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Subject: I feel very.....
Upset. Awhile ago when I came to the board I caused a HUGE fight because I had a different opinion then everyone. And i'm sure people are still probably upset for that. But that is no reason for people to ignore me. Yes some people reply to my posts and YES some people talk to me alot......To those people (you know who are are) I thank you very much. What really makes me mad though is that on the 9/11 topics people said some pretty awful things and you guys just debating back and forth....NOBODY jumped on them like they did me you guys argued and said what you thought back and forth. I want to know why you guys don't debate with me. I know I said some things on the topics that you don't agree about. Please stop ignoring me and debate with me....Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean you have to ignore my posts.
Subject: Re: I feel very.....
Alicia..I don't ignore you...I just don't want to debate with you anymore cuz you and I were the ones into it last time about 9/11....I just read what you have to say and refrain from a fight...
I am sorry though that you think people are ignoring you..and no offense by this...but maybe it is just cuz of your age that people do not want to get into it with you
Subject: Re: I feel very.....
Must of been before my time, Alicia. I'm not fightin' or ignorin' anyone on this board.
If it ever comes a point where I am, I'm outta here.
Subject: Re: I feel very.....
The definition of hero is -The Firemen of New York
End Quote
I would never Ignore anyone because of an Opinion, I believe that everyone is allowed to have what ever opinion you want, and just because it varies from mine doesnt mean i will ignore you. but on the other hand I dont always debate.
Now about that kewl signature. I would like to just say that
A definition of hero is - All Firefighters
sure New York lost alot of good FireFighters, but every Firefighter in the world is willing to risk thier lives every single day and if put in the same sittuation as the FD NY. they would have givin thier lives to try and help others just like the Heros in NY.
just my humble opinion
btw I am a Proud Son of a Fireman
Subject: Re: I feel very.....
Well, I certainly like you - and I'll debate w/ ya anytime you want. :)
Of course there are certain issues I'm more willing to debate than others. I'm pretty "hard-headed" about some issues, and I don't debate them because I know they're "undebateable." (Was that a word?)
Subject: Re: I feel very.....
I wasn't ignoring you it's just that sometimes it is best not to say what is on your mind, you have your opinion and I have mine. Although, "I" don't think the 1 year anniversary of 9/11 is the best time to claim not to be proud to be an American as you sit IN America with your freedom of speech and your freedom to sit in your house and your freedom to spend your time as you please. A lot of people (men, women and children) lost there lives in this terrible tragedy and a lot of Hero's were born too, Hero's born of Pride for their country, Hero's born of compassion for their fellow man and Hero's born from people wanting to help their fellow countrymen.
I think it was Philbo Baggins who asked what is there to be so proud of to be an American? Well let me tell you what, it's the people of America and the way we can come together and help one another in a great time of need to show compassion and caring for one another. If that's not something to be proud to be a part of then tell me what is!!!
Subject: Re: I feel very.....
Well, I certainly like you - and I'll debate w/ ya anytime you want. Â :)
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;D ;D Ditto!
Subject: Re: I feel very.....
Besides, after all the fighting that went on when you first joined Alicia, and with a fair bit of squabbling that occured later (not necessarily with you) things got tense to the point where groundrules had to be laid out. It's quite possible people are a bit more hesitant to argue...
Subject: Re: I feel very.....
you know i love you alicia :)
if you want to debate with people you really have to say something that will get their attention (sometimes you must offend them in the process to recieve feedback)
fights are what make messageboards so much fun.
Closing Song:
Face To Face - Blind
Subject: Re: I feel very.....
Ok whatever. I'm going to not post this topic ANYMORE unless cricket talks to me.
End Quote
I tried to debate with you and this was the reply I got. As harsh as it is to say: You got upset, So I just don't argue with you anymore. I still talk to to you, just not on politcal topics.
Subject: Re: I feel very.....
When have I ever ignored you Alicia? Remember, I was also sucked into one of your debates, and I got gang tackled in print by women who disagreed with me. No I will never ignore you,but try to be careful in future debates. Nobody wants the same venom spilled out like the last time. ::)
Subject: Re: I feel very.....
I tried to debate with you and this was the reply I got. As harsh as it is to say: You got upset, So I just don't argue with you anymore. I still talk to to you, just not on politcal topics.
End Quote
Okay I don't remember saying that about cricket.......
Subject: Re: I feel very.....
I wasn't ignoring you it's just that sometimes it is best not to say what is on your mind, you have your opinion and I have mine. Although, "I" don't think the 1 year anniversary of 9/11 is the best time to claim not to be proud to be an American as you sit IN America with your freedom of speech and your freedom to sit in your house and your freedom to spend your time as you please. A lot of people (men, women and children) lost there lives in this terrible tragedy and a lot of Hero's were born too, Hero's born of Pride for their country, Hero's born of compassion for their fellow man and Hero's born from people wanting to help their fellow countrymen.
I think it was Philbo Baggins who asked what is there to be so proud of to be an American? Well let me tell you what, it's the people of America and the way we can come together and help one another in a great time of need to show compassion and caring for one another. If that's not something to be proud to be a part of then tell me what is!!!
End Quote
I totally agree with you that I'm stting right here with the freedom of speech but I'm only 14 I can't move away until I'm 18