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Subject: What was your FIRST job ?
We've done "What is your job". Here is what you did the first time you earnt money for your efforts...
I worked for the Transport Dept, pulling paper traffic tickets out of archive boxes and attaching them to manilla folders.
This was for when drivers had accumulated too many demerit points, and had to front the judge to explain why !
I saw some well-known names go past my eyes.......
I did this for 6 months and the boredom sent me insane, but it was money......
Subject: Re: What was your FIRST job ?
I worked in an Amy Joy Donut shop. It was a soap opera. I was there one year, and at the end of the year I sat down with a piece of paper and figured out that within that short time, we went thru:
25 counter people
20 donut finishers
17 bakers
6 drivers
7 janitors
5 managers
2 operations managers
Subject: Re: What was your FIRST job ?
My first job was as a 10 year old.After school I would go to the local butchers near where I lived and clean his shop and tools for about 2 hours.He paid me $3 a day suited me until the smell got unbearable......So I became a paperboy standing on the corner streets of Brisbane City selling Telegraphs (But that is a different thread)
Subject: Re: What was your FIRST job ?
My first job was as a 10 year old.After school I would go to the local butchers near where I lived and clean his shop and tools for about 2 hours.He paid me $3 a day suited me until the smell got unbearable......So I became a paperboy standing on the corner streets of Brisbane City selling Telegraphs (But that is a different thread)
End Quote
Wow -- that sounds like a story my father would have told about the 1930s.... I guess Oz is a little behind the times, eh? (Zella ducks from potential missiles at this point.... ;D )
Subject: Re: What was your FIRST job ?
Fashion Square Cinemas, movie theatre. I was 17 at the time. I first worked as a usher than moved up to the concession stands.
Subject: Re: What was your FIRST job ?
Wow -- that sounds like a story my father would have told about the 1930s.... I guess Oz is a little behind the times, eh? (Zella ducks from potential missiles at this point.... ;D )
End Quote
Jarts for Zella from at least two directions "across the pond"
>:( ;)
Subject: Re: What was your FIRST job ?
I was a shippings clerk at an office supply store. I had been there for about 6 months when the general manager quit, at which point the owner came in and gave my job to his Daughter!. Sadly, the company went the way of enron ;)
Subject: Re: What was your FIRST job ?
A Fish and Chips shop. Ugh! Greasy, greasy, greasy!
Subject: Re: What was your FIRST job ?
Not counting babysitting, my first job was at a fast food place called Rax. They no longer exist in this area, but a few years ago, I saw one in Ohio.
Subject: Re: What was your FIRST job ?
I rewrote employee evaluations for LensCrafters. It was boring, but hey, $50 for 90 minutes of work isn't bad. :)
Subject: Re: What was your FIRST job ?
Ok, the first job I earned my own money for was when I was the "permanent substitute paper carrrier".
The regular paperboy, Mike, left every summer to stay with his grandparents in Nova Scotia. Every kid the newspaper office got to fill in screwed things up, and lost at least half the customers. One year, Mike asked me if I would do it, since I lived on the route, and he knew me from school, and said that I was "not a dummy". (Which is a big compliment from a thirteen year old boy in these parts).
I cleared a minimum of $80 per week, tax free, every summer. I'd always get more if people discovered their newspapers were dry on rainy days. :o (How hard is it to think of putting the paper in a plastic bag, anyway?)
Subject: Re: What was your FIRST job ?
When I was 12 my friend and I were hired by the local hardware store to clean out their attic and they paid us with an electric race car set and an electric train set! It was cool!! Then when I was 14 I started playing drums in bars and Legions with my parents band...now THAT was cool!!
Subject: Re: What was your FIRST job ?
I worked the make-up (putting ketchup, mustard and other fixins on the burgers) table at a local drive in fast food joint. I would rather have been one of the car-hops, but no such luck.
Subject: Re: What was your FIRST job ?
I worked faast food, at a Jack In The Box. I was still 15 at the time and lied about my age. When my 16th b-day came around, I slipped and told one of the managers, Gina, how old I was gonna be that weekend. She smiled and said "yeah, I'm 16 every year, too. But let's not go around telling everyone." She was the coolest mgr I ever had.
Quoting:Posted by: MissInformation Posted on: 08/03/02 at 7:48am
Not counting babysitting, my first job was at a fast food place called Rax. They no longer exist in this area, but a few years ago, I saw one in Ohio.End Quote
I'm just back from visiting in Ohio and can verify that there are at least 2 Rax still in business. One in Zanesville, and one in Newark. ;)
Subject: Re: What was your FIRST job ?
Bagging groceries at Fry's Food Stores. I had just turned 16. In 4 months I got promoted to the Bakery/Deli (well, the deli was about 10 feet of display case) and I was the only 'deli' employee, so they called me the Deli Manager. I made those Deli pizzas with the premade crust and packaged potato salad & cole slaw, as well as waited on customers in the bakery. I wasn't old enough to be considered a 'bakery' employee (you had to be 18 yrs old to use some of the equipment, even though I used the bread slicer on a daily basis). They were going to promote me when I was 18 but I went and got a driving paper route of about 200 customers...I made more money and worked about two hours a day.
Subject: Re: What was your FIRST job ?
i was a pizza hut cook...