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Subject: What really annoys you ?
I thought there was a thread about this, but I could only find the one about annoying things that people say....
So here goes :
What cheesuz me orff .....
People who get off an escalator, and stop moving :o >:(
I mean, for goodness' sake, what incredible lack of thought process is going through their minds at the time ? Have they never had it happen to them ? It's so much fun for the people following....
What irritates you ?
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Hypocrits and liars. ???
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
I know it's been done once before, but the thing that really p***es me off is people who stand in front of their buggies at a supermarket/discount store/etc. and then pay for their purchases with a check; and then stand there while the person behind them (sometimes me) gets mad because he can't start unloading his purchases, and then the cash-register operator starts ringing up your purchase before you can see what's going on!
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
I know it's been done once before, but the thing that really p***es me off is people who stand in front of their buggies at a supermarket/discount store/etc. and then pay for their purchases with a check; and then stand there while the person behind them (sometimes me) gets mad because he can't start unloading his purchases, and then the cash-register operator starts ringing up your purchase before you can see what's going on!
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Along the same line students who buy milk and a loaf of bread and then get their chequebook out and start writing one for less than 2 pounds Grrrrrr.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
mean people and rude drivers >:(
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Businesses who send their staff out on their own lunchtime, to do the banking for the business, which takes forever, when I'm behind them in the line, and only want to withdraw/deposit $ 10 >:(
Along the same line :
Little old ladies (or little old men) who choose lunchtime to attend the bank to deposit their collection of WW1 & 2 pennies......and they count each one out.....
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
What about banks or the post office who only have two cashiers on at lunchtime so you spend the whole of yours in the queue!
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
What about banks or the post office who only have two cashiers on at lunchtime so you spend the whole of yours in the queue!
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Right On ! :D
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Bad grammar. Esp. public media. The proliferation of which can be traced to thinking PC SpellCheck can do it all. It's only been 10-15 years since I noticed errors and glitches *all the time* in mags and papers - and also on TV, etc.
One of my real peeves is "underway". Since when is that 1 word like "underwear"?
(Forgive my grammar in here - I cut corners alot cuz of time and carpal tunnel issues.)
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
..only joking ;-)
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
John Mayer. John Mayer annoys me to no end.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Most people annoy me.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
People that don't know how to drive, which where I live is practically everyone except Mrs. Midas & me.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
What cheesuz me orff .....
People who get off an escalator, and stop moving :o >:(
End Quote
Lol thats so true! Also, what about when they break down and you have to climb up them like steps - but the size of them is double the size of a normal big step. It's almost like doing full lunges to get up somehwere! But other then that - escalators are cool - I once asked my mom for some for Xmas when I was 3 ;D (Your guess as to whther I got them or not is *slightly* predictable :))
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Okay, I have to admit, a lot of things annoy me. One of the most recent is people with bad hygine. I'm not talking about people who just got finished working outdoors all day, I'm talking about people who just don't bathe. People with foul odors from all parts (and I do mean all parts) of their bodies who come in to talk to me and because it's my job, I have to talk to them, and I have to sit relatively close to them sometimes to go over things in books with them. These people annoy me.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Rude and inconsiderate people!
It also annoys me to hear people using bad grammar. It makes them sound like they're uneducated! ::)
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
wen pplz talk lyke this and ur trying to have a convo w/ sum peepz on the internet n u dont have a clue about wut theyr sayin bcuz they have to abbreviate evry word
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Okay, I have to admit, a lot of things annoy me. One of the most recent is people with bad hygine. I'm not talking about people who just got finished working outdoors all day, I'm talking about people who just don't bathe. People with foul odors from all parts (and I do mean all parts) of their bodies who come in to talk to me and because it's my job, I have to talk to them, and I have to sit relatively close to them sometimes to go over things in books with them. These people annoy me.
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I don't envy you your job!!! :o
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Now, one thing that really annoys me recently is local automobile dealership commercials which proclaim that you should come see them with "good credit, bad credit or no credit" and that "no credit application will be refused"! Well, duh!!! Of course no application will be refused... IMO it's just a way to hook people in who have no chance at all of getting a loan, and it's very annoying!
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
everything annoys me especially people who tells someone not to paw someone else when they do it too, and people who don't let you express your opinons, people who don't like who you are, Kids,people who don't watch their kids, ect......I can go on for ever
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
What annoys me is a co-worker of ours by the name of Ralph who has gay antics(but is not gay,but sure acts like it)hasn't had a haircut in god knows how many years ::),hardly ever shaves,smells a lot(body odor included),and tries to touch me and says"Howie,I love you,I want to marry you in a gay marriage"and then almost shows me his manhood.One word to describe him.....SIIIICCCCKK FREEEEAK!Stop touching the guys or he'll get suspended.It almost happended but that never came about.I wonder why. -howard- :)
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
One of my real peeves is "underway". Since when is that 1 word like "underwear"?
End Quote
underway - Nautical. Neither anchored nor moored to a fixed object.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Thanks for the thread, Fuss. ;)
A co-worker of mine annoys me for many reasons (I'll try not to rant to much). For starters, she takes no pride in the way she looks. I'm all about "bad-hair" days and "doggin' it" days, but she could give a care less about how she looks - and she deals w/ customers all day long. There's high maintenance, low maintenance and no maintenance (I'm sure you guys know which category she falls in). She's rude (has no problem burping in front of customers), she picks her nose and eats what she finds (I am not kidding) and she digs up her butt (and I mean DIGS - not just pulls out a wedgie) in front of anyone who is standing there.
On top of all of that, she's got this "one-up" mentality. No matter what you've done, she's done it better, bigger and more often. She corrects you on everything you say. For instance, if you mis-pronounce someone's last name she's the first one to embarrass you and tell you you're wrong. She treats everyone like they're idiots, and she's even made some customers mad w/ some of the things she's said.
Everyone hates her (perhaps hate is too strong of a word), and the strange thing is she has no clue. You would think that for being as "smart" as she is, she would realize the err of her ways and actually do something to change things. Firing her is not an option at this time, so we must all deal with her antics.
OK, that was a long rant - but it was needed.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
What really annoys me is people in no position of authority telling everybody else at work what their job is. It's bad enough that the authoritarians have to repeat "Do your job" like a mantra. It's another thing that people with the same grade as you say do this or such and such will happen to you and YOU ONLY. And they believe they are exempt because they've been at the office longer than you have. It's just so frustrating and annoying. >:(
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
When people continually Butcher The National Anthem by not singing it traditional......many more things annoy me but that is the one I am posting for now....early day tomorrow ;)
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
What really annoys me is people in no position of authority telling everybody else at work what their job is. It's bad enough that the authoritarians have to repeat "Do your job" like a mantra. It's another thing that people with the same grade as you say do this or such and such will happen to you and YOU ONLY. And they believe they are exempt because they've been at the office longer than you have. It's just so frustrating and annoying. >:(
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Oh my gosh, that sounds like the girl I just described. Do you know her? ;)
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
It might be her long lost sister. ::) ;)
Oh my gosh, that sounds like the girl I just described. Do you know her? ;)
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Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
My roommate annoys me. Boy does he ever annoy me.
Periodically, he will announce "I gotta take a s***." As if I asked. He has the worst taste in music. Perhaps this is just some wrongheaded thinking on my part, but a college-age guy should not be listening to Mandy Moore. He'll tell me, "Chris, I am a LADIES MAN. Oh yeah," because some girl wants him to help her with her homework. Ba-pssch. For two years, I single-handedly got A's for half my German class, which included several hot girls; I made some good friends from it, but I didn't get date one (from that class at least). He's really, annoyingly cocky about how buff he is (he's buffer than I am) and how smart he is (NOT smarter than I am).
Oh yes, and he calls me "Chris," but I'm okay with that now.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Also, everything Creed has done and will ever do annoys me.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Not getting a "courtesy wave" when I go out of my way to let somebody in in traffic.
People who don't pick up after their dogs. Or neuter them. Or keep them in a yard/on a leash. Or train them. Okay, just irresponsible dog-owners, how about that?
MEN WHO DON'T TAKE THE WEIGHTS OFF THE BARBELLS AT THE GYM. (Oooooh, I'm so impressed at how much you picked up. Wowee. And thanks for making sure I noticed by making me put it back, jerkwad.)
And ya know, now that you mention it, the guy from Creed really bugs me too.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
I like the guy from Creed. The guy from Godsmack is another story altogether. >:(
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
The guy from Godsmack is another story altogether. >:(
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The group name alone annoys me.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
I hate the name to. I also hate the name System of a Down.
The group name alone annoys me.
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Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Sully from Godsmack is certainly annoying with his whole Wiccan "respect the mother earth" spiel, but he's nowhere close on the annoying scale like Scott Stapp. I truly despise this man as much as it is possible to loathe someone you've never met.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Then we must agree to disagree, because IMHO, a so-called rock star who professes Wiccan tree hugging is more annoying that a man who professes to be a Christian. That's the same reason why I stopped liking Michael Stipe and Eddie Vedder.
Sully from Godsmack is certainly annoying with his whole Wiccan "respect the mother earth" spiel, but he's nowhere close on the annoying scale like Scott Stapp. I truly despise this man as much as it is possible to loathe someone you've never met.
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Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Incessantly barking dogs.
Other than that, not much. I am not easily annoyed, unless I am hungry, then I can get grumpy.... ::)
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Not getting a "courtesy wave" when I go out of my way to let somebody in in traffic.
People who don't pick up after their dogs. Or neuter them. Or keep them in a yard/on a leash. Or train them. Okay, just irresponsible dog-owners, how about that?
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These two things really bug me, too.
I have a neighbor that lives two houses down from me. She is a very nosy little woman. Example: My next door neighbor put flowers in front of her house...this other woman pulled them out and put in what she wanted to. Forget the fact that it isn't her property. She also has a dog that she has trained to go in the area between mine and my next door neighbors house...where our kids play. Neither one of us has a dog, we shouldn't have to go on poo patrol just to let our kids play. >:(
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
And, I like Creed...wassa matta with you people? ;)
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
...people who don't watch their kids...End Quote
What I really hate is, for example when you see a mother (or to be politically correct, primary caregiver) shopping or walking down a street, and they're not even looking at they're kids and just walking ahead. Not holding on to their hands, and just letting them drift off behind them. I have this thing about it beacuse it looks to me like these kids are so unloved and not cared for which is so horrible.
I once saw this 'primary caregiver' walking down the local high street with two kids who could not have been more than 3 and 5 just wondering off in every direction. She walked on for about 10 metres and then as she looked back, she saw the kids wern't following so she went and grabbed them both by the wrists and pushed them forward. I was just casaully looking outside the window whilst in Starbucks and saw the whole thing - I couldn't beleive it.
I'm guessing that Alicia was probbaly on a completely different wave length, well, the more 'traidtional' wave length when she said the above comment :)
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Oh, I don't hate the guy for professing Christian values. Nothing wrong with that. He is a bit sanctimonious about it, but he annoys me in many other different ways. The humorless, numbingly serious interviews. The terrible music. The oh-so-symbolic Jesus Christ poses. The hilarious but still awful facial expressions. The incredibly, mindblowingly pretentious videos. The "every song we do deals with Christ but we're not a Christian band" stance. The enormous ego. Probably some other stuff I hate about him that I can't remember right now.
And this goes without saying, but telemarketers. Fortunately, my family is half-Asian so I can usually spot them easily enough.
"Hello, may I speak to... How-ang... gan Tran?"
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Nothing wrong with that. He is a bit sanctimonious about it, but he annoys me in many other different ways. The humorless, numbingly serious interviews. The terrible music. The oh-so-symbolic Jesus Christ poses. The hilarious but still awful facial expressions. The incredibly, mindblowingly pretentious videos. The "every song we do deals with Christ but we're not a Christian band" stance. The enormous ego. Probably some other stuff I hate about him that I can't remember right now.
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I agree with you on that! Sometimes I wonder if he thinks he's Jesus or something... ::)
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
All I know is that I'm SO glad I never got the tattoo that I wanted. Right after Blaine died I wanted the guy to put a "Godsmack" logo on my arm but I told him to put "SmackGod"....after we talked a bit and I calmed down he designed me a beautiful dedication one to my late son. First instincts aren't always best....especially when you're angry ;)
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
underway - Nautical. Neither anchored nor moored to a fixed object.
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Why did I know that you would address this? :D
In fact, I think that's where I 1st saw this abuse, at the shipyard probably in specs. But at the same time, I could swear I saw it there correctly. It's like this (as well as other MIL inventions w/no basis in correct grammar) has actually spread to the general world.
"Ship is under way" - simply means it's moving out. We still SAY it like it's 2 words - that space means pause; try saying it fast like "underwear" and see how it doesn't even sound right! Write "Ship is underway" and you have, subject noun-linking verb-(noun or adjective or verb?). If you have to question what kind of word it is, it's wrong.
I'm not an English major and can't describe it well, but it's wrong, I don't care what modern Webster's or MIL says! Aaarrgggh! :-X
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Speaking of co-workers.....at the risk of sounding mean.....
I have this man I had to take on as my project "underling" last year. He's no longer working w/me since our project is done, but he does sit near me across the aisle. He is EXTREMELY nice and selfless. He's always incredibly goony-happy. He's always in your face to see if he can do anything. Personally, too! He doesn't get it when you indicate you don't want to talk anymore and lingers for 5 min, looking over your shoulder. IT DRIVES ME NUTS!
I don't want to sound mean about a "nice" person. I hate how often 1 hears someone complain about someone being "nice" and "goody-goody" or something, usually in a sneering manner like they're too cool for them. I've never known anyone my whole I would sneer at for being "goody-goody" always-happy-help-you-carry-your-bags-do-all-your-work until now.
So I swear, I do not make a habit of sneering at everyone who's genuinely nice (in any or all ways). It's just that he's a real pain sometimes and even annoying how he talks (way too goony-happy for work). Kind of like the waiter who keeps coming over to take things away, ask if you want more, put things right, every 3 min! ::)
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Families who stroll six abreast down the pavement so no one behind them can get past. And they go soooo slowly. I hate to think what they're like behind the wheel.
Morons who pay for two items at the check-out with a credit card, and one of them is a chocolate bar.
People who visit your house and use a clean, fresh glass everytime they get a drink instead of rinsing out the same one.
Lazy a-holes who can't get a park within ten feet of the door to the mall, so they park in the disabled space (a mall near where I used to live actually employed someone to book everyone who did this).
Lazy a-holes who can't get a park within ten feet of the door to the mall, so they drive around reeeeeealll slow until someone pulls out of one. Then they take five minutes to park there.
Idiots who stop to talk on stairs and in doorways.
Dumba--es who make three separate transactions at the ATM while the line grows behind them, then actually go into the bank. What for?
Selfish imbeciles who ring me at work to complain about the noise because a fire truck just went past with its siren on at 9pm (or anytime, really).
Fools who think their car is an indestructible living room with absolute right of way.
Morons who buy a new car and then say, "The stereo system is awesome!"
People who ask the station attendant where the next train is going after the announcement has been played twice already.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
The subway freakin'annoys the hell outta me.I just can't stand when the doors open when in the middle of rushhour and everyone struggles to find a seat.I hate when passengers play"MUSICAL CHAIRS".Like,pick a damn seat already! It's like they have to choose where to sit like they're trying to avoid eye contact or somethin'.stupid idiots. >:( ::) -howard-
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
The last subway I've been to was in Frankfurt, Germany when I was 5 years old. It isn't a very comforting place to be in. :-/
The subway freakin'annoys the hell outta me.I just can't stand when the doors open when in the middle of rushhour and everyone struggles to find a seat.I hate when passengers play"MUSICAL CHAIRS".Like,pick a damn seat already! It's like they have to choose where to sit like they're trying to avoid eye contact or somethin'.stupid idiots. >:( ::) -howard-
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Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
stupid moronic co-workers of mine. -howard- ;D
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
This has happened a lot to me this week in particular....
I'm at the bus station. There are at least 10 different bus routes going through here. There is a tiny little box right in the middle, were everyone can see it, for the purpose of asking the guy (or girl) inside where each bus goes, when the next one is going to leave and any other thing you can think of.
On top of that, there are two supervisors wandering around (they have bright, shiny badges) and it's near a shift change so there are at least 20 more bus drivers wandering around looking for a bus to get into and start driving.
So why do people persist in pushing and shoving me so they can be the first person on the bus, and tie everything up just to ask that particular driver "does this bus go to (*where ever it is they want to go*)???
The answer is always no, and life would be so much more pleasant if numb-*** would have asked one of the wandering employees.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Some more of mine:
People who don't walk single file in supermarket aisles
People who park their buggies in supermarket aisles so that you can't get around them
People who just gawk at the items in a supermarket
People who walk up moving escalators (what's your hurry? Sit back and enjoy the ride!)
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
The subway freakin'annoys the hell outta me. stupid idiots. >:( ::) -howard-
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I agree with the start and end of your statement....we only have subway restaraunts here...I HATE them >:( they have all that $ and can't hire a F*cking security guard for even just the last hour of the late shift...then just maybe Blaine would still be here.....cheap b*stards :'(
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Some more of mine:
People who don't walk single file in supermarket aisles
People who park their buggies in supermarket aisles so that you can't get around them
People who just gawk at the items in a supermarket
People who walk up moving escalators (what's your hurry? Sit back and enjoy the ride!)
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You should go to a 24-hour supermarket, so then you could shop at 3 AM with no one to bother you... ::) ;D
I hate when Wal-Mart/Kmart/whatever has their aisles so crammed you can only get one cart through.
And, like CD said, when people just STAND in front of things! Hello, I would like to get some cereal... could you please move?
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
people who stop right in front of you when you're in a rush shopping, and then have a go at you for pushing past them after you give up practically yelling "excuse me" for about five minutes.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
people who stop right in front of you when you're in a rush shopping, and then have a go at you for pushing past them after you give up practically yelling "excuse me" for about five minutes.
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Even better if 2 whole families meet and have a chat in the middle of the aisle, complete with 4 adults, 2 trolleys and a million kids >:(
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Ok, had to post this, as it just happened to me 45 minutes ago.
Going through a fast-food drive-thru, the order taker asks "Would you like to try our (special of the week) combo today?" I replied, "Yes!...and I'd like that with a (name of drink) as well as (additional item)." They came back with "Okay, and what was your first item, sir?" I'm sure they're required to "suggestively sell" but they should be required to listen to the response also b/c someone may actually want to try it!
Then, as I make my way up to the window, they ask me, "Would you like (condiments)?" to which I reply, "Yes, (specifies condiment type)." Well, being that I'm a guy and I don't tend to check my bag o' food before leaving the restaurant premises if I'm ordering for myself only, I get back to the office to find out they didn't even give me any condiments! >:(
Anyway, that's what's really annoyed me today. People who ask a question and don't listen to the answer!!!
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Another thing about fast food restaurants…
When you tell them exactly what you want, they always ask, "You want cheese on that?" I always say, "Did I say cheese?"
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Another thing about fast food restaurants…
When you tell them exactly what you want, they always ask, "You want cheese on that?" I always say, "Did I say cheese?"
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I've worked fast food, and let me say, go easy on these guys. They're probably required to ask. They've probably been berated a number of times by people complaining that there's no cheese on the food even though they didn't ask for any cheese. The number of idiot fast food workers you will deal with are probably much much less than the number of idiots the average fast food worker deals with.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
You should go to a 24-hour supermarket, so then you could shop at 3 AM with no one to bother you... ::) ;D
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I once worked in an open-24-hours-a-day supermarket, and I can tell you that 3am is the absolute worst time to try to shop. That's when the store employees are re-stocking the shelves, and there are so many boxes dumped out on the floor waiting to be put up that you literally cannot get your shopping cart down the aisle.
Once the workers have cleared the aisle, then the cleaning crew comes along and sweeps, mops, and waxes the floor. You'd be better off waiting till sometime between 6 and 7 am.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Ok, had to post this, as it just happened to me 45 minutes ago.
Going through a fast-food drive-thru, the order taker asks "Would you like to try our (special of the week) combo today?" I replied, "Yes!...and I'd like that with a (name of drink) as well as (additional item)." They came back with "Okay, and what was your first item, sir?" I'm sure they're required to "suggestively sell" but they should be required to listen to the response also b/c someone may actually want to try it!
End Quote
Here when you first pull up to the drive through the "Hello would you like to try our ____ today" is a recording so answering it gets no responce. It will Mess me up everytime.
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Here when you first pull up to the drive through the "Hello would you like to try our ____ today" is a recording so answering it gets no responce. It will Mess me up everytime.
End Quote
Then why bother to have the recording if the response is ignored? ???
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
It annoys me that at a supermarket checkout the operators give you a bored and insincere "How are you" but don't listen to the response. You could tell them you are dying of Septecimia (sp ?) and they would probably reply "that's good"
When you say "How are you" back half of them have no idea how to answer you..... ::)
FB >:(
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
When people step on my feet and give u a half a$$ apology. see I just got my cast off from a broken leg and it still hurts so they go "im sorry" And of course being the bi+ch that i am yell. Alot of things annoy me so much that i yell alot. is that bad??????????????????/
Subject: Re: What really annoys you ?
Lazy a-holes who can't get a park within ten feet of the door to the mall, so they park in the disabled space (a mall near where I used to live actually employed someone to book everyone who did this).
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OH YEAH! They should be flayed. So very not cool.
My personal pet peeve at the moment is really cool interconnected stereo/DVD/video game/television eletronic equipment that I can't figure out how to work. >:-( Four remotes? Who needs four remotes? I can get a picture, but the only sound I get is Pink off the radio.