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Subject: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
Well, just thought it would be an interesting topic. Anyways, i watched a very interesting thing about people who say they have lived other lives in the distant past. One woman said she was a man, specificly a thief, who lived in the 16th century. A little boy said he remembers World War 2. Well i do believe these things are possible, that our spirits can live more than once and everything.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
I believe there must be something after death, something we, as humans, are all aiming for. Be this something paradisically heavenly, or a next life different to that that we know... reincarnation as is described - humans living as other animals in next life - that I can't believe. I believe that your soul is truly protected when you die, and, although free, can't enter through another.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
"If Osama Bin Laden was reincarnated as my son, I'd name him Toby!" ;D - One of my classmates, when we were talking about reincarnation during social studies.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
And what if Oshoa Biblinlin reincarnated as a woman, the point is, we can come to live again as anything.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
Bobo, i think your theory makes sense. When i was watching the program, noone said anything about being born in form of an animal. Perhaps reincarnation is an equal process. people come back as people and animals as animals.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
I don't know where my theory fits in with what happened to us before we were born, though...
Since humans come back as humans, do animals, as a differentiation from humans (which, let's face it, technically they're not - we're animals too) come back as themselves in another carnation?
So here comes my theory. I don't think people are born bad. As discussed a while back in other threads, I think people all have good and bad within them. Some people decide to exploit this bad much more than others. It's our choice whether we want to follow the right "path" or the wrong "path" - the right one presumably being the more difficult one to choose to follow, yet the easier one to unconsciously follow.
Where is this leading? I guess what I can say is... when you were young, did you ever think of biting your brother's/sister's toes off? Now put this into the same example, if, say, you are the of the belief you come back next as an animal (in this random case, a dog).
When thinking about death, I always think of someone like Dave Pelzer, who believes that, despite being horrifically abused as a child, because he prayed for his parents' forgiveness, they can now earn their place in "Heaven". (I use this term loosely, since not all believe in a paradise by this name). It's a shame to live your life in the knowledge that you're going to do bad things without wanting to be forgiven for them (by human or "God" - again, a loosely used term).
I did hear a story three years ago of this three year old child who said "Mommy, I was very happy in my past life." A living case for re-incarnation, or a kid being influenced by outside society? I guess that can be left up for debate.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
No, I don't believe in reincarnation.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
I strongly belive in fate and destiny - that everything is written out for us. I know this beacuse I get extremely vivid deja vu - where I have dreamt up, maybe only even a few seconds of things which happen in the future. A couple of times, this sensation has been very, very strong, and I can't stop thinking about it. ( Just thought I'd share that with you :) )
I also believe that there is some form of afterlife - whatever that may be. So therefore, I don't believe in reincarnation.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
Have you "dreamt" anything about what you think your path will be in your future life? This is, separate from your ambitions, your hopes and aims for the future, since we are talking about a degree of fate, here.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
I also think that being reincarnated doesn't happen to everyone. Meaning that there are chosen ones who are speacialy chosen to live more than once.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
I am a born again Christian, and reincarnation is totally opposite, so no, I don't.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
Yeah, I do believe that we come back again. Too many weird things have happened in my life that make me believe in it.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
Have you "dreamt" anything about what you think your path will be in your future life? This is, separate from your ambitions, your hopes and aims for the future, since we are talking about a degree of fate, here.
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Is this directed at me? I'm guessing so :)
Well if so, no I haven't. The deja vu that I get are just a few seconds of something that i see, like a POV shot in a film. It's never relevant in my life, as in my future, or in major decisions as far as I remember. The strongest one I had was in a french lesson a few years back. It only lasted at the most 10 seconds, but it was a conversation between me and my friend, and the teacher speaking over us. I recalled word for word what was said, and I just kind of felt taken aback, as I'd never experienced anything that strongly familiar before.
The last time I got a strong deja vu was me learning lines in theatre with my friends Jess and Andy. We were messing around, and my friends were pretending the play was a musical, and singing their lines. I had definitly dreamt of this before. It was just weird, I just stopped and stared into space for ages after it. It's the wierdest feeling.
I don't expect everyone to believe me, but I know for me that its true, and it's why I belive in destiny. I even vividly described the situation to a friend and mde him change his mind about his beliefs. You could say I'm imagining it, but if I am then I have one hell of an imagination to recall words before someone has even said them :)
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
I believe it happens, but I don't believe it happens to everyone.
That is to say, if a person does not believe in reincarnation, he/she will not be reincarnated. He/she will spend eternity in Paradise, eternal punishment, or cease to exist completely, according to what the individual believes.
For those that do believe, I think that the individual has some small choice in the matter of where/when/how to come back.
A friend of mine believes a person must experience every human condition at least once, before the soul can acheive permanent rest in paradise. For example, you must be a rich man, a poor man, a rich woman, a poor woman, a criminal, a law abiding citizen, ect. until you have experienced everything.
I don't believe it goes quite that far, myself.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
I don't believe in reincarnation. I think we live, we die, and that's it!
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
I don't believe in reincarnation. I think we live, we die, and that's it!
End Quote
Hear, Hear!!!! I am in total agreement with you.
I think people started to believe in reincarnation because it makes death just a little bit easier to accept.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
I believe that we are put here on this earth to learn and experience certain things and once we have done that we die.I have come to believe that this can last over many of what we call lifetimes.So yes I do.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
I believe it happens, but I don't believe it happens to everyone.
That is to say, if a person does not believe in reincarnation, he/she will not be reincarnated. He/she will spend eternity in Paradise, eternal punishment, or cease to exist completely, according to what the individual believes.
For those that do believe, I think that the individual has some small choice in the matter of where/when/how to come back.
A friend of mine believes a person must experience every human condition at least once, before the soul can acheive permanent rest in paradise. For example, you must be a rich man, a poor man, a rich woman, a poor woman, a criminal, a law abiding citizen, ect. until you have experienced everything.
I don't believe it goes quite that far, myself.
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Thanks for saying what I would have! You saved me the effort of typing it ;)
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
That is to say, if a person does not believe in reincarnation, he/she will not be reincarnated. He/she will spend eternity in Paradise, eternal punishment, or cease to exist completely, according to what the individual believes.
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... and, thus, no need for judgment by an inquisitive, jealous god? I like, I like...
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
Well, that's an interesting take on things. That we create our own destinies... I had a friend in high school who believed that we create our own hereafter based on what we consider it to be in life. Who's to say he isn't right? This whole topic seems waayyy too heavy for this board, but most of us are quite good at respecting the beliefs and opinions of others, so I guess that it won't degenerate into the sorts of flame wars discussions such as this can cause elsewhere on the Net. For me personally, the idea of an afterlife of any kind is part of humanity's inbuilt survival instinct: because we of all the life forms on this planet are the only ones that actually think about life and what it means, we need to construct a belief that some conscious part of us continues after physical death. It's an incredibly comforting belief, as is the thought that those who trespass against us will find some kind of punishment awaiting them when their mortal career has ended. Nobody really wants to believe that, no matter what a person is like in life, they'll all be accepted into a Paradise, anymore than we want to believe that death is final for us all. The ancient Egyptians, whose beliefs about the hereafter bordered on obsession, didn't believe in eternal punishment: the virtuous went on to the Afterlife, the bad were simply destroyed. Obviously such a thought was horrible to the Egyptians, so they wrote an escape clause into their beliefs that more or less stipulated that if the soul could successfully undertake the necessary tasks needed to reach the Hall of Judgement after death, and then recite the rituals correctly once it got there, it would be judged as virtuous anyway. Some of our modern beliefs have these escape clauses as well.
Hope was the one thing left to us when Pandora opened her box, and hope it is that helps us to create these constructs. I'm sure we all have a belief--or at least a hope--that what religion tells us about the hereafter is true, but there's only one way all of us will ever know for sure. In relation to 'deja-vu', the feeling that one has lived a moment of their lives before at the time they are 'reliving' it, there are some who suggest that this feeling it caused by a short-circuit in the brain that creates a 'false memory' that makes us believe we're reliving a moment of our past--even though we really haven't. Of course, we really could be just living our lives over and over again without realising it, but we'll never know for sure.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
What do you mean? This topic being too "heavy"? I don't get it. I'm thinking perhaps you mean that it is too much for some people...maybe a bit too scarey.. am i right? I thought that this particular board was so that we can talk about anything we want. Well, i'm sorry for those who are afraid of these topics, I'm not..so hey, l like my topic ;D. :)
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
I think Goreripper means 'heavy' as in 'deep, with fierce beliefs being held.' Sometimes a topic like this can go downhill fast, and I think he was commenting on how nicely it was coming along. The fact that he posted here without flaming says he thinks your topic is interesting. :)
On topic:
I believe that we all need to believe in something, even if our something is nothing. How divine if Heaven awaited for us! I'd like to believe that! :) How fantastic if we got another chance at life (reincarnation)! I'd like to believe in that! :) How wonderful if once we were gone, we were just gone....a black space, no one judging what we did with our lives, and finding us lacking! I'd like to believe in that, too!! :)
I find all of those beliefs very interesting, that's why I like to read these kind of topics. It can open you up to a new way of thinking. ;)
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
Aaaaa.... short, sweet and to the point: Nope. ;)
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
I s'pose I'll find out for sure one day.... ;)
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
I s'pose I'll find out for sure one day.... ;)
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Not necessarily if you don't remember it!! ;D
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
Not necessarily if you don't remember it!! ;D
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Hey Gis !
Would it then follow logically that if that were the case, then I wouldn't care ?
And as I don't care about some things now, does that mean I'm already dead ?
As I have now conveniently turned dead in 2 short paragraphs, I'm here to say my re-incarnation hasn't occurred or got stuffed up, as I distinctly remember asking to be taller next time round.... >:(
FB :)
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
Hey Gis !
Would it then follow logically that if that were the case, then I wouldn't care ?
And as I don't care about some things now, does that mean I'm already dead ?
As I have now conveniently turned dead in 2 short paragraphs, I'm here to say my re-incarnation hasn't occurred or got stuffed up, as I distinctly remember asking to be taller next time round.... >:(
FB :)
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Fuss, didn't you know? None of it is real... we're just part of someone's dream! :P
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
Reincarnation (like ideas of Heaven) seems to be more in line with wish fulfillment than anything that might actually happen: we'd like there to be something, some "higher" meaning but there ain't.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
Fuss, didn't you know? None of it is real... we're just part of someone's dream! :P
End Quote
What ? Rip-off ! I think I'm part of someone's nightmare - not their dream...
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
Aaaaa.... short, sweet and to the point: Nope. ;)
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Couldn't put it better myself Zella.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
I don't think so.
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
Aaaaa.... short, sweet and to the point: Nope. ;)
End Quote
I like the way you think, Zella.
I couldn't have said it better myself - no! ;)
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
Yes....I served for the US in the Revolutionary War and want my reparations!
Subject: Re: ~REINCARNATION~Do you believe?
Yes, i believe in reincarnation. Don't know why but i do.