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Subject: Name the cones...
Okay people, you wanted fresh topics.... ;)
Bobo has remarked in PAM regarding the names of my two cones....
So, here is your chance to chip in and
All reasonable suggestions will be considered and the winner will be announced after everyone has had a chance to post....
;D ;D ;D ;D
Er, BTW, there is one of each sex.... ::)
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Fred and Wilma ;D
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
On a musical thread :
Yellowstone & Voice ::)
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Er, BTW, there is one of each sex.... ::)
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How do YOU know ? ::) :o ;D
Are you a cone voyeur ? :o
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
How do YOU know ? ::) :o ;D
Are you a cone voyeur ? :o
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She probably just lifted their skirts. ;)
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
How do YOU know ? ::) :o ;D
Are you a cone voyeur ? :o
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Nah, they are very difficult to distinguish! Best way is to put them together and see if you get little coneletts... ;)
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
She probably just lifted their skirts. ;)
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LOL! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Frik & Frak
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
She probably just lifted their skirts. ;)
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Worse yet ! A cone 'Pervy' ;D
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
F. Scott and Zella…
That's Zelda! Try again…
Link and Zella…
That's Zelda! Try again…
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Worse yet ! A cone 'Pervy' ;D
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Maybe one gets on top of the other…and the one on top is female… :o :o :o ;D ;)
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Beldar and Prymaat?
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Ooooh, good one!
Wallace and Gramut
Fred and Ginger
Steve and Ike
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Lucy and Ricky
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Beldar and Prymaat?
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You read my mind TripsMom! There's 2 votes for Beldar & Prymatt. (Or is that 4 votes?)
Now that I've voiced my opinion on these "interesting" topics, I'm going back to the game board and "run up my post count, 'cause that means soooo much to me. I mean I lose sleep at night worrying someone is posting more than me. :'( ::)
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Now that I've voiced my opinion on these "interesting" topics, I'm going back to the game board and "run up my post count, 'cause that means soooo much to me. I mean I lose sleep at night worrying someone is posting more than me. :'( ::)
End Quote
LOL! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Now that I've voiced my opinion on these "interesting" topics, I'm going back to the game board and "run up my post count, 'cause that means soooo much to me. I mean I lose sleep at night worrying someone is posting more than me. :'( ::)
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Ho - Ho ! I was having a crap day till I read that :D
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
How about "Cone-y Dog" and "Cone-y Island"?
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Now that I've voiced my opinion on these "interesting" topics, I'm going back to the game board and "run up my post count, 'cause that means soooo much to me. I mean I lose sleep at night worrying someone is posting more than me. :'( ::)
End Quote
You are so evil, LOL! ;D
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Cilla Cone and I. Scream Cone?
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Work Zone & Wet Cement?
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
How about Mr Cone, and Mr Cone.
No... wait, I'm not very good at this different names thing... I'll try again later.
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Winky and Blinky!!!
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Okay, my American AS/A2 music tutor suggested these. "Steve", after Steve Reich, the famous American composer, and "Aram", after Aram Khachaturian (Armenia).
The more I think of it, the more I think... "or perhaps not".
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
But then, those are both male cone-names...
Okay, my American AS/A2 music tutor suggested these. "Steve", after Steve Reich, the famous American composer, and "Aram", after Aram Khachaturian (Armenia).
The more I think of it, the more I think... "or perhaps not".
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Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Elvis Cone
Precilla Cone
King Kone
Silly Kone
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
So Zella, whats the verdict? Have you decided on their names?
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Okay, here are the results:
Jonman gets the prize for Most Amusing :D
D.J. Midas gets the prize for Most Original 8)
Fuss gets the prize for Most Cryptic (who the heck are Yellowstone & Voice? ::) )
Don gets an "A" for effort ;)
But I'm going to have to go with the silly and absurd here, so the winner is:
(Drum Roll Please)
Winky and Blinky by SouthernSpitfire!
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Congrats SS!
But I'm going to have to go with the silly and absurd here, so the winner is:
(Drum Roll Please)
Winky and Blinky by SouthernSpitfire!
End Quote
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Okay, here are the results:
Jonman gets the prize for Most Amusing :D
D.J. Midas gets the prize for Most Original 8)
Fuss gets the prize for Most Cryptic (who the heck are Yellowstone & Voice? ::) )
Don gets an "A" for effort ;)
But I'm going to have to go with the silly and absurd here, so the winner is:
(Drum Roll Please)
Winky and Blinky by SouthernSpitfire!
End Quote
*sigh* always the bridesmaid... ;)
Congrats SS!! And thanks for the nod in the humour dep't. Zella! ;D
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Oh yes, almost forgot S.S..... your prize is an all expense paid trip for two to Greenland with the board member of your choice, guided by virtual Madeline..... :D Pack lots of blankies.... ;)
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Okay, here are the results:
Jonman gets the prize for Most Amusing :D
D.J. Midas gets the prize for Most Original 8)
Fuss gets the prize for Most Cryptic (who the heck are Yellowstone & Voice? ::) )
Don gets an "A" for effort ;)
But I'm going to have to go with the silly and absurd here, so the winner is:
(Drum Roll Please)
Winky and Blinky by SouthernSpitfire!
Oh yes, almost forgot S.S..... your prize is an all expense paid trip for two to Greenland with the board member of your choice, guided by virtual Madeline..... Pack lots of blankies....
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Congrats SS! I've heard Greenland is nice!
Thank you for the honorable mention, Z. Those are the names I usually see posted near cones I've seen (those and the ones named "Keep Left"). :)
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Oh yes, almost forgot S.S..... your prize is an all expense paid trip for two to Greenland with the board member of your choice, guided by virtual Madeline..... :D Pack lots of blankies.... ;)
End Quote
oh my *sniff, sniff* I am so honored *waves to the crowd*
You like me...you really like me....
Ok..enough of that crap!! But thanks Zella....a trip to Greenland with the member of my choice?? Hum...I need the trip myself...I LOVE cold weather!!! But if I take the right board member with me...I won't need alot of blankies!! ;)
So....who wants to go with me??
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
*Jonman raises his hand and waves wildly*
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Congratulations SS :D I'm not sure how a good ol' boy bird and a dixie chick would fair way up there in the frozen north but I'm willing to try it if you are.
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Sorry, I don't want to go. I don't want to go up there and freeze my @$$ off.
After the contest closed, I thought of a third:
Frank and Kathie
(after Frank and Kathie Lee Gifford)
I really wanted to name the female cone Zella…
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
*Jonman raises his hand and waves wildly*
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Yes, there probably are a lot of penguins up there in Greenland for you to make friends with.... ;) Have fun! :D
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Hey SS
Congrats !
But watch out for virtual Madeline.....
I had a bad experience with her once early on - I still have the emotional scars to prove it :( :'(
Zella Whaddaya mean - who were Yellowstone and Voice
They sung "Well Hello"
"...Well Hello, Well Hello, Fancy Meeeting You Here, Lovely To See You, Sit Anywhere..."
Didn't they have it over there ? LOL :D
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Hey SS
Congrats !
But watch out for virtual Madeline.....
I had a bad experience with her once early on - I still have the emotional scars to prove it :( :'(
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Still trying to get behind door number three, eh? ;D
Zella Whaddaya mean - who were Yellowstone and Voice
They sung "Well Hello"
"...Well Hello, Well Hello, Fancy Meeeting You Here, Lovely To See You, Sit Anywhere..."
Didn't they have it over there ? LOL :D
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Was it post 1981? You know how good my musical knowlege was post 1981... ::)
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Still trying to get behind door number three, eh? ;DEnd Quote
Well there was a PROMISE she would return.... ::)
Quoting:Was it post 1981? You know how good my musical knowlege was post 1981... ::)
End Quote
In a word - NO !
PS I thought it was post 77
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Congratulations SS :D I'm not sure how a good ol' boy bird and a dixie chick would fair way up there in the frozen north but I'm willing to try it if you are.
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Sorry Hossy....but I must got with the mooseman from mooseland on this one...being from Canada....I bet he knows a thing or two about cold and ice! Plus he is already friends with all the penguins!
But if Zella ever gives away a trip to the Everglades...you and I are there, dude...for some 'gator wrestling! Two hicks from the sticks!
*Jonman raises his hand and waves wildly*
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Ok Jonman...ready to go?
Pack light...I got the blankets and the sox! But don't forget your 'spear' ;) ;)
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Ok Jonman...ready to go?
Pack light...I got the blankets and the sox! But don't forget your 'spear' ;) ;)
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Yay!! You, me and the penguins!! But I should warn you that penguins don't wear sox...still it should be the best ever!!
I've got my spear!! Woooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooo!!
Subject: Re: Name the cones...
Sorry Hossy....but I must got with the mooseman from mooseland on this one...being from Canada....I bet he knows a thing or two about cold and ice! Plus he is already friends with all the penguins!
But if Zella ever gives away a trip to the Everglades...you and I are there, dude...for some 'gator wrestling! Two hicks from the sticks!
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Yeah, you made the right choice. I woulda been lost way up yonder anyway. You and DA MAN have fun up there and send me a postcard.