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Subject: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
This morning the guy from sears was here fixing our TV, and his van was parked in our driveway. I get ready to go on my run, Once I set my fight in the grage my puppy's eyes light up and he imeadiately comes running over to bite my shoelaces, I don't like him to do this because it streaches them out and then later in my run I trip over them.
My usualy plane is to sprint down the driveway to get away from the pup, he never fallows me and our driveway is about 100 meters. so as I was looking back at the puppy I start Sprinting down the driveway. what do I do? I sprint right into the sears guys truck. It hurt so bad I couldn't even move for a few minutes. The niebor was outside and she came over, but by that time I could move again, and I managed to stay out of the hospital this time, But both my Knees and my right thumb are killing me. So has anyone else ever been hurt by not watching where they were going?
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
Yes, but nothing quite so Chevy Chase like!! :o
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
First off....I hope that you're okay....next...I HAVE hit something but it was while riding a bike home from work years ago. They had a wire to close off a parking lot next to where I worked that always had a red flag hanging from it. Well, one day I noticed the flag was on the ground, so thinking the wire was also there I proceeded at a great pace towards the lot. Just before I was upon the lot I noticed the wire was intact and that the flag had Fallen off! I caught both forearms, and the wire then slid up to where my arm bends...leaving what I can only describe as "Brush-burns". Because of the location they scabbed up and kept tearing off...so needless to say I have 2 nice little scars about 3 inches wide on each arm. I just tell people that I was in a Knife fight and that usually does the trick :D
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. I'm sure I have and I'll share it when I think of it, but that is TOO FUNNY. Just the title of the thread alone had me! I'm dyin'!
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
Sort of....
Years ago, I was cutting away all these Oleander plants that had grown up through the fence and were wrecking it. So I'm in amongst the plants with the garden shears, and because of the angle these oleanders were on, I'm stepping backwards as I am going along.
Next thing I know my whole head feels like it's on fire, and after a second or I realise it's because I had backed into a Wasp's Nest, and 'upset' them.
So I come flying out of the bushes at a great rate of knots and the mongrels are chasing me and still stinging me. My wife told me the best treatament was to get under a hot shower, which also stung.
I suppose it wasn't stupid per se, but I always travel forwards now, in that sort of situation...
My face all swelled up, and worst one was the bite on the gristly part of the ear - that HURT !
Everyone at work the next day thought I'd been beaten up....
FB >:(
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
Okay, well, there's the not terribly original but always popular not-noticing-the-screen-door's-closed-and-bouncing-off-it shennanigan.
I did drive into the back of a car at a stoplight when it turned green and he hadn't started forward yet. (I was tired.)
Or how about this? Oh, I've got it! You know how in barns they have those doors that are two pieces, effectively a top and bottom? Once as a kid I was furious at my mother and I sassed her far more than I should have. Before I could get smacked I turned, pushed the door forward and furiously walked... into the top half of the door which was still latched and hadn't moved. That left a mark.
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
One of the guys I work with was (emphasis on was) building a deck off the back of his house. As he was trimming a long horizontal beam, he held the guard of his circular saw in the up (unsafe, never done this) position. As he finishes his cut, he lays the still rapidly moving saw across his thigh. The gash was about 7" X 5" (barroom worthy) and took about 40 baseball stitches. I think that qualifies for a dumbass award!
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
Wow, you poor thing, Screwball!!! I've done some careless things myself but I think yours takes the cake! ;D ;)
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
Okay, I've got a really good one. ::) It was 30 years ago, probably to the day, because I know it was in July.
Up the street from my house was a big hill, and when my friends and I rode our bikes, we always avoided the hill. One day we decided to give it a try, and as long as one "rode the brake" a bit, it was safe and fun. Of course, it wasn't long before it was tempting to stay off the brake until closer to the bottom....
So about the 4th time down, I am flying along and I wait till too late to brake. And at the bottom of the hill is a crossroad and a busy intersection. So I am thinking I could:
a. hit the brake, slide and skid and get all skinned up...
b. not hit the brake and go flying into the street where I would probably be hit by a car and be killed instantly...
b. didn't sound very good. Neither did a.
So I did c. -- I steered slightly to the left of the telephone pole on the corner and held my right arm out stiffly in front of me to stop myself on the pole. Needless to say, I stopped, but I could not use my arm for a month.... ouch! ::)
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
So has anyone else ever been hurt by not watching where they were going?
End Quote
Yes, too many times to count!
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
Ouch, that bites, Screwball. (It's always embarrassing when someone sees you do something like that, too.)
I have a similar story. When I was about 10, I was carelessely riding a three-wheeler. I was looking behind me trying to see if my cousin was closing in on me w/ his four-wheeler, and I ran smack dab into my grandpa's big truck. The three-wheeler turned over on me and the motor burned my ankle (I still have a small scar from that). Not only did I feel like an idiot, but I was scared to ride after that.
I'm not scared to ride anymore, though. Give me a three-wheeler (or jet ski) and I'm happy!
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
All the time!! I think clumsy is my middle name ::) I have even managed to do the comedy classic of falling down a manhole now that was painful.......I've walked into lamposts.walls,doors and windows, fallen down stairs,fallen up stairs.Basically you name it and I've done it!
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
No no no
i have fallen up stairs, down stairs
Lets see...
i walked into a parked car before >:( Oh I was sooo mad
The most painful would have to be when I accidentally Ironed my hand... Dont ask questions :-X
it was very painful
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
No no no
i have fallen up stairs, down stairs
Lets see...
i walked into a parked car before >:( Oh I was sooo mad
The most painful would have to be when I accidentally Ironed my hand... Dont ask questions :-X
it was very painful
End Quote
Falling up stairs is really embarrassing (said from experience), and I ironed my hand once, had a triangle shaped scar for about 6 years, but it's gone now. But the most painful one was when I was arguing with someone and I slammed my hand down onto the desk without realizing there was a pencil standing point up which went rather far into my palm.
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
Falling up stairs is really embarrassing (said from experience), and I ironed my hand once, had a triangle shaped scar for about 6 years, but it's gone now. But the most painful one was when I was arguing with someone and I slammed my hand down onto the desk without realizing there was a pencil standing point up which went rather far into my palm.
End Quote
ouch ouch ouch
That feels painful
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
When I was about 6 or so, cricket and my parents were having a BBQ and there were several of us kids outside running and playing. It was just getting dark and kinda hard to see outside. I was running between two buildings that were in out backyard and forgot that my dad had that day run some barbed wire fencing up between them. Needless to say, I remembered about it when I hit the fencing, getting all cut up! I never forgot about that fence again!!
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
Hey, I just thought of another stupid thing I did and this as an adult, just a month or so ago... ::)
We have gotten this neat old stove from the 40s and I was in the kitchen cleaning it up. There is a panel on the front with two little outlets to plug in small appliaces (such as a mixer) and I was cleaning the panel with a wet, soapy steel wool pad. I had forgotten that I plugged in the stove to test the clock, and a piece of the wet steel wool slid into the outlet and it threw me back from the stove and I realized I had been electrocuted big time. Fortunately the charge blew the circuit breaker, or I probably wouldn't be here to tell anyone.... :-[
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
Falling up stairs is really embarrassing (said from experience), and I ironed my hand once, had a triangle shaped scar for about 6 years, but it's gone now. But the most painful one was when I was arguing with someone and I slammed my hand down onto the desk without realizing there was a pencil standing point up which went rather far into my palm.
End Quote
Funny you should mention that. When I was in 8th grade I was arguing and slammed my hand into the wall...well I was holding a pencil. OUCH...I was just looking at that hand today, and there is still a little speck of lead in my hand.
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
I think it was like 15 years ago,I was with my Family for vacation.I was taking a shower and all of a sudden,the cold water just turned a blazing hot(YEOW!) :o.Later,we got a free night in the hotel.That was painful.I got 3rd degree burns on my back.Thank god,my mother was able to peel the dead skin off my back. -howard-
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
Funny you should mention that. When I was in 8th grade I was arguing and slammed my hand into the wall...well I was holding a pencil. OUCH...I was just looking at that hand today, and there is still a little speck of lead in my hand.
End Quote
Funny you should mention the speck of lead, I still have a speck of lead (actually, I've just been corrected by someone who thinks he's a smarty-pants, it's graphite, not lead) in my hand too. Weird how it stays. Now I think I'm going to go and teachh Mr. Smarty-pants a lesson, excuse me...
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
Ouch, Screwball! :( I hope you are feeling a bit better by now.
In my family, clumsiness is genetic. My great-grandfather made a name for himself in our neighborhood by being the only person in local history to break his arm by walking into a stopped streetcar (this was at the turn of the last century, when there were electric trains running the major streets instead of busses).
My Nana was always turning up bruises and she couldn't remember how she got them.
In my time, I have:
Walked into a bus stop sign because I was looking in the store window as I went by
Tripped over a fire hydrant for the same reason
Fallen off the curb into the street because I was looking up at a) a movie theater marquee b) a really, really tall building downtown c) a street performer, screaming preacher or other unusuall person and d) pretty shapes in the clouds
Funny you should mention that. When I was in 8th grade I was arguing and slammed my hand into the wall...well I was holding a pencil. OUCH...I was just looking at that hand today, and there is still a little speck of lead in my hand.
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OK, I have done this too. It's apparently very common. I was seven years old, and had a newly sharpened pencil. I got mad at my parents for some long-forgotten reason, and was emphasizing my point by banging my fist on the table. I had forgotten how really, really, sharp that pencil was.
I still have the mark on my thumb. ;D
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
I walk into walls all the time and have fallen up the stairs. ::)
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
I have done just about everything you all have mentioned....
I am one big mass of scar tissue with glasses....
You know all the videos they show on "America's Funniest"? Two out of three are of me.... Swear....just the faces have been changed to protect the innocent.
Subject: Re: a stupid thing I did today that was painful.
Ouch, Screwball! :( I hope you are feeling a bit better by now.
In my family, clumsiness is genetic. My great-grandfather made a name for himself in our neighborhood by being the only person in local history to break his arm by walking into a stopped streetcar (this was at the turn of the last century, when there were electric trains running the major streets instead of busses).
My Nana was always turning up bruises and she couldn't remember how she got them.
In my time, I have:
Walked into a bus stop sign because I was looking in the store window as I went by
Tripped over a fire hydrant for the same reason
Fallen off the curb into the street because I was looking up at a) a movie theater marquee b) a really, really tall building downtown c) a street performer, screaming preacher or other unusuall person and d) pretty shapes in the clouds
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I nearly choked on my lunch reading this. LMAO! :D