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Subject: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
I'm toasted and am fully aware of a sister boardie in the same state. This may be deleted but in the mean time...
We've all got 'em. That one guy that we let a wistful smile play across our lips as we picture them writhing in exquisite physical torment. Now I'm not asking for the stories, although you may share if you like, but as tastefully as possible, describe the torture.
Mine? I want to remove his eyes.
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
DArN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I second that...and I do mean seconds....hiccup..... ;)
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
Hey langdon, can I hire you to do that to this guy who is breaking my heart? ;D
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
Sorry Jessica...get in line....she is helping me out right now...and we smell a pig....can you smell it? !! :P
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
Ok, ok, I'll wait my turn. :D As for smelling a pig, I do believe that there is the odor of pork in the air! ;)
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
Actually, you know, this is feasible. I mean, the severing would have to come before obicular removal, but the optic nerve is actually quite long.
I do have a friend who offered to do this for me, but it was a while ago. Shouldn't be a problem if you can just get him drunk enough to pass out, but not so drunk that he won't wake back up to get the full visual effect.
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
So, anybody wanna buy some sharp jarts? Or maybe some dull, rusty jarts would serve better? :-/
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
Ok, Where does the line start? I want to play too!! I can think of someone who deserves just that very treatment!!
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
behind me sister,.....cuz we think we had an intruder tonite that wanted to play...but then he changed his mind!!!
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
Evening Ladies, I ......
Excuse me for a sec please....(what's that you say ...... whisper whisper, look.....)
(read read read....)
Arrgghh ! Whoah !
Wrong thread !
See ya later - <exits quickly - any door>
FB :-[ :-X
PS : Lang, I always figured you were playful but WOWEE gal...!
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
If he wasnt dead already (no offense to the dead, but he doesnt deserve curtousy) i would have loved to do that. Actually we could always perform a reincarnation of some sort, bring back the body and then castrate him. He deserved\deserves ur every loathing. I cant believe I ever dated this piece of shi+ excuse 4 a boyfriend who only saw me as a little toy 4 him 2 play with. Arghh!!!! I am still fuming!! I'm the one with the scars but he gets to die. I hope he's in hell, burning 4 what he did 2 me!! My darkest days are because of him.
(If u want 2 know, I will answer in Private Message only)
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
HMMM. The particular individual I have in mind hates the whole concept of "political correctness" and "civil rights". >:( He makes Archie Bunker look like a pleasant, tolerant guy. He cheered when that monster bombed the Federal building in Oklahoma, and said only that the guy was "stupid to get caught" over the fact that helpless children were killed. >:( >:( >:( (The good news is, he's out of my life.)
Langdon, what you have suggested is waayyy too mild for this creep. My fantasies include finding proof he is connected to 9/11, then "accidentally"turning him over to a rabid mob bent on vengance.
And that's about as censor-friendly as I can get. Anyone wants to know more, I'd be happy to explain in a PM.
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
Hey, ladies. Can I have lessons? Sounds like a game for me and my slimey, cheating (with his ex wife, no less >:() ex husband. Tell me where this will happen, and I will be there.
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
dag...first stop is in Arkansas...and moves on from there...so just get in line with us and we will get to your stop soon!!!! ;)
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
dag...first stop is in Arkansas...and moves on from there...so just get in line with us and we will get to your stop soon!!!! ;)
End Quote
I am so there. ;D
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
WAit for me...
We can still spit on his grave.!!!!!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
MMMMMM, more choreography...
Kat, I prescribe for the misuse of his use of the English language, that yours be skewered to a pine table by a railroad spike through the tongue. Then we will lightly etch racial and pedophiliac-tinged slogans over his body with a single-edged razor, pouring battery acid in them to guarantee that they scar. Then we'll set him up for some minor but jail time inducing crime and watch as the inmates discover the slogans and punish him appropriately.
Dagny, for the misuse of his member, I decree that he, believing that he can indeed have two women at once, shall have it cut down the middle with a band saw. Then he should be tied to a narrow board and placed on his back, suspended about ten feet off the ground. The two segments shall be attached to weights that are tossed off either side of him.
Scorp, since he's dead we don't have to worry about keeping him alive to enjoy the poetry of his torture, it's just justice that his heart be spitted and salted and put on a rotissarie as slices are cut to feed the demons who are puncturing his skin with their pitchforks and pouring lava down his throat so he looks like a fiery fountain.
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
MMMMMM, more choreography...
Kat, I prescribe for the misuse of his use of the English language, that yours be skewered to a pine table by a railroad spike through the tongue. Then we will lightly etch racial and pedophiliac-tinged slogans over his body with a single-edged razor, pouring battery acid in them to guarantee that they scar. Then we'll set him up for some minor but jail time inducing crime and watch as the inmates discover the slogans and punish him appropriately.
Dagny, for the misuse of his member, I decree that he, believing that he can indeed have two women at once, shall have it cut down the middle with a band saw. Then he should be tied to a narrow board and placed on his back, suspended about ten feet off the ground. The two segments shall be attached to weights that are tossed off either side of him.
Scorp, since he's dead we don't have to worry about keeping him alive to enjoy the poetry of his torture, it's just justice that his heart be spitted and salted and put on a rotissarie as slices are cut to feed the demons who are puncturing his skin with their pitchforks and pouring lava down his throat so he looks like a fiery fountain.
End Quote
You've given this some serious thought, haven't you? :o
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
You've given this some serious thought, haven't you? :o
End Quote
Oh sweet thing, all girls do at some point.
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
MMMMMM, more choreography...
Scorp, since he's dead we don't have to worry about keeping him alive to enjoy the poetry of his torture, it's just justice that his heart be spitted and salted and put on a rotissarie as slices are cut to feed the demons who are puncturing his skin with their pitchforks and pouring lava down his throat so he looks like a fiery fountain.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
Well, there IS this one guy....but there's not much there to cut off. ::) And forget super-gluing it to his leg, because they don't stretch that far. ::)
You know, that isn't even what bothered me about him...he was soooo arrogant and conceited. What a buffoon. You know what would hurt him? To cut off that long mullet he had. OH!! Sweet justice...
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
MMMMMM, more choreography...
Dagny, for the misuse of his member, I decree that he, believing that he can indeed have two women at once, shall have it cut down the middle with a band saw. Then he should be tied to a narrow board and placed on his back, suspended about ten feet off the ground. The two segments shall be attached to weights that are tossed off either side of him.
End Quote
Darn, girl...I thought I was happy to be rid of him, but this sounds fun, too. ;D
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
MMMMMM, more choreography...
Kat, I prescribe for the misuse of his use of the English language, that yours be skewered to a pine table by a railroad spike through the tongue. Then we will lightly etch racial and pedophiliac-tinged slogans over his body with a single-edged razor, pouring battery acid in them to guarantee that they scar. Then we'll set him up for some minor but jail time inducing crime and watch as the inmates discover the slogans and punish him appropriately.
Dagny, for the misuse of his member, I decree that he, believing that he can indeed have two women at once, shall have it cut down the middle with a band saw. Then he should be tied to a narrow board and placed on his back, suspended about ten feet off the ground. The two segments shall be attached to weights that are tossed off either side of him.
Scorp, since he's dead we don't have to worry about keeping him alive to enjoy the poetry of his torture, it's just justice that his heart be spitted and salted and put on a rotissarie as slices are cut to feed the demons who are puncturing his skin with their pitchforks and pouring lava down his throat so he looks like a fiery fountain.
End Quote
Lang, you are just too good!! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
MMMMMM, more choreography...
Kat, I prescribe for the misuse of his use of the English language, that yours be skewered to a pine table by a railroad spike through the tongue. Then we will lightly etch racial and pedophiliac-tinged slogans over his body with a single-edged razor, pouring battery acid in them to guarantee that they scar. Then we'll set him up for some minor but jail time inducing crime and watch as the inmates discover the slogans and punish him appropriately....
End Quote
Yahooo! That's even better than what I had in mind! Thanks, Langdon. I'll be printing this one out to read over the next time he starts bugging friends and relatives about visitation. (The judge said no. Vehemently. If that's what a total stranger thinks, what makes him think I'll change my mind? Oh yeah, that's right. Stupidity and arrogance.)
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
Thought this would be fun/scary to revive.
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
Good gravy! Is this like a voodoo thread? :o
Remind me never to piss you ladies off!
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
Be afraid...Be very afraid :o
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
Be afraid...Be very afraid :o
End Quote
Yes you must fear the woman scorned. ;D
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
It was a bit disturbing to see this thread with Scorpian's posts until I noticed the dates posted. :o :P :-/ :-X :'(
R.I.P. Scorpian
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
It was a bit disturbing to see this thread with Scorpian's posts until I noticed the dates posted. :o :P :-/ :-X :'(
R.I.P. Scorpian
End Quote
I was thinking the same thing. I miss her. :'(
Subject: Re: Ladies... (seriously, I warned you)
It was a bit disturbing to see this thread with Scorpian's posts until I noticed the dates posted. :o :P :-/ :-X :'(
R.I.P. Scorpian
End Quote
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
I miss her too, :'( , I once read somewhere that when one is missed u see the m in everything, it is true.
A presto (See you soon)