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Subject: Things that turn you on....
Since there was a topic called "things that turn you Off...." Here is a topic about things that turn you on. What are some things that turn you on?
I like my guys sweet,funny,seductive,Romantic,and kinky :)
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kitten
Cold runny noses and snot on my mittens.....
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Red Hair. 8)
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
"men who are too gentle to live among wolves...." :) ;)
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
a nice behind ;D
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
a man that not only smiles with his mouth....but also with his eyes...a true honest smile...
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Red Hair. 8)
End Quote
YES! That and a nice set of...um...t...t...teeth!
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Curvy women. (Goes into his Austin Powers voice) YEAH, BABY, YEAH! ;)
(Unless their face is ugly. http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/puke.gif Remember, girls, if you must have a beautiful body, make sure you have the face to match!)
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
A woman that can drive stick. ;D
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Intelligence, oh yes... intelligence... and for the physical I would have to say hands, big (bigger than mine, at least), masculine hands. I also love a wicked grin, pehaps a little too much.
As for niceness, it's a given that I would never date someone who was mean, so I don't count that as a turn-on.
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
A great smile, broad shoulders, P.D.A., wit, confidence (not cocky), trustworthy, affectionate but not constantly groping, I'm turning myself on here... :o...whew!
I'd better find a date for this weekend now!
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Cold runny noses and snot on my mittens.....
End Quote
Brown cotton hankies with bogeys on strings
These are a few of my favourite things
...as for what I most like in the opposite sex:
A sense of humour, but especially intelligent wit - the ability to give as good as she gets. Perfect bodies and heavenly faces are OK for the short term, but there is no substitute for a good mind.
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
A sense of humor (no, really), great teeth w/ a smile that can melt plastic, someone who is trustworthy, someone who listens.
And for Crazydon's comment:
"Remember, girls, if you must have a beautiful body, make sure you have the face to match!)"
There isn't much a person w/ a beautiful body/ugly face combo can do about their ugliness. That's an issue for God. :)
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
If we're talking members of the opposite sex, I love strong, masculine hands that know the value of a full day's work (I hate guys with hands that have manicured nails and look as though they wear kid gloves), dark hair (preferably on the longer side) and dark eyes that have little laugh lines at the corner and a good sense of humour!
If we're talking things in general, add Pink Floyd to my list ;)
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
;DBIG hands ;D and a seductive/sweet/witty/reliable/emotionally stable guy who knows what to do with them.
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Any miniskirt or short shorts.
Happy medium boobalage (C or D cup)
Thongs up to a point
Women in stripes
And an average IQ,same as mine.
A woman with a sense of humor, but not scatological.
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Girls turn me on.
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Someone who listens, has a sense of humor and is sweet. Looks don't matter. Also, I have to feel safe with him. That doesn't mean big and muscular...just safe.
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
boobalage (C or D cup)
End Quote
Is this a word?
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
lesbians ;D ;D ;D :-X -howard-
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Men who help pick out and love tattoos!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
It is on The Bob and Tom Show. ;D
Is this a word?
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Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Wow! Three women I think mentioned large hands....
I prefer small sensitive hands myself.... :)
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Girls turn me on.
End Quote
LMAO!! VERY honest answer lebeiw15!! Heheeee
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Women with pierced tongues.
Nice curves.
Speaks her mind.
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Wow! Three women I think mentioned large hands....
I prefer small sensitive hands myself.... :)
End Quote
But what you think of as small, sensitive hands might be large hands to me... I have small hands, and dating someone with hands smaller than mine would be like dating a child.
It is interesting to see hands mentioned that many times, here I was thinking I was odd for being so attracted to them. And no, despite what my best friend may think, I did not join the robot team to watch the engineers (note, I said engineers, not high school students) working with their hands with all kinds of machinery and what not... It's just a bonus ;D
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
But what you think of as small, sensitive hands might be large hands to me... I have small hands, and dating someone with hands smaller than mine would be like dating a child.
End Quote
Oh! I guess I meant small in general for men. The big, calloused, farmer-driving-a-tractor type just don't do it for me (apologies to any farmers.... :) )
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Oh! I guess I meant small in general for men. The big, calloused, farmer-driving-a-tractor type just don't do it for me (apologies to any farmers.... :) )
End Quote
I can roll a quarter across the knuckles of my right hand minimum twenty five times in a row. Does that earn me any points?
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Girls turn me on.
End Quote
Spoken like a true teenager ;D
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Porno movies turn me on. ;D ;D ;D!
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Oh! I guess I meant small in general for men. The big, calloused, farmer-driving-a-tractor type just don't do it for me (apologies to any farmers.... :) )
End Quote
Hmmm, I love "farmer-driving-a-tractor" hands. I love a man who can work all day out in the blaring sun (bailing hay or whatever). Yum! :)
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Thongs up to a point
End Quote
That just struck me as funny and I need a good laugh right now.
Intelligent conversation is very arousing.
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Reenactors in tight breeches w/stockings and longcoats/hunting-shirts! :o
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
drunk girls ;)
or maybe when my girlfriend is wet ( in more ways than one ;) )
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Long dark hair with deep brown eyes...........
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Women who support men for having and showing thier feelings instead of pretending to be the typical Fake Macho man ie: Most of the wwe jerks who abuse verbally, physically and mentally. Yes, I know it's all an act but believe it or not thier are real jerks out there >:( I believe nice guys can finish First and I appreciate women who realize this ;)
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
women with long,limber thighs
so she can squeeze me with em. ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
women with long,limber thighs
so she can squeeze me with em. ;D ;D
End Quote
Hhmmmm, now that I do have! ;)
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
What's better than long legs wrapped around you?
Shorter legs trying really hard...
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Long legs, high heels with a spike instead of those damned ugly platforms, and a tight mini-skirt. I got whiplash that way once. Always tempted to follow them home and be thier slave...
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Hhmmmm, now that I do have! ;)
End Quote
good! when are you available? ;D ;D ;D ;) -howard-
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Jeez-o-pete...everything and anything turns me on these days....I am perpetually in heat! ARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
I'm glad Zella gave me your real number. ;D
Jeez-o-pete...everything and anything turns me on these days....I am perpetually in heat! ARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!
End Quote
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
I read or heard this somewhere, but I forgot, so forgive for not quoting properly.
Someone who would love me for me.
Someone who would love me... in spite of me.
The Nu Wave Conformist
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Jeez-o-pete...everything and anything turns me on these days....I am perpetually in heat! ARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!
End Quote
OMG :o
I thought this only existed in books :D ;)
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
When He looks at me and for that moment I am the only thing in His world.
Now come here...
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
A nice tush on a woman.-howard-
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
i like guys with sparkly, mischievous eyes...muscular, shapely legs with strong thighs that lead up to a nice round, firm bum...a broad-but-well-proportioned chest...nice hands--i deem them nice on a case by case basis...strong arms that can make me feel perfectly safe when they hold me...similar height--can be taller, but not too much (i'm only about 5'5" so he'd be kinda short for a guy)...medium build--not too thick, not too thin...treats me like the goddess i am...enormous sense of humor but knows when to be serious...quirky charm...can hold a conversation be it intelligent or just fluff...must have a decent, if not really good, imagination...not afraid to show emotions...nice voice (speaking, not singing--though that's good, too)...open to kink, but not dependent upon it...i have a very sensitive sense of smell, so i don't really go for guys who wear a lot of cologne, and if he smells REALLY good without it, i'm pretty much hooked...he must be able give and receive communication during intimate situations--that's a major turn-on for me...the ability to cause a meltdown with one smoky look...i think i need to stop now. ;)
as a side note, this does describe my current boyfriend garry, and is actually the total opposite of what i used to go for when seeking a mate. so i was basically attracted to tall, scrawny emotional wastes and jerk-offs until i met garry...we're very compatible and it's nice to actually be happy in a relationship.
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
sometimes I like muscular women
(i.e. Nicole Bass) ;D -howard-
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Everything about a man..sight, smell, taste and all shapes!
Other than that, I will plead the 5th. ;D
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Tattoos and body piercings!
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
Everything about a man..sight, smell, taste and all shapes!
Other than that, I will plead the 5th. ;D
End Quote
What kind of shape may I ask you are looking for Rapture? ;D :o :-X -howard-(I'll try to keep my mouth shut)
Subject: Re: Things that turn you on....
blond bodacious women
hot sexy voice
french kissing
(*"I'm a sexy beast,YEAH,BABY,YEAH") ;D 8)