and the film is two short.
The Wishmaster- I expected more, but this turned out to be run of the mill, with horrible acting, and a bad plot.
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
The Exorcist and Jaws remain the scariest movies I have seen. The former has a spiritual, religion-based villian that may or may not exist according to your beliefs. And picking a young soul like 9-year-old Linda Blair to enter into and dominate has got to be unsettling to mothers anywhere.
Jaws is a very real, more material terror, a shark which can tear into flesh they were a buffet. Only a skilled director such as Steven Spielberg could have made a simple tale of man verses nature into a truly horrifying vision. Just think how much more spine tingling it could have been if he kept some of the scenes he edited out to preserve a PG rating (E.G.: A severed arm floating to the top.) The head scene is enough to disturb little kids.
Others that were scary:
The River's Edge
Night of the Living Dead (the original, of course)
Alice Sweet Alice (especially the burning scene and the climax.)
The Devil's Rain (the ultimate Ernest Borgnine movie)
Carrie (definitely the last scene)
The Wicker Man (not for churchgoers though)
And of course "Halloween".
And The Worst...
Prom Night
Race With The Devil
Satan's Cheerleaders (not meant to be scary, but still sucked)
Any video with an exploding head or a bloodied corpse,(eg The entire Friday the 13th movies)
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
Pumpkinhead!! that movie just freaks me out!!!
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
Great topic!
My likes:
The Exorcist - The best darn horror movie, IMHO. It's old fashioned effects (and the reaction from audiences) cannot be duplicated to this day, even with all of the digitalization and computer generation. It's still just as shocking and controversial as it ever was. The premise was original to boot for the time it was made. A true classic. The theme music "Tubular Bells" is hauntingly beautiful and very popular every year on Halloween.
The Others - Perhaps not horror, but a terrific ghost story filled with suspense, the perfect haunting atmosphere and an unexpected ending. Gave me chills.
Poltergeist - To be able to see what spirits/ghosts might look like, as in the one scene where they appear on the staircase, was quite an interesting concept and beautifully done. Plotwise, I can't imagine anything more scary for a family than losing each other between worlds from which they may never return. The rising of the graves at the end was the clencher. I jumped outta my seat!
My dislikes:
Friday The 13th - Campy slasher fests with bad acting are almost always a dissapointment. This particular series was tolerable up to the third. They should have stopped at three.
That last one they made was more like a comedy than anything else and a bad one at that. What a waste of time!!!
The Tommyknockers - What garbage. Enough said.
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
I forgot about Poltergeist. Even more disturbing is how Dominique Dunne and Heather O' Roarke died after the movie. Thanks God for Zelda Rubinstein.
Poltergeist - To be able to see what spirits/ghosts might look like, as in the one scene where they appear on the staircase, was quite an interesting concept and beautifully done. Plotwise, I can't imagine anything more scary for a family than losing each other between worlds from which they may never return. The rising of the graves at the end was the clencher. I jumped outta my seat!
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Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
The Stand - Also a Steven King movie. It is basically a battle between good and evil. A super flu wipes out almost everyone on the planet leaving two sides to battle against each other.
An Interview With a Vampire - One of the best vampire movies ever made, IMO. The scenes were well done and the acting was very good.
Exorcist - The only movie that scared the dickens out of me. Supposedly loosely based on a true story of a little boy that claimed to be possessed.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Next Generation - This movie was horrible in every way.
The Bride of Chucky - A sex scene between two dolls....come on.
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
The ones I like:
Poltergeist- Saw this when I was little and I was terrified. It still freaks me out to this day.
The Convent- Not super scary (unless you count that d*mn nun), but a lot of fun because the effects are so cheesy.
The Amityville Horror II- It turned out to be a hoax, but the movie was creepy!
The ones I dislike:
The Exorcist- It was just plain boring.
The Blair Witch Project- Wow, I can run through the woods with a camera too! Pure cr*p.
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
I don't like mere murder fests; I don't count those as the same league as ghosty stuff - which is pretty rare itself unfortunately.
Poltergeist - excellent but I don't need to repeat
Sixth Sense - OK, not really meant as horror but really cool concept and creepy.
The Others - similar to SS (big surprise, all his movie are knock-offs of the same theme), but slightly diff twist.
The Uninvited - c. 1948 (can't recall exact); haunting movie w/some interesting twists. 1st part can be boring (as well as the boat excursion) but the haunting stuff is quite frightening!
The Changeling - c. 1979; OMG! Really creepy ghosty even though not a threat - and horrifying prospect!
Lady in White - Similar to Changeling in that ghosts appear as murder victims. The fear factor changes from ghost to murderer, though. Still, the creepiness of ghosts come through, w/o any threat of murder from them.
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
The Amityville Horror II- It turned out to be a hoax, but the movie was creepy!
End Quote
OK, I guess you mean the more-hokey 2nd 1? The original Amityville is OK, but esp. if you read the book, you'll see it really pales by comparison! That book (1 of the few fiction I've ever read) was really scary!
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
the Scream Trilogy (see parody Scream Trilogy Pie http://amiright.com/parody/70s/donmclean8.shtml )
Blair Witch for intent rather than content - much better if you pretend its real
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
Thumbs up to:
The Bride of Frankenstein Okay, it stopped scaring me when I was ten. But I saw it for the first time when I was nine. It really set the standard for classic monster movies. And no one was ever better than Karloff as an inarticulate, misunderstood and lethal creature.
Freaks Tod Browning's 1932 classic. You will never see a movie like this... the cast is populated with real life freaks- pinheads, human torsos, bearded women. Browning also directed Bela Lugosi's Dracula, but this is the one you want to rent.
The Exorcist I heard the kids are laughing at this one now. I saw it when it came out, when the lines were wrapping around the block at the downtown theater, and it was scary. Anyone remember the theme song?
Thumbs down to:
Nightmare on Elm Street I usually don't have problems with mass murdering pedophiles, but I'd rather give myself a root canal than sit through one of these.
Halloween How many are there? Seven? I get Halloween and Elm Street and Friday 13th mixed up... must be all the roman numerals. I don't like unsympathetic monsters. Why are they slashing all those half naked co-eds, anyway?
Batman Yeah, I know, it's not horror, but it is costumed and it is fantasy. The first one was just barely okay (thanks to Michael Keaton), then they went downhill faster than a greased pig. The last few were painful to watch.
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
I can't say it's too hard I really like vengance movies
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
If you consider Jaws a horror then it has to be my fave b/c it's my fave movie of all-time. I do however like the b-movies from back in the day...
My Bloody Valentine
Terror Train
Prom Night
Friday the 13th (the first one only!)
Hallowe'en (the first one only!)
For scary I'd go with Arachnaphobia b/c I am an arachnaphobe and that movie scares the bejeezus out of me..
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
If you consider Jaws a horror then it has to be my fave b/c it's my fave movie of all-time. I do however like the b-movies from back in the day...
My Bloody Valentine
Terror Train
Prom Night
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My goodness!!! I too liked those and I'm so impressed you remembered them - especially Terror Train (Jamie Lee Curtis) and My Bloody Valentine. Yeah, some of them B movies ruled.
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
I LOVE the Halloween series. As long as Halloween III is not included....
And JAWS absolutely rocks!
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
Nightbreed (Clive Barker)
Evil Dead (the second two were too funny for me to think of as "horror" movies)
I Spit On Your Grave
Two I remember being pretty bad:
Killer Clowns From OuterSpace
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
Evil Dead (the second two were too funny for me to think of as "horror" movies)End Quote
I agree that "Evil Dead" is truly another classic. It was excellently done. I also agree with the comment about the second two being comedic.
The Supernaturals is a decent creepy feature to check out. Not the best acting or directing, but decent atmosphere and decent horror effects. Nichelle Nichols and Levar Burton of Star Trek fame are in the cast.
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
Here are some that I liked:
Halloween parts 1 & 4 (parts 2, 5 & 6 are good too, but not as scary as the ones I've mentioned)
Fright Night part 1
A Nightmare On Elm Street part 1 (I like them all, but the others that came after part 3 are just laughable and aren't that scary. Fun though)
others that I liked:
the first four Friday The 13th's (like with ANOES series, it seemed to have turned into a comedy show after part 5)
Stephen King's Christine
The Serpent And The Rainbow
Now, horror movies that I didn't like:
Death Ship
The Howling 2: Your Sister's A Werewolf
others that I didn't like:
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (a weird follow up to the original)
all Puppet Masters
Halloween H20 (just bad)
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (not as good as the first)
Scream parts 2 & 3
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
I agree that "Evil Dead" is truly another classic. It was excellently done. I also agree with the comment about the second two being comedic.
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I have to admit that the Evil Dead movie is the only movie that ever made me scream out loud. I was only 14 when I saw it, and me and a friend were babysitting (yeah, real smart, rent horror movies for your babysitters). One of the scenes (don't want to say which scene and spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it) startled us so badly we both jumped up and back and tipped the couch over.
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
I have to admit that the Evil Dead movie is the only movie that ever made me scream out loud. I was only 14 when I saw it, and me and a friend were babysitting (yeah, real smart, rent horror movies for your babysitters). One of the scenes (don't want to say which scene and spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it) startled us so badly we both jumped up and back and tipped the couch over.
End Quote
I know exactly what scene it is. I jumped up and off the sofa, for crying out loud. ;D The make-up effects and atmosphere were phenomenal. A rarity these days.
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
My favorite types of horror movies are the f**k with your head kind. There isn't necessarily a lot of blood or gore, but it scares the beejeebers out of you anyway. My picks:
Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte an old-time black and white film starring Bette Davis. I first saw it when I was 13 and it still scares me.
Wes Craven's New Nightmare The monsters in our minds are the most frightening kind.
Psycho (the original one) and The Silence of the Lambs are also really good.
And I have to admit I liked the first Nightmare on Elm Street because it was scary. All the rest, (up until New Nightmare) were more funny than scary {if you like gory, bloody humor}.
I didn't care for any of the Friday the 13th flicks, and nowadays most of the teenagers-get-slashed-to-death just don't interest me.
Blair Witch project had a good premise, but it was done badly. Instead of scaring me, it bored me to tears.
Edited for spelling and clarity. I need more caffiene :P
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
Optus TV has horror movies every Saturday in October to celebrate Halloween. Unfortunately they are mainly movies like Bela Lugosi's Dracula in 1954
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
Has anyone seen THE RING. I liked this movie.
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
Let's see.....
• The Fourth Floor- I believe this qualifies as a "sleeper." I'd never heard of it, but being an insomniac, I was flipping through channels one night and I saw it on HBO. I thought it was truly scary. Maybe not true horror, but freaky none the less.
•The Exorcist- I'm going to have to go with the crowd here. It scared me for awhile after I'd seen it. And the part where she's crab walking down those stairs? Ack.
•Arachnophobia- OK, it was cheesy, but being arachnophobic myself it scared the hell out of me.
•Jeepers Creepers- I don't know how people can say this movie was good. The characters weren't developed, and some of hte most horrible acting ever. I didn't like the script either... you just wanted to reach out and strangle the kids for being such morons. I mean, you're supposed to feel that way in most horror movies but in this one more so than normal.
•Leprechaun- Can't explain, just the concept of a killer leprechaun didn't glue me to my seat.
Subject: Re: It's October, so how about Horror movies?
Lately, the only horror films I have seen are non-English.
The Japanese films "Ring" and "Ring 2" - also "Hypnosis".
The Korean film "Nightmare".