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Subject: Let me know what you think about this...
Every now and then I contribute a film review or two to the Internet Movie Database. I've been doing this for three or four years, and in all that time I have never received any feedback on what I've written. That doesn't surprise or concern me; it's a huge site and I'm sure most people use the message boards to comment on others' comments. But today I got a notification that I had received a private message, so I checked it out. It seems that someone was offended by my suggestion that New Zealand is a place 'still not known for its film-making', and proceeded to be very rude. Apparently this person thought I was insulting NZ somehow by saying this, which I was not. New Zealand has been responsible for some of the best film of the past decade. My argument was simply that it's still not a place people automatically think of when discussing film-making. Check out what I wrote and let me know what impression you got from it:
Subject: Re: Let me know what you think about this...
Hi Goreripper
First of all : How eloquently you write !
Secondly : I presume the comment was from a New Zealander ? I suspect your Kiwi friend suffers from the same inferiority and/or cultural cringe problems as to a lesser extent Australians do when faced with comments from other bigger or more history-rich nations.
For example, A lot of Aussies despise the term down under, as it seems to have negative connotations. But we know that we are in fact 'Up Over' and the original globe maker (Erroneous Globes Inc.) made the first one upside down and that became the norm. Like how Yellow Cabs are Orange.
So as I have got right off the subject, let me answer your question by saying :
You stated a fact - if someone else doesn't like it, that's their perogative.
To send a rude private message is uncalled for.
Perhaps you could amalgamate some of the replies you get to this thread, and send them back to your friend 'Ixpriss'
TB ;)
Subject: Re: Let me know what you think about this...
Your intuition becomes you FB. The comment was from a New Zealander, and naturally was full of innuendo about how lousy our films are compared to theirs, blah blah. I chose not to dignify his idiocy with a reply and deleted the message. I have enough problems without pandering to morons.
Subject: Re: Let me know what you think about this...
I don't think it came across as being a put down to New Zealand. You only mentioned it being an underrated film from a country not readily known for it's films, as I read it. I, for one, have never seen a film from NZ..now does that mean they all suck? No, it just means I didn't realize they were so big on filmmaking. Or, more likely, I'm just not too "cultured" in the film world! LOL! ;)
It sounds to me like this writer has such a chip on his shoulder about his country, that no matter what he reads about it, he/she can find the negative in it. I don't think there is a lot of reasoning to be done with people who have attitudes like that. Did he/she even propose a worthy arguement as to why they have such fine films? (Which you already recongnize, as I read it) And why your country makes such crap? (in his attitude, not mine.. :)) I doubt it.
Like I said, though your review may not have been all that positive about that movie, I don't think it was a review of their darn country... ::)
Ignore folks like that, goreripper. Though taking any reasonable or helpful comments to "ponder" (such as we do around here! ;)) about your reviews is fine, try not to be bothered by obnoxious people that have nothing better to do than complain if you disagree with them. :)
Subject: Re: Let me know what you think about this...
You know whats funny? The only movie from New Zeland I remember ever seeing is the one you reviewed, so is New Zeland know for its film making? I guess not. ;)
Subject: Re: Let me know what you think about this...
I haven't seen the film, but now I'm going to be looking for it.
I didn't feel that was a put-down of New Zealand at all. What I got out of it instead was that New Zealand makes great films, and that this one, while not one of the best, was still fairly good.
Before today, the only thing I knew New Zealand for was that "Xena: Warrior Princess" and "Hercules" were filmed there.
Subject: Re: Let me know what you think about this...
I didn't perceive personal criticism on your part. Some people sometimes take things so personal. ::)
Subject: Re: Let me know what you think about this...
Thanks everyone! And you should check out some NZ films. Most of them are very good. Some that I could suggest (besides 'The Quiet Earth') are:
Heavenly Creatures
Once Were Warriors
Meet the Feebles
Brain Dead
The Piano
oh yeah, and The Lord of the Rings ;D
Subject: Re: Let me know what you think about this...
Thanks everyone! And you should check out some NZ films. Most of them are very good. Some that I could suggest (besides 'The Quiet Earth') are:
Heavenly Creatures
Once Were Warriors
Meet the Feebles
Brain Dead
The Piano
oh yeah, and The Lord of the Rings ;D
End Quote
I've seen Heavenly Creatures, Once Were Warriors and The Piano, and they were all excellent films. Once Were Warriors was very disturbing but a wonderfully made film about the Maori people of New Zealand! :)
Subject: Re: Let me know what you think about this...
This is very similar to what some Indy residents say about Chicago because it is a bigger city. Most of us are just glad we don't have to put up with the big town's traffic and plumbing problems. Hey, our city government can be just as corrupt as theirs. Your New Zealand "fan" should be thankful not to have to deal with Australia's desert heat and tourism. ;)
I liked Once Were Warriors too. But it was not about the Maori tribe as a whole. It was about one Maori's decision to retain the traditional warlike rituals of the ancient Maoris at the cost of his family. He was too drunk and proud treat his family respectible until he finds out his friend raped his daughter and caused her suicide. I don't believe Maori's in general would want to be portrayed in that manner. :(
Hi Goreripper
First of all : How eloquently you write !
Secondly : I presume the comment was from a New Zealander ? I suspect your Kiwi friend suffers from the same inferiority and/or cultural cringe problems as to a lesser extent Australians do when faced with comments from other bigger or more history-rich nations.
For example, A lot of Aussies despise the term down under, as it seems to have negative connotations. But we know that we are in fact 'Up Over' and the original globe maker (Erroneous Globes Inc.) made the first one upside down and that became the norm. Like how Yellow Cabs are Orange.
So as I have got right off the subject, let me answer your question by saying :
You stated a fact - if someone else doesn't like it, that's their perogative.
To send a rude private message is uncalled for.
Perhaps you could amalgamate some of the replies you get to this thread, and send them back to your friend 'Ixpriss'
TB ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Let me know what you think about this...
I liked Once Were Warriors too. But it was not about the Maori tribe as a whole. It was about one Maori's decision to retain the traditional warlike rituals of the ancient Maoris at the cost of his family. He was too drunk and proud treat his family respectible until he finds out his friend raped his daughter and caused her suicide. I don't believe Maori's in general would want to be portrayed in that manner. :(
End Quote
Perhaps not, but I think the film also makes a powerful statement about how the proud traditions of the Maoris has been eroded by white culture. Jake was merely an example; this film could very well have been made about Aboriginal Australians with almost the same plot.
Subject: Re: Let me know what you think about this...
Or Native Americans for that matter. :(
Perhaps not, but I think the film also makes a powerful statement about how the proud traditions of the Maoris has been eroded by white culture. Jake was merely an example; this film could very well have been made about Aboriginal Australians with almost the same plot.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Let me know what you think about this...
Or Native Americans for that matter. :(
End Quote
So true.
Subject: Re: Let me know what you think about this...
Brain Dead - good grief.Not my cup of tea but Ian loves it....
Subject: Re: Let me know what you think about this...
Brain Dead - good grief.Not my cup of tea but Ian loves it....
End Quote
Subject: Re: Let me know what you think about this...
This is what I wrote back:
"I'm sorry you misunderstood what I said about NZ filmmaking. New Zealand makes great films. All the ones you listed are exceptional, and personally I think New Zealand has been responsible for some of the best films, actors and directors of the past decade. I didn't say New Zealand films were bad. What I meant was that New Zealand is not the first place people automatically think of when it comes to countries that make movies. I'm sure Australia isn't either."
Waiting on a reply.
Subject: Re: Let me know what you think about this...
Great response. You are a lot nicer than I would have been. ;D
Subject: Re: Let me know what you think about this...
Well said Goreripper
If they give you another serve, please feel free to cut and paste my earlier response in reply !