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Subject: My Kingdom For A Lap Top!
I cannot wait to get one. I have been spending most of the summer in my room. It's been very hot here. Now the past few days it has really cooled of weather-wise (And otherwise) and so I felt alright lugging the computer out to my bar. It's comfortable and I can crank up the tunes! I just wish I had a lap-top...see by tonight I have to move it all back into my bedroom....my boys use it a lot on the weekends and they like it inside the house. Oh well, just venting a bit but, I'll survive ;) If you ever saw the Wham! video...well, it kinda hit close to home...alright I'm done now, on with your lives ;)
Subject: Re: My Kingdom For A Lap Top!
Laptops are awesome, I need one for school. Anyone willing to donate ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: My Kingdom For A Lap Top!
Laptops are awesome, I need one for school. Anyone willing to donate ;D ;D ;D
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Hey man, I get first dibs!
Subject: Re: My Kingdom For A Lap Top!
I'll buy both of you one when I win the lottery! ;D
Subject: Re: My Kingdom For A Lap Top!
No need to spend your whole house for a laptop. My sister got hers for a steal from Dell. ;)
Subject: Re: My Kingdom For A Lap Top!
No need to spend your whole house for a laptop. My sister got hers for a steal from Dell. ;)
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I'd literally have to steal one from Dell...I have poor credit :'(
Subject: Re: My Kingdom For A Lap Top!
I'll buy both of you one when I win the lottery! ;D
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Oh yeah...I'm still waiting to win it too!
Subject: Re: My Kingdom For A Lap Top!
Well, it's not a laptop, but I just received a Palm that I won by filling-out an on-line questionaire while looking at the want ads at "America's Job Bank". I had forgot all about that questionaire.
Subject: Re: My Kingdom For A Lap Top!
I was in serious need of one when I was on vacation. Problem was, for dial-up Internet, you probably had to make a long-distance call…
Subject: Re: My Kingdom For A Lap Top!
Me, I hate the things: I'm a speedy touch-typist who can't stand having keys in the wrong places, especially frequently-used (for me, anyway) ones like \ and ?
Usually underpowered, with limited graphics (compared to this beastie) - when they can do virtual screens and keyboards (full size keyboard, 21" screen but only 2x4" to carry round), then it'll be worth having a laptop.
Subject: Re: My Kingdom For A Lap Top!
I also hate laptops. I have a two handed keyboard which I type speedily on. When it comes to viewing on such a small screen as I used to, typing at a decent enough pace... trouble being, as many can probably type faster than they can write, me included, I find myself typing everything nowadays on my normal computer. It's just so convenient.
Subject: Re: My Kingdom For A Lap Top!
I just received a Palm that I won by filling-out an on-line questionaireEnd Quote
WOW - real people actually win that stuff? 8)
Subject: Re: My Kingdom For A Lap Top!
WOW - real people actually win that stuff? 8)
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Yeah, that's what I thought. I don't know why I filled out the questionaire, just bored, I guess. I never did before just because it's alot-'o-malarkey. A month or two later I get this e-mail asking me for my mailing address because I was one of ten winners of a Plam. I thought it was spam and didn't do anything. A week later I got another similar e-mail from the same address adding that if I didn't reply the Palm would go to an alternate.
I did some investigating using the e-mail address and came up with a marketing firm that arranges these questionaires. It looked legit so I thought "what the hell" and sent my mailing addy.