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Subject: 4-year old behavior
I need to know something. I have a four year old daughter. She is active and very curious. The other day I took my computer to a friend of my mothers house to see if her husband could fix a prob I was having with my CD drive. My daughter had never been here before. Today my mom emails me saying that her friend thinks she is out of control and my mom agrees. This friend had a bird and some bird toys. Sarah picked a couple of them up without asking and asked what they were. She also turned on a light. Each time she did something like this, I told her not to. I think she was just curious about her surroundings as she had never been there before. Also the bird had her excited. My mom swears she needs ritalin. She just doesn't understand that I can't see that. My daughter will sit in front of a movie for 1-2 hours and not get fidgety. In a new environment she is curious...I try to control this, but she is 4 for goodness sakes. This friend also said that she acts like a two year old.
In short, I think my mom wants my daughter to act like a friends granddaughter. This girl is not as active. My mom is constantly comparing them. I am ready to tell her that my daughter is not Tina (made up name for real girl ;)) so deal with it.
Could I please get some opinions on others 4 years olds behavior or other dealings? I promise not to freak if people agree with my mom. ;D
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
Sounds to me like she is a typical four year old, dagwood. In this case I think Mom should maybe take a step back. ;)
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
I do not have kids, so I maybe out of place responding, but I would be aginst anyone "dumbing down" thier kid by giving them Rittalin. I can't remeber how many times I have heard storys of teachers recomending this drug be taken by thier students, and only find out latter the student was gifted and just board with school. I wouldn't give this drug to a stranger, let alone my own kid. I'm glad it wasn't around when I was in school.
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
Well I have raised 5 boys so...I agree with YOU...that IS indeed the way most if not all children act. That would make her "Normal" and yet since she's your child she is much more than normal....she's very special ;)
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
Dag, my oldest son, who is 14, was diagnosed with ADHD(attention deficeit hyperactivity disorder) when he was in the 3rd grade. He is still on medication today. So I do know something about this disease process. The behavior that you are describing sounds to me just like typical behavior for a 4 y/o. She was curious by her new surroundings and the bird. If she hadn't been, you would have been concerned that she wasn't interested. I agree with Lester, it's time to tell you mother to mind her own business
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
I do not have kids, so I maybe out of place responding, but I would be aginst anyone "dumbing down" thier kid by giving them Rittalin. I can't remeber how many times I have heard storys of teachers recomending this drug be taken by thier students, and only find out latter the student was gifted and just board with school. I wouldn't give this drug to a stranger, let alone my own kid. I'm glad it wasn't around when I was in school.
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That may all be true, Screwball. But as a parent of a child with ADHD, I disagree with your statement of "dumbing down" a child with medication. He was tested by a child psychologist during the 3rd grade after several teacher suggested that he be screened. I was the last person to believe that there was anything wrong with my son. Denial is a wonderful thing. You don't understand how frustrating it is to try to parent a child with this disease. They forget stuff, important stuff, like the band instrument when they are supposed to bring it home, they don't remember to bring home their homework. They are very impulsive and don't think before they act. It's the hardest thing that I've ever had to deal with and without his medication every day, I shudder to think what he would be like.
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
That may all be true, Screwball. But as a parent of a child with ADHD, I disagree with your statement of "dumbing down" a child with medication. He was tested by a child psychologist during the 3rd grade after several teacher suggested that he be screened. I was the last person to believe that there was anything wrong with my son. Denial is a wonderful thing. You don't understand how frustrating it is to try to parent a child with this disease. They forget stuff, important stuff, like the band instrument when they are supposed to bring it home, they don't remember to bring home their homework. They are very impulsive and don't think before they act. It's the hardest thing that I've ever had to deal with and without his medication every day, I shudder to think what he would be like.
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But I have to say...he is still a great kid...but even he can push me sometimes...and that takes alot...but add in puberty that he is going thru now...yup..he can be a booger!!!
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
But I have to say...he is still a great kid...but even he can push me sometimes...and that takes alot...but add in puberty that he is going thru now...yup..he can be a booger!!!
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Of course he is!! He's my big little man! Lots taller than me(which he never lets me forget!! ;D) and stuck in that terribly hard age!! I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world!! But ss is right, he's got that button-pushing down to a fine art!!!
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
Does this friend of your mother's have anything to do with little children on a regular basis??I think it's very easy for a certain generation who don't see kids very often to forget how lively they are! Now if she had been running round tearing down curtains and smashing plates on the floor I'd say she might need a little controling! ;D
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
I agree with the above comments Dagwood, sounds like normal 4 yo behaviour to me.
Your comments about how your Daughter was influenced by her new environment, the excitement of the bird etc are typical of my kids at that age and most others that I have known.
She is finally at an age where she is making decisions for herself. They may not be the right decisions, but she is only four and has no life experience to judge her instant reaction to 'touch' or 'do' against. After all, from her point of view, what's the harm ?
As for the friends comment re the two year old, I found the terrible two's can last anywhere from Age 1 to whatever age you care to mention. Certainly my kids were 'worse' at 4 than they were at 2.
In short, I don't agree with your Mum. My blunt opinion is that having been a mother herself she should remember (a) what things were like, and (b) that theory is a lot different from practice.
Kids are not perfect. Neither are adults...... ::)
All you can do is continue to tell your Daughter what is right from wrong. She will get there in the end. It is, like so many other things with kids, a phase. It will be harder to shake your Mum's phase though :-/
Hang in there, Dagny :)
Fuss ;)
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
Does this friend of your mother's have anything to do with little children on a regular basis??I think it's very easy for a certain generation who don't see kids very often to forget how lively they are! Now if she had been running round tearing down curtains and smashing plates on the floor I'd say she might need a little controling! ;D
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I don't know if she even has kids let alone is around 4 year olds. I know my mother's only other contact is a friends grandaughter who behaves differently than mine. My mom just doesn't get it that because one behaves one way all won't. What gets me is that she has two of us herself. I was calm, never got into anything and was content to just sit and play with one toy. My sister, on the other hand, was alot like my daughter. Very curious. My mom made it sound like Sarah tore up this friends house. Anything she picked up she put right back down in the same place when I told her to.
I got a good nights sleep and have a better prespective on all of this today. I just have to learn not to let my mom get to me.
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
Dag, my oldest son, who is 14, was diagnosed with ADHD(attention deficeit hyperactivity disorder) when he was in the 3rd grade. He is still on medication today. So I do know something about this disease process. The behavior that you are describing sounds to me just like typical behavior for a 4 y/o. She was curious by her new surroundings and the bird. If she hadn't been, you would have been concerned that she wasn't interested. I agree with Lester, it's time to tell you mother to mind her own business
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Thank you, Goldie. I needed to hear from someone experiencing ADHD. I agree that ritalin is a good medication if it is needed, but I don't think that it should be prescribed because grandma thinks so. I don't want my child on medication unless it is truly needed. I am either going to tell her to butt out or that Sarah isn't Tina get over it.
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
Very typical behavior. I wouldn't worry about it at all.
Based on what you've said, I seriously doubt that your pediatrician would prescribe ritalin based on that information.
She sounds like a normal little girl to me!
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
Oh please, your daughter sounds perfectly normal. Are your Mom and her friend from (or raised by) the generation of "children should be seen and not heard"? Tell them if they want to see out of control (but also normal) your friend with her 2 1/2 year old triplets would love to stop by. ;D I think parents bother us the most about our own children. It's like they are still trying to be the parent.
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
Well, dagwood, it sounds as though someone needs a nap, and I'm not talking about your daughter!!! ;D
I have dealt with this kind of stuff in my own family, and this is what I said:
"Thanks for your imput. The next child you have, (insert well meaning but clueless relative here), you can raise that way."
Your daughter is unique, and there is nobody else in the world like her. Tell Ma to quit comparing apples to oranges, and lighten up! Maybe she should take a pill-a chill pill!!! ;)
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
Well, dagwood, it sounds as though someone needs a nap, and I'm not talking about your daughter!!! ;D
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Yeah, I need a nap. ;)
I emailed my mom this morning and explained my feelings (nicely) and hopefully she will get the hint. I also made her a Dr appt to show my mom I know what I am talking about. (she also hasn't been in 1 1/2 yrs so it is time ;D) I just hope I don't make her angry with me. 31 years old and still scared of my mommy. ::) ;)
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
31 years old and still scared of my mommy. ::) ;)
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I'm thirty-six and I'm still scared of mine too!! ;D
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
I'm thirty-six and I'm still scared of mine too!! ;D
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6'5 and scared of your mommy? Hmmm.... :-X
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
6'5 and scared of your mommy? Hmmm.... :-X
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Okay then, how about a healthy respect?
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
Okay then, how about a healthy respect?
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Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
Okay then, how about a healthy respect?
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I totally understand, Lester! If you knew my mom, you'd have a healthy respect of her too!! Right, southernspitfire? ;D
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
I totally understand, Lester! If you knew my mom, you'd have a healthy respect of her too!! Right, southernspitfire? ;D
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Uh....I don't know if I want to reply....*looking around* what if she checks in....shhhhhhhhh........mommy may be listening....
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
ok im responding now that you mentioned that you are making a dr appointment even though you dont think she is ADHD.
If the doc says she is, I would suggest a second opinion, by someone NOT recomended by her regular doc.
I know that there are kids out there that have this disorder,
and I Know that medication is the best way of controling ADHD
but from working with grade school kids for a few years I have witnessed a disturbing rise in doctors diagnosing ADHD and putting kids on Rittalin just to calm them down.
the term "Dumbing down" may sound harsh but unfortunately it is exactly what alot of doctors (and parents) are doing. and I am NOT talking about parents of kids that Honestly do have ADHD. you are the few that Trully need the medication and im sure fear that the missuse of it will eventually have it banned.
I do have two daughters(8 and 4) and I thank god they are both Healthy and VERY (hyper)Active. I know something is wrong when they are calm. LOL
and just for the record I am a single parent with custody of my daughters, not a weekend dad. so I have to deal with the kids 24/7 :D
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
I know that there are kids out there that have this disorder,
and I Know that medication is the best way of controling ADHD
but from working with grade school kids for a few years I have witnessed a disturbing rise in doctors diagnosing ADHD and putting kids on Rittalin just to calm them down.
the term "Dumbing down" may sound harsh but unfortunately it is exactly what alot of doctors (and parents) are doing. and I am NOT talking about parents of kids that Honestly do have ADHD. you are the few that Trully need the medication and im sure fear that the missuse of it will eventually have it banned.
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This is what I think my mom's prob is. She has always insisted that my daughter needs ritalin because she is "busy" as my mom calls it. She is active when she is playing, but she has no problem concentrating for an hour. If my Dr does say she needs ritalin I will find another dr period. Even the lady that watches her (and several other her age and younger) says there is nothing wrong. I tend to agree with her because she has day to day experience with little ones and my mom doesn't. Believe me, I would not put my daughter on any drug unless she absolutely needed it. This includes antibiotics.
Props to you for being a full time daddy to two girls. My one is a handful, I can imagine that yours are too.
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
Props to you for being a full time daddy to two girls. My one is a handful, I can imagine that yours are too.
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Indeed, I too have spent the better part of my marraige raising my 5 boys.....Dagwood, it's very kind of you to give credit to the fathers out here who do the "Mr. Mom" thing ;) Way to go, MeltdOwn :)
Subject: Re: 4-year old behavior
Indeed, I too have spent the better part of my marraige raising my 5 boys.....Dagwood, it's very kind of you to give credit to the fathers out here who do the "Mr. Mom" thing ;) Way to go, MeltdOwn :)
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I give props because I am a single mom and I know how hard it can be. It never is easy to do the right thing, but it is totally worth it. :D