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Subject: I'm Going To Rant...
A little more than 10 years ago, on September 7, 1992, my Father passed away.
A little less than 4-1/2 years ago, on April 17, 1998, my son died.
A year ago today-well, you know-some friends, a few acquaintaces, and thousands of just plain folk were killed.
"What is your point?' you may wonder. Well, it's this: three different situations, three different kinds of grief.
When my Father died, I thought my grief was great. We were close as only a father and daughter could be...sometimes loving, sometimes argumentive(!), sometimes bitter...but always cherished. I thought my grief was mine alone, my own pain to bear...and I was right-and wrong.
One year ago today, countless people died. I am not going to dwell on the fact that this has been re-visted many times by both the media and this board-but I am going to point out that I knew some of the people involved, and felt I knew many more through the countless profiles of the victims and their families. My heart goes out to them all. I was-and am still-horrified and so very, very sad because of this. Because I knew a few of them, my grief is personal; because I didn't know all of them, my grief is abstract. It is still grief, and I weep for all.
Four and one-half years ago, my son passed. The way was horrible, the reason-well I'll never know, will I? The fact is, losing a child is the one grief no person should ever have to face. There is nothing to compare it to. You may be close to a parent-and when they pass, experience inconceivable pain. You may have lost a cherished friend, or a close sibling-and felt the pain of loss. It is nothing compared to the mind-numbing pain of losing a child. That it is an all-consuming feeling of helplessness and loss is something few people on this board know about. Thankfully, I might add. I would not wish this feeling on anyone!!! There were days that I just wanted to die, drink myself into oblivion, or just plain go out of my mind. I have my ways of coping, and fortunatly they do not include any of the above any longer. That being said, I must add:
My therapist says I need to let things out, and so I have...in a fashion. I rant and rave to my husband, my freinds, my Mother, and, occasionally, you. This is my way. I am getting better. But please, if I occasionally bore you, please be wise and kind enough not to say so. I need your support. If you cannot give it, fine. I understand. However, please do not tell me to 'move on', 'get through it', or 'get over yourself'. Most of you have no clue what losing a child feels like, and believe me, it is not like losing a beloved parent or friend. Those are bone-crushing losses, but not even in the same stratasphere as losing a child. It is an elite club whose membership should be denied every parent. No parent should EVER outlive their child, for whatever reason. Believe me when I say that I am not belittling anyone's loss...only that it can never be compared to the feeling of losing a child. Only a person who has experienced the same pain can possibly understand what I am talking about.
So I am getting this out. And if you choose to support me, fine. If you are tired about hearing a parent's grief, also fine. This is our way of dealing. I can tell you that I am pretty sick and tired of all the inane BS that sometimes goes on here at these boards, but usually I would never say so for the public to see. As I see it, it is your right to spout off, as it is mine. As with any topic, it is your right to either read it, or not. However, most of you have absolutely no idea what it is like to lose a child that you have either sired or gave birth to. Pretending otherwise is not only counterproductive, but useless. Additionally, telling me to move on may be well-intentioned, but feels spiteful. I can never move on, get over it, etc. etc., I can only try to get through it. This includes posting my feelings. If you are tired of this, please, please....for once keep your good intentions to yourself, and don't tell me. Let me wallow in my own self-pity and grief. Because doing so helps me sometimes.
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
Yes, you're right. Can't even imagine it and pray never to know the loss you feel. I almost die every time my kids fall down and scrape their knees. I don't even like to think what it must be like to wake up every morning and know it wasn't just a nightmare and every thing is not all right. It makes my stomach hurt just to think about the loss you feel. Screw everyone who thinks you should move on. I wish for you happy memories, good dream filled nights and the support you need from where ever you can grab it.
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
You have my support. Whenever you need to talk, I am here for you and I promise I won't give you any cr@p about moving on. I personally think it's cold blooded of some people to say that you need to move on, especially the ones that don't know what the hell they are talking about.
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
Anytime you want to rant, and you don't know who to rant to, you can pm me and rant all you want. I might not know what to say (I won't tell you to move on, I do know about grief and grieving) but I am always willing to listen.
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
In 1993 my brother died of cancer. In 1994 my mother died of cancer. In 1996 and 1998 I lost my last two uncles on my father's side. And one year ago today many innocent people lost their lives in a vicious attack on our nation. I cry for them all. I still miss my mommy! I wish she was still here! I understand perfectly.
Edited to add:
I know you miss your little boy. Rock&RollFan also lost his son, but in a fast-food robbery. I know he feels the same pain. If I lost my child, I too would feel the same pain.
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
So, so sorry to hear about your losses, Banasy. I can't imagine what you're going through right now. Hang in there.
A little more than 10 years ago, on September 7, 1992, my Father passed away.
A little less than 4-1/2 years ago, on April 17, 1998, my son died.
A year ago today-well, you know-some friends, a few acquaintaces, and thousands of just plain folk were killed.
"What is your point?' you may wonder. Well, it's this: three different situations, three different kinds of grief.
When my Father died, I thought my grief was great. We were close as only a father and daughter could be...sometimes loving, sometimes argumentive(!), sometimes bitter...but always cherished. I thought my grief was mine alone, my own pain to bear...and I was right-and wrong.
One year ago today, countless people died. I am not going to dwell on the fact that this has been re-visted many times by both the media and this board-but I am going to point out that I knew some of the people involved, and felt I knew many more through the countless profiles of the victims and their families. My heart goes out to them all. I was-and am still-horrified and so very, very sad because of this. Because I knew a few of them, my grief is personal; because I didn't know all of them, my grief is abstract. It is still grief, and I weep for all.
Four and one-half years ago, my son passed. The way was horrible, the reason-well I'll never know, will I? The fact is, losing a child is the one grief no person should ever have to face. There is nothing to compare it to. You may be close to a parent-and when they pass, experience inconceivable pain. You may have lost a cherished friend, or a close sibling-and felt the pain of loss. It is nothing compared to the mind-numbing pain of losing a child. That it is an all-consuming feeling of helplessness and loss is something few people on this board know about. Thankfully, I might add. I would not wish this feeling on anyone!!! There were days that I just wanted to die, drink myself into oblivion, or just plain go out of my mind. I have my ways of coping, and fortunatly they do not include any of the above any longer. That being said, I must add:
My therapist says I need to let things out, and so I have...in a fashion. I rant and rave to my husband, my freinds, my Mother, and, occasionally, you. This is my way. I am getting better. But please, if I occasionally bore you, please be wise and kind enough not to say so. I need your support. If you cannot give it, fine. I understand. However, please do not tell me to 'move on', 'get through it', or 'get over yourself'. Most of you have no clue what losing a child feels like, and believe me, it is not like losing a beloved parent or friend. Those are bone-crushing losses, but not even in the same stratasphere as losing a child. It is an elite club whose membership should be denied every parent. No parent should EVER outlive their child, for whatever reason. Believe me when I say that I am not belittling anyone's loss...only that it can never be compared to the feeling of losing a child. Only a person who has experienced the same pain can possibly understand what I am talking about.
So I am getting this out. And if you choose to support me, fine. If you are tired about hearing a parent's grief, also fine. This is our way of dealing. I can tell you that I am pretty sick and tired of all the inane BS that sometimes goes on here at these boards, but usually I would never say so for the public to see. As I see it, it is your right to spout off, as it is mine. As with any topic, it is your right to either read it, or not. However, most of you have absolutely no idea what it is like to lose a child that you have either sired or gave birth to. Pretending otherwise is not only counterproductive, but useless. Additionally, telling me to move on may be well-intentioned, but feels spiteful. I can never move on, get over it, etc. etc., I can only try to get through it. This includes posting my feelings. If you are tired of this, please, please....for once keep your good intentions to yourself, and don't tell me. Let me wallow in my own self-pity and grief. Because doing so helps me sometimes.
End Quote
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
My mother died 3 and a quarter years ago. And I'm still not ready 'to move on'. And there is a lot of impatience going on at work and at home, because management wants work to get done. But I find that a very harmful in that they are toying with the health of the workers here. So here I sit at work, angry, confused, and wondering how some people can deal with a loss like it was nothing out of the ordinary. And Banasy, I hope that you will stop hurting yourself. I agree that losing a child is the worst that can happen to a parent. And parents in Oklahoma City are still grieving the loss of their young ones in the bombing. So it has been hard on everyone. But just know that we are with you in support and I hope you will accept our words as comforting, if not a cure-all for the hurt. We are always thankful for your words and comments. :'(
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
This includes posting my feelings. If you are tired of this, please, please....for once keep your good intentions to yourself, and don't tell me. Let me wallow in my own self-pity and grief. Because doing so helps me sometimes.
End Quote
You know, I'm trying very hard, but for the life of me I don't recall you taking up a lot of board space doing this.
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
Ouch, Lester. :o
You know, I'm trying very hard, but for the life of me I don't recall you taking up a lot of board space doing this.
End Quote
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
Well said, Banasy.
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
You know, I'm trying very hard, but for the life of me I don't recall you taking up a lot of board space doing this.
End Quote
Out of respect for the nicer people on this board, I will keep my mouth shut on this comment. :-X
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
Out of respect for the nicer people on this board, I will keep my mouth shut on this comment. :-X
End Quote
Uh, I haven't been here for a while, and I may be talkin' out my hiney, but I don't think WL was being sarcastic. I too have only noticed Banasy's reference to her pain when it is applicable and generously vulnerable. She has allowed her grief to transfer into some very tender wisdom which I, for one, frequently benefit from.
Bananananasy, I honor and respect your experience and thank you for allowing me to be a part of how you heal yourself.
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
You know, I'm trying very hard, but for the life of me I don't recall you taking up a lot of board space doing this.
End Quote
and I thought I was ignorant........
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
Uh, I haven't been here for a while, and I may be talkin' out my hiney, but I don't think WL was being sarcastic. End Quote
Thanks lang. What I said was a truthful observation. Banasy has not made a lot of posts about her son's death. My comments were about a very specific part of her post. Her post. ::)
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
Banasy, who told you to "Move on"...do you want me to beat them up?
Rant all you want. I can't even imagine the pain that you have gone through. I don't think I would have held up as well as you seem to have. I will never be tired of you needing to talk about it. **HUGS** Remember, I am here if you need me.
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
You poor darlin'. My eyes were welling w/ tears the whole time I read your post. I don't want to sound like a broken record, or like all I'm doing is reiterating what everyone else has said, but I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you're going through right now. I want to thank you for having the courage and the "balls" (excuse my candor) for writing what you wrote. I appreciate that you feel close enough to the people on this board to express your feelings...both good and bad.
I don't know who told you to stop talking about your pain or to "move on," but it's quite obvious to me that they've never experienced even a morsel of what you've experienced. Pain never goes away. It may lessen over time, but it's always there...always. Although I can't really speak from experience, I imagine the pain of losing a child hurts straight to the bone and no amount of time will ever lessen the grief. I do know, however, that talking is the best therapy. I know when I'm upset about something, the more I talk about it, the more I can grow to understand it. So, please, please, please vent as much as you need. If you ever need to talk to someone, please don't hesitate to PM me.
And, guys, I don't think Wicked Lester meant what everyone interpreted from his statement. He was just making a simple observation - not a rude remark.
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
I apologize to you Lester, for a misunderstanding of what I had thought was a sarcastic remark toward Banasy. And I should have probably known better too. I know you wouldn't be making off-the-cuff remarks in her time of need. Thanks Langdon, for putting Lester's post in perspective. And Banasy, I agree with the members who tell you to vent more of your true feelings. It's good therapy for everyone.
Thanks lang. What I said was a truthful observation. Banasy has not made a lot of posts about her son's death. My comments were about a very specific part of her post. Her post. ::)
End Quote
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
Banasy, you add so much to this board and are such a good friend to so many of the members here; please don't ever think that you're ranting when you express your feelings. We are lucky to have you.
As for a couple of other things in this thread:
You know, I'm trying very hard, but for the life of me I don't recall you taking up a lot of board space doing this.
End Quote
And the responses:
Out of respect for the nicer people on this board, I will keep my mouth shut on this comment. :-X
End Quote
and I thought I was ignorant........
End Quote
I know he's the last person who needs anyone to come to his defense (and it seems lang already set the record straight anyway), but I just have to ask you... Ummm, HELLO, do you two KNOW Wicked Lester? He's that guy who's been a valuable member here for longer than most of us, since the days of the old board. You know, the guy who is honest and sincere, with a fabulous sense of humor that I have never witnessed him misuse. One of the people here who respects the other members, and if he doesn't have something nice to say, tends to keep his mouth shut.
I don't know how his comment here came across as anything but a friendly gesture of support, but even if that's how you read it, was it really necessary to make the comments you did?
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
I cannot for the life of me imagine going through what you have been through. If the right thing to do is what the therapist suggests then by all means go ahead, there are people out there willing to listen..........
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
You know you have lots of friends here - I think that has been demonstrated by the responses that you have received and you know from our previous discussions that can include me in that category. No-one could possibly compare to your experience.... :(
I go cold to think how I would feel if something happened to one of my kids, and that's just thinking about it...
FB :)
As for the following :
You know, I'm trying very hard, but for the life of me I don't recall you taking up a lot of board space doing this.
End Quote
I read this thread in order. When I came across this comment, I thought : "This is a message of support - it says I haven't seen you taking up a lot of space on the board with your issues". I saw it as an affirmation of Banasy's desire to have her say/state her piece. I saw it as an acknowledgement to Banasy that she does not 'wallow in her own self-pity and grief'.
That's how I saw it. What I then saw were some comments that I frankly couldn't believe, and reading and re-reading Lester's comments, I'm sorry, I don't see any other way of interpreting them. (One of the comments has since been recinded, and I think that was great).
What I did see was an example of the very "inane BS that sometimes goes on here at these boards" to which Banasy referred in her original message.
Please, people, how about having a think before you launch into writing with the first thought that comes into your heads.
Sometimes there is more than one answer to a question. Or more than one reason for a statement made. Sometimes they are all correct, sometimes none of them are.
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
To those who issued an apology: Thank you, and accepted.
To those who didn't: C'est la Vie.
To those who defended me: Thank you as well. I was worried that what I said had been widely misinterpreted, but I'm thankful that it wasn't.
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
I am so very sorry to hear of your loss, as a father of two children I couldn't begin to imagine what it would be like to bear such a loss. Just to let you know... I'm not very good a giving advice but I make up for that by being a very good listner if you ever need an ear.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
My heart goes out to you. I can't imagine the pain you're going through, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Anyone who tells you to get over it, or that you will get over it, simply has no idea. Your pain is one from which one can never recover; anytime you feel the need to let it out again, feel free.
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
I can just tell you what you already know. You are in my heart and soul forever and I Love You :-* Thanks for always being here for me from that First Year and beyond. I am always here for you as well ;)
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
but even if that's how you read it, was it really necessary to make the comments you did?
End Quote
Yes. You know, I could go back and say I'm sorry about what I said, but I'm not. And quite frankly, I don't care. I knew I'd take flak for what I said, but there's no point in erasing it or apologizing for it. Everyone's already seen it, and they know how I feel. The only person I WILL apologize to is Banasy for hijacking her thread. Sorry.
Subject: Re: I'm Going To Rant...
Thank you all for making me comfortable enough to be able to rant and rave! I have made so many freinds here, and I am grateful that I can count on support whenever I need it...even if I have to rant and rave once in awhile. Try it, it's cathartic!
I love you all!
:-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*