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Subject: Nightmares
well before I go to bed I thought I might start a topic about nightmares you had. i'll start off small so I'll go with this.
As a young child I was very mean to other people's cats because I never did like them and still don't care for cats today. Dog person here. Anyways, I had a nightmare where cats were chasing me trying to kill me.
Subject: Re: Nightmares
Apart from the usual (I assume) having a dream where you are in class and you suddenly realise (just as everyone else does) that you have no clothes on or are in your underwear you mean......
I had a recurring nightmare for years where I was standing still - all above me as far as the eye could see was solid rock - at my feet was mist up to my knees.
Here's the kicker - I had to step in the right place or the rock would fall and crush me.....
Here's another kicker - I couldn't stay still too long or the rock would fall and crush me.....
Luckily ( ???) the dream wouldn't last long as I would wake up sweating - didn't make for much fun going back to sleep though....... :'(
Subject: Re: Nightmares
Too many. 4 out of 5 dreams of mine are nightmares. Always has been, I suspect always will be. My latest one was about being at a hot-air balloon festival, but they (the balloons) were all sort of on the small side and someone was going around with a big butcher knife and stabbing the balloons, which would then bleed thick, dark red blood. The dream got really dark then, and all I could see was shadows. I stumbled around in the dark and I heard the balloon "murderer" walking around, so I tried to run, but I fell instead and landed near a balloon that had just been stabbed and I couldn't see the balloon, but I could feel the warm, sticky blood as it ran down my arms.
Okay, so it sounds a little silly now, but it was scary!
Subject: Re: Nightmares
The worst nightmare of all for me, was seeing my son fall, face first on the ground after being shot through his heart at the subway restaraunt. Thankfully he came to me in a wonderful dream (We were somewhere in Scotland in a fog.) As we stood in a field of rolling grass hills, he walked over to me and said "Dad, I want to run those hills" (We used to run together all the time) to which I replied "Blaine, you can't run, you've been injured and need to recover....to which he said "Dad, I'm alright" as he smiled and ran off into the fog and disappeared.....I know this was supposed to be about nightmares, but with the contrast from my, by far, worst nightmare to best dream of my entire life, I had to tell you. I am finally starting to remember all of the happy times with my awesome son...after all, it was him that told me in his own way, to carry on and that he's alright :) Thanks to everyone for being here for me through this horrible time. I feel so alive again!
Subject: Re: Nightmares
Mine was about the end of the world. There was a path to Heaven that many people were walking on. The angels were guiding them. I even actually saw Jesus standing at the top of the path. Then the path started disappearing. The ones doomed to Hell remained on earth. I was one of the ones that remained on earth. This may sound funny now, but it scared the cr*p out of me at the time because it was so real. I don't know, maybe God was trying to tell me something about how I live my life.
Subject: Re: Nightmares
About a year ago my life started really falling apart, and I started getting these really horrible nightmares about being totally paralysed. It seems scary even now but thankfully I've stopped dreaming about it.
Subject: Re: Nightmares
I had one that kept reoccuring when I was a child. I was driving a jeep down my hallway ( ::) and Alice the Goon from Popeye was hiding in my room and would pop out at me. I would back the Jeep out of my house and I would see her at my window waving.
Another one I had was of those Thai women with the 6 arms chasing me.
Subject: Re: Nightmares
When I was a kid, we lived near a commuter railroad. (That's one step up from the subway trains, but not cross-country). Every block there was a bridge for cars and pedestrians to cross the train tracks, and the guard rails were so wide open they were little more than suggestions.
At that time my recurring nightmare was that I would be walking over one of these bridges, slip on something (ice or oil) and slide under the guardrail to my death. Except in the nightmare, they weren't train tracks, it was deep water (I was, and still am, terrified of drowning).
As an adult, my recurring nightmare is being locked in a store or shopping mall, and my very violent ex is chasing me and my daughter. I can barely keep ahead of him, and I know if he catches us, he will kill both of us, my daughter first. It always comes back around this time of year (my daughter's birthday) as he begins pestering relatives about visitation. (The judge said no, and she meant"NO").
Subject: Re: Nightmares
you have the worst nightmares ever when you are wearing nicotine patches.... i don't smoke and never have but my girlfriend had some left over (she hated using them because of the dreams) and she encouraged me to try them to see what its like. i put on the two patches that she had left.
it was the most insane dream i have ever had.
everything was so real to my mind.
i was just running through the city and everything was evil.
the clouds were death. fences were knives. trees were on fire.
i could see cold lonely faces everywhere i looked and was hearing maniacal laughter and cries of agony coming from all around me.
my girlfriend quit smoking like a month later without the help of any drugs if anyone is wondering =)
closing song:
The Pixies - Where Is My Mind?
Subject: Re: Nightmares
Give your girlfriend my congrats for finding the willpower to quit.
Umm... nightmares? The normal. Along with the one I'm in a massive long tunnel while a train is going in the other direction. I end up rebounding off both left and right in the tunnel, and getting pulverised.
Those and the old nightmares I used to have of getting crushed in various ways, and so on.
Subject: Re: Nightmares
Notice how we always remember nightmares for the rest of our lives. I had a nightmare about a house full of mirrors and i couldn't find my way out.
Subject: Re: Nightmares
My nightmares as a child always involved inamimate objects suddenly moving (and no one would believe me); or things that were gone/destroyed/throw away (like old toys) suddenly coming back. Or sometimes I was being chased by dead things -- birds or cats, mostly....
Subject: Re: Nightmares
Genuinely interested about this statement. Obviously people remember bad things that happen to them, but there must be some aspect to the dream itself to remember. I have definitely remembered a lot of my dreams (and nightmares) from so long ago. They still haunt me now.
Notice how we always remember nightmares for the rest of our lives.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Nightmares
Mine was about the end of the world. There was a path to Heaven that many people were walking on. The angels were guiding them. I even actually saw Jesus standing at the top of the path. Then the path started disappearing. The ones doomed to Hell remained on earth. I was one of the ones that remained on earth. This may sound funny now, but it scared the cr*p out of me at the time because it was so real. I don't know, maybe God was trying to tell me something about how I live my life.
End Quote
I had a dream similar to this one, and it also scared the crap out of me.
I had another dream about 1/2 year ago, where I was at my elementary school. I was actually Keanu Reeves, and the school was supposed to colapse (roof was gonna fall in). I was running in there trying to get other people out, and then so much time later, everything paused and what I was seeing began to crack away and I dreamt nothingness for a microsecond and woke up. It was kinda like a movie, but really scary.
Subject: Re: Nightmares
The dream I have the most is that I am moving into an apartment. It always leaves me sad, because I love my house.
Subject: Re: Nightmares
I have two types of nightmares that I am plagued with on a weekly basis: crashing airplanes and tornadoes.
I'm never in the airplanes, but I can always see them in the sky either exploding or crashing down and then exploding. I always try to run away from the fire, but my legs won't move. I have always been afraid of flying, but since 9-11 all of the horrible visuals I saw translated into nightmares. Next time I fly I'll have to be sedated.
I was in a tornado not to long ago (fortunately no one was injured), but ever since then I keep dreaming about them. The tornadoes always come very suddenly (just like it happened in real life), and I never can gather my family (and cats) together to take shelter. Before it hits, I usually wake up.
Who knows?
Subject: Re: Nightmares
I'm never in the airplanes, but I can always see them in the sky either exploding or crashing down and then exploding. I always try to run away from the fire, but my legs won't move. I have always been afraid of flying, but since 9-11 all of the horrible visuals I saw translated into nightmares. Next time I fly I'll have to be sedated.
End Quote
That just reminded me of the nightmares I have every once in a while about 9/11. The first two I just watched the planes crash into the Twin Towers. The next ones involved me actually being in one of the buildings as it collapsed. They're horrible and I never fail to wake up crying from them.
Subject: Re: Nightmares
That just reminded me of the nightmares I have every once in a while about 9/11. The first two I just watched the planes crash into the Twin Towers. The next ones involved me actually being in one of the buildings as it collapsed. They're horrible and I never fail to wake up crying from them.
End Quote
I know, it's so horrible. Imagine how scared those poor people who were actually in the buildings and planes must've felt. My heart skips a beat every time I think about that day. I am still in disbelief.