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Subject: sheltered workshops:
I think I remember discussing this once before but let me tell you about this again.What a sheltered workshop does is keep you busy all day.It's like a warehouse and the supervisor and the big boss tell the clients what to do.Where I attend in the city,they do stamping,sealing,counting,labeling,and wrapping em'in bundles of 25.Everybody works hard as a dog to try to keep busy with themselves.during the Summer and Winter,it kinda gets slow because we don't have too much work going around.But by the fall,everyone gets back to being busy and the clients have so much work.By then,the work place is busier.As for me,I've been there 3 years and the work is boring and the paychecks which you get paid by the piece rate and bundles are crappy.I hope to be getting a paying job real soon because I haven't had a real job in 8 years which is fustrating looking thru the newspaper ads everyday and finding absolutely nothing. >:( >:( -howard-
Subject: Re: sheltered workshops:
I hear you man, I just took a low paying job, just to get by for a bit, while I work out this navy stuff. Newspaper ads can be deceiving, a good looking ad can turn out to be a bad job such as tellemarketing, or Door to Door sales. I hope you find a job you'll enjoy more soon (or at least enjoy the paychecks more).
Subject: Re: sheltered workshops:
From previous posts, I have understood that you have had a rough time at your job.. I hope you find one soon that pays well, is nicer, and most importantly, one that you enjoy. I wish you Good luck.
Subject: Re: sheltered workshops:
I hear how frustrated you are. Hang in there, Howard. You'll get yourself a better job someday.
Don't depend completely on the newspapers, though. Some of the really good jobs out there never post an advertisement. Don't be afraid to walk in somewhere and ask for the Personnell Department (or just ask for an application, if it's a retail store). Some of the best jobs I've had, that's how I got hired.
Good luck!!
Subject: Re: sheltered workshops:
Well,right now my goal is to leave my sheltered workshop by the Fall and go from there.I have my resume ready with a cover letter.All I have to do is to make some copies of my resume and and then send it out.Just having to sit there and count bundles of 25 is monotonous.the people there are much more lower than I am in terms of intelligence.I,on the other hand see myself as superior.See,these people are mentally retarded(no offense to others on this board)but some of them are pretty much on my level,intelligence-wise.I want to try to make a good income and not see myself with a $70.00 paycheck for 2 weeks.We get paid every 2 weeks.But everybody,thanks for listening. :D
Subject: Re: sheltered workshops:
You know,today the Supervisor got me ticked off today at my workshop.we were doing boxes today(assembling them)and these people they have the boxes all stacked up after they're finished and I don't have any freakin'room to move so she started to scream at me which i didn't like.I think these supervisors are just plain stubborn >:(They tick me off. -howard- 8)
Subject: Re: sheltered workshops:
You know,today the Supervisor got me pissed off today at my workshop.we were doing boxes today(assembling them)and these people they have the boxes all stacked up after they're finished and I don't have any freakin'room to move so she started to scream at me which i didn't like.I think these supervisors are just plain stubborn >:(They piss me off. -howard- 8)
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I know you hate your job, and this incident might just push you over the edge. respect is a two way street, it's not just you respecting your supervisors, but they need to respect you back. Does your workshop have a place where you can file a complaint?
Subject: Re: sheltered workshops:
I know you hate your job, and this incident might just push you over the edge. respect is a two way street, it's not just you respecting your supervisors, but they need to respect you back. Does your workshop have a place where you can file a complaint?
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Well,not really.except you can complain to the big boss or somebody else.I think.But,it's not a job.It's a training place for people who can't work and want to keep busy most of the time.something like a workshop/factory where all they do sometimes is assemble and put stuff in boxes and ship em'out.And some of these clients are mentally/developmentally disabled.See,I can work outside. but I'm trying to prove to Yeibi(supervisor)that I can work outside(meaning getting a paying job)and ask for applications for work so I can leave that dump for good and never come back. >:(.-howard-