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Subject: what's happening in your life so far?
I remember bringing this topic up under a year ago,So a year or so later,let's see what up in everyone's lives so far,starting with me:
It seems now that in my life,everything sucks! My girlfriend broke up with me last year,My friend Robert who's Mother died of heart attack a couple of weeks ago will be moving away to Albany and I can only visit him once or twice a year which is saddening for me.I'm gonna miss our days together.he was really a good friend for 6 years. :'( But I guess,it's time for him to move on with his life.My workshop sucks.the one in the city where I go to.every day it gets more and more depressing coming in.My Young Adult Recreational Program sucks as well.I've been there 10 years and I just can't wait to leave that dump.
Ok,enough about me,let's talk about u ;D -howard-
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
I lost my son Blaine in April 2001 and just by chance, found this place....I have been fortunate enough to get very close to a lot of people here and that has helped ease the pain quite a bit.....but as a very dear friend (Banasy) has told me...the first couple years are by far the most difficult. She wasn't kidding. I watch my son Brian wrestle and can't help but remember my son Blaine....how he used to just pick up his opponent and pin him within 15 seconds...(Brian wrestles at the same middle school). I do know that Brian is not Blaine but I remember how Blaine used to show Brian how to do certain moves and work out with all of us at the YMCA....he and I would also run together a few times every week. It seems to me that when his closest friend Rob died one month before Blaine..to the day...Blaine sort of lost his zest for life. I miss him so much not only for me but for his brothers who will never again be able to enjoy his wonderful personality. Well, I have whined enough....thanks for letting me :'( I appreciate ALL of you here ;)
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
R&RF, don't ever worry about whining! We listen to you!
What's happening in my life..? School and activities and cross-country are definitely keeping me busy, and of course homework... there's always plenty of that.. other than that, nothing much ;)
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
This has been a life-changing odessey for me on this board. I have made a lot of friends here, and a lot of enemies at work. There are a couple of nice people there, but even they get on my nerves sometimes. I have had a different supervisor. My former one and my present one switched offices, but so my former female boss moved to a different office in the same agancy, while the male boss came to our area. My dad is in the process of selling our home (some time next year) and has hinted he might move back to Georgia to be with his old family again. My sister is still talking about someday moving to Arizona. And my future is up in the air. I might try to get another apartment in Indy or somewhere in the Midwest. But my job is here, so if I am forced out of the state, I will probably have to work at another Government agency to retain my benefits and retirement status. I'm sorry if I'm rambing on, but that's my status for now. :)
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
I must kill my roommate before he kills me.
In my natural state I am a loser. It took me much hard work throughout high school to earn some level of respect from my peers and some dates from the ladies. At college I find that that hard work has been flushed down the crapper and I am back at square one.
I seem to be making good grades and yet I still feel like I'm failing my classes.
There was a girl I dated back during the last half of my senior year. It's hard to say we had a relationship because she always seemed too busy with a billion different other things, it was like conducting a long-distance relationship from ten minutes away. She weighs on my mind very heavily lately. I go home on the eleventh, I'll probably see her then.
I have about twenty dollars to last me for the next two weeks.
I wrote a poem the other day. That was a first.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Cool bring-back of thread, JammyOldies.
Basically, I've just started Year 12. That's College for all us 16-18 year old Brits. Finally having left school, I've found some place where I can fit in, when, such that I was treated as a child before, I'm now more treated as an independent adult, capable of making decisions for myself - or something.
I've also been accepted to play piano in a Jazz band. It's not all too difficult, one of the pieces is two chords long, heh. And I did some kind of test yesterday (I can't remember what it was, it all passed by a blur) and I scored higher than anyone else had ever scored :-[ so I'm kinda worried about that.
So that's all that's happened in my life so far.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Well..... Just over a year ago I moved out of my dad's and in with my grandparents and then we moved house along with my aunt's side of the family. My depresion got better and I smiled properly for the first time in four years ;D I left school in June, got a job in August (after looking for one for ages!!) and enrolled for college.
Now I'm (like Bobo) in year 12, making a few friends... (although I am still a loser and I think I will always be) of an ND Performing Arts course hoping to make my dream of being an actor come true!
As well as all that, I found this wonderful website and made friends with some of the nicest people I've ever met!! :-* ;D :-*
Now I'm really happy.
Thanks everyone!
Love Kay.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Well, my life is similar to that of most American teenagers...
Almost 1/4 of the way through 8th grade...kind of looking forward to high school, but kinda nervous...
Labels suck. I have such a diverse group of friends -- most of them hate each other though, some because they're "geeky", and some because they're "a pregnant dog", etc., etc. I've learned to ignore people, and go hang out with whatever friends I want to, when I want to, instead of hanging out with my "popular" friends and avoiding my other friends just to fit in.
I plan to pursue a career in music, when I'm older...I write songs (check out fanfiction.net, my author name is Junior there too)...I'm thinking about buying a drumset (trading in my guitar, that I only took 3 lessons on and then quit... :-P ).
Yeah, I'm a band geek...although not totally by choice...if I quit band, I'll lose my spot in a Music Honor Society, which definitely won't help me getting into UNC-Chapel Hill...and I'd be fine staying in band...but, our school requires that we're in marching band in high school to continue in band...not only am I not interested in participating in marching band, but I'm not sure if I could commit to it, time-wise...
Um, I really can't think of anything else to say...I did wake up at 3:30 AM this morning :-/ ...
Sorry to y'all (I say y'all alot, lol) for having to listen to me ramble! ;)
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Well...not much.
I am still a single mom living paycheck to paycheck like alot of people out there. I don't have much of a social life because I don't see my daughter during the day...I don't feel right about leaving her at night too. I like my little boring life. ;D
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
A year ago, I had just gotten back from Great Britain, a trip I had dreamed about my whole life it seems. And I had just recently joined a high school robotics team. Now, I am getting ready to go to California in a few days, and the robot team is kicking off this year's season with a bang. I'll be hitting 8 years with my Other in a couple of weeks, it's been a bumpy year for us, with one near break-up, but we're still holding on (we do love one another, but we're just so very different). Over this year, I've realized that I am now in the Middle-class bracket (a strange feeling because I grew up way, way, way below the poverty belt), I also realized that I love working with teens, and I rediscovered that I love learning new things (I'm going to learn how to solder by the end of this month) and I remembered how much fun it is to make new friends.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
In the past year, some good & some not so good...I guess I'll state the not so good stuff first - my permanent DJ gigs fell through, tough times in my marriage (I'm doing what I need to do to work things out), My day job in itself is good but the benefits and bonus structures have recently been altered and not for the better. Mrs. M's & my family practice does not accept my healthcare provider (not their fault; it's the provider's - the practice has the same healthcare plan I do and they can't even see their own doctors without paying out of pocket. We have to wait til 1/1 to get on Mrs. M's healthcare plan). My vacation benefits have been cut back. My annual bonus next year will probably amount to less than 1/3 of what it was this year. I have contemplated/had a strong desire to move back to the Valley of the Sun for the past year and will probably work on trying to make that happen after the first of the year (when the bonus structure changes). My dog recently had hip surgery.
As far as the good, I've taken some wonderful vacations (a cruise, NYC, CA...), bought a new car (with a lower car payment) and have put together some quality remixes which are nearly ready to be submitted to remix services (in hopes of getting commissioned to work on a project). I've been able to maintain my health and weight despite my consumption of junk food and lack of exercise. Finally, I have had a great time on this board with fellow penguins and have been able to share a little more about me as a person rather than all my posts be about music. Thank you. All of you. You guys are AWESOME! :)
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Well, I was laid off from my job the last week of July. I'm still not working yet, mostly because I wanted to get my daughter settled in to her new school first.
Now, I'm finding things difficult, because full time jobs in my area require that you be there at 8am. My daughter's school bus does not arrive till 9am. She's far too young to be standing around for an hour waiting (she's only 7), and there have been a lot of attempted child-snatchings in the news. Besides, winter's coming, and all the experts are predicting it will be a real doozy.
I'm looking at part-time jobs, but again, most are 8am to 2pm, or worse, 3pm to 11pm. I have no problem with the hours in and of themselves, but my daughter's afterschool program ends at 6pm. I cannot afford another (private) baby-sitter. Nor can a afford a sitter to pick her up after school and keep her till midnight. (Our current afterschool program is subsidized, partly due to her special needs status).
I've tried negotiating with employers for a 10am to 5pm shift, lower starting pay ect. But the unemployment rate is so high around here that no one is willing to listen (yet). I'm spending my days bugging every temp agency in town. Eventually they will get tired of brushing me off and find me something.....
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
I wasn't here a year ago but if I had been my life is still pretty much the same. In fact it pretty much remains the same from year to year.
Still a single mom working a thankless job as a retail manager, living paycheck to paycheck. My life is very ordinary and somewhat boring but I like keeping it simple. Simplicity rocks. Let's see...another year gone by and my VCR is still broken, all the clocks in the house still show the wrong time, my hair is longer, my son is now way taller then I (oooh! scary!!), my son became a teenager (oooh! Scarier!!!!), I still act like a teenager (scariest!!!), new kitty cat, dead kitty cat, another new kitty cat, more toys for me (literally TOYS...they help keep me sane, happy and grounded), still going to the Natl Barbie Doll Conv every year, more dust in the house, closer to being a veggie, gained a few pounds, joined a gym, broke an ankle (ouch, don't recommended at all), making a BIT more $$, still haven't heard from ex (Good thing! ;D), love my life and all it's wonderful mishaps. Wouldn't have it any other way!!
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
That post up there? The one I wrote? You can just strike the first four items out of your mind and replace them with "happy happy happy happy" or something along those lines.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Let's see....
First off, very little sleep. :'( (funny how having a baby'll do that to you! ;))
Also, both my other kids are in school--keeps me busy, since my son goes at 9:20, then we come home. My daughter goes at 1:00, then the baby and I come home. Then they get out of school at 3:45, then we all come home.. ;) Well, except on Wednesdays, when at 4:00 I take my daughter to dance class....and on Fridays, I stay at school with my daughter to help out for the afternoon. Pretty boring, I know, but that's my day!! LOL!
Our house is also being worked on right now, so we have people coming and going, putting on an addition. Hopefully that'll be done soon, but I'm not holding my breath!
Hubby is coming and going a lot too, I can't hardly keep track of him these days, between work and school.
Overall, we're just hanging in there, living the old 'day to day'!!
Well that's about it...as I read it back it sounds like I'm just b*tching, sorry! Really I don't mean to--I just haven't got anything exciting going on!! ::)
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
I must kill my roommate before he kills me...
I have about twenty dollars to last me for the next two weeks.
I wrote a poem the other day. That was a first.
End Quote
And you're very very funny.
Me? Well, the lab tests came back and I've got documentation that I'm not an alien, carbonated water went up my nose once, and I'm thinkin' next season's color will be puce.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
My life is taking a dramatic turn! I am in the process of getting a divorce after being married almost half of my life (16 years). I am really looking forward to the next stage of my life. My boys are growing up, way too fast and I just got a new puppy two weeks ago!! Am I happy? YES!!!
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
uh...after 5 months...still waiting on that divorce..... ::)
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Well,here's what's happening:
-One person passed away in my workshop and my bowling team. :( And 2 people are not coming back to bowl because of medical reasons.
I quit my Friday Night Young Adult Program so now that leaves me bored at the moment.
My friend Robert moved away to Albany.
My neighbor passed away from lymphoma disease.
Damn,Things are not the same anymore.I'm trying to live my life and go on with it but damn,all these tragedies! It's hard,really hard.I just wish I could turn back the clock! >:(
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
although I am still a loser and I think I will always be
Love Kay.
End Quote
Dear Kay,
I hope things have gotten better for you. But PLEASE, don't consider youiself a loser. I have no idea who you are, but no one needs to be a loser. Think of your good qualities. Think of your possibilities. I know H.S. can be a royal pain - mine was (years ago) - but you will get beyond it. I don't want to preach, but you need to get rid of your negative attitude. It will only drag you down. I know it can be hard, but YOU CAN DO IT.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Wow. Last October. I remember this. Let's see how things have changed.
I must kill my roommate before he kills me.End Quote
He moved away before I could kill him.
Quoting:In my natural state I am a loser. It took me much hard work throughout high school to earn some level of respect from my peers and some dates from the ladies. At college I find that that hard work has been flushed down the crapper and I am back at square one.End Quote
I've worked my way back to semi-cool now. It's easier after the first time.
Quoting:I seem to be making good grades and yet I still feel like I'm failing my classes. End Quote
Yeah, you can switch this one to "I seem to be making crappy grades and yet I still feel like I'm failing my classes."
Quoting:There was a girl I dated back during the last half of my senior year. It's hard to say we had a relationship because she always seemed too busy with a billion different other things, it was like conducting a long-distance relationship from ten minutes away. She weighs on my mind very heavily lately. I go home on the eleventh, I'll probably see her then.End Quote
Yeah, me and her got back together over Spring Break. We celebrated our one-month anniversary two days ago.
Quoting:I have about twenty dollars to last me for the next two weeks.End Quote
Hmmm... my financial situation. For now I am sitting on my lazy butt and living off my savings. I have to buy a tux for my band performances, so this is going to be a costly costly weekend.
Quoting:I wrote a poem the other day. That was a first.
End Quote
A feat that has not been duplicated.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
uh...after 5 months...still waiting on that divorce..... ::)
End Quote
going on 11 months....and still waiting... ::)
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Nothing. :P
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
I am a libran. I hate it ! It takes me forever to make the big decisions in life. Oh sure I can jump up and say "lets follow a rock band around the country tomorrow" with no thoughts whatsoever. But anything big takes forever.
For most of 2002 I wieghed up about 2 million options with regards to selling my house.
I bought my home 10 and a half years ago and the plan was that it would be my home for life. Its 11km out of the CBD and roughly 25 minutes in on the bus. A three bedroom home on a quarter acre block. The great aussie dream.
And for those 10 years I have felt happy and settled.
But last year I started feeling unsettled. I got sick of new busdrivers who didnt know the route. I got sick of the sound of kids playing footy in the street. I am really really sick of trying to maintain such a flaming large yard.
I started to want to try life in the inner city area. My city is way behind many with regards to inner city living. Its really only come about in the past 3 years and now there is a tonne of developement going on.
I want to walk to work. I want to have loads of fun things available to me on a boring sunday arvo. Something the 'burbs cant offer a non driver. I want to be surrounded by people who think like me and that aint happening in the 'burbs where everyone wants to breed !! The terminally single are all moving into the city to get away from the suburban breeding couples !!!!!
I can basically triple my profit if I sell tomorrow and would be able to purchase a nice townhouse with cute courtyard with only a negligable mortgage.
So why arent I rushing out and hammering that for sale sign into my front yard ????
The thought of packing up ten years worth of stuff ???
Arghhhhhhhhhhhh I know its what I want to do - but unlike so many of my friends who buy and sell houses yearly - I just cant make myself make the break.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
I was talking with my friend yesterday and it dawned to me that I really like women. Women like Rudi Bakhtiar and Heidi Collins. I want to skip the "fun" and the "experimenting" and the "games"... avoid girls, forget about parties and being young and all the superficialities that come with being... superficial(!), etc. since those are things I don't like. If there is anything in life I would want for myself is a woman such as them. I finally got it all figured. Then I told this new revelation of mine to mother.
"No sh!t, Sherlock. You and an army of a million guys want a woman like that," she said mockingly.
At least, that's how it translates from Spanish to English.
D@mn! And I thought I had it all figured out, but then I saw that, currently, I am living out of a shoebox, playing with other people's money, am a few points away from academic probation after my trial in physics and analytical chemistry (surprisingly, I passed biochemistry because I did really really really good in the final - one of the greatest comebacks in my academic life. This also means there were people who failed that class... wow! There are people even lower in the food chain hahahaha!). Plus, I can't get into a decent workshop/internship/research because of my lackluster grades; I am a bona fide liability in a lab as far as they can tell! But then, I wonder how I'm supposed to get any hands-on experience if it weren't for the opportunity to screw things up in a learning setting...
Self-reflectingly, self-deprecatingly... in reality I am just a boy and I loathe that fact with a burning passion.
Oh yeah! And I've started drinking all kinds of junk again: Coffee, Red Bull, red wine, Coca Cola, etc.
Other than that, life is great! Pardon me while I reel and dance away the dizzying array of failure that this has turned out to be... Hahahaha. Front 242 has never sounded so good as to-day.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
I'm getting married in September, my daughter will be coming back to live with me again in May and early next year we're moving out of the city and into the mountains to live. ;D
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
I'm getting married in September, my daughter will be coming back to live with me again in May and early next year we're moving out of the city and into the mountains to live. ;D
End Quote
Gosh, that sounds like a fairy tale come true! :) Congratulations to you, Goreripper!
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Gosh, that sounds like a fairy tale come true! :) Congratulations to you, Goreripper!
End Quote
Thanks PoP! :) Maybe I should change my nick to Flowers and Butterflies now? ;D
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Thanks PoP! :) Maybe I should change my nick to Flowers and Butterflies now? ;D
End Quote
And ruin your "professional metalhead" image? ;D
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
there's only four days until my birthday, and a year and four days until i can drive. ;D (that's a scary thought!)
i went bowling last night. my hand/wrist is kind of sore even though i used a six pound ball. (i injured my hand a month ago...note to self, sixteen pound bowling balls are HEAVY!)
um. i went snowboarding back in january and screwed up my left knee. and last monday, some dumbass kid at my school pushed me over in the hall, causing me to slide across the floor in my knees...a week later, the pain is finally lessening! (is that a word?)
my parents will kill me when my report card comes, as my biology grade is pretty bad...it was a 73 BEFORE midterms, and i got a 68 on midterms, which means i probably have about a 71 now... :( i thought my grade was okay, considering i don't understand anything about biology except genetics. :-/ on the up side though, i do have a 90 in geometry! :D (except now we're learning square roots...auf wiedersehen to my A-...) and i have a 97 in german; wonder what i got on that midterm...
my brother is on a baseball team, his basketball league finished two weeks ago, he wants to join track and football. i can't argue with that, the more activities he's in, the less i have to see him. (we don't get along very well, if you couldn't tell)
i'm actually becoming more social than i ever have been, which is weird for me. i've been really antisocial my whole life and now i'm actually leaving my house...and singing in public and yelling at people i don't know!! :o i scare myself sometimes. ;D
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
I am a libran. End Quote
I read that as "I am a librarian."
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Well, I was laid off from my job the last week of July...
Now, I'm finding things difficult, because full time jobs in my area require that you be there at 8am. My daughter's school bus does not arrive till 9am.
End Quote
Not much of a practical change for me. Still looking for work, but I am getting far more interviews than before...
I've decided the school department is full of dummies, because they are upset with me that my daughter has not made any progress in her special-needs classes. When I asked them specifically what things they are teaching her, all I get for an answer is "HUH??? US????"
GRRR. I've got a meeting set up with them later this week, where I intend to threaten them with public humiliation, an possible legal action.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
I'm just running my station, working my two jobs and bowling often.
I bowled the first perfect 300 game of my life last night! Mucho celebrating on that one!
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
For almost a year, I have been dieting. I've lost almost 170 pounds. I have decided to go back to school. I am looking for a job. I have also met a really nice guy. :) So my life is going good...for now, at least.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Well...I was born (yeah!), had a very whacked and deranged childhood, watched my parents split up, let go of some stupid friends. I got a bass guitar (a turning point in my life....I love my bass :)) got used to living in two houses...and finally started making some of my clothes cuz I hate storebought stuff. And of course, somewhere in the middle of all this I found Amiright. :D Memories...
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
I'm just running my station, working my two jobs and bowling often.
I bowled the first perfect 300 game of my life last night! Mucho celebrating on that one!
End Quote
300 game? You must be kidding me! :o If I bowled against you,I'm pretty sure you'd beat the snot out of me! Guaranteed.My bowling sucks lately. ;D
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
300 game? You must be kidding me! :o If I bowled against you,I'm pretty sure you'd beat the snot out of me! Guaranteed.My bowling sucks lately. ;D
End Quote
but have you ever bowled a 22? :D i actually bowled a 70-something...the sad part was, that's my highest score yet! ;D
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
300 game? You must be kidding me! :o If I bowled against you,I'm pretty sure you'd beat the snot out of me! Guaranteed.My bowling sucks lately. ;D
End Quote
No kidding. Now, if only it had been in league play instead of during practice. But to me, a 300 is still a 300. I had that one printed out and put on my wall next to my PC. Normally, I'm a 199 average.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
For almost a year, I have been dieting. I've lost almost 170 pounds. I have decided to go back to school. I am looking for a job. I have also met a really nice guy. :) So my life is going good...for now, at least.
End Quote
Jessica I am so pleased to see how well everything is working out for you. You deserve it! 'Momma Zella' says "good job, girl!" :D :D
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
but have you ever bowled a 22? :D i actually bowled a 70-something...the sad part was, that's my highest score yet! ;D
End Quote
My highest last year in my bowling league was a 184 with 6 strikes in a row.I couldn't believe when I saw it :o But last December,I pulled a hamstring which made me unable to bend down and roll the ball so I went to the doctor and that's what he said,I just pulled my muscle!But after my injury healed,I was doing better and now I feel my bowling's not that great like it used to be. Oh Well! I might be quitting my Bowling league.After all,I have a medal,2 trophys and an award for 1st and 3rd places.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
In a couple of weeks I have a meeting with VESID.If any of you don't know what it is,VESID helps you to get put in a job placement program.What I'm doin right now,is a job training program and they're not helping me for peanuts.I wanna be able to work again,make real money and make an income.The paychecks there really stink! >:(
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Well, I'm only trying to pull my way along the endless road of grade 7. ShellyGal and I are part of a group of 9 (out of 32!) that have been at our school (of 500) since junior kindergarten (10 god damn years!) And yes, I know, it gets worse. :-/ Anyway, it can't be all that bad. I'm enjoying the privelages of being a teenager. ;D I can count them on one hand. Every day is an endless battle with some B!tchs with a capital B. ShellyGal, you know who I mean. I have also acquired a new habbit of making interesting noises againt my will, and laughing on any given Sunday.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Nothing much happening here.everything is quiet so to speak.I'm hoping to find a new Young Adult Program soon to go to on Fridays.The last one I've went to,been there for 10 years and been hanging with a bunch of retarded people or people who were inferior than I was.I just need one that has guys of my own smart-level. :)
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
i got my report card recently and i have a 72 in biology. :( sadly, the grade was better than i thought i was getting! but i'm quite pissed at the fact that my gym grade is a 74. i was on modified gym, which is where you write reports instead of participating. i wrote two reports (since the stupid gym teacher told me i only needed to write two) and i got an 80 and a 90. on the quizzes, i got A's and B's (except for one, i got a 55), and in weight lifting, i have something like an 89. but NOOOO! the gym teacher gives me a C. >:( i know i'm not the most athletic person and i know that i don't deserve an A, but what can you really do in gym class when you can't jump or run? you can do nothing, really. so then the b!tch goes off and yells at me that i can take any part of gym class that i want to and basically tells me that i'm lying about my injury. and the worst part is that physical education counts for your freaken GPA! >:( i miss my old gym/health teacher, he was at least nice to me and actually let us stop and get drinks of water during class! :'(
but on the up side, i do have a 90 in geometry, an 87 in art, and a 97 in german! :D
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
For almost a year, I have been dieting. I've lost almost 170 pounds. I have decided to go back to school. I am looking for a job. I have also met a really nice guy. :) So my life is going good...for now, at least.
End Quote
Jessica! Amazing things going on in your life. Way to go girl. Where do you get such great motivation and determination. You must be so proud of yourself. You're a great person and you deserve the best.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Well I'm happy!
I met someone this weekend at a friend's BBQ
We hooked up again the next night at the pub, then onto a club.... then onto breakfast :D
All in all, a rather pleasant weekend.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Well, I met a really cool person from the boards this weekend ;)! Hubby is still working alot. :( But, the kids are healthy, and will be out of school for the summer before I know it :-/. Things are pretty good, overall. :)
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Well, I met a really cool person from the boards this weekend ;)! Hubby is still working alot. :( But, the kids are healthy, and will be out of school for the summer before I know it :-/. Things are pretty good, overall. :)
End Quote
Hey, I met a very cool somebody from here too! :D Awesome!!!
Things are kinda shaky right now in the reconciliation process with my wife and TBH, I'm not sure if we'll work it out. My bills are starting to pile up and stress me out, but other than that life is good. I may be taking another vacation in June.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Uhm...in case you missed it.....I GOT DIVORCED!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
And I am waiting on my Easter Bunny to show up...late...but still hippity hoppity on his way! ;)
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
At least you're going some way to putting your life back to normal following the divorce.
Uhm...in case you missed it.....I GOT DIVORCED!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
And I am waiting on my Easter Bunny to show up...late...but still hippity hoppity on his way! ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Uhm...in case you missed it.....I GOT DIVORCED!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
End Quote
You and me both!! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
ISIBAISIA - Whoo-hoo!
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
I went to my VESID meeting this afternoon and they told me I have to get another psychological testing which sucks! All I want to do is to get the heck out of my workshop and get a job.My life sucks. >:(
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Hmm let's see
Slept through my 24th b'day(13)
Hooked up with a friend of mine(24)
Had a boyfriend but valentine's day still sucked
My best friend lost her first and only child, she was only 1 :(
That broke my heart(1)
For the first time in my life I got FIRED, courtesy of Loews Cineplex(13) and in that same week I found out that my so called boyfriend/Friend was not such a nice guy. Our relationship went downhill.(16 or 17th I think)
Became depressed and spent the rest of March unemployed, single and bored with life.
I put my pain on paper-I sat and wrote six songs and music to go with them(1-5)
Got hired at a Supermarket(7)
Got out of depression and started hanging out again(last week of)
Tried to reconnect with previously mentioned X-boyfriend and found out some really dirty things about him(last week)
Gave up on relationships and accepted the fact that there's a 95% chance that I'm going to be single for the rest of my life. No make that 99.44%(24)
and my life has been a monotony eversince....god help me.
*at least I have my playstation*
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
school ended yesterday. now i can do some freshman stomping of my own... :D
my brother doesn't get out of school until TOMORROW! and he has to go back to school on august 25 and i go back september 3!! ;D ;D ;D
so yeah, it's all good right now.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
I'm taking driver's education three days a week, working at baseball game food stands almost every night, and I'm painting the garage. Oh, and I'm going to the grocery store later today. Then to the food stand. Again. So, every day is pretty repetitive.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Hmm let's see
Slept through my 24th b'day(13)
Hooked up with a friend of mine(24)
Had a boyfriend but valentine's day still sucked
My best friend lost her first and only child, she was only 1 :(
That broke my heart(1)
For the first time in my life I got FIRED, courtesy of Loews Cineplex(13) and in that same week I found out that my so called boyfriend/Friend was not such a nice guy. Our relationship went downhill.(16 or 17th I think)
Became depressed and spent the rest of March unemployed, single and bored with life.
I put my pain on paper-I sat and wrote six songs and music to go with them(1-5)
Got hired at a Supermarket(7)
Got out of depression and started hanging out again(last week of)
Tried to reconnect with previously mentioned X-boyfriend and found out some really dirty things about him(last week)
Gave up on relationships and accepted the fact that there's a 95% chance that I'm going to be single for the rest of my life. No make that 99.44%(24)
and my life has been a monotony eversince....god help me.
*at least I have my playstation*
End Quote
Only 24 and throwing in the towel? Enjoy your playstation, but don't give up the ship. As far as I'm concerned, your still (almost) just a baby ;D Wish I was 24 again :'( So many possibilities, so much to do. DO IT :D
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
In addition to going on our first sail of the summer tomorrow ;D and the fact that I am getting married to CAT in Oct. (and she DOES look like Julie Newmar ;)) I have new glasses - those progressive lenses - and I'm having trouble with them. They just don't seem natural. Oh well.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
My life is pretty normal right now. My friend just had a party, and her friend's band played at it...they were pretty good, had some great originals and pulled off some good performances of White Stripes' "Seven Nation Army" and Goo Goo Dolls' "Slide".
Just made and ate some Easy Mac....I like my Easy Macs cheesy, but that was too cheesy! ;D ::)
I've made a lot of Mix Cds recently...thanks to me finally finding a CD player (unfortunately a stationary one) which plays them...Rice Cube wants me to plant a video camera somewhere so it tapes my CD players, cuz he wants to see when it'll blow up ;)...
I got some money and bought myself a drumset, but I haven't played it so much. I have no patience when it comes to practicing, so I rarely practice, and my parents were kinda pissed when they saw I wasn't practicing...but my friend who plays bass said thats how he started out, and that he's the same way when it comes to patience, but it worked out and stuff. So hopefully I will go on to become a successful drummer.
My mp3 player is temporarily out-of-service, until I replace the worn-out batteries...guess I recharged them too many times...
While having writer's block with parodies, I've been writing a lot of originals recently...mainly ones that overexaggerate petty situations and make them seem all depressing and angsty and stuff...kind of like how my friends have been recently, overdramatic and whiny....I know, I know, I shouldn't be talking, I do it too, but at least I realize it.
I'm being cynical today... :D ::)
I've finally gained the confidence to conquer the typical stereotype of only girls on DiaryLand, and got me an account there myself. It kinda made me feel comfortable seeing other, cynical, non-feminine ::) guys there with accounts. Now, if only I could get it working... ::)
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
-I finally quit my Bowling team ;D
-right now,I may have to stay in my sheltered workshop for a while.My VESID counselor is still helping me.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Thanks for asking Howard. :D
I've flicked through the boards and I can not get over the honesty depicted in them - it is very refreshing. I would like to say to Kay, after having suffered from depression myself, I hope that you can really find that self-worth in your heart. I feel for you already.
As for me, I have stook with my boring job for over 12 months and I think the monotony is getting to me. The people at work are 'one track minded' (just talk about getting pissed) and maybe it's time to move on - the only thing stopping me is that the money is good for what I am doing.
I have lived with my girlfriend and her son for 6 months. We are very happy even though we are going through the 'feeling out' process. We get annoyed with each other but we always talk about our problems - which are very few relatively speaking.
My brother came down south from the Midlands to stay at my mums for a week (who doesn't live far from me) and he didn't even phone, never mind visit - it hurt but I try to except the situation.
Thanks very much for listening. :)
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Thanks for asking Howard. :D
I've flicked through the boards and I can not get over the honesty depicted in them - it is very refreshing. I would like to say to Kay, after having suffered from depression myself, I hope that you can really find that self-worth in your heart. I feel for you already.
As for me, I have stook with my boring job for over 12 months and I think the monotony is getting to me. The people at work are 'one track minded' (just talk about getting pissed) and maybe it's time to move on - the only thing stopping me is that the money is good for what I am doing.
I have lived with my girlfriend and her son for 6 months. We are very happy even though we are going through the 'feeling out' process. We get annoyed with each other but we always talk about our problems - which are very few relatively speaking.
My brother came down south from the Midlands to stay at my mums for a week (who doesn't live far from me) and he didn't even phone, never mind visit - it hurt but I try to except the situation.
Thanks very much for listening. :)
End Quote
6 months? really? :D I had a girlfriend for almost 5 years and she broke up with me in October 2001 and lately I've had a chance to go out and find me one.I'd like to wait till I get a good decent job cause I wouldn't want them to laugh at me now cause I attend a sheltered workshop the mentally retarded.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
I'm sorry to hear that you've seen better times. :-/
What is a workshop for the retarded? If you don't mind me saying, you don't sound like you're retarded in any way whatsoever. I think a lot of the stuff you put on the boards is really funny.
I was going out with my girlfriend 2 weeks before I lost my previous job. She was very supportive and this made me more determined to get another one.
I'm sure your breaks will come, Howard. ;)
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
An update on my exciting life:
Well, I wrote a song today. Hooray! It's about time...
Anyway, yeah, I've gotten back into my songwriting... and let's not forget the exams that I've just taken - getting the results in August, and am promised good grades.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
I'm sorry to hear that you've seen better times. :-/
What is a workshop for the retarded? If you don't mind me saying, you don't sound like you're retarded in any way whatsoever. I think a lot of the stuff you put on the boards is really funny.
I was going out with my girlfriend 2 weeks before I lost my previous job. She was very supportive and this made me more determined to get another one.
I'm sure your breaks will come, Howard. ;)
End Quote
A sheltered workshop is a place for people who can't work at the moment but I can work but I am stuck there until I try to get myself outta the place.The shop has people who are lower functioning than I am.I on the other hand are quite intelligent.
5 years was a long time to go out.The bored part is after almost 2 years(October 2001),the pain is not there anymore and feeling lost without a girl.I've moved on and kinda laid back in finding a woman at the moment.
Howard ;D
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
My little update is that on Friday I had a wisdom tooth out and it still aches like heck.
Then on Saturday morning I put a for sale ad in the paper for my house and by lunch time it was SOLD !!
Then on Sunday I went looking for a new home and found my dream luxury innercity apartment with huge courtyards and loads of storage so I dont have to throw everything out !! And my offer was accepted yesterday !!!!!!
SO I am mentally exhausted and my brain wont let me sleep !!
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
I was born. I breathe. Mostly I laugh. Very little, I cry. Sometimes I feel other emotions. Things have happened to me and around me. Other things have not. I gave birth to three children that I love very much, and now I have met a wonderful man who is more important to me than life itself. (putting the cart before the horse isn't it Shazzy? LOL).
That covers the first 32 years. :)
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Yesterday I decided that I was changing my name to "Subaru Forrester."
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Yesterday I decided that I was changing my name to "Subaru Forrester."End Quote
Tell us more. Why 'Subaru Forrester'? I'm intrigued. :)
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
tomorrow, i'm going with some of my friends to a mall of some sort to celebrate my one friend's birthday. then on friday, i'm volunteering at a harry potter book release party which ends at about 1:00 saturday morning. then at 13:00 i'm going to a party at my other friend's house, and i'm spending the night there. then on sunday, i'm going to my cousin's graduation party and we have to be there between 13:30 and 14:00 and whenever i sleep over that friend's house, we end up going to bed at like 5:00 and then sleeping until noon, so this shall be an interesting sleep-deprived weekend entitled "caffeine is my friend." (that was one enormous run-on sentence.)
and also, i finally figured out what i want a tattoo of.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Crap is happening in my life so far. >:(
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
I've been off work for most of the week through sickness. I keep getting dizzy spells and headaches.
My doctor says that my blood pressure is high. I'm not too worried. I'm staying off until next week. :)
I bought a printer and a scanner as well! The scanner was cheap - it was the only reason why I would consider buying one).
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Cool bring-back of thread, JammyOldies.
Basically, I've just started Year 12. That's College for all us 16-18 year old Brits.
End Quote
I'm intending to return to my school and join the sixth form. I just sat my GCSEs and will sit another maths exam next week. Two subjects I want to study in sixth form are art and French. I also want to take ICT, but that isn't listed in the columns and it says computing instead. My dad told me that computing is difficult because you have to be good at maths.
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Back in school pulling my hair out with 8 week modmester courses for my B.S. in Technology Management >:(
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Though things are kinda starting to look up for me, I can't help but feel a little bit stressed out. It's just that I feel like no matter how hard I try, my work NEVER pays off.
Anyways I have one positive update, I'm finally getting my writing published!!
Thanks for the words of inspiration, it's the little things that keep me sane(and about 5 hours of mindless pillaging in Grand Theft Auto:Vice CIty). ;D
Only 24 and throwing in the towel? Enjoy your playstation, but don't give up the ship. As far as I'm concerned, your still (almost) just a baby ;D Wish I was 24 again :'( So many possibilities, so much to do. DO IT :D
End Quote
Subject: Re: what's happening in your life so far?
Well,hopefully I'll be getting a volunteer site real soon working at my Library.Haven't voluntereed in 5 years.
On a depressing note,My Mother will be going for a biopsy(MRI) on her left breast so doctors can remove the calcium(that's if there's is anymore.)Hopefully not.I'll pray for her.She's only 60. :'(