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Subject: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
If there was one that I wouldn't mind the government banning, It's Dip. I can't stand Dip. I can't even bee around someones who's dipping and spitting in a can, and If thier using a clear bottle, I can't even look at the bottle without getting upset to my stomach. I can't chew wintergreen gum because the flavor reminds me of the smell of dip. I've only ment one person my whole life who dipped that I could stand to be around, and he used packets and swallowed his spit.
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
...and he used packets and swallowed his spit.
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:o :o :o :o :o
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
Well, I've called people "dips---" before :P
...and regarding that last line: so, which is it, spits or swallows ???
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
Well, I've called people "dips---" before :P
...and regarding that last line: so, which is it, spits or swallows ???
Tarzan Boy
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I need to start proof reading my posts, before I post them.
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
Sorry Screwball. I have no idea what you're talking about. ???
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
Sorry Screwball. I have no idea what you're talking about. ???
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I felt silly even admitting to that ! :-[
FB ;)
Is it anything like the George Costanza 'double dipping' ?
Or are we talking about Tobacco chewing/spitting ?
Or something else that is gross ?
??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
??? ???
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
??? ???
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eggs-acker-ree Gis !
??? ??? indeed !
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
Or are we talking about Tobacco chewing/spitting ?
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That would be it! Snuff, to be precise.
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
That would be it! Snuff, to be precise.
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'Snuff said, then !
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
That would be it! Snuff, to be precise.
End Quote
Aw! The suspense from these guys and gals would have carried this thread into a 2nd page without them knowing what exactly Screwball54 was talking about...
I agree with Screwball54 :o :o :o It's a disgusting habit to see someone spit in a clear bottle. There's a co-worker who does that. I have to wipe every phone he's used with alcohol after he's done with them.
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
My first job was at a fast food restaurant. They fry cook used to chew and spit into the grease trap while he was cooking. :o :-X Even though he no longer works there, I won't eat there to this day.
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
IMO, it's yet another disgusting habit....still better than smoking though...no second hand smoke to worry about, just second hand spit ::)
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
In all honesty, I didn't know what Screwball54 was talking about either until I read his thread post a little more. It is a little disgusting like regular chewing tobacco, and about as harmful as smoking. I've experimented with Skoal Bandits in college due to peer pressure. That pouch couldn't leave my mouth soon enough. And the ads made it look like it was candy, so even kids would dip a little (like baseball Hall of Famer Catfish Hunter's daughter when he was still playing. I still remember the Sports Illustrated photo.)
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use
I agree, dip is just nasty! :P I mean, I hate smoking too...but all that spitting all the time...ick!
A friend's husband chews (or at least he did) and he used a Pepsi can. Nothing like sitting down for a movie or something and hearing that spit hitting the bottom of the can every few minutes...*shudder*...
Worse yet--we had a neighbor that chewed too. Now, he also used a pop can. He'd leave it lying wherever he'd been sitting while he went outside to smoke. My son was about 18 months old at the time. He'd stay in the house while they'd go out on the porch. How should I say it---he saw a soda can, thinking it was pepsi or whatever--and......
Yup. ICK!!!!! :P Granted he only did it once, and I caught him just as he took a drink...but YUCK!!!!!! :P :P :P
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
Thanks for the visual, Marci! I am officially sick to the tum right now.....
My hub dips sometimes. Needless to say, those are the times he does not get kiss...not to mention he looks really stupid with a chaw in his jaw. But then he tells me how stupid I look in my Silly String bikini....
It's all good. ;D
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
From the headline, I thought this was going to be about Cheese Dip or Onion Dip and I was expecting something naughty. :o (From these people? No Way! ;) )
But I have to agree with Screwball. It is nasty, disgusting, and I'm glad I do not know anyone who currenly does it. Yuck! :-X
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
I once noticed my nephew with what appeared to be a can of the stuff in his back pocket, and I told him, "That stuff'll rot your mouth out!" and I reminded him of an Oklahoma boy his age whose mouth rotted out from using the stuff (it was oral cancer, folks, and it was gross! Killed him! The Oklahoma boy, that is) :o :P
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use
When my friend Donna and I were just barely driving we ran up to the grocery store for her mom... and her little brother went with us...he was only about 6 at the time and was goofing off outside waiting for us...or so we thought...he had found a can of powdered snuff (which in the south is 'ok" for the women folk to get a little nip of...ok...lots older women...but there are a few that still do it). He was working like a dog to get the cap off...pulling it right toward his face...yup, just as we get to him to take it away...he gets the top off and it flies right in his face..covering it and getting all up his nose and in his eyes....he goes into the horrible sneezing/crying fit and we had to run him into the store and get his face under the sink!! I think the kid sneezed for an hour straight...of course Donna and I are laughing so hard that we look like we got some in our eyes...do to the crying that was just taking us over from the laughter....he is now 22 and when he walks into that store they still know him as the "snuff boy"
oh and btw...he never picked up the habit!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
This just a ploy for the Coke cult to get you to switch from Pepsi ;).
But it all seriousness, snuff isn't a safe alternative to smoking. I would rather put chewing gum in my mouth, and I always use the wrapper to throw my wads away or throw the gum away in a plastic bag. It makes me throw-up sick just how old the gum wads people stick under a chair or desk. ANd kids will put about anything in their mouths. (See Cricket's post.)
Thanks for the visual, Marci! I am officially sick to the tum right now.....
My hub dips sometimes. Needless to say, those are the times he does not get kiss...not to mention he looks really stupid with a chaw in his jaw. But then he tells me how stupid I look in my Silly String bikini....
It's all good. ;D
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Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use
Nasty ewww!! :P :P :P :P
Subject: Re: My Opinion on People Who use "Dip"
Any kind of tobacco, even the chewing kind is nasty. I tried putting some of that chewing stuff in my mouth once and I felt a stinging, burning sensation in my gums and lips. That's not including the nasty flavor. I couldn't spit it out fast enough. NEVER again. :P