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Subject: Collecting
What sort of things do you like to collect?
I like collecting Marilyn Monroe Memoribilia and turtles
Subject: Re: Collecting
I collect Bon Jovi memorabilia...I know, I know....hard to believe....and I collect penguins....
Subject: Re: Collecting
I collect stuff from China and Japan. I'm also trying to start collecting stuff from India.
Subject: Re: Collecting
Angels, Angels, and more Angels.....figurines and ornaments
Subject: Re: Collecting
I collect dust. JK…
Actually I collect records. I have a closet full of them…
Subject: Re: Collecting
I collect more stuff than I can get unpacked!!!!
Subject: Re: Collecting
I collect more than I should! I have a fantasy collection, and, in my parents basement I have over 500 glass cats (a collection started for me by my family when I was very young) and a small collection of forest green depression glass. And books! Lots of books!!!
Subject: Re: Collecting
I collect models of buildings, and ceramic lighted buildings, which I only set up at Christmas time.
Subject: Re: Collecting
Thousands of books, thousands of empty CD cases if the need arises, post cards, and, the main source of collectivity with my family, having done so over the last *mumble* years, a wide-stretching collection of soft toys.
Subject: Re: Collecting
Collections? I'm getting a deja vu...
I think in the height thread I referred to collecting small cuddley ones.... ;)
Subject: Re: Collecting
<<HUGZ>> for Zella. You're the greatest!
Collections? I'm getting a deja vu...
I think in the height thread I referred to collecting small cuddley ones.... ;)
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Subject: Re: Collecting
<<HUGZ>> for Zella. You're the greatest!
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Thanks Bobo! Now i'm blushing.... :-[ :)
Subject: Re: Collecting
I used to collect owls... not live one's obviously (though I did hold a couple) I stopped when it got to a point of no shelf space.
Now I collect stephen king books (Trying to get every book).
Subject: Re: Collecting
I used to collect Michael Jackson memorabilia from 15 years ago.
Subject: Re: Collecting
I collect TV Sitcom memorabilia. Most of my collections are from 70s/80s sitcoms (Bob Newhart Show, Newhart, Good Times, Golden Girls).
I also collect old tintype and b&w photos from the 1800s - 1940s.
My collections are pretty small right now because I don't have a place to put them, but once I get my own house, I want to have a game room where I can display everything I've purchased.
Subject: Re: Collecting
I collect models of buildings, and ceramic lighted buildings, which I only set up at Christmas time.
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Yes, I collect those as well, but I think we've already discussed that in a previous thread.
Subject: Re: Collecting
I really don't collect things anymore but I use to collect:
Basketball cards
Sports Figurines
Red Wings collectibles (hats, shirts, books, etc.)
Well yea I do collect something of today:
I now collect Lil Homies.
Subject: Re: Collecting
I collect shot glasses and sports/non-sports cards (mostly non-sports).
Oh, and Jack Daniels paraphernalia.
Subject: Re: Collecting
Well, if you looked at my house right now you would think I collected clutter.
I collect Froggies...I love frogs. :D
Subject: Re: Collecting
I collect monkeys(not real ones!)Black and white movie stills from the 30's and 40's and snowman ornaments.As to books and cd's yes I have loads so I guess in a way thats collecting!!
Subject: Re: Collecting
8) 8) 8)I collect dolls,old photos,costume jewelry,and Russian miniatures.Cheers! :D
Subject: Re: Collecting
I used to collect cans and bottles from garbages 15 years ago.I thought after a while digging in the cans was a disgusting habit for me.So,it stopped.
Subject: Re: Collecting
I used to collect cans and bottles from garbages 15 years ago.I thought after a while digging in the cans was a disgusting habit for me.So,it stopped.
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:D :D :D :D :o :o :Well,you can get over 70 cents a pound for them now;you can buy some good stuff like clothes and a Mr.Chau's combo meal for the money.So it's not totally disgusting;why let the bums get the money just so they can buy booze and drugs? :PCheeers!
Subject: Re: Collecting
vinyl records
videos/DVDs (featuring music videos)
cassette singles
animal figurines
Subject: Re: Collecting
When I was about 10, I used to read magazines about dinosaurs and fossils came free with them. I collected those. I also have a collection of Steps merchandise including books, videos, CDs and only a few pictures of them. Nowadays, I tend to collect anything to do with my fave celebs, including a bit of Atomic Kitten and Sugababes merchandise. I also have a few Gareth Gates bits and bobs.
Subject: Re: Collecting
I collect the state quarters. Don't know why but I guess just for fun. Who knows, my grandkids might find them worth a fortune - or my great grand kids. I have (literally) a ton of books, so I guess you could say I collect them too, but I see them as the tools of my trade, so I don't collect them, I read them.
Subject: Re: Collecting
I used to collect coins. I have some dating back to the 1930s.
I collect music tape/CD compilations and wrestling videos.
Subject: Re: Collecting
:D :D :D :D :o :o :Well,you can get over 70 cents a pound for them now;you can buy some good stuff like clothes and a Mr.Chau's combo meal for the money.So it's not totally disgusting;why let the bums get the money just so they can buy booze and drugs? :PCheeers!
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Hey Marian,I used to make it like a weekend routine for me.getting a black bag,latex gloves and heading out to the park to collect bottles and cans.some of them collected bugs and had to be washed out thoroughlly.Maybe,I'll start up again when the time is right. ;D
Subject: Re: Collecting
I remember other things I used to collect. Mini toys. I've still got them somewhere and every new one I received was my favourite. The very first one was a mini polar bear and I called it Tiny.
Subject: Re: Collecting
Hey Marian,I used to make it like a weekend routine for me.getting a black bag,latex gloves and heading out to the park to collect bottles and cans.some of them collected bugs and had to be washed out thoroughlly.Maybe,I'll start up again when the time is right. ;D
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:o 8) :PYeah,gotta watch out for those bugs!It's nice you helped keep the park clean.I hate when people throw away glass bottles on the street.They get broken,then you have to watch out so your bike tire doesn't get punctured---it really p&%#@s you off when it happens on a hot day!Cheers! >:(
Subject: Re: Collecting
I collect keychains and business cards, and I guess you could say I collect CDs too.
I don't usually go to the park to look for cans and bottles, although it's not a bad idea. You get money for other people's garbage that they throw on the ground. Not a bad idea, huh?
I do keep my pop cans and bottles though in bags and take them to the store or to Wal-Mart every once in awhile. It amazes me to see how much pop we actually drink. :o
Subject: Re: Collecting
What don't I collect?
-Coins/currency-foriegn and domestic. This collection is by far the best of all my collections-and probably worth the most too. ;)
-Cats (figurines plus the three live ones. ;D)
-Tee shirts-of my many travels.
-Matchbooks-Haven't really collected them in a long time but I still have a bunch-even one from Air Force II that they probably don't make anymore since it is now "no smoking."
-CDs/Records/tapes. Music in general
I am such a packrat that I hate to throw things away. I have just about every letter and card I have recieved since I was a teen. And moving around as much as I have done, it does create a bit of a problem. :-/ Oh well.
Subject: Re: Collecting
:o 8) :PYeah,gotta watch out for those bugs!It's nice you helped keep the park clean.I hate when people throw away glass bottles on the street.They get broken,then you have to watch out so your bike tire doesn't get punctured---it really p&%#@s you off when it happens on a hot day!Cheers! >:(
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I just needed the money.
Subject: Re: Collecting
:D :D :D :D :o :o :Well,you can get over 70 cents a pound for them now;you can buy some good stuff like clothes and a Mr.Chau's combo meal for the money.So it's not totally disgusting;why let the bums get the money just so they can buy booze and drugs? :PCheeers!
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Wait a minute, if bums collect cans from the garbage, and Howard collected cans from the garbage....
No ofense Howard, just kidding ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Collecting
Wait a minute, if bums collect cans from the garbage, and Howard collected cans from the garbage....
No ofense Howard, just kidding ;D ;D
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no offense taken. :D
Subject: Re: Collecting
I guess I collect Simpsons toys. I have the whole family, Cletus, Dolph, Krusty looking like he did when he went to jail ( Busted Krusty), and, I guess that's it.
Subject: Re: Collecting
I collect all kinds of vinyl records, My Little Ponies and related bits 'n' pieces, badges, Tim Burton related stuff and weird things like found photos, stupid signs (loved that post!) and stuff.
Subject: Re: Collecting
I collect music tapes.
Subject: Re: Collecting
I didnt think I was a collector of much really - not anything specific anyway. But since I sold my house last month and have been busy packing up all my CWAP I have found all kinds of collections.
: Echidna's - I have solid gold and silver ones, stuffed ones, pottery ones, glass ones, wooden ones - at least 60 so far.
: Penguins - similar variety to above.
: Movie posters - found my huge collection from our Drive In days. Must go thru and catalogue them "one day".
: "Movie" magazines - a decades worth from the 80's.
: trivia on celebrities - I basically have a 4 drawer filing cabinet filled to the brim with magazine and newspaper articles dating back to the mid 70's on just about any actor and singer you could name.
: videos - I have roughly 300 odd Beta tapes with entire 80's series on them like The A Team and tonnes of music ones and loads of 80's movies. Then in my VHS collection I have 4-500 videos - collectionwise I have all of Quantum Leap and Friends - tho I am gradually taping over Friends as I buy the DVDs.
: Readers Digest condensed novels. I have thousands dating back to the 1950's to current day. I cant bear to throw them and I just love re reading the old ones.
: Basically anything and everything on the two ators I run websites for - John Waters and Tom Burlinson - I have box loads of stuff on each of them.
: dvds - the newest collection in the house - mostly buying all my fav classics of the 70's and 80's so far.
And yet with all this CWAP I am attempting to move from a huge 3 bedroom home with tonnes of storage area to a teeny inner city apartment !!! The very thought scares me.
Subject: Re: Collecting
I`ve been collecting tickets (you know, traffic violations) for the past 4-5 years now & my collections getting pretty big >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( I ain`t stoppin anymore :P