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This is a topic from the Playful Penguin Place forum on inthe00s.
Subject: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: lebeiw15 on 07/24/02 at 09:26 p.m.
Books or magazines?
Crackers: Ritz or Club?
Arial or Times New Roman?
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery?
Sprite or 7-Up?
Mountain Dew or Mello Yello?
CDs/Tapes or the radio?
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands?
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM?
Google or AltaVista?
amIright or whatfreaks?
Windows or Mac?
Harry Potter or LOTR?
Windex or 409?
Target, Kmart or Wal-Mart?
Pink or Yellow Lemonade?
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"?
Wendy's or Burger King?
Amoco's Red and Blue look, or the new yellow and green "bp" look?
Chee-tos or Doritos?
Fritos or Sun Chips?
Hot Dogs or Brats?
Charcoal or Gas Grill?
Orange Slice or Sunkist?
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: lebeiw15 on 07/24/02 at 09:33 p.m.
Here's mine:
Books or magazines? Books
Crackers: Ritz or Club? Ritz
Arial or Times New Roman? Arial
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery? Delivery
Sprite or 7-Up? Sprite
Mountain Dew or Mello Yello? Mello Yello
CDs/Tapes or the radio? I listen to both
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands? Digital
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM? I use all 3
Google or AltaVista? Google
amIright or whatfreaks? amIright
Windows or Mac? Windows
Harry Potter or LOTR? Harry Potter
Windex or 409? Both; I don't care
Target, Kmart or Wal-Mart? Wal-Mart
Pink or Yellow Lemonade? Both; they taste the same
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"? Well, I never played "A new game", soo.. Compound Game
Wendy's or Burger King? Burger King
Amoco's Red and Blue look, or the new yellow and green "bp" look? The old look! bp is soo freakin ugly!
Chee-tos or Doritos? Doritos
Fritos or Sun Chips? Sun Chips!! My favorite chip!!
Hot Dogs or Brats? Brats
Charcoal or Gas Grill? Charcoal
Orange Slice or Sunkist? Orange Slice
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: Tantrum O Neal on 07/24/02 at 09:54 p.m.
Books or magazines? Magazines
Crackers: Ritz or Club? Ritz
Arial or Times New Roman? Dunno
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery? Delivery
Sprite or 7-Up? 7-Up
Mountain Dew or Mello Yello? Neither.
CDs/Tapes or the radio? Both
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands? Digital (The other clock is called analog.)
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM? None
Google or AltaVista? Yahoo
amIright or whatfreaks? amIright
Windows or Mac?Windows
Harry Potter or LOTR? Kids stuff. ::)
Windex or 409?Windex
Target, Kmart or Wal-Mart? K-Mart, since it's closer to where I live.
Pink or Yellow Lemonade? They both taste the same.
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"? New game
Wendy's or Burger King? BK, since Dave Thomas died.
Amoco's Red and Blue look, or the new yellow and green "bp" look? Amoco forever.
Chee-tos or Doritos? Doritos
Fritos or Sun Chips? Sun chips
Hot Dogs or Brats? Brats
Charcoal or Gas Grill? Charcoal
Orange Slice or Sunkist? Sunkist
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: Crazy Don on 07/24/02 at 10:01 p.m.
Books or magazines? Magazines
Crackers: Ritz or Club? Actually, I prefer Town House.
Arial or Times New Roman? Depends. (No, not the adult diapers now called Depend.)
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery? Delivery!
Sprite or 7-Up? Sprite
Mountain Dew or Mello Yello? If this were my sister, Mello Yello. Dew myself. Make that Code Red.
CDs/Tapes or the radio? CD's/tapes because local radio sucks.
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands? Digital
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM? Trillian
Google or AltaVista? Google
amIright or whatfreaks? Depends. (Once again, not the adult diapers now called Depend.)
Windows or Mac? Linux. (Actually, I'm running Windows 98 SE, but if I had my druthers, I'd run Linux.)
Harry Potter or LOTR? Neither.
Windex or 409? For glass, Windex. For other stuff, 409.
Target, Kmart or Wal-Mart? Wal-Mart.
Pink or Yellow Lemonade? Yellow
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"? Whatever
Wendy's or Burger King? If their prices weren't so high for a Whopper super-sized combo meal, BK. But since Wendy's has held the line with the price of their biggie-sized single combo…
Amoco's Red and Blue look, or the new yellow and green "bp" look? Actually, the old BP shield.
Chee-tos or Doritos? Doritos (Chee-tos stick to my teeth)
Fritos or Sun Chips? Fritos (chili cheese flavor, thanks)
Hot Dogs or Brats? Hot dogs
Charcoal or Gas Grill? Gas
Orange Slice or Sunkist? I don't drink orange sodas with caffeine in them. I like Fanta 'cause there's no caffeine in it, and that's the way it should be.
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: Jessica on 07/24/02 at 10:16 p.m.
Books or magazines? Books
Crackers: Ritz or Club? Ritz
Arial or Times New Roman? Times New Roman
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery? Frozen
Sprite or 7-Up? 7-Up
Mountain Dew or Mello Yello? Neither, they both make me puke!
CDs/Tapes or the radio? CDs
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands? Digital
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM? YIM
Google or AltaVista? Google
amIright or whatfreaks? Whatfreaks
Windows or Mac? Windows, I guess
Harry Potter or LOTR? LOTR
Windex or 409? Windex
Target, Kmart or Wal-Mart? Kmart
Pink or Yellow Lemonade? Pink Lemonade
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"? Compound
Wendy's or Burger King? Neither!
Amoco's Red and Blue look, or the new yellow and green "bp" look? I dunno.
Chee-tos or Doritos? Doritos
Fritos or Sun Chips? Sun Chips
Hot Dogs or Brats? Neither, they're both disgusting!
Charcoal or Gas Grill? Charcoal
Orange Slice or Sunkist? Orange Slice
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: Wicked Lester on 07/24/02 at 10:22 p.m.
Books or magazines? Both, but mainly books.
Crackers: Ritz or Club? Club
Arial or Times New Roman? Ariel
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery? Delivery
Sprite or 7-Up? Either, but not very often.
Mountain Dew or Mello Yello? Mountain Dew
CDs/Tapes or the radio? Yes
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands? Both
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM? Mostly YIM
Google or AltaVista? Google Vista
amIright or whatfreaks? ???
Windows or Mac? Windows
Harry Potter or LOTR? LOTR
Windex or 409? Windex
Target, Kmart or Wal-Mart? All
Pink or Yellow Lemonade? Yellow
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"? Ummm...
Wendy's or Burger King? BK
Amoco's Red and Blue look, or the new yellow and green "bp" look? Whichever is easiest to get back into traffic from!
Chee-tos or Doritos? Doritos, unless it's the flaming hot Chee-tos.
Fritos or Sun Chips? Fritos
Hot Dogs or Brats? Dogs!!
Charcoal or Gas Grill? Charcoal
Orange Slice or Sunkist? Sunkist
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: Syanne on 07/24/02 at 11:19 p.m.
Books or magazines? Definitely books
Crackers: Ritz or Club? Ritz
Arial or Times New Roman? Arial
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery? Delivery
Sprite or 7-Up? Sprite (but only for mix)
Mountain Dew or Mello Yello? Diet Coke
CDs/Tapes or the radio? CDs and the radio
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands? Digital
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM? Messenger
Google or AltaVista? Google
amIright or whatfreaks? ???
Windows or Mac? Windows
Harry Potter or LOTR? If we're talking books, LOTR but if we're talking movies, I've only seen Harry Potter
Windex or 409? Windex
Target, Kmart or Wal-Mart? Wal-Mart but only because we don't have Target or Kmart in Canada
Pink or Yellow Lemonade? Yellow
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"? ???
Wendy's or Burger King? BK
Amoco's Red and Blue look, or the new yellow and green "bp" look? ???
Chee-tos or Doritos? Doritos
Fritos or Sun Chips? Neither
Hot Dogs or Brats? Mmmm, Hot Dogs
Charcoal or Gas Grill? Charcoal but we have a gas grill, too
Orange Slice or Sunkist? Neither
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: Zella on 07/24/02 at 11:32 p.m.
Books or magazines? books
Crackers: Ritz or Club? Nabisco Swiss Cheese
Arial or Times New Roman? Arial
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery? Delivery!
Sprite or 7-Up? yeeech to both!
Mountain Dew or Mello Yello? Dew
CDs/Tapes or the radio? tapes
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands? have both next to the bed
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM?
Google or AltaVista? google
amIright or whatfreaks?
Windows or Mac? How about DOS? ;)
Harry Potter or LOTR? LOTR by a long shot....
Windex or 409? Windex
Target, Kmart or Wal-Mart? Target
Pink or Yellow Lemonade? either
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"? New Game rules! ;D
Wendy's or Burger King? Wendy's
Amoco's Red and Blue look, or the new yellow and green "bp" look? Haven't seen the new, but sounds good....
Chee-tos or Doritos? Cheetos
Fritos or Sun Chips? neither
Hot Dogs or Brats? What are brats?
Charcoal or Gas Grill? Charcoal (except my dog ate all the charcoal -- honest! :( )
Orange Slice or Sunkist? Sunkist
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 07/25/02 at 00:48 a.m.
Books or magazines? I like both, but I prefer magazines.
Crackers: Ritz or Club? Ritz
Arial or Times New Roman? Arial
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery? Delivery
Sprite or 7-Up? 7-Up!!!
Mountain Dew or Mello Yello? MD
CDs/Tapes or the radio? CD's
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands? Both
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM? YIM
Google or AltaVista? Google
amIright or whatfreaks? I'm not familiar with these.
Windows or Mac? Windows
Harry Potter or LOTR? Harry Potter, only because I've never seen LOTR.
Windex or 409? Uh, shouldn't that be Fantastic or 409? Anyway, I would say Windex with these choices.
Target, Kmart or Wal-Mart? Wal-Mart
Pink or Yellow Lemonade? Yellow
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"? Neither, really.
Wendy's or Burger King? Wendy's. They make good chicken sandwiches!
Amoco's Red and Blue look, or the new yellow and green "bp" look? ???
Chee-tos or Doritos? Doritos
Fritos or Sun Chips? Fritos
Hot Dogs or Brats? Hot Dogs
Charcoal or Gas Grill? Gas...easier and quicker!
Orange Slice or Sunkist? Sunkist Orange
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: southernspitfire on 07/25/02 at 01:08 a.m.
Books or magazines? Both
Crackers: Ritz or Club? Club
Arial or Times New Roman? TNR
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery? either one
Sprite or 7-Up? Sprite
Mountain Dew or Mello Yello? YUK
CDs/Tapes or the radio? all!!
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands? WHAT?? you mean you are suppose to set those??
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM? YIM..or ICQ
Google or AltaVista? Dogpile
amIright or whatfreaks? amIright
Windows or Mac? Windows
Harry Potter or LOTR? <yawn>
Windex or 409? 409
Target, Kmart or Wal-Mart? Wal-Mart or Target
Pink or Yellow Lemonade? YUK!!
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"? NONE!!!
Wendy's or Burger King? Wendy's
Amoco's Red and Blue look, or the new yellow and green "bp" look? Texaco
Chee-tos or Doritos? Like both of them
Fritos or Sun Chips? Fritos
Hot Dogs or Brats? Hot doggies
Charcoal or Gas Grill? Charcoal..but gas is easier
Orange Slice or Sunkist? no OJ
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: Gis on 07/25/02 at 02:14 a.m.
Hot dogs
Gas grill
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: Jonman on 07/25/02 at 03:10 a.m.
Books or magazines? Mags...
Crackers: Ritz or Club? Ritz...with cheese
Arial or Times New Roman? TNR
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery? Delivery...Panago's New York Deli Pizza...mmmmmmm...
Sprite or 7-Up? Sprite
Mountain Dew or Mello Yello? Code Red! (Yes Crazydon!)
CDs/Tapes or the radio? CDs....heard radio in Vancouver lately? S U C K S!
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands? Digital
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM? YIM (jonmanvan)
Google or AltaVista? I'm a Googler!
amIright or whatfreaks? Huh?
Windows or Mac? Windows
Harry Potter or LOTR? Harry Potter!
Windex or 409? Windex
Target, Kmart or Wal-Mart? Wal-Mark
Pink or Yellow Lemonade? Yellow...Country Time
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"? New Game
Wendy's or Burger King? Burger King
Amoco's Red and Blue look, or the new yellow and green "bp" look? Huh? We have Chevron dude!
Chee-tos or Doritos? Dorito's Cool Ranch...
Fritos or Sun Chips? Frito Lays
Hot Dogs or Brats? Mmmmmmmmmm....doggies....
Charcoal or Gas Grill? Gas!
Orange Slice or Sunkist? Tang!
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: Criz on 07/25/02 at 05:29 a.m.
Books or magazines? Books - I used to be such a bookworm , but I rarely get time to read. Now it's Summer and I've got time, I've got sucked into the 'Stephanie Plum' novels by Janet Evanovich - anyone who has ever read them - they'll know what I mean :)
Crackers: Ritz or Club? RItz
Arial or Times New Roman? Century Gothic :)
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery? Delivery
Sprite or 7-Up? Makes no difference, but I prefer Pepsi
CDs/Tapes or the radio? Mp3's :)
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands? Digital
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM? MSN ( The only one I have)
Google or AltaVista? Google
amIright or whatfreaks? Am I Right
Windows or Mac? Windows
Harry Potter or LOTR? Harry Potter
Pink or Yellow Lemonade? Tellow
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"? hmmm :)
Wendy's or Burger King? BK ( Ww don't have Wendys here)
Chee-tos or Doritos? Doritos
Hot Dogs or Brats? Hot dogs
Charcoal or Gas Grill? Charcoal - always atstes nicer I think :)
Orange Slice or Sunkist? Sunkist
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: MissInformation on 07/25/02 at 06:45 a.m.
Books or magazines? Books
Crackers: Ritz or Club? Either
Arial or Times New Roman? TNR
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery? Delivery, except for frozen California Pizza Kitchen pizza
Sprite or 7-Up? Neither
Mountain Dew or Mello Yello? Neither
CDs/Tapes or the radio?
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands? digital
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM? None
Google or AltaVista? Google
amIright or whatfreaks? No eye deer
Windows or Mac? Windows
Harry Potter or LOTR? Both
Windex or 409? Either
Target, Kmart or Wal-Mart? Target
Pink or Yellow Lemonade? Pink
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"? Either
Wendy's or Burger King? BK
Amoco's Red and Blue look, or the new yellow and green "bp" look? Either
Chee-tos or Doritos? Doritos
Fritos or Sun Chips? Fritos
Hot Dogs or Brats? Turkey dogs
Charcoal or Gas Grill? Either
Orange Slice or Sunkist? Neither
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 07/25/02 at 07:20 a.m.
Books or magazines? Books
Crackers: Ritz or Club? Jatz
Arial or Times New Roman? Arial
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery? Neither - send in some chicken
Sprite or 7-Up? Sprite
Mountain Dew or Mello Yello? Both yucky
CDs/Tapes or the radio? CD's - beacuse it's impossible to find a radio station that caters for people over 20 anymore
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands? Did-Yit-Al
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM? Don't have the need for any of them
Google or AltaVista? Google
amIright or whatfreaks? amIright
Windows or Mac? Linux
Harry Potter or LOTR? Harry
Windex or 409? To drink ? Windex !
Target, Kmart or Wal-Mart? Big W
Pink or Yellow Lemonade? Neither - original 'clear'
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"? New game is, well, 'newer'
Wendy's or Burger King? BK
Amoco's Red and Blue look, or the new yellow and green "bp" look? LOL - BP has been Green and Yellow over here since the 60's ! What WAS it over there ? BP anyway
Chee-tos or Doritos? Hello Homer, we brought muchies....Smithers ! The Cheetos !
Fritos or Sun Chips? Don't know what either are - Sun Chips sound nicer...
Hot Dogs or Brats? Gimme a hot fog over some snotty nosed little brat anyday
Charcoal or Gas Grill? Gas
Orange Slice or Sunkist? Sunkist I s'pose
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: Junior on 07/25/02 at 07:52 a.m.
Books or magazines? - Magazines
Crackers: Ritz or Club? - Ritz
Arial or Times New Roman? - Arial
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery? - It depends on what kind of pizza (Domino's, Pizza Hut, Totino's, Tony's, etc.)
Sprite or 7-Up? Spite
Mountain Dew or Mello Yello? Mountain Dew: Code Red
CDs/Tapes or the radio? CDs
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands? Digital
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM? AIM
Google or AltaVista? AltaVista
amIright or whatfreaks? amiright
Windows or Mac? Windows
Harry Potter or LOTR? Harry Potter
Windex or 409? Windex
Target, Kmart or Wal-Mart? Target or Wal-Mart
Pink or Yellow Lemonade? Pink Lemonade
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"? Compound
Wendy's or Burger King? McDonald's :)
Amoco's Red and Blue look, or the new yellow and green "bp" look? BP
Chee-tos or Doritos? Cheetos
Fritos or Sun Chips? Sun Chips
Hot Dogs or Brats? Hot Dogs
Charcoal or Gas Grill? Charcoal
Orange Slice or Sunkist? Sunkist, I guess
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: goldie on 07/25/02 at 09:02 a.m.
Books or magazines? both
Crackers: Ritz or Club? Club
Arial or Times New Roman? Arial
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery? both
Sprite or 7-Up? 7-up
Mountain Dew or Mello Yello? Diet Mt. Dew
CDs/Tapes or the radio? both
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands? digital
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM? YIM
Google or AltaVista? google/b]
amIright or whatfreaks? amIright
Windows or Mac? windows
Harry Potter or LOTR? I've only seen Harry Potter. I haven't read any of the books
Windex or 409? depends on what you are cleaning
Target, Kmart or Wal-Mart? Wal-Mart
Pink or Yellow Lemonade? pink
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"? compund game
Wendy's or Burger King? Wendy's
Amoco's Red and Blue look, or the new yellow and green "bp" look? neither
Chee-tos or Doritos? Chee-tos
Fritos or Sun Chips? Fritos
Hot Dogs or Brats? dogs
Charcoal or Gas Grill? gas
Orange Slice or Sunkist? Sunkist
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: DJ Midas on 07/25/02 at 09:50 a.m.
Books or magazines? Magazines
Crackers: Ritz or Club? Ritz
Arial or Times New Roman? Times New Roman
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery? I'll Pick it up; it's quicker than delivery.
Sprite or 7-Up? Sprite
Mountain Dew or Mello Yello? Do the Dew, baby!
CDs/Tapes or the radio? CDs & Tapes. Radio sux.
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands? you mean analog? Either.
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM? Don't use any of these
Google or AltaVista? Google
amIright or whatfreaks? amIright
Windows or Mac? Windoze
Harry Potter or LOTR? Harry Potter
Windex or 409? 409
Target, Kmart or Wal-Mart? Target
Pink or Yellow Lemonade? Pink
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"? I'll play either
Wendy's or Burger King? Burger King
Amoco's Red and Blue look, or the new yellow and green "bp" look? BP. Makes me forget I'm getting Amoco gas.
Chee-tos or Doritos? Cheetos
Fritos or Sun Chips? Sun Chips
Hot Dogs or Brats? Brats
Charcoal or Gas Grill? Charcoal
Orange Slice or Sunkist? Sunkist
Subject: Re: lebeiw's That or This?
Written By: Indy Gent on 07/27/02 at 08:16 p.m.
Books or magazines? Neither really.
Crackers: Ritz or Club? Club
Arial or Times New Roman? Times
Pizza: Frozen or Delivery? Frozen
Sprite or 7-Up? Squirt
Mountain Dew or Mello Yello? Squirt
CDs/Tapes or the radio? CD/tapes, since they don't have DJs.
Digital Clock or.. the other clock, the one with hands? In a storm, analog. Otherwise digital
MSN Messenger, YIM, or AIM? YIM
Google or AltaVista? Anything powered by Google
amIright or whatfreaks? For variety, Amiright. For sheer laughs, whatfreaks.
Windows or Mac? Windows, unless it's mac and cheese.
Harry Potter or LOTR? LOTR, the anaimated special.
Windex or 409? 409.
Target, Kmart or Wal-Mart? Target.
Pink or Yellow Lemonade? Pink, just like my grapefruit.
"Compound Game" or "A New Game"? I love games.
Wendy's or Burger King? Wendy's salads
Amoco's Red and Blue look, or the new yellow and green "bp" look? I like the BP, but I miss the Amoco service station.
Chee-tos or Doritos?Baked cheetos. Otherwise doritos.
Fritos or Sun Chips? Fritos Bar B-Q.
Hot Dogs or Brats? Brats, fully cooked. I only eat hot dogs for convenience, and I prefer Keilbasa.
Charcoal or Gas Grill? Oven
Orange Slice or Sunkist? Minute Maid