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Subject: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road ?
Jet plane or Cruise Ship ?
Hat or Cap ?
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails ?
Flourescent or Incadescent lights ?
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre ?
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ?
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass ?
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ?
Carpets or Polished Floors ?
Running, Walking or Riding ?
Bob Hope or George Burns ?
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating ?
Plume or Ice ?
Calculator or Add up in your head ?
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing ?
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart ?
Bonus question : If euthanasia could be made retrospective, my choice would be___________________because ____________________________
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Country Road.....Take Me Home
Jet Plane....I'm Leaving On A, hmm Both written by John Denver!
Baseball Cap
Chalk On A Blackboard....but only if I get to wear ear-plugs!
Drive In Theatre ;)
Grand Canyon....I Love Arizona!
I'll take Real grass over covered concrete anyday.
Running, of course :D
Bob Hope
Ice Skating
Add In My Head, on a piece of paper, with a calculator nearby :D
Snow Skiing
No Comment...
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road ? Highway
Jet plane or Cruise Ship ? Cruise Ship
Hat or Cap ? Baseball Cap
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails ? See my reply on the 2000's board under the "Shakira" thread...
Flourescent or Incadescent lights ? Incandescent
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre ? Drive-In
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ? Grand Canyon
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass ? Real
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ? Snooker? I don't even know her... I mean, Pool
Carpets or Polished Floors ? Carpets
Running, Walking or Riding ? Walking...or riding in a car
Bob Hope or George Burns ? George Burns
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating ? Ice Skating
Plume or Ice ? Ice
Calculator or Add up in your head ? Calc makes it easy
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing ? Snow Skiing
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart ? Gilligan lil' buddy!
Pass on the bonus..
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road ? quiet dead-end lane off to the side of the country road... ;)
Jet plane or Cruise Ship ? Cruise ship with someone special....
Hat or Cap ? Those "slouch hat" thingies with the botton on top -- I look adorable in them! ;D
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails ? Is this for the torture convention....?
Flourescent or Incadescent lights ? florescent
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre ? drive in -- see "jet plane or..."
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ? definately Niagara Falls
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass ? real, it's not scratchy! Oh, not that sport? :-[
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ? Aren't they all the same? ;D Pool please
Carpets or Polished Floors ? floors (I wish)
Running, Walking or Riding ? riding what? (whom?) ;)
Bob Hope or George Burns ? Georgie
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating ? The last time I roller skated, I hurt my coccyx... The last time I ice skated, I hurt my coccyx....
Plume or Ice ? definately plume. But ice can be good too! :D
Calculator or Add up in your head ? whatever is handy..
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing ? Huh?
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart ? Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...
Bonus question : If euthanasia could be made retrospective, my choice would be
Okay I'm awake now. I think I understand the question now. I don't believe one can go back and change the past...
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road ? Country Road
Jet plane or Cruise Ship ? Cruise Ship, I'm afraid of flying!
Hat or Cap ? Baseball Cap
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails ? Bamboo Shoots on a Blackboard ;D
Flourescent or Incadescent lights ? None please
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre ? Drive-In!
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ? Grand Canyon
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass ? Real
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ? Pool
Carpets or Polished Floors ? Polished Floors
Running, Walking or Riding ? Walking
Bob Hope or George Burns ? Bob Hope
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating ? Roller Skating
Calculator or Add up in your head ? Calculator...much easier
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing ? Neither
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart ? Gilligan's Island
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road ? Country Rd, more fun
Jet plane or Cruise Ship ? Cruise Ship, see above
Hat or Cap ? Hat (hate BB caps)
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails ? chalk isn't so bad, it's the fingernails (or similar) that get me
Flourescent or Incadescent lights ? Incadescent for work, flourescent for home
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre ? Drive-in!!! Where?
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ? Niagara (been there only but still prefer green stuff to desert any day)
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass ? Real
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ? difference? ??? I like pool/billiards but almost never played
Carpets or Polished Floors ? carpet
Running, Walking or Riding ? riding what? horses yes
Bob Hope or George Burns ? Hope
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating ? Roller skate (horrible nonetheless)
Plume or Ice ? ???
Calculator or Add up in your head ? depends on simplicity and need for precision
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing ? neither
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart ? Island
Bonus question : If euthanasia could be made retro(active), my choice would be__"Lenin" aka Ulyanov before 1917_____because __he got the communist ball rolling big-time to the detriment of billions - even if they don't know it____
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or country road?- country road
Jet or cruise ship?-cruise ship
Hat or cap?- neither
Chalk on blackboard or bamboo shoots under fingernails?- Chalk
Flourescent or Incadscent lights?- i like both
Movie theatre or Drivein theatre?- Drivein theatre
Niagara falls or Grand Canyon?- Niagara falls
Sports surface, artificial grass or real grass?- real grass
Snooker, pool or billiards?- neither
Carpets or polished floors?- carpets
Running, walking or Riding?-Walking
Bob Hope or George Burns?-Bob Hope
Rollar Skates, Blading or Ice skateing?- Ice skating, but rollar skates look cute too!
Plume or Ice?- ??
Calculator or add in head?-Who needs a calculator just to add? ??? ;D
Snow Skiing or Grass skiing?- Snow skiing
Gilligans Island or Get Smart?-neither
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road ? Highway
Jet plane or Cruise Ship? Jet plane
Hat or Cap? Bandanna
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails? Chalk
Flourescent or Incadescent lights? Incadescent
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre? Drive in
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon? Grand Canyon
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass? Real
Snooker, Pool or Billiards? Pool
Carpets or Polished Floors? Polished Hardwood Floors
Running, Walking or Riding? Riding - motorcycles, horses & cars (in that order)
Bob Hope or George Burns? George Burns
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating? Ice Skating
Plume or Ice? Plume but ice is nice, too - ;)
Calculator or Add up in your head? Paper and pencil
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing? Neither
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart? Gilligan's Island
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road ? Highway, country raods can be bendy and rocky n all that :)
Jet plane or Cruise Ship ? Noen - I get travel sick :(
Hat or Cap ? Hat
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails ? Blackboard, the other option does not sound all that appealing
Flourescent or Incadescent lights ? Floursecent
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre ? Movie
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ? Niagara looks beautiful
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass ? Real
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ? Snooker
Carpets or Polished Floors ? Both for different rooms
Running, Walking or Riding ? Walking
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating ? Ice skating - i fractured my wrist twice whilst trying the other one!
Calculator or Add up in your head ? Calculator - makes life and maths easier :)
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing ? None! I'd break both my legs !
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart ? Never seen them?
Bonus question : If euthanasia could be made retrospective, my choice would be___________________because ____________________________ - Hmm, this is too harsh! :)
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road: I'm a Highway Star!
Jet plane or Cruise Ship: 747
Hat or Cap: My top hat, of course!
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails: Bamboo shoots
Flourescent or Incadescent lights: Incandescent
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre: Drive-In
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon: Grand Canyon
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass: Real
Snooker, Pool or Billiards: Pool
Carpets or Polished Floors: Polished
Running, Walking or Riding: Motorcycle Man
Bob Hope or George Burns:
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating: Blading
Plume or Ice: Ice
Calculator or Add up in your head: Calculator
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing: SnowBOARD!
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart: Get Smart
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road ? Country road
Jet plane or Cruise Ship ? Either would be fun
Hat or Cap ? Neither
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails ? Chalk on blackboard, I'm very good at ignoring annoying sounds
Flourescent or Incadescent lights ? Incandescent
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre ? Drive in! Boy do I miss those dusk to dawn horror shows
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ? Either one would be nice, but I think the Grand Canyon would impress me more
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass ? Don't matter to me
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ? Pool, even though I'm just a guppy dreaming of being a shark
Carpets or Polished Floors ? carpets
Running, Walking or Riding ? Depends on the ride
Bob Hope or George Burns ? Either
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating ? Roller skating
Plume or Ice ? no eye deer
Calculator or Add up in your head ? Paper and pen
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing ? Snow
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart ? Get Smart
Bonus question : Do you mean knock someone off from the past? Well, then, I would have to say Hitler early in his life. Do I have to say why?
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road ? Highway
Jet plane or Cruise Ship ? Neither
Hat or Cap ? Cap
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails ? Chalk under fingernails.
Flourescent or Incadescent lights ? Incandescent, or maybe just candles.
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre ? Movie theater
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ? Grand Canyon.
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass ? Real.
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ? Pool
Carpets or Polished Floors ? Carpets for the living room and bedrooms, polished floors for others.
Running, Walking or Riding ? Walking for short distances, riding for long.
Bob Hope or George Burns ? George Burns
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating ? Roller skating
Plume or Ice ? ???
Calculator or Add up in your head ? Both when necessary.
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing ? Grass
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart ? Get Smart, if only because of Agent 99.
Bonus question : If euthanasia could be made retrospective, my choice would be Joseph Stalin because he got away with mass murder.
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road ? country
Jet plane or Cruise Ship ? cruise ship! I don't like to fly!!
Hat or Cap ? either one.
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails ? OUCH!! neither!!
Flourescent or Incadescent lights ? Incadescent
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre ? depends on who you are with.
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ? Niagara
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass ? real
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ? pool
Carpets or Polished Floors ? polished
Running, Walking or Riding ? walking
Bob Hope or George Burns ? George
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating ? none! I can't skate!!
Plume or Ice ? ice
Calculator or Add up in your head ? gotta have the calculator!
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing ? snow
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart ? Gilligan!!
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road ? country
Jet plane or Cruise Ship ? fly...a boat can't get me to where I want to go!!! ;)
Hat or Cap ? cap
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails ? neither!!
Flourescent or Incadescent lights ? Incadescent
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre ? Home Movies!!!
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ? Grand Canyon
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass ? real
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ? pool
Carpets or Polished Floors ? carpert (burns!!)
Running, Walking or Riding ? walking or horseback riding
Bob Hope or George Burns ? George
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating ? I do good just to walk on the feet God gave me!!!
Plume or Ice ? ice
Calculator or Add up in your head ? finger and toes!!!
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing ? snow
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart ? Get Smart!!
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road ? I like the country but I think I'd feel safer on a highway.
Jet plane or Cruise Ship ? Are you buying? ;D
Hat or Cap ? Nothing on the head.
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails ? LOL! Probably bamboo shoots under the fingernails. :-/
Flourescent or Incadescent lights ? incandescent
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre ? Movie theatre
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ? I haven't seen either, but I think I'd prefer the Falls. Love water!
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass ? Real grass. I hate astroturf!
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ? Pool
Carpets or Polished Floors ? Wood floors (although I have carpet in my house).
Running, Walking or Riding ? Riding. :D
Bob Hope or George Burns ? George Burns
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating ? Actually I don't any of them very often but I think I'd prefer ice skating (cooler).
Plume or Ice ? Ice
Calculator or Add up in your head ? Most of the time in my head.
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing ? Never tried either.
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart ? Gilligan's Island
Bonus question : If euthanasia could be made retrospective, my choice would be___________________because ____________________________
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ? difference? ??? I like pool/billiards but almost never played
End Quote
Hi OlLine_Rebel
Pool (traditional) : 15 balls plus the cue ball
Snooker : 21 balls plus the cue ball
Billiards : 3 balls
FB :)
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road ? Highway...in the blazing sun with my T-tops off and my CD player cranked!!
Jet plane or Cruise Ship ? I love both but I think I prefer flying over cruising...
Hat or Cap ? Baseball cap....
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails ? I'd rather chalk on a blackboard...which is much nicer than fingernails on a blackboard..which is what I presume you meant....
Flourescent or Incadescent lights ? Incadescent...flouro's give me headaches after a while...
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre ? Movie Theatre...although drive-in's are still fun...
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ? I've only been to Niagara...and I gotta say that Canada's Niagara is nicer than the US's...I'm not just bein' a homer..it really is bigger and more impressive, however both together makes it pretty spectacular to see....I really wanna go to the Grand Canyon but still haven't made it...
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass ? Real please!
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ? Classic 8-ball pool...
Carpets or Polished Floors ? Carpets please...I'm a softie lol
Running, Walking or Riding ? Walking...but I usually drive if I'm going somewhere...*lazy*
Bob Hope or George Burns ? George Burns!!
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating ? Ice skating is my fave of the three but I do all three....
Plume or Ice ? Huh?
Calculator or Add up in your head ? Calculator...I'm allergic to math LOL
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing ? What about water-skiing?
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart ? Get Smart...missed it by that much!!
Bonus question : If euthanasia could be made retrospective, my choice would be Gord Downie (sorry Syanne) because he's a sad excuse for a vocalist.
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road ? Country
Jet plane or Cruise Ship ? Cruise ship
Hat or Cap ? Depends on the occasion... cap usually.
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails ? Ever hear of the Geneva Convention, pal? :P
Flourescent or Incadescent lights ? Incadescent
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre ? Depends a lot of the movie... but there are no drive-ins left around here anyway.
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ? Niagara Falls
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass ? Real
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ? Pool
Carpets or Polished Floors ? A combination.
Running, Walking or Riding ? Walking
Bob Hope or George Burns ? George Burns
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating ? Am I watching or doing?
Plume or Ice ? Ice
Calculator or Add up in your head ? Please!!!
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing ? Snow... but I have never done either!
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart ? Gilligan's Island!!
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Bonus question : If euthanasia could be made retrospective, my choice would be Gord Downie (sorry Syanne) because he's a sad excuse for a vocalist.End Quote
Hey, hey, hey now! The Hip rocks!
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Hey, hey, hey now! The Hip rocks!
End Quote
Well, they're Canadian so that gives them a certain advantage over others...but listening to Gord sing is like listening to Katherine Hepburn......seriously....imagine Katherine singing to Henry Fonda in On Golden Pond...They shot a movie once in my hometown...everyone was in it for miles around...
See what I mean? ;)
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Country Road -More relaxing then highway.
Cruise Ship - less speed (no need to hurry in life)
Hat - Our work caps looked pathetic.
Chalk on Blackboard - I can live with goosebumps but hate physical pain.
Incandescent lights - No more said.
Drive-In Theatre - More private and personal.
Niagara Falls - Rather hear water fall than my own echo as I can imagine everybody does at the Grand Canyon.
Real Grass - Mainly because I cannot remember playing on artificial Grass.
Snooker -As FussBudget and I use to play on weekends back in the early 80s in the Pink Room(with other Friends)
Polished Floors -You can skate in socks on these.Carpets you get carpet burn Ouch
Riding -If you mean trains.Again relaxing.
Bob Hope -Funny Guy
Roller skating/ice skating/blading- None because I could never do them.
Ice - No sweat
Adding up in head - Like to keep the grey matter active.
Snow skiing/Grass skiing - Once again I have not tried either.
Get Smart - I'll give you 99 reasons why.
Euthanasia should be legal in certain cases but not all. I believe these groups that say "No" have not had anybody
suffering bad enough to want to let go. It is heartbreaking.
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Quoting:Euthanasia should be legal in certain cases but not all. I believe these groups that say "No" have not had anybody
suffering bad enough to want to let go. It is heartbreaking.
End Quote
RR - it wasn't meant to be a question about whether euthanasia is right or wrong...
Although my wording has obviously left a bit to be desired, because a number of people have not gone near it..
It was simply another way of saying :
If you could go back and save the world from having to have put up with someone, who would that someone have been ? EG : A number of Ugandans might have Idi Amin come to mind....etc
Nothing more than that.
FB :)
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
imagine Katherine singing to Henry Fonda in On Golden Pond...They shot a movie once in my hometown...everyone was in it for miles around...
See what I mean? ;)
End Quote
OMG, that's too funny! Blow at High Dough will never be the same!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
OMG, that's too funny! Blow at High Dough will never be the same!!! ;D
End Quote
Oops!! Sorry :( Heheeee.....
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Hey !
Another this or that ! Mmmm - this one is badly written and poorly thought out, I'll amuse the Author and answer it anyway !
Highway or Country Road ? Country Road I think...
Jet plane or Cruise Ship ? Jet - Concorde looks like fun !
Hat or Cap ? Cap - but not backwards
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails ? Chalk - only because I remember it and it can be bearable....
Flourescent or Incadescent lights ? So long as they work...
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre ? As ALL of the drive-ins here are now housing developments, the choice is not mine to make >:(
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ? I'd love the chance to see either of them....
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass ? Real - easier on the knees and anything else that is scraping along it
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ? Billiards, Snooker, Pool - in order of skill required
Carpets or Polished Floors ? Polished, but they are cold in Winter
Running, Walking or Riding ? Riding - but what ;)
Bob Hope or George Burns ? George was bearable
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating ? Ice Skating
Plume or Ice ? Both ;D
Calculator or Add up in your head ? Add up always
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing ? Snow - pleeeeaaase
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart ? If they could have swapped 99 for Ginger it would be "Just Sit Right Back" all the way !
Bonus question : If euthanasia could be made retrospective, my choice would be people who commit crimes aginst children because children are totally defenceless and unfortunately trusting, and as adults we often let them down by not listening to them enough (the kids that is)
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Plume or Ice ? Both ;D
End Quote
With or without the handcuffs....? ;D
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
With or without the handcuffs....? ;D
End Quote
I saw someone in another post on the subject of handcuffs put it very well, Zella...
It depends on whether there is a key.... 8)
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
I saw someone in another post on the subject of handcuffs put it very well, Zella...
It depends on whether there is a key.... 8)
End Quote
So is that with or without the key? ;D
(I think I will withhold the key until I've gotten at least 54 more posts.... ::) )
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road ? highway
Jet plane or Cruise Ship ? jet plane
Hat or Cap ? hat
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails ? chalk
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre ? drive in
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ? niagara
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass ? real
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ? billiards
Carpets or Polished Floors ? polished
Running, Walking or Riding ? walking
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating ? ice skating
Calculator or Add up in your head ? calculator
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing ? snow
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Ok, so I'm a little late getting to these older posts. Now that I'm not working I have too much time on my hands.
Highway or Country Road ? There's more to see on a country road.
Jet plane or Cruise Ship ? I've never been on either, but I'll go with Jet Plane. A fella I used to work with has horror stories about being on a ship in a storm.
Hat or Cap ? Neither if I can get away with it. I hate having anything on my head.
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails ? I'll go with the chalk. There's less blood involved, therefore less risk of permanent damage.
Flourescent or Incadescent lights ? Incandescent.
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre ? I'd stick with the drive-in if there were any around anymore.
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ? Niagra. From either side.
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass ? Real grass. For anything, not just sports.
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ? I've only ever played traditional Pool. And I'm very bad at it.
Carpets or Polished Floors ? Bare floors, polished or not. They are easier to keep clean. You try to get grape Kool-Aid stains out of a carpet. :P
Running, Walking or Riding ? Depends on how far we are going. ;) Usually I prefer to ride.
Bob Hope or George Burns ? George Burns, no contest.
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating ? I'm no good at either, I've tried.
Plume or Ice ? Whut? Are these names of "Intoxicating Beverages" or??? :D
Calculator or Add up in your head ? Add in my head. The nuns at school used to scare us with visions of the Apocolypse, where there would be absolutely no calculators available. And you had to add up the column of numbers correctly or you wouldn't be given your food rations. Most effective when told just before lunch and everyone's hungry.
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing ? I've never done either, but Snow sounds more do-able to me.
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart ? I've only seen a few episodes of Get Smart, so I gotta go with Gilligan. Especially since I saw a small pleasure boat on the river the other day, named the S.S. Minnow. I couldn't resist, I started singing, and so did everyone else in the joint. ;D ;D ;D Best part was, there was a thunderstorm brewing!
Bonus question : If euthanasia could be made retrospective, my choice would be___________________because ____________________________ I'm not touching this one only because I've read enough historical fiction to realize we might not like the results if we eliminated a historical figure.
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road ? Highway
Jet plane or Cruise Ship ? Ship
Hat or Cap ? Cap
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails ? Chalk on blackboard
Flourescent or Incadescent lights ? Incandescent (fluorescent lights wreak havoc on AM and shortwave radio)
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre ? Drive-in (but they're hard to find these days)
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ? Been to Niagara Falls, love to see the Canyon
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass ? Real, baby, real!
Snooker, Pool or Billiards ? 8-ball
Carpets or Polished Floors ? Carpets
Running, Walking or Riding ? Riding
Bob Hope or George Burns ? Bob Hope
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating ? Roller
Plume or Ice ? Uh, what?
Calculator or Add up in your head ? Calculator (although I may be a math whiz, I still screw up sometimes)
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing ? Snow
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart ? Gilligan
Bonus question : If euthanasia could be made retrospective, my choice would be no comment because I have no comment.
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Highway or Country Road ? Country - the windier the better
Jet plane or Cruise Ship? Hmmm - both?
Hat or Cap? Neither (sunburnt bald spot)
Chalk on a blackboard or Bamboo Shoots under the fingernails? Bamboo shoots under someone else's fingernails
Flourescent or Incadescent lights? You mean "fluorescent" or incandescent"?
Movie Theatre or Drive In Theatre? Home video
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon? Haven't got to either, yet...
Sports surface : Artificial Grass or Real Grass? It has to be real grass... though resin does nearly as well
Snooker, Pool or Billiards? Pool
Carpets or Polished Floors? Either
Running, Walking or Riding? Riding
Bob Hope or George Burns? George Burns - does he?
Roller Skating/Blading or Ice Skating? You mean, do I prefer falling onto tarmac or ice?
Plume or Ice? Damn! Just as I thought I understood all the questions ???
Calculator or Add up in your head? Mental
Snow Ski-ing or Grass Ski-ing? Never tried skiing on grass (but sounds real cool, man)
Gilligan's Island or Get Smart? Nope, here's another one???
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon ? I've only been to Niagara...and I gotta say that Canada's Niagara is nicer than the US's...I'm not just bein' a homer..it really is bigger and more impressive, however both together makes it pretty spectacular to see....I really wanna go to the Grand Canyon but still haven't made it...
End Quote
Yep, must agree with you that the Canadian side is better…and this opinion is from an American who's been there…
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Howcum everyone is having such a hard time with plume or ice? It was perfectly clear to me! ;) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Howcum everyone is having such a hard time with plume or ice? It was perfectly clear to me! ;) :D ;D
End Quote
"Plume"??? as in "La plume de ma tante est dans le jardin"?
(from the song:)
La plume de ma tante est dans le jardin
Et je crois qu'on y vois l'étandard sanglant
Ou tout les bonnes Marseillaise
Ont écrasé tout leurs fraises
C'est dans le jardin
...prizes for the best translation, but I'll bet nobody knows who wrote it ;-)
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
"Plume"??? as in "La plume de ma tante est dans le jardin"?
(from the song:)
La plume de ma tante est dans le jardin
Et je crois qu'on y vois l'étandard sanglant
Ou tout les bonnes Marseillaise
Ont écrasé tout leurs fraises
C'est dans le jardin
...prizes for the best translation, but I'll bet nobody knows who wrote it ;-)
End Quote
Would plume here be plume? or ink pen? I'll give it a try with plume... (This is off the cuff, without a dictionary, so give me some latitude here....)
My Aunt's plume is in the garden
And I believe one sees in it, the bloody standard
Where all the good Marseillies
Have inscribed? all their sentences (phrases?)
This is in the garden....
How'd I do? ;)
(Hope it is not virtual Madeline giving out the prizes..... :( )
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Howcum everyone is having such a hard time with plume or ice? It was perfectly clear to me! ;) :D ;D
End Quote
Uh, what? Still don't get it. Please explain.
(At least somebody explained to me what "elephant ears" are. Being unfamiliar with them, I chose "cotton candy" because I knew what cotton candy was but not "elephant ears")
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Uh, what? Still don't get it. Please explain.End Quote
Don honey, if you don't get it -- I'm not gonna be the one to explain.... ;D :-[ ;D
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Hi FussBudget ;D!
Jetplane!, definitly!
Chalk, i guess
Movie Theatre
Niagra Falls
Real Grass
Rollar Skating!
Add in my head
Snow Skiing
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
My Aunt's plume is in the garden
And I believe one sees in it, the bloody standard
Where all the good Marseillies
Have inscribed? all their sentences (phrases?)
This is in the garden....
How'd I do? ;)
End Quote
Not bad - actual translation (using "feather" for plume runs as follows):
My aunt's feather is in the garden
And I think I see there the bloody standard (that's the one from La Marseillaise, the French National Anthem)
Where all the good folks of Marseille
Crushed their strawberries
It's in the garden
...I don't know exactly what my father was on when he wrote it (there's another couple of verses, too, and it was written about twenty years after the last time he spoke any French. Now you see where I get it from ;-))
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Not bad - actual translation (using "feather" for plume runs as follows):
My aunt's feather is in the garden
And I think I see there the bloody standard (that's the one from La Marseillaise, the French National Anthem)
Where all the good folks of Marseille
Crushed their strawberries
It's in the garden
...I don't know exactly what my father was on when he wrote it (there's another couple of verses, too, and it was written about twenty years after the last time he spoke any French. Now you see where I get it from ;-))
End Quote
Pretty funny Phil!
"crushed their strawberries?" :o
I knew "fraises" was familiar, but I couldn't place it... my French is 25 years behind me too, alas.... And I never spoke it, only read it.....
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
Don honey, if you don't get it -- I'm not gonna be the one to explain.... ;D :-[ ;DEnd Quote
I'm never gonna get it if no one explains it to me, and if you don't, who will? (But thanks for letting me in on what "elephant ears" are because to me they're either the auricular lobes on a pachyderm or some kind of plant that looks like them)
Subject: Re: Fuss' This or That thing
I'm never gonna get it if no one explains it to me, and if you don't, who will? (But thanks for letting me in on what "elephant ears" are because to me they're either the auricular lobes on a pachyderm or some kind of plant that looks like them)
End Quote
Alright, alright. It was a reference to er... props.... that could be used to enhance... a ... you know.... :-I didn't write the thread...) ::)