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Subject: Cricket and Goldies This or That
ok..here we are now...since we were included on the last one....so here is the dynamic duo's version!!!
Innie or Outie
Republican or Democrat
Rain or Sun
M&M's or Reese's Pieces
Daytime or Nightime
Truck, Car, or SUV
Caffeine or De-caf
Stalker or Stalkie
Bar Fly or Wallflower
Tennis Shoes or Sandals
PJ's or Buff
Hugger or Huggie
Driver or Rider
Traveler or Homebody
Lights on or Lights off
Flannel or Satin
Cable or Satelite
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap
Country or Rock
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Ok..here is mine..goldies will be here in a few
Innie or Outie innie
Republican or Democrat republican
Rain or Sun rain.....just no storms!!!
M&M's or Reese's Pieces m's!!!!
Daytime or Nightime anytime!!!
Truck, Car, or SUV PT Cruiser!!!
Caffeine or De-caf de-caf...I am hyper enough!!!
Stalker or Stalkie stalker!!! :o :o
Bar Fly or Wallflower barfly
Tennis Shoes or Sandals sandals...but I love to be barefoot
PJ's or Buff buff
Hugger or Huggie both works for me!!!!!!!!
Driver or Rider driver
VHS or DVD VHS now..that ex took MY DVD!!!
Traveler or Homebody traveler
Lights on or Lights off hum.........BOTH!!!!!!!!!
Flannel or Satin flannel in winter...satin in summer
Cable or Satelite was a "sattie"..now a cable head!!
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap liquid
Country or Rock both...but right now I am stuck on country!!
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie-Innie
Republican or Democrat-Republican (moderate of course)
Rain or Sun-We need both.
M&M's or Reese's Pieces-M & M's
Daytime or Nightime-Nightime
Truck, Car, or SUV-Car
Caffeine or De-caf-Don't drink coffee
Stalker or Stalkie-I plead the 5th.
Bar Fly or Wallflower-Wallflower.
Tennis Shoes or Sandals-Tennies.
PJ's or Buff-PJ in winter, near buff in summer.
Hugger or Huggie-Both
Driver or Rider-Driver
VHS or DVD-I prefer VHS, but the jury's still out on DVD.
Traveler or Homebody-I travel once a year, maybe 2.
Lights on or Lights off-Reading: on. Sleeping: Off.
Flannel or Satin-Flannel:winter, Satin:summer.
Cable or Satelite-Cable. You don't need to go outside.
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap-Liquid for hands, bar for everything else.
Country or Rock-Rock rules.
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie -Innie
Republican or Democrat -Democrat
Rain or Sun -Sun
M&M's or Reese's Pieces -Reese's Pieces
Daytime or Nightime -Nightime
Truck, Car, or SUV -Car
Caffeine or De-caf -Caffeine
Stalker or Stalkie -Stalker ;D
Bar Fly or Wallflower -Wallflower
Tennis Shoes or Sandals -Neither, I prefer to be barefoot
PJ's or Buff -Depends on how hot or cold it is
Hugger or Huggie -Huggie
Driver or Rider -Rider
Traveler or Homebody -Homebody
Lights on or Lights off -Lights off
Flannel or Satin -Flannel, I hate satin!
Cable or Satelite -Satelite
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap -Bar Soap
Country or Rock -Rock
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie innie
Republican or Democrat democrat
Rain or Sun rain
M&M's or Reese's Pieces depends on my mood
Daytime or Nightime nightime
Truck, Car, or SUV truck and van
Stalker or Stalkie stalker
Bar Fly or Wallflower in between
Tennis Shoes or Sandals sandals in summer, tennis for exercise
PJ's or Buff buff except for socks! my feet get cold!! ;D
Hugger or Huggie either!!
Driver or Rider driver
VHS or DVD both! cricket gave me a dvd player for Christmas!!!
Traveler or Homebody duh! traveler
Lights on or Lights off lights out unless there is something to look at! :o
Flannel or Satin flannel
Cable or Satelite digital cable
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap liquid
Country or Rock both, depends on my mood and who is riding with me! CRICKET!! ;D
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie--Normally, innie.. ;)
Republican or Democrat--Democrat
Rain or Sun--Sun
M&M's or Reese's Pieces--Reese's Pieces
Daytime or Nightime--I'm a night owl
Truck, Car, or SUV--Have a car, goal is an SUV
Caffeine or De-caf--Caffeine in soda, but I don't drink coffee, so..?
Stalker or Stalkie--Uh, neither!
Bar Fly or Wallflower--between the two, Wallflower
Tennis Shoes or Sandals--Tennis Shoes
PJ's or Buff--PJ's
Hugger or Huggie--Probably Huggie
Driver or Rider--Driver
VHS or DVD--We have both, they each have good and bad points
Traveler or Homebody--more of a homebody
Lights on or Lights off--When?? ;)
Flannel or Satin--Satin
Cable or Satelite--Cable
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap--liquid soap
Country or Rock--Rock
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie: Innie
Republican or Democrat: Neither...I don't vote!
Rain or Sun: Rain
M&M's or Reese's Pieces: Reese's Pieces
Daytime or Nightime: Both
Truck, Car, or SUV: SUV
Caffeine or De-caf: Caffeine
Stalker or Stalkie: Huh?
Bar Fly or Wallflower: In between
Tennis Shoes or Sandals: Sandals if outside, but no footwear in the house.
PJ's or Buff: Buff
Hugger or Huggie: Both
Driver or Rider: Driver
Traveler or Homebody: Traveler (only when I can afford it)
Lights on or Lights off: Lights off
Flannel or Satin: Neither...too hot for that where I live!
Cable or Satelite: Satellite
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap: Liquid Soap
Country or Rock: Rock
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Ah! A list I can be sensible with. Haha!
Innie or Outie - Innie
Republican or Democrat - I'll pass on this one!
Rain or Sun - Rain
M&M's or Reese's Pieces - M&Ms
Daytime or Nightime - Night
Truck, Car, or SUV - Car
Caffeine or De-caf - Caffeeeeeeeine!
Stalker or Stalkie - Stalker! Muahahaha!
Bar Fly or Wallflower - Barfly
Tennis Shoes or Sandals - Tennis shoes
PJ's or Buff - buff
Hugger or Huggie - hugger
Driver or Rider - Driver
Traveler or Homebody - Traveller
Lights on or Lights off - Off
Flannel or Satin - Satin
Cable or Satelite - Satellite
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap - Bar
Country or Rock - Rock, dude!
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie Innie...
Republican or Democrat Liberal
Rain or Sun I'm a sun worshipper!!
M&M's or Reese's Pieces M&M's...I'd rather it melt in my mouth...
Daytime or Nightime Daytime, Nightime...anytime!
Truck, Car, or SUV Little red babe-magnet sports car...
Caffeine or De-caf Caffeine please...I need it in the morna...
Stalker or Stalkie Stalkie....apparently... ;)
Bar Fly or Wallflower Wallflower
Tennis Shoes or Sandals Tennies unless it's scorching out then sandals...
PJ's or Buff buff...
Hugger or Huggie DEFINITELY a hugger!
Driver or Rider It's nice to drive but sometime's it's nice to just ride.... ;)
VHS or DVD dvd....no rewinding!
Traveler or Homebody I love to travel!
Lights on or Lights off ON unless I really am sleeping...
Flannel or Satin Satin....slippery...mmmmmm....
Cable or Satelite Digital Cable...
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap Bar...
Country or Rock I'm a little bit country...and a LOTTA BIT ROCK N ROLL!
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie -- innie
Republican or Democrat -- Republican
Rain or Sun -- Sun! Sun! Sun!
M&M's or Reese's Pieces -- M&M's
Daytime or Nightime -- Nighttime
Truck, Car, or SUV -- truck
Caffeine or De-caf -- caffeine
Stalker or Stalkie -- stalkie
Bar Fly or Wallflower -- wallflower
Tennis Shoes or Sandals -- tennis shoes
PJ's or Buff -- buff
Hugger or Huggie -- hugger
Driver or Rider -- sometimes one, sometime the other
Traveler or Homebody -- homebody
Lights on or Lights off -- lights on
Flannel or Satin -- flannel
Cable or Satelite --cable
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap -- bar
Country or Rock - rock
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie: Innie.
Republican or Democrat: Democrat, baby!
Rain or Sun: Depends on how much I need it.
M&M's or Reese's Pieces: M&M's!
Daytime or Nightime: Probably nighttime
Truck, Car, or SUV: Pickup
Caffeine or De-caf: Caffeine daytime, decaf night
Stalker or Stalkie: I would love to be neither, but given the choice, stalker
Bar Fly or Wallflower: Wallflower
Tennis Shoes or Sandals: Tennis shoes
PJ's or Buff: I sleep in my underwear
Hugger or Huggie: Hugger, baby!
Driver or Rider: Rider, 'cause I don't drive!
VHS or DVD: DVD. You can get players for $100 or less these days. I also have a DVD drive in my computer.
Traveler or Homebody: Well, since I'm goin' to be leaving in a few days, traveler…
Lights on or Lights off: At night, lights off! I just can't sleep with a light on!
Flannel or Satin: Actually, cheapo muslin sheets from Wal-Mart…
Cable or Satelite: Cable, now that it offers Game Show Network…
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap: Bar soap!
Country or Rock: Both!
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie Innie
Republican or Democrat Republican
Rain or Sun Depends on my mood
M&M's or Reese's Pieces M&M's
Daytime or Nightime Depends on the activity!
Truck, Car, or SUV Either
Caffeine or De-caf Would prefer caff, but...
Stalker or Stalkie A happy medium!
Bar Fly or Wallflower Leaning to the Wallflower side more as I get older.
Tennis Shoes or Sandals Tennis shoes
PJ's or Buff Preference: Buff
Hugger or Huggie Both
Driver or Rider Driver
VHS or DVD Either
Traveler or Homebody A little of both.
Lights on or Lights off Depends
Flannel or Satin Both have their appeal.
Cable or Satelite Satellite
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap Liquid
Country or Rock 90% rock
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
What, another of these???
Ah well, here goes:
Innie or Outie Innie
Republican or Democrat Liberal - hey, I'm English
Rain or Sun Sun
M&M's or Reese's Pieces Fisherman's Friends
Daytime or Nightime Nighttime
Truck, Car, or SUV Car
Caffeine or De-caf Caffeine - decaf coffee is like alcohol-free beer, not worth the time it takes to drink
Stalker or Stalkie Hmm... neither
Bar Fly or Wallflower Both at different times
Tennis Shoes or Sandals Tennis shoes
PJ's or Buff Buff
Hugger or Huggie Both
Driver or Rider Driver
Traveler or Homebody Homebody, now - I used to be a traveller, but I've got kids..
Lights on or Lights off You mean to sleep?
Flannel or Satin Silk, please
Cable or Satelite Neither
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap Whatever's nearest the tap
Country or Rock !!!!R O C K!!!!
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie Innie
Republican or Democrat Democrat
Rain or Sun Yes
M&M's or Reese's Pieces Peanut butter M&Ms
Daytime or Nightime For what? Nightime, I guess
Truck, Car, or SUV Car
Caffeine or De-caf De-caf
Stalker or Stalkie Stalkie, don't remind me.
Bar Fly or Wallflower I would say Wallflower, but none of my friends believe me
Tennis Shoes or Sandals sandals
PJ's or Buff Buff
Hugger or Huggie Sometimes both, sometimes neither
Driver or Rider rider, yeehaw, ride um cow-girl!
VHS or DVD Both
Traveler or Homebody Both
Lights on or Lights off Lights off, but candles lit
Flannel or Satin Both
Cable or Satelite Cable, but only because I can't get DSL where I live
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap Both
Country or Rock I like all kinds of music, but I have to say rock
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie Innie
Republican or Democrat That's a bit hard from this distance to say - Pass !
Rain or Sun Rain !
M&M's or Reese's Pieces Smarties
Daytime or Nightime Nightime pleeease....
Truck, Car, or SUV Wherever is the most comfortable
Caffeine or De-caf Regular Coca-Cola
Stalker or Stalkie Hmmmm - Stalkie ???
Bar Fly or Wallflower Wallflower
Tennis Shoes or Sandals Tennis shoes
PJ's or Buff Buffy
Hugger or Huggie Both are just as good
Driver or Rider Driver if cars, if not, Rider or Ridden are both good... :P
Traveler or Homebody Homebody, but I love to travel
Lights on or Lights off Is this for sleep ? Off !
Flannel or Satin Satin sounds good
Cable or Satelite Would prefer cable as is cheaper - can only get satellite
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap Either
Country or Rock Rock rocks !
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie - Innie
Republican or Democrat - Repulican
Rain or Sun - Sun
M&M's or Reese's Pieces - M&Ms
Daytime or Nightime - Night time
Truck, Car, or SUV - car
Caffeine or De-caf - caffeine
Stalker or Stalkie - neither
Bar Fly or Wallflower - neither
Tennis Shoes or Sandals - sandals
PJ's or Buff - PJs
Hugger or Huggie - Hugger
Driver or Rider - driver
VHS or DVD - either one is ok
Traveler or Homebody - homebody
Lights on or Lights off - OFF
Flannel or Satin - flannel
Cable or Satelite - cable
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap - liquid
Country or Rock - rock
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie - Innie
Republican or Democrat - Republican
Rain or Sun - Both
M&M's or Reese's Pieces - M&M's
Daytime or Nightime - Nighttime
Truck, Car, or SUV - Car
Caffeine or De-caf - Caffenine
Stalker or Stalkie - Stalker
Bar Fly or Wallflower - Wallflower
Tennis Shoes or Sandals - Sandals
PJ's or Buff - Just Boxers
Hugger or Huggie - Huggie
Driver or Rider - Rider
Traveler or Homebody - Homebody
Lights on or Lights off - Depends
Flannel or Satin - Dunno
Cable or Satelite - Digital Cable
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap - Liquid Soap
Country or Rock - Rock
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie - Innie
Republican or Democrat -Repub.
Rain or Sun - Sun
M&M's or Reese's Pieces - M&M's
Daytime or Nightime - Anytime!
Truck, Car, or SUV - SUV
Caffeine or De-caf - CAFFEINE
Stalker or Stalkie - Stalker :o
Bar Fly or Wallflower - Wallflower
Tennis Shoes or Sandals - Tennis Shoes
PJ's or Buff - Depends on the temperature. Buff to nearly buff most of the time. ;D
Hugger or Huggie - Both!
Driver or Rider - Rider. I'm not required to pay attention then.
Traveler or Homebody - Traveler
Lights on or Lights off - Off for sleeping, on for reading ;D
Flannel or Satin - Either float my boat
Cable or Satelite - Cable
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap - Liquid
Country or Rock - Rock baby, ROCK!
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie innie
Republican or Democrat Republican
Rain or Sun we are in a drought, so rain would be nice
M&M's or Reese's Pieces M&M's
Daytime or Nightime can I say midday?
Truck, Car, or SUV Truck
Caffeine or De-caf Caffeine
Stalker or Stalkie neither
Bar Fly or Wallflower wallflower
Tennis Shoes or Sandals sandals
PJ's or Buff if it is hot out buff...cold pj's
Hugger or Huggie both
Driver or Rider rider, I am sick of driving
Traveler or Homebody homebody, what can I say, I like my bed.
Lights on or Lights off lights off
Flannel or Satin flannel
Cable or Satelite cable
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap liquid soap
Country or Rock both, but mostly rock
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie - Innie
Republican or Democrat - Not American - and even if I did, I want nothing to do with todays corrupt politics, I have no interest in them.
Rain or Sun - Sun, sun, sun!
M&M's or Reese's Pieces - M&m's
Daytime or Nightime - Daytime
Truck, Car, or SUV - Car
Caffeine or De-caf - Don't drink coffee
Stalker or Stalkie - I don't thing I would want to be, or want to know either!
Tennis Shoes or Sandals - Sandals :] I'm quite girly, but then again I love my Adidas Shell-toes
PJ's or Buff - PJ's
Hugger or Huggie - Both!
Driver or Rider - Rider
VHS or DVD - VHS cause I don't have DVD - I know, so depreived!
Traveler or Homebody - Traveller when I have the money
Lights on or Lights off - Depends on what your doing!
Flannel or Satin - Satin
Cable or Satelite - Cable
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap - Liquid
Country or Rock - Rock
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie - innie (well that's what I have; outies are OK too)
Republican or Democrat - Republican
Rain or Sun - Sun
M&M's or Reese's Pieces - M&Ms
Daytime or Nightime - Nighttime
Truck, Car, or SUV - Car
Caffeine or De-caf - Caffinated
Stalker or Stalkie - ???
Bar Fly or Wallflower - Mostly Bar Fly if there's dancing; wallflower if not
Tennis Shoes or Sandals - tennis shoes
PJ's or Buff - PJs! :o
Hugger or Huggie - more the huggee - call me selfish ::)
Driver or Rider - driver
VHS or DVD - VHS - less BS to sift thru
Traveler or Homebody - Homebody
Lights on or Lights off - when? Totally Off for sleep, otherwise On
Flannel or Satin - Flannel
Cable or Satelite - Cable
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap - Bar
Country or Rock - Country, these days anyway
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie innie
Republican or Democrat neither. I vote canidate/issues, not party
Rain or Sun rain
M&M's or Reese's Pieces mmm...peanut butter...Peices :P
Daytime or Nightime nightime
Truck, Car, or SUV SUV
Caffeine or De-caf Caff, but not coffee. I DEW it! ;D
Stalker or Stalkie my lawyer advises me not to answer the question ;)
Bar Fly or Wallflower in between, but closer to Bar Fly
Tennis Shoes or Sandals shoes
PJ's or Buff Buff, until I had kids that could walk into the room while I'm asleep. :o Now it's just shorts
Hugger or Huggie hugger
Driver or Rider rider
VHS or DVD DVD - chapter selection & extras have spoiled me. ::)
Traveler or Homebody homebody. But, I love to fly.
Lights on or Lights off on
Flannel or Satin flannel
Cable or Satelite I wish Satelite! Stuck with cable. :(
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap liquid, except in the shower.
Country or Rock "I'm little bit" both.
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie- Both
Republican or Democrat-Both
Rain or Sun-both
M&M's or Reese's Pieces-both
Daytime or Nightime-both
Truck, Car, or SUV-both
Caffeine or De-caf-both
Stalker or Stalkie-both
Bar Fly or Wallflower-both
Tennis Shoes or Sandals-both
PJ's or Buff-both
Hugger or Huggie-both
Driver or Rider-both
VHS or DVD-both
Traveler or Homebody-both
Lights on or Lights off-both
Flannel or Satin-both
Cable or Satelite-both
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap-both
Country or Rock-both
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie-Innie
Republican or Democrat-Republican
Rain or Sun-Both
M&M's or Reese's Pieces-Almond M&M's
Daytime or Nightime-both
Truck, Car, or SUV-All Three
Caffeine or De-caf-Both
Stalker or Stalkie-Neither
Bar Fly or Wallflower-Neither
Tennis Shoes or Sandals-Both
PJ's or Buff-PJ's? What the heck are those.... :D
Hugger or Huggie-Both
Driver or Rider-Both
VHS or DVD-Both
Traveler or Homebody-Both
Lights on or Lights off-Both
Flannel or Satin-Both
Cable or Satellite-Satellite...way more channels...much more dependable AND cheaper!
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap-Both
Country or Rock-You have to ask...Rock...IMHO country music sucks ::)
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Republican, if I have to choose
Lights off
Bar Soap
End Quote
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie - Innie
Republican or Democrat - Republican...but if they keep futzing around, I'm going Independent.
Rain or Sun - Sun
M&M's or Reese's Pieces - M&Ms
Daytime or Nightime - Night time
Truck, Car, or SUV - car...but I might go learn how to ride a motorcycle
Caffeine or De-caf - Caffeine, but only from Mountain Dew
Stalker or Stalkie - I don't stalk...and nobody would want to stalk me.
Bar Fly or Wallflower - Wallflower
Tennis Shoes or Sandals - Shoes
PJ's or Buff - PJs
Hugger or Huggie - Huggie
Driver or Rider - A little bit of both, depending on the situation
VHS or DVD - VHS for old school movies, DVD for the new ones
Traveler or Homebody - Traveler
Lights on or Lights off - off...natural light is good
Flannel or Satin - Satin :o
Cable or Satelite - cable
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap - liquid
Country or Rock - rock
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Here Goes...
Innie or Outie - Innie (i think...)
Republican or Democrat (dont follow US politics)
Rain or Sun (SUN!!!)
M&M's or Reese's Pieces (m'n'ms - wtf are reeses peices???)
Daytime or Nightime (Nighttime)
Truck, Car, or SUV (car)
Caffeine or De-caf (caffeine)
Stalker or Stalkie (hehe)
Bar Fly or Wallflower (what?)
Tennis Shoes or Sandals (sandals)
PJ's or Buff (huh?)
Hugger or Huggie (both)
Driver or Rider (both)
VHS or DVD (cant afford a dvd... so VHS)
Traveler or Homebody (traveler)
Lights on or Lights off (halfway)
Flannel or Satin (huh?)
Cable or Satelite (neither)
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap (dont care)
Country or Rock (rock)
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
19 ouright votes for Rock, O for country and 4 for both....Cool 8)
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie
Republican or Democrat-the lesser of two evils/Republican
Rain or Sun-Sunshine
M&M's or Reese's Pieces-M & M's
Daytime or Nightime-Nightime
Truck, Car, or SUV-SUV
Caffeine or De-caf-De-Caffinated
Stalker or Stalkie-Taken ;)
Bar Fly or Wallflower-Bar Fly
Tennis Shoes or Sandals-Sandals
PJ's or Buff-Buff, of course
Hugger or Huggie-Both
Driver or Rider-Both
Traveler or Homebody-Traveler
Lights on or Lights off-On but romantically dimmed
Flannel or Satin-Satin
Cable or Satelite-Satelite
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap-Liquid
Country or Rock-Rock
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
...and nobody would want to stalk me.End Quote
Well, we could remedy that now, couldn't we....? ;) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie-innie
Republican or Democrat-Conservative mostly
Rain or Sun-rain
M&M's or Reese's Pieces-mnms
Daytime or Nightime-night
Truck, Car, or SUV-car
Caffeine or De-cafcaffeine please!
Stalker or Stalkie-neither apply
Bar Fly or Wallflower-wallflower
Tennis Shoes or Sandals-tennies
PJ's or Buff-PJs
Hugger or Huggie-either
Driver or Rider-rider
Traveler or Homebody-homebody
Lights on or Lights off-off
Flannel or Satin-flannel
Cable or Satelite-cable
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap-liquid
Country or Rock-ROCK!!!
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie-innie
Republican or Democrat-Conservative mostly
Rain or Sun-rain
M&M's or Reese's Pieces-mnms
Daytime or Nightime-night
Truck, Car, or SUV-car
Caffeine or De-cafcaffeine please!
Stalker or Stalkie-neither apply
Bar Fly or Wallflower-wallflower
Tennis Shoes or Sandals-tennies
PJ's or Buff-PJs
Hugger or Huggie-either
Driver or Rider-rider
Traveler or Homebody-homebody
Lights on or Lights off-off
Flannel or Satin-flannel
Cable or Satelite-cable
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap-liquid
Country or Rock-ROCK!!!
End Quote
And the point after is Good! Rock 21 Country 0...4 for both :D
Subject: Re: Cricket and Goldies This or That
Innie or Outie Innie
Republican or Democrat Depends on the candidate and/or issue. I think it's called "unenrolled" in these parts.
Rain or Sun Snow! ;D (which is frozen rain)
M&M's or Reese's Pieces M&M's
Daytime or Nightime We vampires prefer the night, obviously.
Truck, Car, or SUV Small car, as fuel efficient and environmentally friendly as possible
Caffeine or De-caf MMMMMMM. Caffeine!
Stalker or Stalkie It's sooo much easier to be the Stalker. And much more fun.
Bar Fly or Wallflower Depends on how many drinks I've got in me. Usually start as a wallflower and work my way up.
Tennis Shoes or Sandals Hiking boots! ;) 8)
PJ's or Buff PJ's? Why?
Hugger or Huggie A little of both.
Driver or Rider I can't drive yet, so I'm a rider
VHS or DVD I don't have a DVD player yet, so for now, VHS.
Traveler or Homebody Depends on the money situation. I love to travel, but haven't had the money for it for a couple of years.
Lights on or Lights off Depends on the "scenery". ;) :o
Flannel or Satin Satin. Black, red, or purple.
Cable or Satelite Cable, but only because of the cost.
Bar Soap or Liquid Soap Liquid, because there is so much more you can do with it. :o
Country or Rock Rock!!!!