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Subject: Three Wishes
If I could grant you three wishes right now, what would they be?
(And as the Genie from Aladdin said, "Ixnay on the wishing for more wishes!")
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
1. For peace it the Middle East.
2. For everyone to go to Heaven.
3. For MW to be my girl for a few days. ;D
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
1. Peace in the Middle East sounds good.
2. You don't know who Chrissy is, but she's had a really difficult life, and I'd like to make sure the rest of her life is happier and better than it has been.
3. I wanna be a rock star.
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
I wish the same for her, too, MNI Kenny. :(
2. You don't know who Chrissy is, but she's had a really difficult life, and I'd like to make sure the rest of her life is happier and better than it has been.
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Subject: Re: Three Wishes
I wish I could go back in time and live through the 80's again, and not make the mistakes I did then.
I wish I could have saved Kevan from his father, instead of helplessly watching him constantly get run into the ground by him, until it turned him into a person I didn't like anymore because he refused to stand up to him.
I wish Mike McGurty had never come into the radio studio that night in 1989, causing an incident at the station that resulted in my dismissal.
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
1. World Peace
2. A long wealthy, healthy & happy life for my son
3. the ability to communicate with spirits
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
1. For my divorce to be final soon!!!
2. For my boys to have long, happy and healthy lives.
3. My third one is a secret so I will wish for it silently!!!
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
I wish I could go back in time and live through the 80's again, and not make the mistakes I did then.
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^I have been wishing that for the longest time.
2. To return to my old weight before pregnancy. :'(
3. And lastly, for unlimited cash (CTRL, SHIFT, C....Rosbud ;) )
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
1. happiness
2. truth
3. prosperity
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
1.I know its cliche' but world peace.2.Wisdom to the "people in power" who affect our daily lives so drasticlly.3.Like Goldie, I'll plead the 5th on my third. :D
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
only 3?? when I can narrow it down.... I will get back to ya! ::)
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
1. To be healthy, and being selfish, that means really healthy, as I never have been (now especially)
2. To undo the wrong things I have done
3. To start doing the right things I wanna do (some of which are reliant on # 2....
Can you give me a timeframe please MW, as I am most eager to start ASAFP :D
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
1. money
2. true love (And I don't care it it is with you! ;D ;) :-* )
3. world peace
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
*World Peace.
*My dream of being an actor to become reality. ;D
*To find true happiness. :)
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
1. A million dollars so I could buy a better house, buy a house for my sister and pay to remodel my moms house. Then start a college fund for the munchkin.
2. A good life for said munchkin.
3. A new car
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
Just one:
1. For everyone else's wishes above to come true. If they did, it would cover any of my own more than adequately... :) :'( :)
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
Nothing. Wishes hold more meaning when they're attained through perseverence than when their just handed out.
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
That the world was a perfect place with no poverty, disease, pollution, crime, racism, hatred... Utopia, you see...
That all animals have loving homes and there are no strays and ferals and animals are not put to death because of overcrowding.
And with all that covered I can use my last reason for complete tomfoolery:
I would wish for Willy Wonka's chocolate factory to be mine.
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
Nothing. Wishes hold more meaning when they're attained through perseverence than when their just handed out.
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But on the other hand, peace in the Middle East isn't likely to be achieved through perseverance alone.
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
Wish 1: For my turn to come about. (Air of crypticism intended.)
Wish 2: To do things before I mess up my chance to.
Wish 3: To make my hat never disappear unnoticed...
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
1. Peace
2. Everyone in the world to have the same amount of money
3. 3 more wishes
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
3. 3 more wishes
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Sorry, lebeiw…
(And as the Genie from Aladdin said, "Ixnay on the wishing for more wishes!")
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Subject: Re: Three Wishes
1.To have my girlfriend back(Annalee)
2.To have my brother Todd here with me if he hadn't passed away. :'(
3.To see my friend's Mother if she hadn't passed away from a heart attack. :'(
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
1. To be healthy, and being selfish, that means really healthy, as I never have been (now especially)
FB ;)
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Gee he stayed in Ipswich for a week. It's not my fault. ;D
Like Thundervamp9 I wish to live through the 80s again.
2nd wish would be able to fly.
3rd wish would be to have true happiness with the girl of my dreams. (hate unrequited love)
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
Gee he stayed in Ipswich for a week. It's not my fault. ;D
End Quote
Not true ! It only took me 3 days to get sick there..... :D
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
But on the other hand, peace in the Middle East isn't likely to be achieved through perseverance alone.
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Perhaps, just instant peace is likely to cause problems in and of itself. Not everyone has the same wishes, and the wishes one of us might wish could contradict the wishes of something else. Trick is to find an acceptable compromise rather than force wishes on other people. So even if peace where generated, it would require perseverance to maintain that peace.
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
I've been feelin' awfully Zen recently and so my first response is that everything I wish I could either attain for myself should I truly choose to or I learn lessons from NOT having that make me happier in the long run. That said,
I wish for about ten fewer pounds on this bod of mine.
I wish for a kitchen of a master chef and the ability to use it properly, (without undoing the above wish.;))
And, what the hell,
I wish my mom didn't have cancer.
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
Sorry, lebeiw…
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Dang, guess I didn't catch that...
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
First I'd wish for Blaine to be able to have lived a LONG happy life
If Blaine has to be gone from this earth I'd wish to take ALL of the pain from his Mother and Brothers....... and everyone whos lives he touched
To be able to stop focusing on the "26th" and "Thursdays" ::)
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
Only three? Hmmm..... These things usually insist on so-called "selfish wishes". That is, it has to be for my direct benefit, so unless I live in a war zone, world peace will not happen.
1) For enough money to do everything I want to do in life.
2) Lose some weight, and
3) To wake up one morning and open up my closet and find my favorite actor, declaring his undying love for me. He will be totally naked, and have a boquet of purple roses in one hand, and in the other a large box full of @#^)+,*&*&*, and !!~!@#@#$.
(Huh? It's a "Family Message Board"? I can't go there? :-
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
Only three? Hmmm..... These things usually insist on so-called "selfish wishes". That is, it has to be for my direct benefit, so unless I live in a war zone, world peace will not happen.
1) For enough money to do everything I want to do in life.
2) Lose some weight, and
3) To wake up one morning and open up my closet and find my favorite actor, declaring his undying love for me. He will be totally naked, and have a boquet of purple roses in one hand, and in the other a large box full of @#^)+,*&*&*, and !!~!@#@#$.
(Huh? It's a "Family Message Board"? I can't go there? :-
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Hey Kat,#1 sounds good.But for me,there's never enough money when you need it. :( -howard-
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
#1 I wish I ould die sometimes
thats all I have to many things I want to happen
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
#1 I wish I ould die sometimes
thats all I have to many things I want to happen
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Alicia,don't say that.maybe you lived a painful life.You just gotta feel optimistic.feel good about yourself.love life to the fullest.That's all I have to say. ;D! -howard-
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
Alicia,don't say that.maybe you lived a painful life.You just gotta feel optimistic.feel good about yourself.love life to the fullest.That's all I have to say. ;D! -howard-
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Well put, Howard.
I agree, Alicia, being a teenager isn't easy...but it is worth it. You learn alot from the pain of growing up. Please don't say things like that. Remember you always have friends here who will listen.
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
From one teen to another, hang in there, honey, you'll be fine. Honestly, I've felt like this from time to time and have often wondered why afterward. Just be you, and you'll get along fine.
:-* :-* **hugs**
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
1. For my man 2 start comin' 2 church
2. For the people on the boards 2 be nice 2 me ;)
3. For an everlasting supply of emergency chocolate
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
2. For the people on the boards 2 be nice 2 me ;)
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Wish granted....we are usually nice to all. (as long as you are not a troll ;))
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
Well put, Howard.
I agree, Alicia, being a teenager isn't easy...but it is worth it. You learn alot from the pain of growing up. Please don't say things like that. Remember you always have friends here who will listen.
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Last Sunday,My Friend's mother passed away of a heart attack and now I tink he needs more consoling.He's lived a painful life.You wanna know how painful:
-(1982)got run over by a truck whe he was living in Massacheutsus.That left him paralyzed with one usage of his arm.He doesn't use a wheelchair,He walks but with a limp.And has focal seizures.
Just recently,His house was caught by an electrical fire and mostly everything was damaged.His bed even turned to charcoal.
His mother who had osteoporosis,polio and arthritis broke her arm at home.A few months later she went to the hospital.She was kept there till she died of a blocked artery.Sad but very painful.So now,he will move away and we will hardly ever see each other anymore. :'( -howard-
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
Last Sunday,My Friend's mother passed away of a heart attack and now I tink he needs more consoling.He's lived a painful life.You wanna know how painful:
-(1982)got run over by a truck whe he was living in Massacheutsus.That left him paralyzed with one usage of his arm.He doesn't use a wheelchair,He walks but with a limp.And has focal seizures.
Just recently,His house was caught by an electrical fire and mostly everything was damaged.His bed even turned to charcoal.
His mother who had osteoporosis,polio and arthritis broke her arm at home.A few months later she went to the hospital.She was kept there till she died of a blocked artery.Sad but very painful.So now,he will move away and we will hardly ever see each other anymore. :'( -howard-
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Wow...that is alot to handle. I will keep you friend in my thoughts and prayers. Also I will keep your friendship with him there. Chin up, Howard. :)
Subject: Re: Three Wishes
Wow...that is alot to handle. I will keep you friend in my thoughts and prayers. Also I will keep your friendship with him there. Chin up, Howard. :)
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Thank u dag. ;D -howard-