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Subject: Annoying things people say!
I think this is pretty obvious.
I will start:
This is always yelled at me by some idiot when I am having a bad day:
"Smile love, it might never happen!"
I mean Hello?? It already has!!
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I am so tired of every person in the world telling me how tall I'm getting. I don't need to be reminded every day.
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Thank God I've never been asked this (because I love French fries!)
"You want fries with that?"
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I hear this one a lot at the supermarket, after I've taken everything out of my cart, and put it up on the counter.
"Are you really going to buy all that?" Well, duh! Why else would I go to all that trouble? Someday I'm going to work up the nerve to say "no, actually. Would you be a dear and put it all away for me?"
People! >:(
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
"When is he going to make an honest woman out of you?" As if a band of gold would lessen any duplicity I have!
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I hear this one a lot at the supermarket, after I've taken everything out of my cart, and put it up on the counter.
"Are you really going to buy all that?" Well, duh! Why else would I go to all that trouble? Someday I'm going to work up the nerve to say "no, actually. Would you be a dear and put it all away for me?"
People! >:(
End Quote
I work at a supermarket, and you would be suprised how many people come through with more stuff than they can afford, then pick stuff for the cashier to ring up, just so it totals the right amount. then the cashier has to call all the departments to come get there stuff at the register and put it back.
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
"Can you hear me now?....Goood!" >:(
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I am so tired of every person in the world telling me how tall I'm getting. I don't need to be reminded every day.
End Quote
Word, lebeiw! This happens to me all the time.
I have a huge problem with (most) preps. Everything that comes out of their mouth is a snobby and/or smartass remark.
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
This is all triplet related but it's where I get the most annoying and stupid questions and comments.
"Are they identical?" Um no, one's a girl. That's called fraternal.
"Boy, you have your hands full" No s--t!
"Did you know you were having triplets?" No, they just kept coming out.
"Is it harder to have three?" No, it's a breeze.
"How did you breast feed?" Oh, you didn't know, when you have triplets you grow an extra breast.
"Did you take drugs?" No, but I do now.
"How do you get pregnant with triplets?" Well, you just have sex three times in one night.
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
oh man, TripsMom...I was hoping you would reply to this one!! I knew you would have a million of them to tell us!! I am LMAO!!!!!
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
This is all triplet related but it's where I get the most annoying and stupid questions and comments.
"Are they identical?" Um no, one's a girl. That's called fraternal.
"Boy, you have your hands full" No s--t!
"Did you know you were having triplets?" No, they just kept coming out.
"Is it harder to have three?" No, it's a breeze.
"How did you breast feed?" Oh, you didn't know, when you have triplets you grow an extra breast.
"Did you take drugs?" No, but I do now.
"How do you get pregnant with triplets?" Well, you just have sex three times in one night.
End Quote
TripsMom, those are great!! I love it!!
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I have heard this one forever: How's the weather up there? ::)
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
then you shouldn't have grown so tall
I get sick of hearing....
"So.. do you know Bill Clinton"
Like we all know the man....besides...who wants to meet him??
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
And when you're in, like, a record store looking around, someone will always say to you, "Can I help you?" And when you really need it, where are they?
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
A friend that works at Taco Bell isn't that the Mexican Phone Company? :D......anyway, she is told to ask people if they want this or that but she hates it because she knows it's very annoying.
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Anyone British who shops in Sainsburys should recognise 'Do you have a reward card?'
Er...yes, I just choose not to show it to you.
That said, I'd imagine the till staff are just as disgruntled about having to say it as I am when I hear it.
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Anything I say seems to annoy people. :-X ;D
Almost all kidding aside, here's my list cliches others push in my face:
My father: "You're pissing away your money like water."
My co-workers: Your mother's in a better place now."
My boss (and people who think they're the boss) : "You need to control your temper."
Local TV reporters: "If something is too good to be true, it probably is." "Still at large."
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
To add to what Indy Gent said, newscasters drive me nuts. Someone admits to robbing the convenience store (or whatever) and they still say he allegedly did it. He admitted to it in front of the judge....to me that is not alleged.
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Ordering food annoys me. I've decided that fast-food chains must go out of their way to hire the rudest teenagers on the planet. For instance, here's a typical conversation at Wendy's:
Worker: May I take your order?
Me: Yes, I'd like a chicken sandwi...
Worker: Would you like fries with that?
Me: Yes, and I wo...
Worker: Would you like to biggie-size your fries?
Me: Yes, and I wo...
Worker: What would you like to drink with that?
Me: I would like a co...
Worker: Thank you, your total is $5.95.
It's like, can you please wait for me to finish ONE sentence before you interrupt me. Trust me, I will let you know exactly what I want - you don't have to ask twenty questions to get my order.
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Ordering food annoys me. I've decided that fast-food chains must go out of their way to hire the rudest teenagers on the planet. For instance, here's a typical conversation at Wendy's:
Worker: May I take your order?
Me: Yes, I'd like a chicken sandwi...
Worker: Would you like fries with that?
Me: Yes, and I wo...
Worker: Would you like to biggie-size your fries?
Me: Yes, and I wo...
Worker: What would you like to drink with that?
Me: I would like a co...
Worker: Thank you, your total is $5.95.
It's like, can you please wait for me to finish ONE sentence before you interrupt me. Trust me, I will let you know exactly what I want - you don't have to ask twenty questions to get my order.
End Quote
Right on, sister!
Also annoying: "Do you want cheese on that?" If I wanted cheese on that, I'd let you know!
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I work at a supermarket, and you would be suprised how many people come through with more stuff than they can afford, then pick stuff for the cashier to ring up, just so it totals the right amount. then the cashier has to call all the departments to come get there stuff at the register and put it back.
End Quote
I hear you Screwball, I used to work at a supermarket too. And I was often the person who had to go put all those things away too, since I was the only person who knew where they all went.
What I actually meant was when some other clod customer said stuff like that to me. After all, how does Mr. Clod know I don't have five or six kids at home? Or maybe I work for a day care center? ---He Doesn't! >:(
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I get this one often too, Indy Gent:
My co-workers: Your mother's in a better place now."
End Quote
To which I reply: "A box in my closet? I don't think she'd agree with you there. I'm pretty sure she preferred being alive..."
Quoting:Anything I say seems to annoy people. :-X ;DEnd Quote
SOOOO not true! :-*
But what is annoying:
"I love you, but..." No, no "but"!
"How are you?" used as a greeting. Noone ever really wants to hear the answer!
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I am so tired of every person in the world telling me how tall I'm getting. I don't need to be reminded every day.
End Quote
Oh sorry, lebeiw15...I didn't realize this was a sore spot! :-/
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
'Would you like bleu cheese,french,italian,vinergrette,lite,etc...."
That's annoying! -howard-
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
The mother of all annoying cliches:
"Have a nice day." or "Have a good one". (Both of which I am guilty of on occasion.)
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Something that really bothers me is people who end there sentences with the word "at"...you know, like "where's that at?" instead of "where is that?" It's like they're adding more words than they even need to! I know a lot of people do it but it's just annoying that they can't use the correct grammar. ::)
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
The one thing that annoys me more than anything is people who end a question with "or". As in: "So was the weather fine while you were away, or..?" OR "Is that the green sweater you're referring to, or..?"
"OR" what? "So was the weather fine while you were away, or... is that a cat over there crapping on my lawn?" OR "Is that the green sweater you're referring to, or can you see the face of Jesus formed by those clouds?" If I have an option as to what my answer is going to be, TELL ME WHAT IT IS!
That is all.
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Oh sorry, lebeiw15...I didn't realize this was a sore spot! :-/
End Quote
That's ok! It's just annoying being told by everyone, 65 times in a row, like when I go church, a reception, a place with a lot of people, etc. I'm sure you understand :)
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
It's really not anyones problem but mine...but everytime I see or hear about subway I HATE it :'(
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I get this one often too, Indy Gent:
To which I reply: "A box in my closet? I don't think she'd agree with you there. I'm pretty sure she preferred being alive..."End Quote
Mystery Woman, I love it! My Dad's on the mantle (well some of him's off the coast of Maui) and my Mom's in my cedar chest. Time to get her out of the box and on the mantle I guess.
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
The two that hit me right off the bat:
(re: 95 degrees and 80% humidity) "Hot enough for you?"
No, I want it to be the approximate temperature of Mercury here. Then I would be complete.
When people (who want to borrow something from me) ask, "Can I see your pen, lighter, book, whatever?" I just hold up the said item and say, "See? Oh, you want me to lend you my pen? That's not what you asked." I get the famous eye roll most of the time, but hey, I'm right!!! ::)
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
The two that hit me right off the bat:
(re: 95 degrees and 80% humidity) "Hot enough for you?"
No, I want it to be the approximate temperature of Mercury here. Then I would be complete.
When people (who want to borrow something from me) ask, "Can I see your pen, lighter, book, whatever?" I just hold up the said item and say, "See? Oh, you want me to lend you my pen? That's not what you asked." I get the famous eye roll most of the time, but hey, I'm right!!! ::)
End Quote
Hey!!!!! Thanks for almost giving me a friggin' heart attack! Welcome Back.....stranger! :-*
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Hey!!!!! Thanks for almost giving me a friggin' heart attack! Welcome Back.....stranger! :-*
End Quote
Anytime I can help you out in the attack department, let me know! ;)
And I KNOW they don't get any stranger than me!!! :-*
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
< is glad to see ^ (OH WAIT! That's the wrong thread again... ::) )
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
< is glad to see ^ (OH WAIT! That's the wrong thread again... ::) )
End Quote
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I do hate it when the weather reporters here say that we are having a "rain event." Look, it's just rain, alright? It's not an event.... ::)
As for ending sentences with "at" or "or"; my husband has an annoying tendency to end sentences with "after":
me: would you take out the garbage?
him: I'll do that after.
Yeah, right. After what? All the glaciers melt? Or just after the house is filled to the ceiling with garbage....? >:(
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
"Actually, I went to the shops"
Of course you actually went to the shop - there's no other way.... ::)
You smash your head on something -- "Are you alright ?"
(Followed by a different head being smashed if I am capable ) :D
To continue the plethora of whinges against fast food places :
You order a whole buncha stuff, then they rattle your order (let's say 10 items) back off to to you
at breakneck speed, like there's a prize for coming firstIn a different order from how you askedIn a monotone voice with no breaks for punctuation, and all the syllables in the wrong spot
And then that ask you is that correct ? I don't freakin' know !
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
OR :
Them : "Try it, you'll like it"
Me : "No thanks, I don't like it"
Them : "No really, you will"
Me : "No, I tried it before, I don't like the taste of it"
Them : "You don't know what you're missing"
Me : ??? >:( ??? >:( ??? (I've got a fair idea what you're missing...)
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
On the phone: "Can I speak to Mr./Mrs. _______" and they totally butcher your name. Thank goodness for caller ID!
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
On the phonecall theme, we recently received one from a lady (A) with a distinctly foreign accent.
A) Can we speak to Mr and/or Mrs Burdekin please?
B) Um...
A) Well, are they there?
B) Um... hello. It seems that the couple you seek moved out of here eleven years ago. Good day.
Words to that effect, anyway...
Same thing with mail, always got passed to the wrong address, any time from 6 hours after we moved in, to eight years, having received about 300 of the same type of phonecall in the intervening period.
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I am not a person who likes a bunch of extra junk on my sandwiches. This is a normal conversation every time I go to Subway:
Me: I would like a 6" roast beef and ham with just lettuce on wheat.
Worker: What? Just lettuce?
Me: Yes.
Worker: You don't want any cheese?!
Me: No.
Worker: No tomatoes, anything?
If I wanted tomatoes, cheese, sauce or anything else, I would have ordered a Subway Club, or something loaded with meatballs, mayo, and onions!! Don't they understand?
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
And why do they insist putting the "optional extras" in anyway, even after you have told them time and time again that you just did not want them?
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
And why do they insist putting the "optional extras" in anyway, even after you have told them time and time again that you just did not want them?
End Quote
I know. I'm just saving them money, by not using up all their condiments..
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
They never seem to realise, do they? Oh Well...
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
"One day, you'll make some girl happy..."
Tarzan Boy
End Quote
As compared to what? A wombat? ;D
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
How about when it is your day to pick up lunch. You are standing alone at the counter with 5 different orders and the moron behind the counter asks "Is that to stay or go?" ::)
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
How about when it is your day to pick up lunch. You are standing alone at the counter with 5 different orders and the moron behind the counter asks "Is that to stay or go?" ::)
End Quote
I hate that. They do that to me all the time. "Yes, I will be eating the three Meal Deals and the three Happy Meals by myself. Oh and could 'ya Super Size 'em for me?"
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Just a little off subject, but while we're talking about restaurants, I was at Arby's the other night and ordered a Sprite with my meal, and I ended up with four drinks.. how bad can you get..
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Just a little off subject, but while we're talking about restaurants, I was at Arby's the other night and ordered a Sprite with my meal, and I ended up with four drinks.. how bad can you get..
End Quote
And to go even further off-topic... why do fast food places put take-out drink orders in cups, especially for drive-thru? I'm in the car by myself, and I need four drinks... how am I supposed to get them home without them spilling all over the car?
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
"I don't know" (IG gets slimed.)
"I don't care"
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
This was something my mom used to do that would just drive me up the wall!
me: Mom, do we have any (for example) orange juice?
mom: There is some milk, tea and Coke in the fridge.
me: Thanks, but do we have any orange juice? ::)
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Can I Lend a tissue ?
No you cannot LEND a tissue - you can have one, please do not return it....
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
How about all the annoying things the doctor and dentist say to you to try to make you relax while they'rre operating on you?
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
How about all the annoying things the doctor and dentist say to you to try to make you relax while they'rre operating on you?
End Quote
Or when the dentist is fiddling around in your mouth with his instruments and asks you questions? The answers he gets from me usually sound like, "Oh, at hees ohay. I hlos ehery ay. Oh, hat usn' ut. Heah..."
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Or when the dentist is fiddling around in your mouth with his instruments and asks you questions? The answers he gets from me usually sound like, "Oh, at hees ohay. I hlos ehery ay. Oh, hat usn' ut. Heah..."
End Quote
I hate my dentist. He ALWAYS does that. He'll ask me questions while shoving metal spoons in my mouth and then he'll say, "Speak up a little. I can't understand you when you're mumbling." What a dumbass!
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I hate my dentist. He ALWAYS does that. He'll ask me questions while shoving metal spoons in my mouth and then he'll say, "Speak up a little. I can't understand you when you're mumbling." What a dumbass!
End Quote
Yeah, I think my dentist took a course in that language...just like doctors I've been to take a course in writing in scribble... :-/
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
The bad handwriting is a dentist and doctors thing- I don't think they let you have a practice if they can read your writing.... who knows!
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Can I Lend a tissue ?
No you cannot LEND a tissue - you can have one, please do not return it....
End Quote
I hear that...my sister asks to borrow my bathroom. No, I need it...you can't have it. She also asks me to 'borrow her a dollar'. Drives me insane.
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
"Actually, I went to the shops"
Of course you actually went to the shop - there's no other way.... ::)
End Quote
I didn't think anybody was as bugged by the overuse of the word actually as I am.
Another annoying verbal tic -- "How is Steve doing today?" The only counter that has any chance of curing this offense is "Why doesn't Dave (or Fionna, or Tara, or whoever) ask him?"
There is no reason to refer to the person you're speaking to in the third person, unless they're royalty. In which case you probably aren't ever going to have a chance to speak to them anyway.
Oh yeah, and irregardless ain't a word, so don't use it.
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I have noticed that no others have mentioned this so Maybe its just me.
But I HATE this more than any other phrase I have ever heard.
"Well, its better to have Loved and lost, than to have never loved at all."
I usually quote Agent Kay(Tommy Lee Jones) from Men in Black and respond "Try it some time" :( >:( :-[
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Well I have discovered that somebody saying 'Bless You!' every time I sneeze annoys the hell out of me. I don't need to be blessed when I sneeze!
I was reminded of this because it just happened.
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Oh yeah, and irregardless ain't a word, so don't use it.
End Quote
And to go with irregardless how about disorientated?
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Well I have discovered that somebody saying 'Bless You!' every time I sneeze annoys the hell out of me. I don't need to be blessed when I sneeze!
I was reminded of this because it just happened.
What does anyone need to blessed about anyway? Who came up with the term anyway? -howard-
End Quote
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I believe, Howard, the tradition of saying "Bless You" (or "Gesundheit", which is what is said in some northern hemisphere parts of the world ;D) came from the belief that sneezing was caused by one's soul trying to escape from one's body, or was trying to be taken by a demon. Therefore, people would pass a blessing on the person sneezing to stop them losing their soul.
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I believe, Howard, the tradition of saying "Bless You" (or "Gesundheit", which is what is said in some northern hemisphere parts of the world ;D) came from the belief that sneezing was caused by one's soul trying to escape from one's body, or was trying to be taken by a demon. Therefore, people would pass a blessing on the person sneezing to stop them losing their soul.
End Quote
Weird! 8) -howard-
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I hate it when people say "Have A Nice Day!"....what if I have other plans?
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I hate it when people say "Have A Nice Day!"....what if I have other plans?
End Quote
How about when they tell you do drive safely. No I am going to go run into a brick wall. ::)
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
How about when they tell you do drive safely. No I am going to go run into a brick wall. ::)
End Quote
I'm afraid I have been guilty of this on more than one occasion!! With me, it's never because I think the person will drive recklessly though, but more a warning to look out for the other guy!! ;D
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I'm afraid I have been guilty of this on more than one occasion!! With me, it's never because I think the person will drive recklessly though, but more a warning to look out for the other guy!! ;D
End Quote
Yeah, I do this sometimes too. It just bugs me. Not all the time but enough. ;)
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Actually I tell people to 'take it easy' behind the wheel, because I know that most don't.
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
One very irritating saying at work, after the fact:
"You need to do your job."
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I hate it when people describe humour as being
"Off the Wall"
That P***es me off, what the HELL does that mean anyway >:(
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I hate it when people describe humour as being
"Off the Wall"
That P***es me off, what the HELL does that mean anyway >:(
End Quote
Methinks you prefer your humor "over the top"! ;)
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Methinks you prefer your humor "over the top"! ;)
End Quote
"You got a beef with me"?
I think you're chicken"!
"I will quit cold turkey"! ( I thought these were funny!)-howard-
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
"You got a beef with me"?
I think you're chicken"!
"I will quit cold turkey"! ( I thought these were funny!)-howard-
End Quote
Now, I'm hungry...Thanks, Howard!! ;D
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
I get sick of hearing....
"So.. do you know Bill Clinton"
Like we all know the man....besides...who wants to meet him??
End Quote
Oh, my dear Spitty, you should open your eyes very, very big- all innocence-and reply "Why yes, I do! Want a cigar?"
And then ask them if they could possible know how stupid that question was. Then show them why, exactly, where the "southerspitfire" came from!
;) :D 8) ::)
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
You mean when I open my Mouth :-X
Subject: Re: Annoying things people say!
Now, I'm hungry...Thanks, Howard!! ;D
End Quote
you're welcome.I'm a little hungry myself even though I just drank a bottled water. :P ;D -howard-