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Subject: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer?
Sleep in or early riser?
African safari or the Outback?
The Aadams Family or the Munsters?
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man?
Air freshener: spray or plug in?
Duke Nukem or Myst?
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family?
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook?
Make notes or good memory?
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer? Val Kilmer
Sleep in or early riser? Early riser, although this has a lot to do with my son!
African safari or the Outback? African safari... sorry Fuss!!
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? Munsters!
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man? Shoot them both! ;D
Air freshener: spray or plug in? Plug in
Duke Nukem or Myst? Duke Nukem!
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family? Ward, don't be so rough on the beaver!!
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? Spin Doctors
Make notes or good memory? Wait, let me write this down...
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer? please!!! VAL!!!
Sleep in or early riser? sleep in!
African safari or the Outback? Outback
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? The Adams Family
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man? the doughboy
Air freshener: spray or plug in? plug in
Duke Nukem or Myst? who?
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family? the Partridge Family
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? Dr. Hook
Make notes or good memory? notes, notes, notes!!
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer? Dennis Quaid
Sleep in or early riser? is that a trick question.....I guess it all depends on if I have a reason to get up early!!
African safari or the Outback? Canadian Mooseland!!!
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? Munsters
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man? doughboy..he heeeee!!!
Air freshener: spray or plug in? plug in
Duke Nukem or Myst? uh..yeah......
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family? Cleavers
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? Dr Hook
Make notes or good memory? excellent memory
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer?
Sleep in or early riser?
African safari or the Outback?
The Aadams Family or the Munsters?
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man?
Air freshener: spray or plug in?
Duke Nukem or Myst?
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family?
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook?
Make notes or good memory?
End Quote
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid
Sleep in or early riser? Sleep In -No contest
African safari or the Outback? - Outback (I am in Australia)
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? - Tough one -Munsters
Only because of Marilyn
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man? -Michelin Man (haven't heard of doughboy)
Air freshener: spray or plug in?- spray
Duke Nukem or Myst? - Duke Nukem (love the first 3 platform games of Duke Nukem)
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family?- Partridge (Shirley Jones say no more)
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? - Dr Hook (Great songs)
Make notes or good memory? - Good memory (what do i do now)(I Forgot)
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
what are the point of these? more surveys? ah well.....
Sleep in or early riser? sleep in since I go to bed so late
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? the adams fmaily
Air freshener: spray or plug in? plug-in
Duke Nukem or Myst? Duke Nukem
Make notes or good memory? makes notes
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer? Dunno ???
Sleep in or early riser? Prefer to stay up late and sleep late, but am trying to change to stay up late and get up early.... :-/
African safari or the Outback? Outback, please... :)
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? Adams Family
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man? The pilsbury doughboy, if I am allowed to squash 'im with a spatula!
Air freshener: spray or plug in? spray
Duke Nukem or Myst? ???
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family? Partridge Family rules! :D
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? Dr. Hook
Make notes or good memory? What was the question again?
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer? Dennis Quaid...hate Val Kilmer...he dated Mira...grrrrrrrrrr....
Sleep in or early riser? Fairly early riser except on show days..then sleep in until 10 or so...
African safari or the Outback? I'd happily do either!!
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? Addams Family...they had a much better theme...
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man? Pilsbury Doughboy!! *pokes himself in the tummy and giggles*
Air freshener: spray or plug in? Spray...gets the job done much faster....
Duke Nukem or Myst? Que?
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family? Gotta love that bus!! I'm a Partridge Family fan for sure.....
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? Spin Doctors were much more bizarre...but Dr. Hook was much funnier...they both have qualities...I'll say Dr. Hook just b/c friends of mine toured with them!!
Make notes or good memory? I rely on my memory far too much.......I should learn to take notes...
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer? Val Kilmer
Sleep in or early riser? early
African safari or the Outback? Safari
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? The Addams Family
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man? Dunno
Air freshener: spray or plug in? Spray
Duke Nukem or Myst? Couldn't say
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family? Oh dear God, NO!!!!
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? Spin Doctors
Make notes or good memory? Make notes, my memory sucks!
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer? Neither
Sleep in or early riser? Sleep until it's time for work.
African safari or the Outback? Wisconsin death trip.
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? Munsters
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man? Doughboy
Air freshener: spray or plug in? Spray for bathrooms, plug-in for bedrooms.
Duke Nukem or Myst? I don't play video games.
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family? The Cleavers
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? Dr. Hook
Make notes or good memory? Both, depending on how I feel.
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer? Dennis Quaid...yummy
Sleep in or early riser? I would like to sleep in, but I have a 4 year old. Nuff said?
African safari or the Outback? Outback
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? Munsters
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man? Pilsbury Doughboy
Air freshener: spray or plug in? spray
Duke Nukem or Myst? ???
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family? Partridge Family
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? Dr. Hook
Make notes or good memory?Definately make notes. I would forget my head if it wasn't screwed on. ;D
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer? Quaid
Sleep in or early riser? Early Riser
African safari or the Outback? Outback....The Real one not the steakhouse!
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? Munsters
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man? Pilsbury Doughboy :D
Air freshener: spray or plug in? Scented Candles
Duke Nukem or Myst? Neither
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family? Both
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? Captain...oops, Dr. Hook!
Make notes or good memory? Make notes in my mind
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer? Dennis
Sleep in or early riser? Prefer (1) Forced to do (2)
African safari or the Outback? Outback - there aren't quite so many things that will eat you whole
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? Addams Family - John Aston - what a great piece of casting
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man? Mr Staypuft
Air freshener: spray or plug in? Cork....
Duke Nukem or Myst? Myst
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family? PF - Danny was a bad boy really....
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? Didn't like Dr Hook and not having seen the Spin Doctors, they get the vote anyway
Make notes or good memory? Both, and still forget stuff
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer? Val Kilmer
Sleep in or early riser? Sleep in - when I get the opportnuity!
African safari or the Outback? Safari
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? The Addams Family
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man? Pilsbury doughboy is sweet, in a bready kinda way :]
Air freshener: spray or plug in? Spray
Duke Nukem or Myst? ???
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family? hmm, I'll go with Partridge as my mother was a fan :D
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? Spin Doctors
Make notes or good memory? Make notes - I have a terrible short term memory!
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer? Val Kilmer
Sleep in or early riser? Early riser who wishes she could sleep in
African safari or the Outback? the Outback
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? Adams Family
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man?Neither
Air freshener: spray or plug in? Incense
Duke Nukem or Myst? Myst
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family? Neither
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? Both
Make notes or good memory? Good memory
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer? Don't know
Sleep in or early riser? Not too early, not too late
African safari or the Outback? Outback
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? Neither! I hate both!
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man? Pillsbury Doughboy
Air freshener: spray or plug in? Spray
Duke Nukem or Myst? What?
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family? Cleavers, though I hate them both
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? Spin Doctors
Make notes or good memory? Mmmmm.. both
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer? Didn't see it
Sleep in or early riser? Sleep in
African safari or the Outback? Outback
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? Addams Family
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man? Both are equally annoying
Air freshener: spray or plug in? spray
Duke Nukem or Myst? neither
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family? Cleavers
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? Dr. Hook
Make notes or good memory? Make notes
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer? Val Kilmer
Sleep in or early riser? I prefer to sleep in, but....
African safari or the Outback? Africa
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? I've actually met people who could pass for an Aadams. You just don't see people who look like Herman Munster or Grandpa walking down the street.
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man? The doughboy, be he Pilsbury or 'Sta-Puft', (from Ghostbusters).
Air freshener: spray or plug in? Sprays still work during a power outatge. ;)
Duke Nukem or Myst? Uh, I know Myst is a game, so I'm assuming Duke Nukem is too. I've never played either, so I really can't pick one.
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family? The Partridges, only because I'm more familiar.
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? Dr. Hook
Make notes or good memory? a little of both, depending on how important.
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer? No comment
Sleep in or early riser? Sleep in, but wind up early riser
African safari or the Outback? Outback
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? Munsters
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man? Doughboy
Air freshener: spray or plug in? Plug-in
Duke Nukem or Myst? Myst (own it but never play it)
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family? Partridges
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? Dr. Hook
Make notes or good memory? Good memory
Another post I didn't get in on when it first came out.
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid or Val Kilmer? Dennis Quaid
Sleep in or early riser? Sleep in
African safari or the Outback? African safari
The Aadams Family or the Munsters? Munsters
Pilsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man? Pilsbury Doughboy
Air freshener: spray or plug in? spray
Duke Nukem or Myst? Myst
The Cleavers or the Partridge Family? The Cleavers
Spin Doctors or Dr. Hook? Dr. Hook
Make notes or good memory? Make notes...Bad memory
Subject: Re: Yet another this or that!!
I like these this or that things.
Val Kilmer
Early riser
The Adams
Spray( plug-ins waste electricity!)
Spin Doctors
Good Memory