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Subject: This or that?
I got this sent to me by e-mail - its one of those long survey things - but with everything but this section cut out. Just copy and paste and delete my answers :)
Movie or Theatre: Depends on the play or the film!
Concert or buy the CD: Both!
Deaf or blind: Horrible question - but I'd rather be blind. I just couldn't live without music
Truth or dare: truth
Ocean or pool: ocean
Cake or pie: Chocolate cake or home-baked apple pie mmmm. Sorry, can't decide
Love or lust: love
Silver or gold: White Gold - looks like silver, but oh no, it's gold :)
Diamonds or pearls: Diamonds are a girls best friend
Shaken or stirred: Stirred
Armageddon or independence day: Oh tough choice. I like them both - basically Will Smith or ben Affelck - umm even tougher choice : ) - I think ill opt for Ben
Pencils or pens: Pencil
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
Crushed or cubed: Cubed
Showers or baths: Shower - so much easier
Button fly or zipper jeans: Zip
Hot or cold: Hot - I hate the cold!
One pillow or two: 2
Red or blue: Blue
T-shirt or tank top: BabyT-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: Milk
Skiing or swimming: Swimming - I reckon I'd break both my legs if I tried to ski!
Blanket or stuffed animal: I loved my ickle blanket when I was little.
With or without conditioner: Depends what state my hair is in!
Dumper or dumpee: I'd rather be the dumper - even though it's hard to think of little speeches that wont break the lads heart :[
Relationship or hookup: Relationship
Lefty or righty: Righty
Bridges or tunnels: Wierd question - don't know!
Adidas or nike or puma: Adidas - I live in my shell toes :)
Coke or pepsi: Pepsi
Pools or hot tubs: Pools. Hot tub - how relaxing ;)
Blondes or brunettes: Well I'm a brunette - so there you go :)
Boxers or Briefs - I hate Y-fronts!! Erghh - how un-sexy (Sorry lads)
Hairy or smooth chest - Smooth definitly :)
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Christina has a good voice, Britney has done better - hmm tough choice?
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: *Nsync. 'It's Gonna Be Me' brings back so many memories of final year of school :)
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Blink 182
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: I acn't decide beacuse someone isn't going to be happy with what I say either way :)
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Celine I guess has a good voice
Mariah Carey or Madonna: How can you compare Madonna to any other female artist?
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street - Cookie Monster rules!
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: Hmm, I actually used to watch Dawsons Creek - only ever seen 7th Heaven whilst in the States as they don't show it over here.
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Ally McBeal
MTV or VH1: VH1 all the way!
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: Phone
Mug or Glass Cup: Mug
Vanilla or Chocolate: What kinda chocaholic would say vanilla?
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate
Subject: Re: This or that?
Okay Criz :
Whoa ! In retrospect this is definitely aimed at a younger audience than I qualify for - but I gave it a go anyway... :)
Movie or Theatre: Movie (Theatre bores me senseless !)
Concert or buy the CD: Concert - I can always MP3 the CD ;)
Deaf or blind: Blind - I'd die not to be able to hear certain things and voices...
Truth or dare: truth
Ocean or pool: Pool - almost got drowned twice in 2 days in the ocean when I was little
Cake or pie: Chocolate cake
Love or lust: Both is fine thanks !
Silver or gold: You're asking a bloke ? Um aaah.... ???
Diamonds or pearls: Again ??? Little pearls are very appealing...
Shaken or stirred: Stirred
Armageddon or independence day: Armageddon - Independance Day was okay, but they just couldn't resist putting the President in the plane to take the winning shot..... ::)
Pencils or pens: They both hurt when you get jabbed with them...
Sunset or sunrise: Sunrise - on a beach - with a good friend :-*
Crushed or cubed: Ouch ! What ? Either sounds painful....
Showers or baths: Bath - so much more relaxing
Button fly or zipper jeans: Zip - Button flies should be exterminated from the face of the earth...
Hot or cold: Coild, although I'm quickly changing my mind
One pillow or two: 2
Red or blue: Blue
T-shirt or tank top: T-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: Chocky please !
Skiing or swimming: So long as it's on snow, not water, Ski-ing
Blanket or stuffed animal: Hmmm, blanket !
With or without conditioner: Without - Hey I'm a guy !
Dumper or dumpee: I'd rather be the dumper - as being the dumpee just plain sucks
Relationship or hookup: Relationship
Lefty or righty: righty (handed) lefty (footed)
Bridges or tunnels: Tunnels - good fun
Adidas or nike or puma: Adidas - When I was your age the other two didn't exist
Coke or pepsi: Coke rules !
Pools or hot tubs: Hot tub - how relaxing sensuous
Blondes or brunettes: Either or - it's what's inside that counts
Boxers or Briefs - I hate Boxers - how un-supportive !
Hairy or smooth chest - On women ? Smooth thanks very much
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: NEITHER
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: Oh gees - sorry - NEITHER
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Oh gees - sorry again - NEITHER
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: Beatles 4 ever !
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Barbra - Celine kills everything she touches (sorry)
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Madonna - because I believe she has some talent...
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: Don't watch either - but from the ads I'd suggest D.C..
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Ally McBeal
MTV or VH1: Don't have either here :'(
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: Phone
Mug or Glass Cup: Mug
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocky !
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Hot Chocky !
FB ;)
Subject: Re: This or that?
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: Oh Joey, let's make a movie. ::)
End Quote
Yeah well TB, I didn't actually say why I chose Dawson's Creek, but that could be it....
BTW, are you quoting from the show or is that your Rob Lowe impression ?
Fuss ;D ;)
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: Both
Concert or buy the CD: CD
Deaf or blind: Deaf, wouldn't want to live in darkness
Truth or dare: Dare
Ocean or pool: Ocean
Cake or pie: Angel food cake with whipped-creme and strawberries!
Love or lust: Both, oh, yes, both!
Silver or gold: Silver
Diamonds or pearls: Neither, I think they're both boring
Shaken or stirred: Either
Armageddon or independence day: Either
Pencils or pens: Pen
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
Crushed or cubed: Either
Showers or baths: Baths (jet tub, even), how else will you enjoy the candles and the wine?
Button fly or zipper jeans: Zipper
Hot or cold: Neither, I prefer it just right
One pillow or two: One
Red or blue: Blue
T-shirt or tank top: T-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: Plain
Skiing or swimming: Swimming
Blanket or stuffed animal: Stuffed animal (a tiger named Hobbes)
With or without conditioner: With
Dumper or dumpee: Always the dumper, though a couple of times I've tried to get them to break up with me, it never worked
Relationship or hookup: A relationship that started as a hookup
Lefty or righty: Righty
Bridges or tunnels: Bridges, with tunnels you have to go towards the light at the end...
Adidas or nike or puma: None
Coke or pepsi: Pepsi
Pools or hot tubs: Both
Blondes or brunettes: For others or for yourself? Never really mattered to me, though I find dark hair just going gray very attractive on men
Boxers or Briefs I'm used to seeing Briefs, but I prefer... nothing!
Hairy or smooth chest - Either, doesn't matter at all
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Blah!
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: Again, blah!
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Either or.
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: The Beatles
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Meh!
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Again, meh!
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: Blah!
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Blah!
MTV or VH1: VH1
Cotton or Polyester: Neither...
Pager or Cell Phone: Cell
Mug or Glass Cup: Glass
Vanilla or Chocolate: Depends on my mood
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Coffee
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: Movie
Concert or buy the CD: Both
Deaf or blind: Ummm...deaf
Truth or dare: dare
Ocean or pool: ocean
Cake or pie: cake
Love or lust: love
Silver or gold: silver
Diamonds or pearls: pearls, as long as they're black pearls
Shaken or stirred: shaken
Armageddon or independence day: Independence Day
Pencils or pens: pen
Sunset or sunrise: sunset
Crushed or cubed: cubed
Showers or baths: shower
Button fly or zipper jeans: zipper
Hot or cold: hot
One pillow or two: two
Red or blue: red
T-shirt or tank top: t-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: chocolate milk
Skiing or swimming: swimming
Blanket or stuffed animal: stuffed animal
With or without conditioner: always with conditioner, my hair sucks!
Dumper or dumpee: definitely the dumper
Relationship or hookup: relationship
Lefty or righty: lefty
Bridges or tunnels: tunnels
Adidas or nike or puma: none, I prefer my cheap Payless shoes.
Coke or pepsi: Coke
Pools or hot tubs: pools
Blondes or brunettes: brunette
Boxers or Briefs: boxers
Hairy or smooth chest: smooth
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Neither!
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: Neither!
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Blink 182! I can't stand Fred Durst!
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: The Beatles
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Celine Dion
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Madonna
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: Neither!
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Neither!
MTV or VH1: VH1
Cotton or Polyester: cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: cell phone
Mug or Glass Cup: glass cup
Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: coffee
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: Movies
Concert or buy the CD: CD
Deaf or blind: Blind
Truth or dare: truth
Ocean or pool: ocean (I'm going there myself)
Cake or pie: Cake
Love or lust: love
Silver or gold: Gold
Diamonds or pearls: Diamonds
Shaken or stirred: Stirred
Armageddon or independence day: Movies: Hard choice. Holidays: Independence Day, baby!
Pencils or pens: Pen
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
Crushed or cubed: Cubed
Showers or baths: Bath
Button fly or zipper jeans: Zip
Hot or cold: In between
One pillow or two: One big fat hard pillow
Red or blue: Tossup
T-shirt or tank top: T-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: Chocolate milk rules!
Skiing or swimming: Swimming
Blanket or stuffed animal: Probably a stuffed animal
With or without conditioner: Don't use hair conditioner
Dumper or dumpee: Dumper
Relationship or hookup: Relationship
Lefty or righty: Righty
Bridges or tunnels: Bridges. When I went into Canada from Detroit, we could go over the Ambassador Bridge or under the Windsor Tunnel. We took the bridge.
Adidas or nike or puma: Whatever's cheapest at Value City or Wal-Mart
Coke or pepsi: Coke, but if I had my druthers, Dr. Pepper.
Pools or hot tubs: Pools.
Blondes or brunettes: Blondes, baby!
Boxers or Briefs: Briefs
Hairy or smooth chest: I'm hairy-chested, so…
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Neither!
Backstreet Boys or *NSYNC: Neither!
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Blink 182
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: Beatles
Céline Dion or Barbra Streisand: Barbra (as I'm more familiar with her)
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Madonna
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street
Dawson's Creek or 7th Heaven: Neither
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Neither
MTV or VH1: Neither. I want a channel that plays all music videos. And now they've ruined CMT!
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: Phone
Mug or Glass Cup: Cup
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: Movie
Concert or buy the CD: CD
Deaf or blind: Deaf
Truth or dare: Truth
Ocean or pool: Pool
Cake or pie: Neither
Love or lust: Love
Silver or gold: Silver
Diamonds or pearls: Neither
Shaken or stirred: Shaken
Armageddon or independence day: Either one
Pencils or pens: Pen
Sunset or sunrise: Neither
Crushed or cubed: Crushed
Showers or baths: Shower
Button fly or zipper jeans: Zip
Hot or cold: Hot
One pillow or two: 1
Red or blue: Both
T-shirt or tank top: T-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: Neither
Skiing or swimming: Swimming
Blanket or stuffed animal: Blanket
With or without conditioner: Without
Dumper or dumpee: Not sure
Relationship or hookup: Relationship
Lefty or righty: Righty
Bridges or tunnels: Bridges
Adidas or nike or puma: I don't care
Coke or pepsi: Coke
Pools or hot tubs: Pools. Hot tub
Blondes or brunettes: Hmm..
Boxers or Briefs- Either
Hairy or smooth chest - On a girl? Smooth.
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Michael Jackson
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: The Police
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Linkin Park
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: The Beach Boys
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Celine Dion
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Madonna
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: 7th Heaven, but I hardly watch either
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Neither
MTV or VH1: Hmm..
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: Phone
Mug or Glass Cup: Mug
Vanilla or Chocolate: Vanilla
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: Video
Concert or buy the CD: Live album
Deaf or blind: No, just ignorant
Truth or dare: Danger
Ocean or pool: Lagoon
Cake or pie: Pizza
Love or lust: Ecstacy
Silver or gold: Platinum
Diamonds or pearls: Opals
Shaken or stirred: Straight up
Armageddon or independence day: Deep Impact
Pencils or pens: Paintbrush
Sunset or sunrise: Midnight
Crushed or cubed: Powdered
Showers or baths: Spa
Button fly or zipper jeans: Velcro
Hot or cold: Tepid
One pillow or two: None
Red or blue: Black
T-shirt or tank top: Singlet
Chocolate milk or plain: Ovaltine
Skiing or swimming: Skateboarding
Blanket or stuffed animal: Hot water bottle
With or without conditioner: Shampoo
Dumper or dumpee: Diplomat
Relationship or hookup: Hanger-on
Lefty or righty: Ambidextrous
Bridges or tunnels: Mineshafts
Adidas or nike or puma: Steel-toe motorcycle boots
Coke or pepsi: 7-Up
Pools or hot tubs: Sauna
Blondes or brunettes: Redheads
Boxers or Briefs: Thongs
Hairy or smooth chest: Busty
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Shakira
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: Westlife
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Green Day
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: Rolling Stones
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Shirley Bassey
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Melanie Chisholm
Barney or Sesame Street: The Wiggles
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: Charmed
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Law and Order
MTV or VH1: Rage
Cotton or Polyester: Leather
Pager or Cell Phone: Fax
Mug or Glass Cup: Chalice
Vanilla or Chocolate: Strawberry
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Tea
Subject: Re: This or that?
Subject: Re: This or that?
I don't think Goreripper likes to be given choices. ::) ;D ;D
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: I love both! (I'm an actor, I have to!)
Concert or buy the CD: Concert!
Deaf or blind: I'd choose blind...I've seen enough..
Truth or dare: Truth always please...I'm not much of a daredevil
Ocean or pool: Pool please
Cake or pie: This completely depends on the flavour!
Love or lust: Love is always better when there's lust involved...
Silver or gold: I'm a gold man...silver makes my ears hurt
Diamonds or pearls: If we're talkin' necklaces I'd choose pearl...Oops...was that my outloud voice? ;)
Shaken or stirred: Shaken lightly so as not to bruise the gin...
Armageddon or Independence Day: I love them both but ID4 wins for pure sound!!
Pencils or pens: I like Ink! Or was that Ike?
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset on a beach with a pretty girl in my arms....mmmmmmm...
Crushed or cubed: I've been crushed but I've never been cubed...oh you mean ice? Well then cubed wins! Crushed melts too fast...
Showers or baths: Shower! Shower! Shower! Oops, I thought I was at the No. 5 Orange! (M_W will understand)
Button fly or zipper jeans: Zippers please! 'Cause when you really gotta go them buttons are a real pain!!
Hot or cold: Bring on the heat!!
One pillow or two: One really thin and rock-hard...
Red or blue: Blue!
T-shirt or tank top: T
Chocolate milk or plain: Mmmmmmmm..chocolate...
Skiing or swimming: I'm a swimmer....although I do love to ski...I just can't afford it...
Blanket or stuffed animal: Blankets tend to keep me warmer than stuffies although I do have quite the collection of penguin stuffies...still, I don't sleep with them...
With or without conditioner: I don't use conditioner and it makes my stylist nuts!
Dumper or dumpee: Please don't let me be the dumpee....
Relationship or hookup: By hookup do you mean one-night-stand? I'm a relationship guy....honest!
Lefty or righty: I'm a Righty when it comes to Writeying but a Lefty when it comes to baseball, golf and hockey...
Bridges or tunnels: Tunn-ohs!!
Adidas or nike or puma: Gimme the swoosh!
Coke or pepsi: Coke is it! It's the Real Thing!
Pools or hot tubs: Hot Tubs!
Blondes or brunettes: Bad question...I actually prefer redheads
Boxers or Briefs: Briefs.....of the bikini style...
Hairy or smooth chest: I'm a smooth man....
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: I prefer Britney
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: If I don't say *Nsync my daughter Kelsey will kill me!
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: I try to stay away from Limp ;)
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: Tough call here....
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Are we asking who's more annoying? I can't stand either however Celine just employed a friend of mine as a dancer in her new Vegas show and she is Canadian...however Babs did sing with Neil Diamond...and she is like buttah...nah, I'm going with Celine...
Mariah Carey or Madonna: No question! Gimme the Material Girl anyday!!
Barney or Sesame Street: Again, no question! Sesame Street!
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: I've never seen either so I can't comment...
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Party of Five for 2 reasons: 1) Neve Campbell (grrroooowwwwlllll) and B) Neve Campbell (did I mention grrroooowwwwlllll?)..yeah I know JBJ was on Ally but even he couldn't save that POS
MTV or VH1: For the Canadians in the house our choice would be MuchMusic or MuchMoreMusic...and I'd choose MMM
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton I guess...?
Pager or Cell Phone: I've never understood pagers...don't you need a phone to call back on? Why not just get a phone?
Mug or Glass Cup: Mug
Vanilla or Chocolate: Vanilla!!! Oh yeah!! Loooooove it!!
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: I need my coffee but I find Hot Chocolate relaxing...especially when you add Butter Ripple Schnapps!!
Thanks for reading!
Subject: Re: This or that?
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: Rolling StonesEnd Quote
Awwwwright Goreripper! :)
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: Video
Concert or buy the CD: Live album
Deaf or blind: No, just ignorant
Truth or dare: Danger
Ocean or pool: Lagoon
Cake or pie: Pizza
Love or lust: Ecstacy
Silver or gold: Platinum
Diamonds or pearls: Opals
Shaken or stirred: Straight up
Armageddon or independence day: Deep Impact
Pencils or pens: Paintbrush
Sunset or sunrise: Midnight
Crushed or cubed: Powdered
Showers or baths: Spa
Button fly or zipper jeans: Velcro
Hot or cold: Tepid
One pillow or two: None
Red or blue: Black
T-shirt or tank top: Singlet
Chocolate milk or plain: Ovaltine
Skiing or swimming: Skateboarding
Blanket or stuffed animal: Hot water bottle
With or without conditioner: Shampoo
Dumper or dumpee: Diplomat
Relationship or hookup: Hanger-on
Lefty or righty: Ambidextrous
Bridges or tunnels: Mineshafts
Adidas or nike or puma: Steel-toe motorcycle boots
Coke or pepsi: 7-Up
Pools or hot tubs: Sauna
Blondes or brunettes: Redheads
Boxers or Briefs: Thongs
Hairy or smooth chest: Busty
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Shakira
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: Westlife
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Green Day
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: Rolling Stones
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Shirley Bassey
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Melanie Chisholm
Barney or Sesame Street: The Wiggles
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: Charmed
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Law and Order
MTV or VH1: Rage
Cotton or Polyester: Leather
Pager or Cell Phone: Fax
Mug or Glass Cup: Chalice
Vanilla or Chocolate: Strawberry
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Tea
End Quote
There's always one ;D
Love the Mel C comment :)
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: You mean, like I'd have to leave the house? :(
Concert or buy the CD: Well, I'd still go to a concert to see the Stones. Everyone else CD.
Deaf or blind: I've asked myself this one before. Used to be blind, 'cus I lived for music. Then changed to deaf, 'cus I lived for genealogy. Now it may be switching back, 'cus there are sounds now I would hate not to be able to hear.... ;)
Truth or dare: both sound like fun! :D
Ocean or pool: pool; unless Gulf of Mexico (less waves)
Cake or pie: Blueberry pie
Love or lust: love w/ lots of lust
Silver or gold: gold with Topazes
Diamonds or pearls: pearls
Shaken or stirred: Circular motions are good.... ;)
Armageddon or independence day: Well, my 4th of July ended up pretty good; Oh! you mean movies? :-/
Pencils or pens: never use pencils
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset; it's warmer then....
Crushed or cubed: Souldn't this be in the "ladies..." thread? ;D
Showers or baths: bath -- why stand up when you can luxuriate...
Button fly or zipper jeans: zipper
Hot or cold: HOT!
One pillow or two: one, but propped up with an old blankie
Red or blue: Blue eyes are better than red eyes....
T-shirt or tank top: T-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: Chocolate with a shot of Canadian Whiskey
Skiing or swimming: Swimming; it's warmer...
Blanket or stuffed animal: stuffed blanket
With or without conditioner: without, usually
Dumper or dumpee: At this point in my life, I would hate to be the dumper :'(
Relationship or hookup: Relationship
Lefty or righty: Righty
Bridges or tunnels: walking -- bridges. driving -- tunnels
Adidas or nike or puma: Whatever I get for free...
Coke or pepsi: Coke rules! hear that J.C.? ;D
Pools or hot tubs: Depends on what you want to do in them... ;)
Blondes or brunettes: blondes, but I never get any... ::)
Boxers or Briefs - briefs
Hairy or smooth chest - Mostly smooth, but with a little hair across and down is nice.... :)
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Who? ???
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: Who? ???
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Who? ???
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: Can't stand either. Although I am slowly learing to apprecaite a few Beatles lyrics.... :)
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Well, that Madonna video that almost got banned was pretty interesting..... ;)
Barney or Sesame Street: alt.barney.die!.die!.die!
MTV or VH1: VH1 Classic
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: Cell Phone
Mug or Glass Cup: Glass cup --holds more Coke; less time refilling! :D
Vanilla or Chocolate: Vanilla tapioca pudding and vanilla cake icing. Chocolate everything else.
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: mix 'em together... :)
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: Movie
Concert or buy the CD: Concert....
Deaf or blind: Blind, but only from birth
Truth or dare: Truth
Ocean or pool: Ocean
Cake or pie: Chocolate Cake & Cherry Pie
Love or lust: Love...All The Way ;)
Silver or gold: White Gold -Silver, Blue & Gold....like the Bad Company song says :D
Diamonds or pearls: With all the controversy surounding diamonds...I'll take Pearls
Shaken or stirred: Both
Armageddon or independence day: Armageddon
Pencils or pens: Pens
Sunset or sunrise: Both
Crushed or cubed: Cubed
Showers or baths: Shower in the Summer, Baths In The Winter....after a quick shower...I don't like laying in my own dirt & sweat!
Button fly or zipper jeans: Button although Zip does offer easier access :)
Hot or cold: Hot -Hot...it's SO much easier to cool off here, than to warm up
One pillow or two: 2
Red or blue: Blue
T-shirt or tank top: Tank or Muscle shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: Either
Skiing or swimming: Swimming
Blanket or stuffed animal: Both
With or without conditioner:Being so dry here in Colorado...With
Dumper or dumpee: Dumpee
Relationship or hookup: Relationship
Lefty or righty: Lefty
Bridges or tunnels: Tunnels
Adidas or nike or puma: My idol growing up, Steve Prefontaine, was with them at the start so...Nike
Coke or pepsi: Coke...they NEVER had a stupid slogan like pepsi did....Nothing Else Is A pepsi ::)
Pools or hot tubs:Both
Blondes or brunettes: Brunettes
Boxers or Briefs -Neither :o
Hairy or smooth chest - Smooth
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: See answer below
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: Being ManufacturedI'll say None :-X
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Neither
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: No question...Beatles
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Well since the Nose is the personfication of evil....check her out on "South Park" I'll go with Celine :)
Mariah Carey or Madonna: hmm, a lady who sings like she has her foot stuck in a Bear trap or a woman who thinks she's actually English....Neither
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street -Cookie Monster..."C" is for "Cookie"...that's good enough for me!
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: 7th Heaven
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Party Of Five
MTV or VH1: Neither....I'll take VH-1 Classic ;)
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: Phone
Mug or Glass Cup: Mug
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: movie
Concert or buy the CD: both!!
Deaf or blind: Horrible question:deaf. I couldn't go without seeing
Truth or dare: truth
Ocean or pool: ocean
Cake or pie: chocolate cake
Love or lust: love
Silver or gold: gold
Diamonds or pearls: diamonds
Shaken or stirred: stirred
Armageddon or independence Day: Armageddon
Pencils or pens: pen-black ink only!
Sunset or sunrise: sunset
Crushed or cubed: crushed
Showers or baths: shower unless I need to de-stress, then a long hot bath in my whirlpool tub!
Button fly or zipper jeans: zip
Hot or cold: cold-not snow though!
One pillow or two: 2-one to sleep on and one to hold on to
Red or blue: red
T-shirt or tank top: t-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: chocolate milk
Skiing or swimming: swimming
Blanket or stuffed animal: blanket
With or without conditioner:with lots of conditioner!
Dumper or dumpee: dumper
Relationship or hookup: Relationship
Lefty or righty: righty
Bridges or tunnels: tunnels-I've got this thing about heights!
Adidas or nike or puma: nike
Coke or pepsi: coke-diet only!
Pools or hot tubs: both
Blondes or brunettes: my preference? either but i really like bald ;)
Boxers or Briefs - boxer briefs
Hairy or smooth chest - hairy
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: neither
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: if I had to chose one, N*Sync
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: neither
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: Beatles
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Barbra
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Madonna
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street-SuperGrover!!!
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: I haven't seen either one but my kids watch 7th Heaven
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: neither
MTV or VH1: VH-1C only!
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: both!
Mug or Glass Cup: Mug
Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: chocolate cappucino!
Subject: Re: This or that?
Quoting:Blondes or brunettes: my preference? either!End Quote
And I thought you were going to say bald! ;) ;D
Subject: Re: This or that?
And I thought you were going to say bald! ;) ;D
End Quote
I thought about it and decided to use the safe answer!! ;D
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: movie
Concert or buy the CD: both!!
Deaf or blind: deaf..I am already legally blind without my lenses....so if I want to be blind...all I have to do is take them out....
Truth or dare: the game?? hum....interesting
Ocean or pool: either one!!
Cake or pie: cheesecake!!
Love or lust: love (but lust can be nice on an occassion!! ;)
Silver or gold: either one!!
Diamonds or pearls: oohh..."loaded" question
Shaken or stirred: shaken
Armageddon or independence Day: ID4
Pencils or pens: ink pen
Sunset or sunrise: either one....depends on the person I am with!!!
Crushed or cubed: cubed
Showers or baths: long long baths if I have the time....
Button fly or zipper jeans: zip
Hot or cold: cold-cold-cold.....did I say COLD??
One pillow or two: 2 to sleep on and 1 body pillow to hug
Red or blue: red
T-shirt or tank top: t-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: Plain whole milk
Skiing or swimming: swimming
Blanket or stuffed animal: blankie!! (unless the stuffed animal is real snuggly!!!)
With or without conditioner:now with this blonde hair....LOTS
Dumper or dumpee: sore subject....next........
Relationship or hookup: again....next......
Lefty or righty: righty
Bridges or tunnels: bridges...I hate enclosed spaces
Adidas or nike or puma: K-Swiss
Coke or pepsi: coke
Pools or hot tubs: both
Blondes or brunettes:hair does not matter
Boxers or Briefs - boxer briefs
Hairy or smooth chest - smooth chest---hairy belly
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Britney
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: BSB's
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Blink-182
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: neither
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Celine
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Madonna
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street---COOKIES!!!!!!!!
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: Neither one!!!
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: neither
MTV or VH1: VH-1 Classic
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: cell phone
Mug or Glass Cup: Mug
Vanilla or Chocolate: Vanilla
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Hot Tea
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: Theatre
Concert or buy the CD: Concert
Deaf or blind: Blind, though I don't really like the dark - I just couldn't imagine life without music.
Truth or dare: Truth
Ocean or pool: Ocean
Cake or pie: Pie
Love or lust: Hmmm, how 'bout both?
Silver or gold: Silver
Diamonds or pearls: Diamonds
Shaken or stirred: Stirred
Armageddon or independence day: Armageddon
Pencils or pens: Pencils because as a writer, I go through endless edits :)
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
Crushed or cubed: Cubed
Showers or baths: Showers
Button fly or zipper jeans: Zipper
Hot or cold: Hot - The hotter, the better
One pillow or two: 1
Red or blue: Red
T-shirt or tank top: T-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: Chocolate
Skiing or swimming: Swimming
Blanket or stuffed animal: Stuffed animal
With or without conditioner: Lots and lots of conditioner
Dumper or dumpee: Dumper, I guess
Relationship or hookup: Relationship
Lefty or righty: Righty
Bridges or tunnels: Bridges
Adidas or nike or puma: Whatever's on sale???
Coke or pepsi: Coke, of course
Pools or hot tubs: Hot tub
Blondes or brunettes: Dark hair - mmmmmmm
Boxers or Briefs - Boxers
Hairy or smooth chest - Smooth
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Neither
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: Neither
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Neither
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: The Beatles
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Sorry, Jonman - even though I'm a proud Canuck - I can't stand Celine! She makes my ears bleed!!!!
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Madonna
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: Neither
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Ally McBeal
MTV or VH1: The Canadian version of VH1 - Much More Music
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: Phone
Mug or Glass Cup: Mug
Vanilla or Chocolate: Vanilla
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Coffee with Amarula (mmm, especially when camping)
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: Movie
Concert or buy the CD: Concert
Deaf or blind: Deaf (yes, that is a horrible question)
Truth or dare: truth
Ocean or pool: pool
Cake or pie: cake
Love or lust: love
Silver or gold: SILVER - DEFINITELY (I hate gold)
Diamonds or pearls: Diamonds
Shaken or stirred: Stirred
Armageddon or independence day: I'd have to say neither - they were both pretty crappy
Pencils or pens: Pens
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
Crushed or cubed: crushed
Showers or baths: Shower
Button fly or zipper jeans: Zipper
Hot or cold: Cold - I hate the heat
One pillow or two: Actually, more like 3 or 4
Red or blue: Blue
T-shirt or tank top: Tank top
Chocolate milk or plain: plain
Skiing or swimming: Water skiing - yes; snow skiing - no
Blanket or stuffed animal: Er, um, I still sleep w/ my bear ;)
With or without conditioner: My gosh, with my curly hair, I'd be in trouble w/o conditioner
Dumper or dumpee: Dumper (that's usually the case)
Relationship or hookup: Relationship
Lefty or righty: Righty
Bridges or tunnels: Yuck, scared of both
Adidas or nike or puma: I guess Adidas, but I mainly wear New Balance
Coke or pepsi: Coke
Pools or hot tubs: Hot tub
Blondes or brunettes: Brunettes
Boxers or Briefs - Boxers, definitely
Hairy or smooth chest - Smooth
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Sorry, I can't answer that one - I can't stand either
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: I guess Backstreet Boys
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Neither
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: The Beatles
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Celine
Mariah Carey or Madonna: That's easy - Madonna
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street - timeless!
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: I've never seen either - I don't like shows like those
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Party of Five
MTV or VH1: VH1
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: Phone
Mug or Glass Cup: Mug
Vanilla or Chocolate: Vanilla
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: Movie
Concert or buy the CD: Concert
Deaf or blind: Deaf
Truth or dare: Truth
Ocean or pool: pool
Cake or pie: does cheescake count?
Love or lust: love
Silver or gold: gold
Diamonds or pearls:diamonds..small ones though
Shaken or stirred: stirred
Armageddon or independence day: Love em both, but Armageddon...Bruce Willis dies ;)
Pencils or pens: pens
Sunset or sunrise: sunrise
Crushed or cubed: cubed
Showers or baths: shower normally, bath if I had time
Button fly or zipper jeans: don't usually wear jeans
Hot or cold: cold...you can always cover up...you can only strip so far when you are hot
One pillow or two: 2
Red or blue: blue
T-shirt or tank top: t-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: chocolate
Skiing or swimming: swimming
Blanket or stuffed animal: I still sleep with a quilt my grandma made
With or without conditioner: with conditioner
Dumper or dumpee: dumper...as if
Relationship or hookup: relationship
Lefty or righty: righty
Bridges or tunnels:bridges...I am claustrophobic
Adidas or nike or puma: nike
Coke or pepsi: pepsi
Pools or hot tubs: hot tub
Blondes or brunettes: I am a brunette...as for guys it doesn't matter to me...breathing helps ;D
Boxers or Briefs - boxers
Hairy or smooth chest - Paul Stanley hairy...my dream is tu run my fingers through his chest....sigh...
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: :-X
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: :-X
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: ???
The Beatles or The Beach Boys:Beatles
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand:Celine...can't stand Babs
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Madonna
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street/b]
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: 7th Heaven
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Ally
MTV or VH1: VH1
Cotton or Polyester: cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: neither, both are annoying
Mug or Glass Cup: mug
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Must Have COFFEE!!!!
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: Movie
Concert or buy the CD: Both if possible, CD if not.
Deaf or blind: Deaf
Truth or dare: Truth
Ocean or pool: Ocean
Cake or pie: Pie, apple.
Love or lust: Yes! Okay, love.
Silver or gold: Gold
Diamonds or pearls: Don't wear jewelry.
Shaken or stirred: Stirred
Armageddon or independence day: ID
Pencils or pens: Pen, black ink... blue in a pinch.
Sunset or sunrise: Sunrise
Crushed or cubed: Crushed
Showers or baths: Shower
Button fly or zipper jeans: Zipper
Hot or cold: Cold
One pillow or two: 2
Red or blue: Blue
T-shirt or tank top: T-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: Plain... chocolate now and then.
Skiing or swimming: Swimming
Blanket or stuffed animal: Blanket
With or without conditioner: Ummmm...
Dumper or dumpee: Dumper
Relationship or hookup: Relationship
Lefty or righty: Righty
Bridges or tunnels: Bridges
Adidas or nike or puma: Nike
Coke or pepsi: Coke
Pools or hot tubs: Hot tub
Blondes or brunettes: Either, although blondes are rumored to have more fun!
Boxers or Briefs - Boxers
Hairy or smooth chest - Mine is hairy... hers must be smooth! ;D
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Can we send them both to Ayers rock?
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: No
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Blink 182
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: Beatles
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: See Ayers rock comment.
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Madonna
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: Excuse me, what?
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Monday Night Football
MTV or VH1: VH1 Classic
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: Cell
Mug or Glass Cup: Mug
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: I don't drink it anymore, but coffee!
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: Movie, but I'd like to see an occasional play.
Concert or buy the CD: CD. Concerts are too expensive.
Deaf or blind: Deaf, because I'm on my way anyway.
Truth or dare: Depends
Ocean or pool: Pool. No sharks.
Cake or pie: Pie
Love or lust: I would like to say love, but I'd go for lust.
Silver or gold: Benjamins
Diamonds or pearls: I can afford pearls.
Shaken or stirred: Shaken
Armageddon or independence day: ID of course. Even though I wasted about $7.00 to see that corny Bruce Willis film.
Pencils or pens: Pens. Don't get the lead out.
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset, when it's quitting time.
Crushed or cubed: Crush it.
Showers or baths: Shower. The bathtub is always dirty.
Button fly or zipper jeans: Zip
Hot or cold: Cold, but not freezing.
One pillow or two: One very fluffy one or two flat ones.
Red or blue: Yellow
T-shirt or tank top: T-shirt XXL.
Chocolate milk or plain: I only drink skim, but I like Nesquik.
Skiing or swimming: Neither.
Blanket or stuffed animal: Stuffed, although I prefer my live animal.
With or without conditioner: Don't matter.
Dumper or dumpee: Neither, I'd rather get it right the first time.
Relationship or hookup: For now, hookup if it's by phone.
Lefty or righty: Righty
Bridges or tunnels: Tunnels rule.
nike or puma: Nike, since I currently own a pair.
Coke or pepsi: Pepsi
Pools or hot tubs: Hot tubs. The girls are butt nekked.
Blondes or brunettes: I go for looks only.
Boxers or Briefs - Let me be briefed.
Hairy or smooth chest - Smooth, as long as they're a woman's chest
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Arsenic or cyanide?
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: A Yugo or a Renault Alliance?
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: P.O.D.
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: Of those two, The Beatles, but I'm a Rolling Stones' fan.
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Streisand. The nose has it.
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Amy Grant
Barney or Sesame Street: The Sesame Street without Elmo!
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: 7th Heaven. A better question would be Jessica Beil or Katie Holmes
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: A branch in my eye socket.
MTV or VH1: M2
Cotton or Polyester: Cashmir
Pager or Cell Phone: Pager
Mug or Glass Cup: Glass cup
Vanilla or Chocolate: My sister prefers vanilla, but I like chocolate.
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate
Subject: Re: This or that?
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Can we send them both to Ayers rock?
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: See Ayers rock comment.End Quote
Uh-uh ! Oh no you don't ! >:(
Britain used this place as a dumping ground for years...find somewhere outside the US offshore limits to be disposing of your unwanted rubbish, Lester !
FB ;) ;D
Subject: Re: This or that?
*joins in the insanity*
Movie or Theatre: Movie
Concert or buy the CD: CD
Deaf or blind: Deaf
Truth or dare: Truth
Ocean or pool: pool
Cake or pie: pie (blackberry)
Love or lust: love..no lust..no love..no lust http://www.contrabandent.com/cwm/s/otn/love/11zspiral.gif
Silver or gold: silver http://www.salacious.de/Smiliez/Gefuehle/Gluecklich/glueckicon241.gif
Diamonds or pearls:diamonds
Shaken or stirred: shaken
Armageddon or independence day: seen neither...but Armageddon looks better
Pencils or pens: pencils
Sunset or sunrise: sunrise
Crushed or cubed: crushed
Showers or baths: showers
Button fly or zipper jeans: zipper
Hot or cold: cold http://www.btinternet.com/~tonyrichardson/cold.gif
One pillow or two:5
Red or blue: blue
T-shirt or tank top: t-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: chocolate
Skiing or swimming: swimming
Blanket or stuffed animal: my cuddle pillow
With or without conditioner: without
Dumper or dumpee: huh? you mean dumper as in, someone bitches a lot ? dunpee is the one who listens to the bitcher? Or...is this http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/aktion/aktion082.gif I am usually the 'dumpee' either way
Relationship or hookup: relationship
Lefty or righty: righty
Bridges or tunnels:bridges...bridges
Adidas or nike or puma: nike
Coke or pepsi: pepsi
Pools or hot tubs: pools
Blondes or brunettes: blondes...*sigh*http://www.salacious.de/Smiliez/Gefuehle/Gluecklich/glueckorgdrool.gif
Boxers or Briefs - briefs and a cowboy hat! **YES!!**http://atypically.net/smilies/cowboy.gif
Hairy or smooth chest - hairy chest. I love to run my fingers over this.
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Britney Spears http://atypically.net/smilies/vomit.gif
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: N*Sync http://atypically.net/smilies/vomit.gif
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Blink-182 http://atypically.net/smilies/vomit.gif
The Beatles or The Beach Boys:Beatles http://atypically.net/smilies/vomit.gif
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand:Celine Dion http://atypically.net/smilies/vomit.gif
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Madonna
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: awsons Creek http://atypically.net/smilies/vomit.gif
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Ally McBeal
MTV or VH1: VH1
Cotton or Polyester: cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: don't have either
Mug or Glass Cup: mug
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Coffee...as in rocket fuel !
Subject: Re: This or that?
Uh-uh ! Oh no you don't ! >:(
Britain used this place as a dumping ground for years...find somewhere outside the US offshore limits to be disposing of your unwanted rubbish, Lester !
FB ;) ;D
End Quote
Come on, Fuss... you can always have them forwarded to Tasmania! ;D
Subject: Re: This or that?
Come on, Fuss... you can always have them forwarded to Tasmania! ;D
End Quote
Whoa ! None you've really gone and done it and alienated about 1.8 % of the population ! ;D
Seriously ( ::)) I was gonna put in my last message that we don't want them - as it is we've been trying to get RID OF Kylie for years now....
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: Movie
Concert or buy the CD: Neither. MP3
Deaf or blind: Neither.
Truth or dare: Truth
Ocean or pool: Both
Cake or pie: Pie
Love or lust: Both
Silver or gold: Gold
Diamonds or pearls: Diamonds
Shaken or stirred: Shaken (Assuming we're speaking of Martinis ;D)
Armageddon or Independence Day: Armageddon - The main crew was perfectly cast, which led to good comedic moments. I don't think I liked Bill Pullman in his role in Independence Day. I'm not sure why either. Perhaps, he wasn't convincing in the role of The President. Boy, I'm picky! ;D
Pencils or pens: Pens
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
Crushed or cubed: Crushed (Assuming we're speaking of ice)
Showers or baths: Baths - sooooo... relaxing
Button fly or zipper jeans: Both
Hot or cold: Depends under what circumstances.
One pillow or two: 2
Red or blue: Blue
T-shirt or tank top: T-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: Chocolate milk
Skiing or swimming: Swimming
Blanket or stuffed animal: A "lovey"? I'll show my age in this answer by saying I don't think that a stuffed animal would keep me warm enough. As far as cuddling, I can do better than a teddy. ;) I'll choose blanket.
With or without conditioner: With conditioner
Dumper or dumpee: Dumper - I always know what's best for me.
Relationship or hookup: Relationship
Lefty or righty: Ambidextrous
Bridges or tunnels: Bridges - Better vista!
Adidas or Nike or Puma: Adidas - Purely nostalgic reasons. ;)
Coke or pepsi: COKE - Always COCA-COLA! :)
Pools or hot tubs: Both
Blondes or brunettes: Undecided.
Boxers or Briefs - Briefs
Hairy or smooth chest: A happy medium - not too hairy, not too smooth, just right.
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Puhleese. ::) No offense.
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: Puhleese. ::) No offensse.
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Sorry, stuck in the past, on a time-warp, you know. :D
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: Undecided
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Nooooo.....!!! :P
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Madonna - Mariah Carey's too poor of a choice. She can't even compete with Madonna's shadow, quite literally.
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street - No competition there either. Reasons: Too many to list.
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: Let's see.... Teen sex vs. Too much wholesomeness to handle.... Hmmm.... I'll take the latter. Yes, I'm old-fashioned. Boring, even. In this particular instance, that is. ;) I dislike both shows intensely.
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/wuerg/wuerg007.gif
MTV or VH1: I gave up on those years ago.
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: Cell Phone - Don't use it much, just carry it for emergencies and last minute reminders.
Mug or Glass Cup: Mug
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate - Natural Vanilla in the ice cream department.
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate or Gourmet coffee depending on my craving any particular day.
Subject: Re: This or that?
This or that: This. Or maybe that.
Movie or Theatre: Video
Concert or buy the CD: Neither (I don't get out much these days)
Deaf or blind: Either, providing it happens to someone else :o
Truth or dare: Trick or treat?
Ocean or pool: ocean
Cake or pie: 3.1412 cakes
Love or lust: It works best when it's both together ;-)
Silver or gold: Both, in large quantities, please
Diamonds or pearls: Diamonds
Shaken or stirred: Hmm... not sure I'd like being either
Armageddon or independence day: Armageddon, if only for the unbelievably stoopid thought that you could write a virus on an Apple laptop for an alien computer, then upload it using an RS232 cable...
Pencils or pens: Computer.
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
Crushed or cubed: Brings tears to the eyes
Showers or baths: Shower
Button fly or zipper jeans: Zip
Hot or cold: Hot. Some do like it that way
One pillow or two: 2
Red or blue: Red (as in "in the...")
T-shirt or tank top: T-Shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: Beer
Skiing or swimming: Swimming - I tried skiing once, it started OK but I went downhill from there
Blanket or stuffed animal: I tried a stuffed animal, but the police heard about it
With or without conditioner: You mean the stuffed animal?
Dumper or dumpee: Both (at the same time, if you can manage it)
Relationship or hookup: Relationship. I've been married nearly ten years, I have to say that - don't I?
Lefty or righty: Lefty - as area 5/6 of my family
Bridges or tunnels: We talking building or going through?
Adidas or nike or puma: None - I prefer my sweatshops home-grown
Coke or pepsi: NEITHER (see answer to "milk" question above)
Pools or hot tubs: Pools, I guess
Blondes or brunettes: Both
Boxers or Briefs: - We talking pugilists or lawyers?
Hairy or smooth chest: - Smooth, definitely (for women, that is)
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Neither
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: Neither
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Neither
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: Beatles
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: AAARRRGGHHH!!!!!!!
Mariah Carey or Madonna: See answer above
Barney or Sesame Street: OD'd on both, I'm afraid
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: Never seen either
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Never seen either
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: Doesn't matter: I can lose both of 'em
Mug or Glass Cup: Mug (providing it's a big one)
Vanilla or Chocolate: Vanilla (providing it's real ice cream, not chemical-filled gunk - incidentally, did everyone know that it was Margaret Thatcher during her time as a chemist who came up with that chemical-filled "soft scoop" ice cream?)
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate
Subject: Re: This or that?
This or that: This. Or maybe that.
Movie or Theatre: Video
Concert or buy the CD: Neither (I don't get out much these days)
Deaf or blind: Either, providing it happens to someone else :o
Truth or dare: Trick or treat?
Ocean or pool: ocean
Cake or pie: 3.1412 cakes
Love or lust: It works best when it's both together ;-)
Silver or gold: Both, in large quantities, please
Diamonds or pearls: Diamonds
Shaken or stirred: Hmm... not sure I'd like being either
Armageddon or independence day: Armageddon, if only for the unbelievably stoopid thought that you could write a virus on an Apple laptop for an alien computer, then upload it using an RS232 cable...
Pencils or pens: Computer.
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
Crushed or cubed: Brings tears to the eyes
Showers or baths: Shower
Button fly or zipper jeans: Zip
Hot or cold: Hot. Some do like it that way
One pillow or two: 2
Red or blue: Red (as in "in the...")
T-shirt or tank top: T-Shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: Beer
Skiing or swimming: Swimming - I tried skiing once, it started OK but I went downhill from there
Blanket or stuffed animal: I tried a stuffed animal, but the police heard about it
With or without conditioner: You mean the stuffed animal?
Dumper or dumpee: Both (at the same time, if you can manage it)
Relationship or hookup: Relationship. I've been married nearly ten years, I have to say that - don't I?
Lefty or righty: Lefty - as area 5/6 of my family
Bridges or tunnels: We talking building or going through?
Adidas or nike or puma: None - I prefer my sweatshops home-grown
Coke or pepsi: NEITHER (see answer to "milk" question above)
Pools or hot tubs: Pools, I guess
Blondes or brunettes: Both
Boxers or Briefs - We talking pugilists or lawyers?
Hairy or smooth chest - Smooth, definitely (for women, that is)
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Neither
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: Neither
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Neither
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: Beatles
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: AAARRRGGHHH!!!!!!!
Mariah Carey or Madonna: See answer above
Barney or Sesame Street: OD'd on both, I'm afraid
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: Never seen either
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Never seen either
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: Doesn't matter: I can lose both of 'em
Mug or Glass Cup: Mug (providing it's a big one)
Vanilla or Chocolate: Vanilla (providing it's real ice cream, not chemical-filled gunk - incidentally, did everyone know that it was Margaret Thatcher during her time as a chemist who came up with that chemical-filled "soft scoop" ice cream?)
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate
End Quote
Thanks for making Me laugh, Phil ;D
Subject: Re: This or that?
Armageddon or independence day: Armageddon, if only for the unbelievably stoopid thought that you could write a virus on an Apple laptop for an alien computer, then upload it using an RS232 cable...
End Quote
Um... I'm confused. Did you like Armageddon for that reason? Coz they did that in ID4. Actually I prefer Independence Day, only for the fact that the entire premise of Armageddon is completely preposterous, the science and physics involved are utterly impossible and the story is bad. Independence Day is unbelievable also, but at least it didn't pretend to take itself too seriously like Armageddon did. A rogue asteroid the size of Texas? There aren't any! Blow it in half with a nuclear bomb buried only 800 feet below the surface? Ha! You'd need more bombs than the entire current world nuclear arsenal to make a dent on a rock that size. And how come they can train a wildcat drilling crew to be astronauts, but they can't train astronauts to be a drilling crew?
*rant off*
Subject: Re: This or that?
Um... I'm confused. Did you like Armageddon for that reason? Coz they did that in ID4.
End Quote
I'm not saying I like Armageddon for that reason, I'm saying I prefer it to Independence Day for that reason.
Actually I prefer Independence Day, only for the fact that the entire premise of Armageddon is completely preposterous, the science and physics involved are utterly impossible and the story is bad. Independence Day is unbelievable also, but at least it didn't pretend to take itself too seriously like Armageddon did.
End Quote
Armageddon take itself seriously? Sorry, must have missed that bit ;-). I agree that the science is all wrong, but show me a blockbuster set in the future which has been scientifically spot on... I guess what we're talking about here is what riles us the most: in my case, it's expecting alien motherships to have 9-pin D-Type connectors which presumably auto-sense baud rate, data & stop bits and parity (since there was no noticeable handshaking or comms problems); in yours it's the utter ludicrous nature of the science involved... Maybe I should amend my answer to "neither" ;-)
Subject: Re: This or that?
This site has particularly amusing reviews about both films:
Subject: Re: This or that?
This site has particularly amusing reviews about both films:
End Quote
Many, many thanks for that link - it's absof*****glutely wonderful site ;-)
Modified to include:
Quoting:Once inside the mother RV Goldblum connects his Mac to the alien computer. Fortunately, the alien computer's operating system works just fine with the laptop. This proves an important point which Apple enthusiasts have known for years. While the evil empire of Microsoft may dominate the computers of Earth people, more advanced life-forms clearly prefer Macs.End Quote
Subject: Re: This or that?
as it is we've been trying to get RID OF Kylie for years now....
End Quote
LOL! Kylie was my childhood idol FB - how can you do that to her ;D
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: Movie (It's rare that I get to the theatre these days)
Concert or buy the CD: CD
Deaf or blind: Blind. (I couldn't stand to be withouth my music!)
Truth or dare: Truth
Ocean or pool: Pool. (The ocean novelty wore off years ago!)
Cake or pie: Cake, as long as it's not dry.
Love or lust: Love
Silver or gold: Gold
Diamonds or pearls: Diamonds
Shaken or stirred: Stirred
Armageddon or Independence Day: Armageddon
Pencils or pens: Pens
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
Crushed or cubed: Cubed
Showers or baths: Shower
Button fly or zipper jeans: Zipper
Hot or cold: Cold
One pillow or two: 2
Red or blue: Red
T-shirt or tank top: T-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: Neither. I can't handle milk.
Skiing or swimming: Swimming
Blanket or stuffed animal: Blanket
With or without conditioner: With
Dumper or dumpee: Dumper
Relationship or hookup: Relationship
Lefty or righty: Righty
Bridges or tunnels: Bridges
Adidas or nike or puma: Nike
Coke or pepsi: Pepsi (Coke is a last resort for me.)
Pools or hot tubs: It depends on the weather.
Blondes or brunettes: Brunettes
Boxers or Briefs: Briefs (Not that I wear them! ::))
Hairy or smooth chest: Hairy
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Neither
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: Neither
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Neither
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: The Beatles, definitely.
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Barbra Streisand
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Madonna
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: I never watched either of them.
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Neither
MTV or VH1: VH1
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: Cell Phone
Mug or Glass Cup: Mug for hot drinks, glass for cold drinks.
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Coffee
Subject: Re: This or that?
Boxers or Briefs - Boxers
Hairy or smooth chest - Mine is hairy... hers must be smooth! ;D
End Quote
Ok....lets see here...boxers (my fave). You have a hairy chest, I like that...I have a smooth chest....proves it. You were meant to be my one and only harem member. :-*
Subject: Re: This or that?
Ok....lets see here...boxers (my fave). You have a hairy chest, I like that...I have a smooth chest....proves it. You were meant to be my one and only harem member. :-*
End Quote
Sorry Dag, Lester's already spoken for!! ;D
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: Movie
Concert or buy the CD: Both, if I really like the band.
Deaf or blind: I don't know!! Probably deaf.. ???
Truth or dare: Truth
Ocean or pool: Ocean
Cake or pie: Pie
Love or lust: love
Silver or gold: Silver or White Gold
Diamonds or pearls: Diamonds
Shaken or stirred: ??? ???
Armageddon or independence day: Armageddon, definitely
Pencils or pens: Pens
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
Crushed or cubed: Cubed
Showers or baths: Shower, but when I get my jacuzzi tub, that'll probably change! ;)
Button fly or zipper jeans: Zippers
Hot or cold: hard call..I like warm, in moderation..did FL for a few years and hated it!
One pillow or two: At least 2
Red or blue: Blue
T-shirt or tank top: T-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: Usually I like Chocolate milk better
Skiing or swimming: Swimming..but then again, I have never skied.. ::)
Blanket or stuffed animal: When I was little, I used both. :)
With or without conditioner: Without..I was told it's not good for my type of hair
Relationship or hookup: After 10 years of marraige, gotta go with relationship!
Lefty or righty: Righty
Bridges or tunnels: Probably tunnels. We have a bridge here that we have to cross everytime we want to leave the island, so it's a no-biggie thing for me..
Adidas or nike or puma: Probably Nike, if I have to choose between the three.
Coke or pepsi: Pepsi
Pools or hot tubs: Hot tub, I guess
Blondes or brunettes: Mostly brunettes
Boxers or Briefs - Um, probably briefs
Hairy or smooth chest - A little bit of hair at least!
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Christina, if I have to choose. I can't stand Britney. :P
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: Backstreet Boys
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: Neither
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: I've heard songs from each of them that I like, and each from some that I don't like, so I guess it's a draw. :)
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Celine,I guess
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Madonna
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street I hate that damn purple dinosaur....when the kids were born, we said ANY Barney toys would be returned headless. LOL ;D
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: Never seen either of them
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Never seen either of them
MTV or VH1: VH1 nowadays!
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: Cell phone
Mug or Glass Cup: Glass Cup
Vanilla or Chocolate: Depends on my mood...usually chocolate.
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate--I don't like coffee :P
Subject: Re: This or that?
Sorry Dag, Lester's already spoken for!! ;D
End Quote
At the risk of this hijack all over again...yup, spoken for by me. ;D
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: Movie
Concert or buy the CD: Both
Deaf or blind: I guess blind
Truth or dare: truth
Ocean or pool: ocean
Cake or pie: cake, cake, CAKE!
Love or lust: love
Silver or gold: White Gold
Diamonds or pearls: Diamonds
Shaken or stirred: Stirred please
Armageddon or independence day: Independence Day (day and film)
Pencils or pens: Pen
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
Crushed or cubed: Cubed
Showers or baths: Shower
Button fly or zipper jeans: Zipper
Hot or cold: Cold. You can always take off clothes and run a fan or AC or have someone blow on you...
One pillow or two: 1
Red or blue: Blue
T-shirt or tank top: T-Shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: CHOCHOLATE Milk
Skiing or swimming: Swimming
Blanket or stuffed animal: Blanket (a stuffed animal won't keep me warm...)
With or without conditioner: Without
Dumper or dumpee: Dumper
Relationship or hookup: Relationship
Lefty or righty: Righty
Bridges or tunnels: Um...?
Adidas or nike or puma: Nike
Coke or pepsi: Pepsi
Pools or hot tubs: Hot tub
Blondes or brunettes: Brunettes
Boxers or Briefs - Boxers
Hairy or smooth chest - Smooth
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: Neither!
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: Neither!
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: PASS!
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: Beatles
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Barbara.
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Madonna
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: Dawson's Creek
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: Party of Five
MTV or VH1: VH1. eMpTyV sucks!
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: Cell.
Mug or Glass Cup: Mug
Vanilla or Chocolate: I can't have both? ok, chocolate.
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate
Subject: Re: This or that?
Sorry Dag, Lester's already spoken for!! ;D
End Quote
At the risk of this hijack all over again...yup, spoken for by me. ;D
End Quote
I'll just be sitting over in the corner with DJ Midas, Junior and Zella talking politics... whichever of you comes up with the short straw, let me know! :P
Subject: Re: This or that?
I'll just be sitting over in the corner with DJ Midas, Junior and Zella talking politics... whichever of you comes up with the short straw, let me know! :P
End Quote
That would be me!! Come on over here, Lester! ;)
Subject: Re: This or that?
That would be me!! Come on over here, Lester! ;)
End Quote
I don't see a rebuttal from dagwood... I can only assume she has thrown in the towel!
Subject: Re: This or that?
I don't see a rebuttal from dagwood... I can only assume she has thrown in the towel!
End Quote
YAY!!! I won!!!! ;D
Subject: Re: This or that?
I'll just be sitting over in the corner with DJ Midas, Junior and Zella talking politics... whichever of you comes up with the short straw, let me know! :P
End Quote
Politics? Me and three guys? Okay dokey. Whatever you say... :o Er...can we send the lad out for a pizza? ;)
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: movie (since I get in free:))
Concert or buy the CD: concert (I don't know how to buy a CD)
Deaf or blind: deaf
Truth or dare: just dare me too
Ocean or pool: pool
Cake or pie: ice cream cake
Love or lust: love
Silver or gold: silver on rims, ,gold as jewerly
Diamonds or pearls: what are those?
Shaken or stirred: Stirred
Armageddon or independence day: Independence day
Pencils or pens: Pencils
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
Crushed or cubed: crushed
Showers or baths: Shower - so much easier
Button fly or zipper jeans: Zip
Hot or cold: cold - i hate the heat
One pillow or two: 2
Red or blue: Blue
T-shirt or tank top: t-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: chocalate milk
Skiing or swimming: skiing (i love the snow)
Blanket or stuffed animal: blankie!
With or without conditioner: I'm a man I don't use that
Dumper or dumpee: either way I gotta find a new girl to be with
Relationship or hookup: Relationship
Lefty or righty: Righty
Bridges or tunnels: bridges
Adidas or nike or puma: nike
Coke or pepsi: Pepsi
Pools or hot tubs: Pools. Hot tub - how relaxing
Blondes or brunettes: brunette
Boxers or Briefs - boxers
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: christina
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: they both need to go to hell
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: LB
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: way past my time
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Celine
Mariah Carey or Madonna: mariah
Barney or Sesame Street: Sesame Street
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: huh?
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: huh?
MTV or VH1: VH1
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: Phone
Mug or Glass Cup: Mug
Vanilla or Chocolate: chocalate
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate
Subject: Re: This or that?
Movie or Theatre: Movie as a rule
Concert or buy the CD: CD; can I get the record?
Deaf or blind: blind
Truth or dare: truth
Ocean or pool: pool
Cake or pie: cake as a rule
Love or lust: love
Silver or gold: gold
Diamonds or pearls: Diamonds
Shaken or stirred: ???? how would I know?
Armageddon or independence day: neither
Pencils or pens: Pens
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
Crushed or cubed: Cubed
Showers or baths: baths
Button fly or zipper jeans: Zip
Hot or cold: depends about what you're talking
One pillow or two: 2
Red or blue: Blue
T-shirt or tank top: t-shirt
Chocolate milk or plain: plain
Skiing or swimming: Swimming
Blanket or stuffed animal: stuffed animal
With or without conditioner: with
Dumper or dumpee: dumper
Relationship or hookup: Relationship
Lefty or righty: Righty
Bridges or tunnels: tunnels
Adidas or nike or puma: none
Coke or pepsi: Coke
Pools or hot tubs: Pools again
Blondes or brunettes: for the opp sex? blondes but all may apply! ;D
Boxers or Briefs: briefs :D
Hairy or smooth chest - Smooth
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears: neither
Backstreet Boys or N*Sync: neither
Blink-182 or Limp Bizkit: neither no-way no-how!
The Beatles or The Beach Boys: Beach Boys
Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand: Celine not quite as annoying politically
Mariah Carey or Madonna: Early Madonna - otherwise Mariah
Barney or Sesame Street: Barney
Dawsons Creek or 7th Heaven: NOT Dawson's Creek
Party of Five or Ally McBeal: neither
MTV or VH1: whatever
Cotton or Polyester: Cotton
Pager or Cell Phone: Cell Phone
Mug or Glass Cup: Mug
Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate (unless you're talking sundaes!)
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: hot chocolate