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Subject: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recently.
When I first joined this board last March, the topics focused mainly on music, current events and board members lifes. There was no games board or quiz board and the posts were thought provoking and Interesting. Lately that has not been the case. there were very few Original subjects started this week, and even the ones that were weren't very interesting (so and so has X number of posts, what do you like to eat at Arby's, etc). I don't even read other peoples lists, I just post mine (and after you get about ten replies you can't remeber who said what anyway). Come on people you can only name a fruit, or city, or say "I have" so many times before it gets monotonus.
I know last March I did not Have a job or school, and now I have 2 jobs and school, so maybe the "boredom factor" is now gone. But it seems to me that lately there has been something missing....
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Screwball, honey, you post the hot topics, and we will all flock to them! Maybe you can get some good debates going. I keep checking the 2000's to see what pops up....
The games can be boring at times, which I why I try to liven them up with "running jokes" and thread crossing and such. :)
Hey! Maybe we all need to trek back to the Griffith Park Fountain! Now that was lively! ;)
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Tell ya who we do miss. Jinky_Williams. He was always one to provide the debates, and he's been missing for quite a while.
Seriously, where's he been lately. If you're out there...!
I guess it's to do with the summer months. Now summer is over, people will be posting a lot more about a lot more things.
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I gotta agree. Ever since I started those rhyme times, chain games, person above me, etc. People have been over doing it. I too cheeck the 2000s every once in awhile to see what's new or what new topics to discuss. We need to bring the music discussion backs. Afterall, this is a music website.
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Have to agree here. I think the Games board has become not much more than a way to boost post counts now, but nothing's being SAID with all of these messages. So many memories and discussions waiting to happen, and all of it being buried underneath "The Person Above Me..."
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I agree too...I think we have lost the meaning of this board. I do post sometimes on the games board...but only cuz there is nothing else to post too...I think all the games need to be stopped until there are some original ones to begin with...and get back to what we used to be...not this 'I have to come up with a reason to post here anymore" BS!!
I know quite a few members we have lost...and will only come back when it stops!!! Chuck...maybe you need to just get rid of the post tracker..and just let us post....
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I have to agree with everyone else here. The games have gotten a bit out of control. I too have been posting on the game board too because there hasn't been anything else to post to at all! I spend more time answering my messages than I do posting!
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I also tend to agree here. I think it would help a lot if more people would "start" topics. It seems like it's always the same people and therefore the same kinds of subject matter popping up. I tend to pass up a lot of threads myself. I like the games but it does seem like we have an overabundance of them. Come on, people...don't be afraid to start new topics! ;)
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Well I would agree in the main as well, but it depends what your purpose for being here is - I use the board as a form of stress relief.
Yes, I'll also admit some of the games are a bit repetitive, and I'll also admit to participating in them.
But my idea of stress relief does not extend to endlessly debating political topics (just an example) either. Bores me to tears...If I want politics I'll watch the nightly news, and get bored stupid there.
So what I am saying is "one person's poison"........
But if someone can come up with something interesting, I'll happily be in it, also. It's unlikely to be me, I'm not an ideas person, sorry.... :(
FB :)
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Ditto for me with Fussbudgets remarks but (hoping not to create waves) most of the other threads like the 70's 80' etc etc have topics that I have no knowledge and so do not participate.I like to ask about things I no nothing about like Isidora, but find my input to be of little consequence or nothing at all. I read topics where Australian members ask for someone to "explain" certain American "terminology" but there are times we mention somethings that others don't know about , do not even get a second look. We could make up our own headlines about something strange in Australia and place it amongst a thread and in my opinion no-one will blink an eyelid.
Please note. These are just the ramblings of one Reddyrules and not necessarily the feelings of other Australian members :(
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I agree too, and have been thinking this for a while now.
When I first joined about a year ago the board was flooded with good topics to post on and I found it hard to keep up! And I only found this place whilst looking for some help with my 80's music article! (*plug comming at you* which has now been published if you don't allready know on the BBC's website :P) Without you all on this message board helping me out, I don't think I could have written the piece in such depth and knowledge, and making my own knowledge grow at the same time. :)
Lately it seems as if no-one has much to say anymore. I have to say though that in the last 2 weeks, it has started to get better. I don't think I mind the quizzes so much, but the overloading of all of the games is a bit much.
I've been trying to think of nbew posts and have recently on the 80s board. Ive also put up posts to help me with this project I'm doin in Media Studies, which some of you have helped me with - and I thank you all for it! :)
I know it got a bit repetitive - but I really miss the old original, 'Same name, different song' thread - I can't believe it got deleated after the troubles beacuse a lot of us were on a role then!
I think we have a good community here - with some more into the community than others, and everyone with different personlities. I'm sure hoping the board will be back on track soon :]
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Basically, the reason I'm here is to post information, supposedly to help the person who needs it. For example, on the 1970's board, someone wanted to know what the name of a cartoon with gophers in it was and the lyrics to the theme to it and since I knew, I provided them. The quizzes and games are a diversion; without them, I wouldn't have the number of posts that I have now! It can get pretty boring, and those quizzes and games were here to liven it up, but now the games have become pretty boring, and I have to use reference manuals to provide answers to some of the board games, since I hate repeating myself and others…
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Well, most of the posters above (and even myself to some extent) have mentioned some dissatisfaction with the abundance of games. However, that said; why then is the game board the most popular? That seems to be where the majority of people hang out, so obviously the games are liked. If not, they would simply die out.
I still check out the other boards, but no one is starting anything new, so I just go back to the games.... (and I have been somewhat guilty of this myself -- I have occasionally thought of a new topic that might be of interest, but did not get around to posting it).
The games (if used properly) give posters a chance to air their personality a bit, and at this point, that is what I use them for. It is a delight to see some of the subtleties that some posters use to "liven them up" and I have frequently gone into a game thread and found myself having a hearty laugh. If the games were to go, I think a great deal of whimsical humor would go with them..... :'(
The games are also a chance to just relax and just "play" without taxing one's brain too much.... ::) If I wish to simply play with someone or someones, I cannot do that in the middle of say -- a political debate, or a thread discussing a song or a singer..... :(
As for using the games to "up one's post count," I am sure that people do this (and I have been guilty of that too on occasion). However, I for one try to do an original and amusing post in the games at least every three or four....
Those who dislike the games can simply avoid them. If others would post topics of interest to PPP and the decades threads, I am sure, that, as I told SB54 above, others will follow! :D (I note that SB posted a new debate in the 2000s, and so far, I am the only one to have replied to it....! :-/ )
End of rant....
Zella :)
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I look at the games board, and post on it, mainly because some of the people, I have not heard of. Say someone mentions an American Football (for safety's sake, let's call it that) player, that I've never heard of. This then gives me, a) the ability to respond after them (unless their name ends with an X) and b) a chance to know who they are, say by looking them up on Google. It interests me to know about different people, and their cultures, backgrounds, and hobbies/interests, etc. This is what I like about these, and any, boards, what people have to say. Maybe we need more things to discuss. If this is true, then surely what is happening already is inspiration enough. It's up to the person what interests them, ie they post and don't post, and I respect any decision as such. If something interesting comes up, either on the news, or somewhere else, whatever, I'm sure to wonder whether people follow it up, either in the boards, or in their heads.
Hope this makes a small bit of sense...
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I nearly forgot about that! That was good while it lasted!
I agree too, and have been thinking this for a while now.
I know it got a bit repetitive - but I really miss the old original, 'Same name, different song' thread - I can't believe it got deleated after the troubles beacuse a lot of us were on a role then!
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Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Further to other comments above :
I too know of at least two individuals who have 'nearly' left the board because of dissatisfaction. Not with the games thread though...
Some threads seem to be responded to on a 'popularity' basis of the original poster, when surely it is the issue/post topic that is relevant.
I also have refrained from posting threads, as in the past there have been occasions when others have not really been considerate enough to the content or intention of the thread, and have used it for their own purposes.
I may have a high post count, but that is more a passing item of interest to me rather than a goal - after all, am I going to trade it in for free admission to a football match ? It's just a number. If it disappears I won't be huddling in a corner in a foetal position....
I once again support the concept of "If you don't like it, don't do it", no-one is making you do anything.
I look at every section every day. I rarely find anything I can comment on in 80's, 90's, Song Lyrics or wanted. That doesn't mean I avoid it. But if I have nothing to say, then....
There are many things that may inspire an individual to join and/or stay at this board. One of the things I really like about it is that the board members cover a wide age range and by and large that is respected by each member. I have only seen a few other boards and the content is frankly, woeful.
I grit my teeth and put up with things on here that I would rather not. I do appreciate what SB was saying in the original post, but whether or not this thread does or does not support that view, there are many different people who frequent the board for many different reasons.
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I usually don't post on all of the games, but there are one or two that I do. If I am bored with them, I don't visit. It has been boring on the other boards lately but that happens from time to time. The 80's board is picking up a little. I think we should leave the board alone...there is nothing wrong with it. I agree with FB in saying if you don't like the game board, don't go there.
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I used to like some of the games, but I stopped playing them a long time ago just because they're getting stupid and repetitive, IMO. I mean, eight threads or more for a game is just kinda.. boring.
I never used to play the games to bump my post count; I don't even CARE how many posts I have. I don't even remember how many posts I have at the moment, and I don't think it's really important. I've hardly been posting here lately, anyway...
Uh, I'm sorry if the "Your Favorite Thing to Eat" topic wasn't very interesting. I'll try to start more meaningful things in the future...
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Uh, I'm sorry if the "Your Favorite Thing to Eat" topic wasn't very interesting. I'll try to start more meaningful things in the future...
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NO ! L15 ! Don't be sorry....
If it was of interest to you, that's fine. It was of enough interest for other people to answer. I had a laugh at the number of things that I had no idea what I was reading about - to me that's part of the fun.....
Post what you want !
FB ;)
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I agree with bits and pieces of what everyone has said.
SB54, do you realize out of the boredom of the boards you just started a hot new topic? Maybe we should all take SB54's lead and start some new threads?
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I try to start a new topic out of the games areas once i a while...just like I always have done. As for the games area, I don't particulaly care for "Celebrities" therefore I don't go into celebrity chain game much, if at all. To each thier own or whatever makes people happy :)
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I do like the quizzes though, and a lot of the members here are excellent at making quizzes. Keep it up! :D
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Uh, I'm sorry if the "Your Favorite Thing to Eat" topic wasn't very interesting. I'll try to start more meaningful things in the future...
End Quote
The topic wasn't meant to be directed at any one topic in particular. At the time i wrote the post it was one of the recent "list" type topics I remebered.
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
The topic wasn't meant to be directed at any one topic in particular. At the time i wrote the post it was one of the recent "list" type topics I remebered.
End Quote
Oh, okay. It was one of the questions on my recent thread, so I thought you were referring to that.
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I've been on this board for almost a year now and it has gotten quite boring as compared to last year.last year it was quite busy.Now,there's really nothing much to post about if there's anything to post,I'll write something.I browse the other times. -howard-
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Strategically placed, right?
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Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
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Lang! Did you forget to take your meds today?? ;D
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
End Quote
And Here I was Hoping that you were Topless!
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
End Quote
See, you can always count on Langdon to start an interesting topic. ;)
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I do like the quizzes though, and a lot of the members here are excellent at making quizzes. Keep it up! :D
End Quote
I agree! This has become my favorite part of the site. I'm always amazed at how almost all of the quizzes get completed by members here! 8) ;)
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I've been on this board for almost a year now and it has gotten quite boring as compared to last year.last year it was quite busy.Now,there's really nothing much to post about if there's anything to post,I'll write something.I browse the other times. -howard-
End Quote
That's interesting that you say that because from what I've noticed you post to a lot of the threads, howard! ;D
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
No, no, I took my meds, this is as sane as I get. I just thought that would be the obvious response to the accusation of being boring. I mean, I am part of the "community" right? I will make it my personal mission to do something amusing as frequently as possible....
Oh, now you're sorry you posted that, aren't you?
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
No, no, I took my meds, this is as sane as I get. I just thought that would be the obvious response to the accusation of being boring. I mean, I am part of the "community" right? I will make it my personal mission to do something amusing as frequently as possible....
Oh, now you're sorry you posted that, aren't you?
End Quote
Not at all...I wish you were Topless!
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
No, no, I took my meds, this is as sane as I get. I just thought that would be the obvious response to the accusation of being boring. I mean, I am part of the "community" right? I will make it my personal mission to do something amusing as frequently as possible....
Oh, now you're sorry you posted that, aren't you?
End Quote
Me sorry? Never!!! ;D ;) Lang, you are always exciting and amusing!!! ;D
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I'll make this short and sweet. I'm new here (2 weeks) and the reason I started posting here is that I was a "regular" on Court TV's message board, and it had gotten ridiculous. Everyone arguing their opinions or agenda, trying to show their intellagence(sp op :D),trying to "out word" each other. God forbid this turns into the same thing or I would have to bid some new, and really interesting, fun,and witty people adieu. Lighten up people, there's plenty other places to go to get all serious and philisophical in the world. Love y'all. Hope to keep talking atcha.
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I don't post much because the games don't interest me. And "What's your favorite..." is kind of boring too.
On the other hand, there are some sites where the posters are absolutely vicious... say, the Sandbox at imdb.com, or the posting section at Yahoo! News. Rather than complain, I just don't post at these sites.
People must like the games here, though. They sure get played a lot.
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Don't get me wrong, this board is still my 2nd favorite website (next to amIright), and the only board I visit. I guess my post sounded kinda like I don't like it here. I LOVE it here :D
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
We need Hairspray back she/he was really good at starting up new threads when things were getting a bit stale.
Obviously the games got started because of the lack of new ideas on the other boards and have been kept up for everyone to have something to post to. If just to up their posts count or just to say "Hey, I am still here". At least it keeps traffic on the boards....any form of traffic is better than none at all. (IMO) I would hate to see this board die down.
I am not a major contributor to these boards, I have been a member here for about a year now (or over :-/) and still have a small post count, but I do enjoy reading everyones posts. Whether or not they are of an in depth subject or just plain silly.
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
That's interesting that you say that because from what I've noticed you post to a lot of the threads, howard! ;D
End Quote
yeah,I know I do.If it's a stupid post,I'll just leave it alone,If it's something interesting,I will write a message.plain and simple. -howard-
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I don't post in the games forum because I moderate my own somewhere else, and these games are mostly like my own. Eerily like my own, which is why I don't participate...I've already played.
I don't post here much anymore because I agree, this place has gotten dull and all this post count crap is dense. If a person cared how many posts they had, don't you think they'd post their own thread about it? Is it really necessary to your post count to start it for them?
I came in, weeks ago (maybe a month or more) and instead of b!tching, I started 5 new threads....they were quickly buried.
It's easy to come in here and say it's boring. Do something about it for, crying out loud. Post to what interests you, forget the d@mn post count, and if you think it's stupid Don't Respond!! People with no replies to their threads will soon get the point.
If you can't think of something interesting, do a 'net search. Bound to be something going on somewhere.
That's the end of my rant. :P If it offends you, maybe that's because you're one of the ones who promote the ditziness.
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Quoting:Posted by: Screwball54 Posted on: September 27th, 2002, 11:24pm
When I first joined this board last March, the topics focused mainly on music, current events and board members lifes. There was no games board or quiz board and the posts were thought provoking and Interesting. Lately that has not been the case. there were very few Original subjects started this week, and even the ones that were weren't very interesting (so and so has X number of posts, what do you like to eat at Arby's, etc). I don't even read other peoples lists, I just post mine (and after you get about ten replies you can't remeber who said what anyway). Come on people you can only name a fruit, or city, or say "I have" so many times before it gets monotonus.
I know last March I did not Have a job or school, and now I have 2 jobs and school, so maybe the "boredom factor" is now gone. But it seems to me that lately there has been something missing.... End Quote
I agree with you. ;) I could not believe what I seen when I went into the 80's section here. All the threads were about, 'I need help with my school paper' or "what is this song called' A few posts like this are cool but that was all it was. :( I don't mind the games. It is nice they are in a seperate forum.
Debates are always a big mistake. :o Unless, maybe there was a special forum that which was heavily moderated by somone who can be neutral. Still..it can get easily out of hand.
Anyhoo...I check now and then to see if the board is any less boring and so far is has not been very interesting.
Maybe a some new mods can be added..ones who have the knack for each decade? To me it seems odd that there are 3 mods here and all I ever see is one. Just a suggestion. :)
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Maybe a some new mods can be added..ones who have the knack for each decade? To me it seems odd that there are 3 mods here and all I ever see is one. Just a suggestion. :)
End Quote
Chucky asked me to be a mod but I declined, mainly because of my dial-up connection and the fact that there is only one phone line in my house, and being a mod can take up too much of your time. I would gladly be a mod if I had an always-on broadband connection, but for now I am not…
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I agree generally, but it could be that we're all kind of burned out and thus, in a lull. Maybe we can hope that newer blood will rush in and fill the void! This happens sometimes on various forums; people run out of things to say, then something sparks it up again. ::)
Some said this is really a music board, or a culture board. I don't see that at all; I expected it would be sort of a "culture" board, since it says "Decades MessageBoard". But when I see other areas of interest listed, I see it as a general discussion board w/some specific areas of interest.
Which is great, because I like somewhere to go where I can discuss various things, including getting new perspectives from venues outside my normal interests. Not that I've done that much, but I could! This way, I don't HAVE to search the net for subject-specific MBs and bookmark them all! ::)
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I agree with you. ;) I could not believe what I seen when I went into the 80's section here. All the threads were about, 'I need help with my school paper'...
End Quote
Oh, but those are my FAVORITE! I'm so good with the kiddies and with creative history. Mmmmmmmmmm... penguin plaaaaaagues.
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I could not believe what I seen when I went into the 80's section here. All the threads were about, 'I need help with my school paper'...
End Quote
I'm sorry if your not happy of this, but sometimes people genrally do need help and others are willing to give up some time to help them. I know I have put a few posts ( 2 on the 80's and a questionnare on the playful penguin baord) to help me with my media project - beacuse I generally need feeback. I wasn't fortunate to live through the 80s and I need people to answer my questionnare - and like most people my age, I generally don't come into contact with people who are around the age of 30. I turned to the massage board beacuse I know that some people here are nice enough to help us out.
I'm sorry if I have caused any hassle by being 17 and asking for help. Perhaps in 4 weeks when I turn 18 I'll be taken seriously. I'm so very sorry that a few of you think that some of the younger people around here don't have anything valid to say. I have also personally seen from both myself and other young members, how certain posts from us ( i.e, anyone under the age of 20) have been utterly disregarded.
I really didn't want a rant - but I felt I soemthing had to be mentioned. I honestly hate being like this, but I seriously felt like I had to say something to that. This is not just aimed at you Rapture, most is aimed at a certain few others. I'm just upset that some of you cant appreciate it when people who have little knowledge of a certain topic need some help. I found this board beacuse I needed help, and have subsequently stayed in this community for a year. I hate people belittling others beacuse they are slightly younger. Do some of you feel as if you can't talk to us, or maybe that we're naive, or even as far as saying that we have nothing *of interest* to the other ganerations to say? Beacuse that is exactly what it feels like.
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Maybe a some new mods can be added..ones who have the knack for each decade? To me it seems odd that there are 3 mods here and all I ever see is one. Just a suggestion. :)
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actually, mods aren't really responsible for motivating posting in forums.. mods are for making sure forums don't get out of hand.. I would hope there are people who just want to start topics.. MW and Hairspray are around, they just haven't had time to post a lot
as far as people asking for help with their projects, it is one of the reasons I started the messageboard.. it's one thing if someone just posts a message that states "I need a timeline of events for the 80s, can someone write it for me", but if someone asks a specific question for help with their homework, I would hope people would answer it seriousily..
one of the reasons I leave "membership" optional for posting, is so people who hit one of my sites and aren't used to messageboards can ask questions that they weren't able to answer with the site.. and because I can't answer every email I would get sent otherwise..
I do think the games got out of hand, but that's also why I moved them into their own forums, away from the real boards.. I don't know who started them, or why they persist, but the fact is that they wouldn't get used if people didn't like them.. personally, I don't think they do much for the site as a whole.. especially when they aren't really about pop culture
as for things being slow, I think people forget that around this time last year, a busy day for the messageboard would be like 20-30 new messages tops (not threads, total messages).. and that wasn't specifically 80s only stuff.. the forum helped seperate things a little too much maybe.. so that non-80s questions don't show up in the 80s forum, so it seems a lot less active.. it's why I don't split the 80s forum into seperate 80s related themes.. too few posts and a board seems dead and no one wants to start new posts..
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Hey Criz!
I was lurking here inbetween doing taxes and read your post and felt I had to put my two cents in. Because I would hate to think that anyone here felt unwelcome. The young people on this board are (IMHO) an enormous asset to the forums. I think it is wonderful how we can have such a wide age range (13-46 I believe) and everyone gets along well and interacts.
Now I am myself am guilty of not having a lot of contact or interaction with the younger members of the board, but it is not for lack of respect for them or for their opinions. It is simply that I cannot often relate to their posts, particularly the music-based ones, so I just don't post there. I wanted to answer your "questionnaire" for instance, but after going thru the entire thing I realized I would be useless at it, since I was musically ignorant thru most of the 80s and all of the 90s.
So please do not feel rebuffed if some of the older members of the board do not always answer -- they may just feel out of their depth doing so....
Zella :)
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
as far as people asking for help with their projects, it is one of the reasons I started the messageboard.. it's one thing if someone just posts a message that states "I need a timeline of events for the 80s, can someone write it for me", but if someone asks a specific question for help with their homework, I would hope people would answer it seriousily..
End Quote
Thanks Chucky - I'm happy someone is on my side :)
Hey Criz!
I was lurking here inbetween doing taxes and read your post and felt I had to put my two cents in. Because I would hate to think that anyone here felt unwelcome. The young people on this board are (IMHO) an enormous asset to the forums. I think it is wonderful how we can have such a wide age range (13-46 I believe) and everyone gets along well and interacts.
Now I am myself am guilty of not having a lot of contact or interaction with the younger members of the board, but it is not for lack of respect for them or for their opinions. It is simply that I cannot often relate to their posts, particularly the music-based ones, so I just don't post there. I wanted to answer your "questionnaire" for instance, but after going thru the entire thing I realized I would be useless at it, since I was musically ignorant thru most of the 80s and all of the 90s.
So please do not feel rebuffed if some of the older members of the board do not always answer -- they may just feel out of their depth doing so....
Zella :)
End Quote
Thanks for responding to my little rant Zella - I really appreciate it. I know that some people on here do feel as if they can't reply to certain things and I fully understand it, people such as yourself and FB for example don't really comment on the 80's etc.. beacause its not your thing. Most of the members here are lovely and I can have conversations and express my opinions with them. But I feel that sometimes us Generation Y-ers are just ignored. My threads seem to be 95% music based so maybe thats why I don't get all that many responds from you ;D
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Perhaps in 4 weeks when I turn 18 I'll be taken seriously. I'm so very sorry that a few of you think that some of the younger people around here don't have anything valid to say. I have also personally seen from both myself and other young members, how certain posts from us ( i.e, anyone under the age of 20) have been utterly disregarded.
End Quote
gee aint that somethinfg....I've noticed that too..........
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Hey guys, this age thing is overrated anyway. :D Take it from probably the oldest poster on here, I've seen some of you young guys' posts that are mature and intelligent in their context and content and I've seen some posts from people close to me in age that are down right assinine. So lets don't let age even enter into it. Y'all post whatevers on your mind and your sincerity and IQ will take care of itself. When I say "you're as young as you feel" believe me, I mean it. Age is just a #. (How come its always the "old folks" saying that?) Anyway,
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Hey Criz !
I'm sorry if your not happy of this, but sometimes people genrally do need help and others are willing to give up some time to help them. I know I have put a few posts ( 2 on the 80's and a questionnare on the playful penguin baord) to help me with my media project - beacuse I generally need feeback. I wasn't fortunate to live through the 80s and I need people to answer my questionnare - and like most people my age, I generally don't come into contact with people who are around the age of 30. I turned to the massage board beacuse I know that some people here are nice enough to help us out. End Quote
Given the nature of this place you will always get a mix of people, some will help, some not. Some will appreciate your existence and try to help, others will not give the time of day...
Despite this, and the things you have raised, and the things I will follow up with, I think you are in one of the best places you can be....read on !
Quoting:I'm sorry if I have caused any hassle by being 17 and asking for help. Perhaps in 4 weeks when I turn 18 I'll be taken seriously. I'm so very sorry that a few of you think that some of the younger people around here don't have anything valid to say. I have also personally seen from both myself and other young members, how certain posts from us ( i.e, anyone under the age of 20) have been utterly disregarded. End Quote
We were all 17 once. Turning 18 has theoretical benefits but won't make a difference to this issue, and I am working on the assumption that your statement was tongue in cheek. I believe you are correct in your assertion that some of the younger board members get disregarded to an extent.....
Quoting:I really didn't want a rant - but I felt I soemthing had to be mentioned. I honestly hate being like this, but I seriously felt like I had to say something to that. This is not just aimed at you Rapture, most is aimed at a certain few others. I'm just upset that some of you cant appreciate it when people who have little knowledge of a certain topic need some help. I found this board beacuse I needed help, and have subsequently stayed in this community for a year. I hate people belittling others beacuse they are slightly younger. Do some of you feel as if you can't talk to us, or maybe that we're naive, or even as far as saying that we have nothing *of interest* to the other ganerations to say? Beacuse that is exactly what it feels like.
End Quote
It's okay to rant - you may have noticed if you read my post earlier in this thread, that I had already addressed the issue of threads/posts being ignored, or being replied to on a favouritism basis.
I say this now for the purpose of letting you know that there are the older ones of us who DO understand the feelings you are going through - certainly can't relate to the music (have never heard of most of of the music things you discuss), but that's okay - I'm sure it works the other way round !
I do care what you say, and I do read all the threads I can (though as previously stated, I will avoid politics), it's just that as you have acknowledged, I sometimes have nothing I can contribute.
People do care though - but there is such a mix here, that not everyone will care. That is okay too - you can't change people..... :)
FB ;)
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I did look at the questionaire but didn't feel I could answer it in a manner that would be helpful so I didn't.I'm more than happy to help with stuff like that if I can, it doesn't bother me in the least if there are posts like that on the boards.I don't like all the games so I just never looked at them when they were on the PPP and now I just don't look at that board,but I know other people enjoy them.
As to the age thing,It doesn't even cross my mind.I think the only time I can recall ever getting annoyed was with a previous poster who acussed people of disagreeing with her just because of her age rather than accepting that they actually had a different opinion to her.As FBVP says we were all that age once(I can still just about remember it!)and some 17 year olds can have far more sensible things to say than some 57 year olds!On the other hand experience is a great thing and only comes with age so it doesn't hurt to listen to your elders now and again,if only to learn by their mistakes and not make the same ones yourself.
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Quoting:As to the age thing,It doesn't even cross my mind.I think the only time I can recall ever getting annoyed was with a previous poster who acussed people of disagreeing with her just because of her age rather than accepting that they actually had a different opinion to her.End Quote
Well said Gis, I felt the same way, and I often feel that that sort of black and white viewpoint often colours (no pun was intended while I was writing this, but if it fits...) other people's opinions in general toward the younger board members...
Quoting:As FBVP says we were all that age once(I can still just about remember it!)End Quote
You can ? I don't remember it at all :( I just know I must have been 17 once as I am now >17 (>>>>>17 ;))
Quoting:On the other hand experience is a great thing and only comes with age so it doesn't hurt to listen to your elders now and again,if only to learn by their mistakes and not make the same ones yourself.
End Quote
Please ! And yet it's the hardest thing to do....
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Please ! And yet it's the hardest thing to do....
End Quote
Ain't that the truth!
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Hey Criz !
Given the nature of this place you will always get a mix of people, some will help, some not. Some will appreciate your existence and try to help, others will not give the time of day...
Despite this, and the things you have raised, and the things I will follow up with, I think you are in one of the best places you can be....read on !
We were all 17 once. Turning 18 has theoretical benefits but won't make a difference to this issue, and I am working on the assumption that your statement was tongue in cheek. I believe you are correct in your assertion that some of the younger board members get disregarded to an extent.....
It's okay to rant - you may have noticed if you read my post earlier in this thread, that I had already addressed the issue of threads/posts being ignored, or being replied to on a favouritism basis.
I say this now for the purpose of letting you know that there are the older ones of us who DO understand the feelings you are going through - certainly can't relate to the music (have never heard of most of of the music things you discuss), but that's okay - I'm sure it works the other way round !
I do care what you say, and I do read all the threads I can (though as previously stated, I will avoid politics), it's just that as you have acknowledged, I sometimes have nothing I can contribute.
People do care though - but there is such a mix here, that not everyone will care. That is okay too - you can't change people..... :)
FB ;)
End Quote
Hey FB - thanks for your reply I appreciate it too :) As I said before whilst replying to Zella that I know that some people cannot reply to certain thread, and I perfectly understand that. I just got a bit annoyed when someone said that they couldn't believe that there were posts asking for help on projects. We weren't exactly asking for the world! I told my friend Jay that this place had a nice community and that people would reply to her questions on 'women and film', so I'm kind of hurt that some people think that some of the young members can't have anything valid to say, or can't ask for help with college/school work.
I know there is a mixture of people here - and I wouldn't want to change anyone, beacuse we can't all be the same. I wasn't having the best of days yesterday, and when I saw teh comment I kinda flipped really. I'm not the kind of person to rant and I quite surprised myself - but it had to be said. I'm thankful that people like you, Zella, Gis and Hossy have given the time to reply to my ickle mood! :)
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Hey FB - thanks for your reply I appreciate it too :) As I said before whilst replying to Zella that I know that some people cannot reply to certain thread, and I perfectly understand that. I just got a bit annoyed when someone said that they couldn't believe that there were posts asking for help on projects. We weren't exactly asking for the world! I told my friend Jay that this place had a nice community and that people would reply to her questions on 'women and film', so I'm kind of hurt that some people think that some of the young members can't have anything valid to say, or can't ask for help with college/school work.
I know there is a mixture of people here - and I wouldn't want to change anyone, beacuse we can't all be the same. I wasn't having the best of days yesterday, and when I saw teh comment I kinda flipped really. I'm not the kind of person to rant and I quite surprised myself - but it had to be said. I'm thankful that people like you, Zella, Gis and Hossy have given the time to reply to my ickle mood! :)
End Quote
I think it was a good and valid rant,perhaps you should do it more often! ;)Anyway I'm sorry I didn't answer your questions.Basically they involved thought and that is usually beyond me when I'm at work..........
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Hey FB - thanks for your reply I appreciate it too :) As I said before whilst replying to Zella that I know that some people cannot reply to certain thread, and I perfectly understand that.
I'm not the kind of person to rant and I quite surprised myself - but it had to be said. I'm thankful that people like you, Zella, Gis and Hossy have given the time to reply to my ickle mood! :)
End Quote
You're most welcome Criz ;)
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
As I said before whilst replying to Zella that I know that some people cannot reply to certain thread, and I perfectly understand that. I just got a bit annoyed when someone said that they couldn't believe that there were posts asking for help on projects. We weren't exactly asking for the world! I told my friend Jay that this place had a nice community and that people would reply to her questions on 'women and film', so I'm kind of hurt that some people think that some of the young members can't have anything valid to say, or can't ask for help with college/school work.
End Quote
A few points.
I'm sure many like me are ignorant of your ages. Unless it's stated outright or you ask certain homework questions (altho that can come from doctoral theses, too). I don't usually bother looking at people's profiles and noting their ages - if that's stated.
About the "annoying homework" questions. This is common on many sites. My favorite RevWar site is riddled w/basic homework questions that should be in the text book if not in their media center. People just get tired of their chat place (where most assume a certain level of competency so that such questions are taken for granted) being interrupted by such things - and the idea that some kids hope their questions will be answered by someone else that they can just copy irks them. Rightfully so. Now, I'm sure you all have more legit questions on the '80s and so, since that was quite recent and little is written in texts or appropriate books in libraries about such ho-hum recent stuff. And certainly when you ask about "culture" of those who experienced it. So I don't blame you per se, but OTOH be aware of exactly what I said about the RevWar site. ;)
As to being ignored - welcome to the club. Some of us older people can't seem to generate any interest, either. :-/
In any case, you are welcome to ask questions like that and contribute in any way you can.
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Anyway I'm sorry I didn't answer your questions.Basically they involved thought and that is usually beyond me when I'm at work..........
End Quote
You don't need to apologise for not answering really! I can't expect everyone to have the time, as I do know my questionnare does take at least 15 minutes to answer thoroughly, and therefore is *quite* time consuming :)
I think it was a good and valid rant,perhaps you should do it more often! ;) End Quote
I think if I did it more often people would just start to ignore me ;D. I guess I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to get into things like this. I rarely get into arguments and hate it when friends around me bicker! But, like I said yesterday - I thought something needed to be stated.
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Ah, I see I have earned my "Blunder Bread" again. Ooops.
Alicia, Criz, Bobo, Junior, and any of the other "youngsters" I missed but I know, (short term memory is the first thing to go), I DIDN'T MEAN YOU!!! When somebody asks for information about things I know, it's the difference between paying taxes and lending a friend money. I, for one, feel extraordinarily pleased to have the opportunity to see how you think, compare age-related experiences and get and offer different perspectives. I don't look down on you for not yet learning things I've learned... I didn't know nearly as much as you about either myself or my world in my teens. I fully understand that learning is why we're here, and I don't begrudge anything you do in that process. And, truth be told, I'm rather flattered you want to hang on whatever level with us geezers.
I do resent people who would prefer me to do their homework than to do it themselves is all. UPHILL! IN THE SNOW! BOTH WAYS! AND YOU KIDS STAY OFF MY LAWN! Promise me that if you ever catch me complaining that my fourteenth cat got a hairball all over my lace doilies while I was steaming my prunes, you'll shoot me?
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
I appreciate the honesty of this particular thread. It has been boring, and I have to take some responsibility for that in my posts. And I also appreciate the kind and some not so kind words about my posts. In a nutshell, I believe people get tired of the monotony of the games and quizzes and wish to return to unmasked, slightly uncensored opinions of our members. I think this is what Chuck originally had in mind when opening his messageboard to the public. I hope we can all agree, or at least agree to disagree, with some of the deeper thoughts posted here. ;)
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Hey IG. I for one am interested by the games. As I think I said in a previous post (amnesia setting in, again, for me it's a case of cultural differences). Me, for example, I haven't heard of half the celebrities you mention in Celebrity chain game, whatever. They are famous for what they are famous for, wherever that is on the globe. Cultural differences.
I agree with Hossy in a sense. The imbedded boards for each song on songmeanings have some intelligent replies, which I respond to, and some daft, but thought-out responses by the prejudiced, which I try and formulate a respectable reply around. And why not. Opinions are like a**holes. Besides, you can't help but have one about things, people, places, and, as unfortunate as it may seem, me.
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Quoting:This is not just aimed at you RaptureEnd Quote
I understad, Criz. ;) I only get bugged by those who come here and ask some stupid question like, 'I am doing an 80's paper on 80's styles...can somone help me?' Come on. there are a billion web sites for that and if they took the time to look at the homepage, they would see a bunch of info. Some help is cool but when the entire forum consists of these threads it is frustrating.
Quoting:as far as people asking for help with their projects, it is one of the reasons I started the messageboard.. it's one thing if someone just posts a message that states "I need a timeline of events for the 80s, can someone write it for me", but if someone asks a specific question for help with their homework, I would hope people would answer it seriousily..
End Quote
I think more people are attracted to boards that have an ongoing discussion, as compared to all question/answer threads. :)
course that is just my opinion...
Subject: Re: The Board Community Has Been Very Boring Recen
Well, I can't honestly say I've been bored, but that's only because I've been desparately trying to catch up with all the stuff I've missed (here and elsewhere)after being knocked offline for almost two months.
I do have a certain weird sense of deja vu. It seems this subject has been brought up at least once before since I joined, and the ensuing discussion about it "lit a fire" under people's backsides, and got the ball rolling again, so to speak.
I've also noticed a lot of new and unfamiliar (to me) members. {Hi everyone! You don't know who I am, but don't worry, I don't axe-murder on the first date! 8) ***joking, joking***}
When I was new, I wouldn't post new topics until I got a feel for the place, trying to see what would or would not be "out of line". I wonder if there's a little of that going on too?