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Subject: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite characterr
Right, I'll start this one off.
Favourite episode has to be the one where Homer seeks out the meaning of the 'J' in Homer 'J' Simpson and discovers his hippy background!! A classic.
Favourite character. Well, I think we should ignore the obvious and look at some of the many 'background' characters. Mine has to be , Disco Stu'., what a mover!!
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
Couldn't realy decide on a favorite. I'm a sax player so I liked the "death of Bleeding Gums Murphy" where at the end he and Lisa jam.
I guess Bleedin' Gums would be my fav background character, natch.
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
I like Professor Frink, Jailbird Snake and Dr Marvin Monroe.
And I just love the way they have portrayed Milhouse's parents perfectly.... ;D
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
I like Professor Frink, Jailbird Snake and Dr Marvin Monroe.
And I just love the way they have portrayed Milhouse's parents perfectly.... ;D
End Quote
Couldn't agree more. Another favourite has to be (and I;m sure it's mispelt) Uder, the greedy little German boy. I particularly remember one immensely funny part of an episode where Homer is chasing him with a wet towel and Uder is running away from him shouting,''please don't chase me, I am full of chocolate''
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
I have always liked Maggie. ;)
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
Saw this one last night for the first time on terrestrial in Britain.
Right, I'll start this one off.
Favourite episode has to be the one where Homer seeks out the meaning of the 'J' in Homer 'J' Simpson and discovers his hippy background!! A classic.
End Quote
This one will take a while for me to answer, I'll do it later.
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
My favorite episode is the "Pulp Fiction" spoof. There have been others, but this was the first to come to mind. I can't decide on a favorite character.
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
a favorite episode is way too hard for me.. well, if I have to pick, I'd say "Bart the General".. from the first season, really good episode.. I love Bart coughing up his red cap, and the shots of him rolling down the hill in it (from inside the can).. and some of the great lines
favorite character.. another toughy.. I'll go with Gil.. or anything voiced by the late, great, Phil Hartman (Troy McClure or Lionel Hutz for instance).
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
(Marci, I am not copying you ;)) I think that Maggie is my favorite character.
My favorite episode would be the one where Marge is a real estate broker and sells Flanders the murder house.
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
Too hard to chose a favorite episode. I'd have to say Homer's my favorite character. ;D
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
Oh shoot! :o
The fat comic-bookstore guy!!!
I knew I was forgetting one of the characters.
His sarcasm is unequaled. Hilarious!
Good call, TB.
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
I sort of like Barney. If I drank beer constantly, I could be like him. BURRRRRRP! ;D
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
The fat comic-bookstore guy. His sarcasm is to die for. I want to sound that sarcastic!
Favourite episode is the one at Duff Gardens: "Duff beer for me, Duff beer for you. I'll have one Duff, you have one too..." Classic!
Tarzan Boy
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Worst episode EVER!! j/k ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
"I'm here to return my QUOTE UNQUOTE ultimate belt."
"I see. Do you have a receipt, QUOTE UNQUOTE sir?"
"No, I do not have a receipt. I won it as a door prize at the Star Trek convention, although I find their choice of prize highly illogical, as the average Trekker has no use for a medium sized belt."
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
I loved the episode where Homer goes to Clown College. Krusty spends money like crazy "My House Is Dirty, Buy Me A Clean One"....I also like the Halloween "Short" featuring the Krusty Doll "Clown Without Pity".....I have no, one favorite character but forced to choose just one it'd have to be Homer....no....Bart...wait..I can't choose!
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
it's too hard to pick favorite episodes...there are too many...i can't pick just one. i like the lisa lionheart episode where we find out about smithers' huge collection of malibu stacey merchandise. i'm also fond of the 'thelma & louise spoof. oh, and the episodes where they go to japan and australia. the 'pulp fiction' spoof is up there on my list. and the one where bart gets the fake i.d. and takes his buddies for a joyride to the worlds fair. of course, i can't forget the rancho relaxo one, either...'remember, you can't spell relaxo without relax'. last, but not least...bart works at the burlesque house...'we put the SPRING in springfield'.
favorite characters...lisa, moe, c. montgomery burns, smithers, ralph wiggum, marge, mrs. crabapple...to name a few.
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
I'll be different and choose McBain/Rainier Wolfcastle. He has some of the best lines...like "The goggles! They do nothing!" Or "I will now shout slogans at you...master your butt!"
I really LOVED the Snake-wacking episode, where Homer went into Ninja-mode.
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
My favorite character is Moe Sleazak.
He's such a fool when it comes to answering the phone when Bart is on the other line.
howard :D
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
As a big Frasier fan, I love 'Brother From Another Series' in which David Hyde Pierce plays Sideshow Cecil, the brother of Sideshow Bob played by Kelsey Grammer! The best bit's when Bart say's 'guess who?' and Cecil says 'Maris?!'
My fave characters are Professor Frink, Otto, Mr. Burns and Smithers and Troy Maclure.
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
I stopped watching the Simpsons years ago. But I have always like Marge and Lisa. I'm not too sure which one would be favorite episode but I did like when they had the train come to Springfield and they had Lenard Nimoy on it. The mayor said to him, "May the force be with you." and Nimoy said, "You don't know who am I, do you?"
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
I stopped watching the Simpsons years ago. But I have always like Marge and Lisa. I'm not too sure which one would be favorite episode but I did like when they had the train come to Springfield and they had Lenard Nimoy on it. The mayor said to him, "May the force be with you." and Nimoy said, "You don't know who am I, do you?"
End Quote
It was a monorail :) It's Conan O'Brien's personal favorite episode, because he wrote it.
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
It was a monorail :) It's Conan O'Brien's personal favorite episode, because he wrote it.End Quote
Conan Rules!
The Comic Book Guy is sooooo funny! Any episode with him in it, getting out one of his famous one-liners, gets my honorable mention. :D
"There is no emoticon for what I am feeling." ;D
What Is The Comic Book Guy's Name?
This has been much debated on alt.tv.simpsons but the fact is that we still haven't been told what the Comic Book Guy's name is. The closest we ever came to finding out was in the Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie episode where CBG asked Homer to sign his autograph, "Can you make one out to me, and three out to my friend of the same name". In the 10th Season Superbowl episode Sunday, Cruddy Sunday Lisa actively refers to the Comic Book Guy as "Comic Book Guy".
Furthermore, in "Behind the Laughter" CBG is credited as "Comic Book Guy", with the profession "Comic Book Guy".
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
The Comic Book Guy is sooooo funny! Any episode with him in it, getting out one of his famous one-liners, gets my honorable mention. :D
"There is no emoticon for what I am feeling." ;D
End Quote
You forgot when Stan Lee guest-voiced...
"Stan Lee has just insulted me...but in Bizarro World, it means he likes me!"
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
wow... ummm... favourite episode... I like all the ones with the songs!
ummm I like the flanderses because they are so totally like my old neighbors it's scary! But i have to agree with the many others and say that "Comic Book Guy" is THE best!!!!
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
I don't have a favorite episode, I like so many of them. But my favorite character is Groundskeeper Willie!
"ugggghhh. There's nerrie an animal alive that cun out run a greased Scotsman"
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
"somebody has to save the wee turtles..... agh help somebody save me from the wee turtles!!"
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
YeaH!!! :D GroundsKeeper Willie also gets my honorable mention. He's hilarious!
"I've been wreslin' wolves since you were suckin' ya mothar's teet"
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
YeaH!!! :D GroundsKeeper Willie also gets my honorable mention. He's hilarious!
"I've been wreslin' wolves since you were suckin' ya mothar's teet"
End Quote
He's got some great lines...
"There's no Scotchtoberfest? Damn ye, Skinner! Ye used me! Ye USED me!!!"
Subject: Re: Favourite Simpsons Episode & Favourite charact
I have the very first Ichy and Scratchy comicbook. Edition 1. I had forgotten about it until just now.