Welcome to the archived messages from In The 00s. This archive stretches back to 1998 in some instances, and contains a nearly complete record of all the messages posted to inthe00s.com. You will also find an archive of the messages from inthe70s.com, inthe80s.com, inthe90s.com and amiright.com before they were combined to form the inthe00s.com messageboard.
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Subject: Have you met?
How many people have actually met eachother in person? Goldie and SS don't count.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Not from this site, but I've E-mailed somone since May and we're arranging something soon!
I am very excited!!!!!
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Nope, I don't know anyone personally, but I've e-mailed and chatted with a few members here.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Not I. But I've met people from other boards I belong to. It can be fun, but it's a little scary, too. You never quite know what you're getting into.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
No, I haven't.
And you can rule out Jessica and Alicia14 because they too are sisters…
Subject: Re: Have you met?
I met Philbo for a drink in a pub one lunchtime (he was in the area for work)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
I met ChuckyG once.
The words "dreamy hunk" come to mind, but even they don't begin to do him justice. ;D
Subject: Re: Have you met?
No, I haven't.
And you can rule out Jessica and Alicia14 because they too are sisters…
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Woops! Sorry ladies I forgot the two of you.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Woops! Sorry ladies I forgot the two of you.
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There is also Banasy and lilbanasy....
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Well, I was going to meet this guy that my sister introduced me to. He wasn't from this messageboard though, he was from some chatroom that she used to go in.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
No. But it would be great to meet everyone.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Yes and the experience has run the entire gambit to great friendships to utter...no comments :-X I'll choose a good friend Anyday :D
Subject: Re: Have you met?
No, but I would like to. Unfortunately I live too far from most of the people here... :(
Subject: Re: Have you met?
No, but I would like to. Unfortunately I live too far from most of the people here... :(
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You live too far from everyone ! LOL CF ;D
Try living on a big brown dry rubber duck floating in the middle of the world's biggest bathtub...... :)
I have PM'd some people....I would like to meet some people though, but it's difficult to find the means to meet the will... :(
And of course I have known Reddyrules since 1975 since I met him in high school.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Nope, but I live quite close to Wicked Lester. ;)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
No, I haven't met anyone from here in person.
I'd sure like to though. Almost everyone here lives too far away from me to make a meeting practical (for me), with the exception of ChuckyG. He at least lives in the same state as I do.
I have seen Chucky's picture on on of the threads around here, and boy does he sure look familiar. And I agree wholeheartedly with Sleevewipe's comments ;D 8) ;D.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
I have never yet got to meet anyone here on the board (much to my sorrow :'( ) but I am fortunate to at least be able to have fairly regular phone converstations with 3 boardies.... :D
Subject: Re: Have you met?
I haven't met nobody and I don't plan to anytime soon! :)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
There is also Banasy and lilbanasy....
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Woops again Banasy and lilbanasy. And I forgot about FBVP and ReddyRules. This is what triplets do to one's memory.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
It seems to me that this thread should be titled "Has anyone met, but those who have don't count" ;)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
I heard a rumour that Mystery Woman and Jonman have been together a couple of times...
You'd have to ask him if it's true, though.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
I'm friends with Kay, AKA AngeliK. She's the one who told me about this site!
Subject: Re: Have you met?
If I ever win several million in the lottery, I will personally pay to have everyone who is interested flown, bussed, trucked or shipped to some location in the midwest for a big get-together bash! Maybe Indianapolis -- what say, J.C.? Er.. I mean I.G. :D
Subject: Re: Have you met?
No, but I would like to. Unfortunately I live too far from most of the people here... :(
End Quote
Hey, you forgot about me...we have met. But I guess I don't count. ;)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Don't party too hearty here or we'll all end up having a party in Marion County lock-up. ;)
If I ever win several million in the lottery, I will personally pay to have everyone who is interested flown, bussed, trucked or shipped to some location in the midwest for a big get-together bash! Maybe Indianapolis -- what say, J.C.? Er.. I mean I.G. :D
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Subject: Re: Have you met?
Don't party too hearty here or we'll all end up having a party in Marion County lock-up. ;)
End Quote
Just find us a nice swanky hotel with a big rec room. I will put you in charge of the catering too. And the bar. :)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Hey, you forgot about me...we have met. But I guess I don't count. ;)
End Quote
Oops! :-[ I thought they meant meeting someone from here for the first time...
Subject: Re: Have you met?
I heard a rumour that Mystery Woman and Jonman have been together a couple of times...
You'd have to ask him if it's true, though.
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True! Every word of it!
Subject: Re: Have you met?
No. It would be like getting in touch with your own anti-matter...
Tarzan Boy
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Well, Lang and I are still waiting for that dinner invitation.... ;)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Nope, it would be fun, though.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Nope, it would be fun, though.
End Quote
am just curious, has anyone been to Salt Lake City, UT? am going there in a couple of weeks and was wondering what there is to do there. or any tourists attractions? recommendations?
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dagwood, this is Sagnastian; Sagnastian, this is dagwood...
Subject: Re: Have you met?
The offer still stands :) The challenge is finding me in the crowd. A "where's Tarzanboi kind of challenge." I'll even wear one of those Old Navy Rugby shirts 8)
Tarzan Boy
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Sounds good to me! Now we just have to figure out whatever happened to Langdon..... :'(
Subject: Re: Have you met?
??? Dunno. She must've found another source of entertainment, I guess. Like I always say, I think of this as a good thing. Hopefully, now that she's cool and everything, she'd still drop by and write to us :)
Tarzan Boy
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She's around folks... just busy with the life thing right now!
Subject: Re: Have you met?
She's around folks... just busy with the life thing right now!
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Life? Is that some weird parallel universe to the Message Board? ::)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Life? Is that some weird parallel universe to the Message Board? ::)
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See, you go all the way down the hall past the library to the dark room... there's a door in the back that leads to Life. :P
Subject: Re: Have you met?
See, you go all the way down the hall past the library to the dark room... there's a door in the back that leads to Life. :P
End Quote
Right! And Colonel Mustard is waiting in there with the lead pipe, isn't he? :-/
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Right! And Colonel Mustard is waiting in there with the lead pipe, isn't he? :-/
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no no no colonel mustard doesnt use the lead pipe.. thats not his style at all.. get with the program... he's more of a revolver person or if worse comes to worse he will go for the candlestick
Subject: Re: Have you met?
See, you go all the way down the hall past the library to the dark room... there's a door in the back that leads to Life. :P
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Please call in at the library on your way past it gets kind of lonely in here sometimes! ;D
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Please call in at the library on your way past it gets kind of lonely in here sometimes! ;D
End Quote
Well, if you promise me Professor Plum isn't hiding in there with the wrench.... :-/
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Boy, did this thread drop waaaaay down. :-/
Now, what was I going to say? ???
Oh! Yeah.... make it four now..... :)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to meet anyone from this board. I have met two wonderful friends from another board that I frequent and we stay in contact all the time now. Hopefully, one day, I will get the chance to meet someone from here!!! :)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Not in person...but hopefully one day that will change!!! 8)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Hi! Yes I have met someone in real life that I met online. I actually met him in a chat room. We were neither one looking for love but the more I visited the chat room the more i grew fond of him. we decided to meet in real life to see if the "sparks" were there and YES they were. we have spent a lot of time with each other and we both know we want to be together, it is just a matter of time and money. I love him with all of my heart and there is no other in my life but him. I dont usually trust online relationships but I think it was more that fate and luck that we met. We only live 5 hrs away and we see each other as much as we possibly can. ty for allowing me to reply
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Well, as of yesterday, Zella, Langdon Hughes, TripsMom and Tarzan Boy were together in the flesh!
I know a lot of you were waiting for a report, so here 'tis:
We all decided to "do" Magic Mountain together. Lang picked me up at my place and we drove up to Wendy's where we met T.B. and T.M. arrived about a half hour later. We all had a wonderful, spirited discussion about life, philosophy and of course, the board (was anybody's ears burning here? ;) )
We finally left there and drove up to MM; the weather was perfect, overcast, but no rain. The lines for the rides were not too long. We did five coasters: Revolution, Viper, Ninja, Riddler's Revenge and Batman. Towards the end we decided to do "X" but this old lady was going to sit that one out! The line for that one was tremendously long, and after about 40 minutes Lang re-appeared (she had a party to be at, and could not wait longer). So we went back up, said a quick goodbye and took off, leaving T.B. and T.M. still waiting. So maybe they will post later and let us know how "X" came out.
We did take photos, but you all only get to see me and T.M., as the other two are board-shy! However, for the edification of everyone reading this, I will just say: Langdon is lithe and lovely, and yes all you guys, she is a hottie! And T.B. is swarthy and handsome and yes, all you ladies, he is a hottie! You get to see me and TripsMom as soon as the photos are developed! Keep checking this space.
All in all, it was a blast! These are three really wonderful people and I am so happy I had the opportunity to spend the day with them! :D :D
P.S. Langdon screams really loud on roller coasters! ;) So do the other two! (I just grit my teeth and stop breathing for the duration of the ride... ::) )
Subject: Re: Have you met?
I never met anyone from here before, but a few years ago I started corresponding with another person from a pipe band on the other side of the state and actually happened to meet each other at a festival about a year later. He turned out to be an ok guy and even guest marched with my pipe band a few times when we had low ranks for parades.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Well, as of yesterday, Zella, Langdon Hughes, TripsMom and Tarzan Boy were together in the flesh!
End Quote
Zella!!! You weren't supposed to tell about the "flesh" part. :o
Tarzan Boy and I made it on "X". We waited an hour and a half. It was worth it by far! But it's going to cost me a fortune to dye the gray out of my hair.! To quote Langdon, "Holy Mother of God" that was scary. ;D It was a great day. Hearing what eachother thought you looked like was really fun. Tarzan Boy and I had eachother way off.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
X was great. People should do X more often :) :D ;D
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Subject: Re: Have you met?
Zella!!! You weren't supposed to tell about the "flesh" part. :o
Tarzan Boy and I made it on "X". We waited an hour and a half. It was worth it by far! But it's going to cost me a fortune to dye the gray out of my hair.! To quote Langdon, "Holy Mother of God" that was scary. ;D It was a great day. Hearing what eachother thought you looked like was really fun. Tarzan Boy and I had eachother way off.
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T.M., is it just my naughty mind or does about ¾ of that paragraph read kinda funny....? :o ;D
Subject: Re: Have you met?
I don't know what else to add. It was awesome! I'd definitely recommend it for anyone else that has been thinking about doing this.
These three ladies are my heroines!
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Awwwww! Thanks, T.B. -- I feel all warm and fuzzy now! You made my day! :) :D :D
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Now the question is....
What was said about us who were not so lucky to attend? ;)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Now the question is....
What was said about us who were not so lucky to attend? ;)
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It was all good and loving, I can assure you! :D :D
Subject: Re: Have you met?
It was all good and loving, I can assure you! :D :D
End Quote
Well, Ok then. :)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Well, as of yesterday, Zella, Langdon Hughes, TripsMom and Tarzan Boy were together in the flesh!
End Quote
Cool! Sounds like the four of you had a great time! Looking forward to the pics!
Subject: Re: Have you met?
T.M., is it just my naughty mind or does about ¾ of that paragraph read kinda funny....? :o ;D
End Quote
Both of course. :o ;D
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Okay, here finally is the picture you've all been waiting for... ::)
Me and TripsMom and Magic Mountain! (Lang and T.B. were hiding).
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Okay, here finally is the picture you've all been waiting for... ::)
Me and TripsMom and Magic Mountain! (Lang and T.B. were hiding).
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She looks great for a mother of triplets!
Subject: Re: Have you met?
I think they Both look fine Don.
You must have had a great time there, I am jealous !
Subject: Re: Have you met?
I think they Both look fine Don.
You must have had a great time there, I am jealous !
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Awwww... if you had been there I would have dragged you on roller coasters and you would have died of fright... ::) ;D
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Awwww... if you had been there I would have dragged you on roller coasters and you would have died of fright... ::) ;D
End Quote
I was hoping your above web link was hooked up to your auto transportation device, but it didn't work, waaaahhh :'(
Subject: Re: Have you met?
As someone new to this board, at what point is it okay to PM someone, 100 posts? 500? or my own personal favorite, a whole lot? ;)
Deja vu? Have we not met before?
-Top Secret
Subject: Re: Have you met?
As someone new to this board, at what point is it okay to PM someone, 100 posts? 500? or my own personal favorite, a whole lot? ;)
Deja vu? Have we not met before?
-Top Secret
End Quote
Whenever you want, just keep it clean ;)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Okay, here finally is the picture you've all been waiting for... ::)
Me and TripsMom and Magic Mountain! (Lang and T.B. were hiding).
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Nice picture, Zella and TripsMom! :)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
It is nice to finally be able to put a face to Trips Mom. I have seen the pic Zella posted before so I already could put a face to her posts. That is a great pic of you two. Too bad TB and Langdon wouldn't pose, too. I am glad you guys had a good time.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
It is nice to finally be able to put a face to Trips Mom. I have seen the pic Zella posted before so I already could put a face to her posts. That is a great pic of you two. Too bad TB and Langdon wouldn't pose, too. I am glad you guys had a good time.
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Oh they posed. It was so obscene we thought we'd get kicked off the board. :o
And Zella, you look mahvalous. ;D
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Whenever you want, just keep it clean ;)
End Quote
Not necessarily. It depends on how well you get to know the other person, and whether or not he or she will like it.
So, it's ok to PM anyone you want, even if you are a newbie. But wait til you get to know the other person, and what they like or want before attempting to make things "hot". Kinda like dating. :-/
Zella, TripsMom, great pic! Looks like you were having a great time.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
im too new to know anyone except Masq_of_Red_Death cuz she told me to go on this site. U don't know that though.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Somehow I knew you were one of Scorpian's friends, welcome!
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Nice pic, Z & TM! :D You both look lovely! :)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
ShellyGal and I are friends. She introduced me to this site and I'm glad! ;D
Oh, bye the way, ShellyGal isn't a dumb blonde, she's a dumb brunette. :)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
ShellyGal and I are friends. She introduced me to this site and I'm glad! ;D
Oh, bye the way, ShellyGal isn't a dumb blonde, she's a dumb brunette. :)
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With you and ShellyGal, and BigCheese as well, New Zealand is now well represented on the board - good to have you all here !
FB :)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Hey, Kiwi Thunderer! I resent that! I AM a dumb blonde! Look at this lucious platinum brown on my head! ;D
P.S: We're in the same class at school, so we're allowed to be weird like this, don't worry.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Yes! ;)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
i aint never seen a one of ya! ja ja oops i mean ha ha , but why were at it jar jar binks. im losing it
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Yes! ;)
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Oooooooh! I caught it! Another secret..... :D ;)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Oooooooh! I caught it! Another secret..... :D ;)
End Quote
Maybe you do?! ;)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
With you and ShellyGal, and BigCheese as well, New Zealand is now well represented on the board - good to have you all here !
Sorry, but ShellyGal and I are Canadian!
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Are you sure ?? ;D (Don't you hate it when people respond that way)
I'll try again !
Whoops - sorry my mistake ! I have got my members crossed (ouch) :-[
Subject: Re: Have you met?
I have got my members crossed (ouch) :-[End Quote
LMAO!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Hey I wonder how many Canadians are on this board...maybe I should start a thread.... ::)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Hey I wonder how many Canadians are on this board...maybe I should start a thread.... ::)
End Quote
I consider myself a de facto Canadian :D eh?
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Somehow I knew you were one of Scorpian's friends, welcome!
End Quote
How would u know i was one of her friends
Subject: Re: Have you met?
I decline to comment, this probably isn't the best time to talk about stuff.
How would u know i was one of her friends
End Quote
Subject: Re: Have you met?
I guess you could say that wipeoutgirl and I have met. We have worked together for......well, EVER (it seems that way anyway), we live a street away from each other, we party together on weekends.....
So I guess we dont count. Oh, and we are both just so tragically 80s (still!).
Subject: Re: Have you met?
i think we have been hanging around each other for way too many years, one of us will start to say some thing and the other finishes the sentence or we will give a look and the other knows what we mean
Subject: Re: Have you met?
No I haven't met anyone from here... although the fact that i haven't exactly been on here long enough.
But if i had to make the effort of travelling across the ocean then i'd most probably would want to meet Fuss or Zella for some weird reason that i'm not aware of yet.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Hehe.... I've never heard of a boomerang being called a remote control... but then again i call my TV zapper an oofer doofer so... ?
Subject: Re: Have you met?
No I haven't met anyone from here... although the fact that i haven't exactly been on here long enough.
But if i had to make the effort of travelling across the ocean then i'd most probably would want to meet Fuss or Zella for some weird reason that i'm not aware of yet.
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That's nice ! We'd give you a reason then ! For the pleasure of our company perchance ! ;)
I can safely vouch for Zella. I don't know about Fuss. If he throwns boomerangs around and calls them "remote controls" as they hit people in the head... watch out :o
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Australian I may well be, mad I am NOT ! Boomerangs are BLOODY dangerous things, especially in the hands of untrained idiots ! They DO come back, and they are just as likely to crack your skull open.
One doesn't tend to see them a lot in the big city.... ::)
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Have you met?
It was another reference to Foster's beer :) :D ;D
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Careful, TB, you are getting predictable... Hee hee ! ;D
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Waaay back on page one or two of this thread, I mentioned that I had never met anyone from the 'boards.
Since then, I have found that there are many, many people I want desparately to meet. I agree with Feiticeira, FussBudget and Zella are two people on my list, as are RockandRollFan, Rice Cube, Jonman, langdon hughes, Tarzan Boy, southernspitfire and Goldie, Wicked Lester, Bobo, and the mysterious Hairspray (and this is the short list).
And if I ever do get to meet Hairspray, I will be keeping the secret. ;) Wild horses won't be able to drag it out of me.
Subject: Re: Have you met?
i'd rather like to meet you too, XK!
Waaay back on page one or two of this thread, I mentioned that I had never met anyone from the 'boards.
Since then, I have found that there are many, many people I want desparately to meet. I agree with Feiticeira, FussBudget and Zella are two people on my list, as are RockandRollFan, Rice Cube, Jonman, langdon hughes, Tarzan Boy, southernspitfire and Goldie, Wicked Lester, Bobo, and the mysterious Hairspray (and this is the short list).
And if I ever do get to meet Hairspray, I will be keeping the secret. ;) Wild horses won't be able to drag it out of me.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Have you met?
Waaay back on page one or two of this thread, I mentioned that I had never met anyone from the 'boards.
Since then, I have found that there are many, many people I want desparately to meet. I agree with Feiticeira, FussBudget and Zella are two people on my list, as are RockandRollFan, Rice Cube, Jonman, langdon hughes, Tarzan Boy, southernspitfire and Goldie, Wicked Lester, Bobo, and the mysterious Hairspray (and this is the short list).
And if I ever do get to meet Hairspray, I will be keeping the secret. ;) Wild horses won't be able to drag it out of me.
End Quote
Me three!
Subject: Re: Have you met?
That's nice ! We'd give you a reason then ! For the pleasure of our company perchance ! ;)
Australian I may well be, mad I am NOT ! Boomerangs are BLOODY dangerous things, especially in the hands of untrained idiots ! They DO come back, and they are just as likely to crack your skull open.
One doesn't tend to see them a lot in the big city.... ::)
FB ;)
End Quote
Boomerangs are dangerous ! As a child we used to own boomerangs and my brother threw one... it came back and cracked me on the back of the head.... i was in pain and my brother was in hysterics !
Subject: Re: Have you met?
if I ever do get to meet Hairspray, I will be keeping the secret. ;) Wild horses won't be able to drag it out of me.End Quote
;) :) Thanks XK.
For the record, I'd very much like to meet everyone too! :D