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Subject: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK OK! Iam very scared! I just this second got a call from my aunty saying the mail has arrived... with my A/S level result!
I took philosophy of Religion and Religious Ethics and I got a predicted D!
I will come back tomorrow to tell everyone (that cares) how I did!
I also get my GCSE results back next friday!
Good luck to anyone else who's expecting their results!
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I have no clue what these are exams were for, but good luck.
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck with your results K
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck with your exams. I too am receiving results soon, but so long as you get the ones you're hoping for. I honestly am with you too on this one.
OK OK! Iam very scared! I just this second got a call from my aunty saying the mail has arrived... with my A/S level result!
I took philosophy of Religion and Religious Ethics and I got a predicted D!
I will come back tomorrow to tell everyone (that cares) how I did!
I also get my GCSE results back next friday!
Good luck to anyone else who's expecting their results!
End Quote
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have faith in you and the results...I'm rooting for you...you too, Bobo!
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks RnR. Your faith in my abilities is much more plentiful in supply than mine.
I have faith in you and the results...I'm rooting for you...you too, Bobo!
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Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Angelik - I had no idea you were taking you AS's - so am I! I am so so happy with my results I got
Meida - A
Theatre B - (One mark off an A! But don't mind as am dropping it in September :))
English Lang and Lit - B
Psychology - B
I can't believe I did so well. Let me know how you do, and Bobo - let me know how you do on your GCSE'S :)
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Criz, you'll be the first to know.
You too, RnRF.
And you, AngelIK.
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck, AngeliK. ;)
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what are AS's?
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In The UK, AS's are our governments way of making students do more exams really! They count as half an A-Level which are the most important exams you do before you go to University (if you do go). The grades you get at A-Level depend on which Uni's will accept you really - so they're pretty important.
This years exams were very tough I must say. Especially Psychology as it was a 3 hour exam. They were such a leap from GCSE's, and I'm guessing next year is gonna be even tougher! :)
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And they say exams are getting easier. Only if you're not the ones doing them at the time.
This years exams were very tough I must say. Especially Psychology as it was a 3 hour exam. They were such a leap from GCSE's, and I'm guessing next year is gonna be even tougher! :)
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Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I only took the one A/S and I was taking it early because i have only just left year 11)
I got an E (Omg!!!) I thought I had failed but as it turns out I was only two marks away from a D so all in all I am pleased!
Bobo I know the feeling with the GCSE's I don't think doing the one A/s and getting one result earlier helps much because now I have to go through opening another envelope with results in!!!! :o
I'll keep you all posted on GCSE's next week.
(Good luck to everyone else and do post your results if you want I'd be really interested :))
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll post mine asap, hopefully.
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And they say exams are getting easier. Only if you're not the ones doing them at the time.
End Quote
Yeah I know - it really annoys me when they say that. I think they say it to cover up that our generation is smarter! ;D
I find that the marks from the AS's are quite strange. I was clued up on how they marked the GCSE's. I heard that 66% in Psych was an A - but I got 78% on my exam? Anyway, I'm eccstatic with my results and hope you guys will be too with your GCSE's :)
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, plus the fact that the pass rate has gone up for the... 19th(?) consecutive year. We're just smart as hell, and we're proud of it.
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know that the pass rate has gone up every yr for GCSE's since '88/'89 but has gone a lot higher for my year and probably will do for this year. I really don't know about A-Levels, but I sure hope next years results are good :)
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok they're due tomorrow (For me) and I'm not due back here till tuesday (I think) but I will come back and let everyone know how I got on.
Peace all.
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who wants to know my results??!
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who wants to know my results??!
End Quote
Go on then, give it up ;D
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
English C
Speaking + Listening B
English Literature D (I messed this one up, lol)
French C
Maths B
Music C
Religious Education B
And then the bad ones!
D+T: Food Technology E
History D
Science EE
On the whole, given my regular panic attacks, and various moral problems with exams, I believe I did rather well.
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bobo - Well done!
You got any plans on how to use them?
Is that what you needed?
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I honestly don't know what I'm going to be able to do with my 5.5 GCSE grades, but I'm thinking of going to college and doing something with music and... perhaps maths. But that's all to come in the future. I've been waiting for this moment of my life for eleven years, and finally when it came it just has meant so much to me...
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well done Bobo!
I know exactly how you feel beacuse I went through it all last year - and this year with my AS's. God knows what A2 will be like! :)
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fingers crossed for you all!
I can still remember doing the practical of my A level Art and Art History, 4 hrs of drawing a yucca plant...........
Best Wishes Gis.
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
;D ;DCongratulations ;D ;D
Now, explain to us Americans what an "E" is. We have A,B,C,D and the dreaded F (fail).
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You mean they go from D to F?! That's strange. Not what happens here, at least...
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah that is quite strange!
In GCSE's - anything from an A* ( like an A+) to a C is a pass.
In AS's/A2 ( A-Levels) - anything from a A to an E is a pass, an F is a fail and a U is ungraded ( beacuse its pointless as its so bad!)
Hope that clears it up a little :)
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok ok...here they are:
English: A
Speaking and listening: B
English Lit: B
Drama and Theatre arts: B
Media Studies: B
Religious Education: C
Science: D D
Maths: D
Physical Education: E
Well done to bobo as well ;)
Hope everyone else who got results was as happy as I was.
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well done Kay!
What's this 'Speaking and listening' exam? When I was at school (Before the age of GCSEs), this was taken for granted ;)
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was (at least in my case) talking about the things we were reading in class in small groups...we also did debates and drama excercises.... :)
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
English C
Speaking + Listening B
English Literature D (I messed this one up, lol)
French C
Maths B
Music C
Religious Education B
And then the bad ones!
D+T: Food Technology E
History D
Science EE
On the whole, given my regular panic attacks, and various moral problems with exams, I believe I did rather well.
End Quote
Congrats to you!An E in Food technology, don't tell me you sat at the back and threw eggs at the teacher! ;D
Subject: Re: Exam results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok ok...here they are:
English: A
Speaking and listening: B
English Lit: B
Drama and Theatre arts: B
Media Studies: B
Religious Education: C
Science: D D
Maths: D
Physical Education: E
Well done to bobo as well ;)
Hope everyone else who got results was as happy as I was.
End Quote
More congrats to you too Kay.What are your plans now??