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Subject: Tattoos and piercings
I myself only have my ears pierced...but I am dying to get a tattoo somewhere on my body...I just need to come up with the nerve to do it..I HATE needles
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I myself only have my ears pierced...but I am dying to get a tattoo somewhere on my body...I just need to come up with the nerve to do it..I HATE needles
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I got a tattoo once, don't think I'll ever get another. Mines on the left side of my back, I don't know if it was the needles they used or because I was tense, but it hurt bad. A couple hours after i got it, my muscles started to relax, but it feels like a sunburn for a couple days. It turned out really nice though, and they did a really good job.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
What is it?
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
What is it?
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Sorry, It's a wolf standing on a cliff howling at a blue moon, surounded by purple clouds.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Sorry, It's a wolf standing on a cliff howling at a blue moon, surounded by purple clouds.
End Quote
Cool!! ;)
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Well, I got my ears pierced at age 13, but I hardly ever wear earrings anymore so that they closed up. On the rare occasion when I do want to wear them, I sort of have to re-bore the hole.... ;D
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I've got two piercings in each ear (had three, but the third ones closed up), and I have a nose piercing. I want to get my lip pierced, but it costs quite a bit of money ($60!), and I don't have that at the moment! I would also like to get a tattoo, maybe a little devil or a dragon.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I have my ears pierced, two on one ear and three on the other. I used to have my nose pierced. :o No tattoos. ;)
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I don't believe in tattoos or body piercings. BTW, have you seen that commercial for Progressive Insurance where a mother jumps all over her daughter for having her tongue pierced--not for having it done, but for not shopping around for the best price? Funny.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I have an earring.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
have you seen that commercial for Progressive Insurance where a mother jumps all over her daughter for having her tongue pierced--not for having it done, but for not shopping around for the best price? Funny.
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And to answer the question of the topic, Nope.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Nothing yet, but I keep saying I'm going to get a tat before I turn 40. I propably won't actually do it, but I guess I like to humor myself. ::)
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I wanted a tattoo once. Then I watched one being done, nevermind. As for piercings...my ears are pierced once and thats it. I was 5 when that was done otherwise I probably even wouldn't have had it done. I hate needles and tend to avoid pain at all costs.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I have Wile E. Coyote with a cigar in his mouth on my upper left arm and a pair of comedy/tragedy masks on my right. I don't want any more.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Nothing yet, but I keep saying I'm going to get a tat before I turn 40. I propably won't actually do it, but I guess I like to humor myself. ::)
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Lester...you KNOW I think you should just go for it!! ;)
As for me, I have 2 holes in each ear, though I seldom seem to actually WEAR earrings anymore.. ::) and I have one tattoo on my left leg. Did that to "celebrate" turning 30 last year. ;D
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Lester...you KNOW I think you should just go for it!! ;)
As for me, I have 2 holes in each ear, though I seldom seem to actually WEAR earrings anymore.. ::) and I have one tattoo on my left leg. Did that to "celebrate" turning 30 last year. ;D
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What did you get?
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I have my ears pierced, two on one ear and three on the other....End Quote
Same here! I have no tats presently, but am considering a small one (1.5 X 1.5) in the near future. I'm having trouble deciding where I want it.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Two tattoos,both NW Indian designs about five inches diameter, ten piercings including the navel, and more when I figure out what and where.
Cricket, you should celebrate YOUR independence with a tat. Get something you totally love and will remind you of your strength for the rest of your life. I'd elaborate in a PM, but, as I said, I'm on a friend's computer.
P.S. Hey Lester, if you wanna discuss design options, you know I'm your gal. ;)
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I'm having trouble deciding where I want it.
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I have a suggestion!!!
Get your minds out of the gutter, people... I'm talking about her ankle! ;D
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Cricket, you should celebrate YOUR independence with a tat. Get something you totally love and will remind you of your strength for the rest of your life. I'd elaborate in a PM, but, as I said, I'm on a friend's computer.
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See..that is what I was thinking...and I have a friend that has a tat shop where I live that said he would do it and TRY not to hurt me too bad....but I cannot decided where (even though I have been told a place or two to put it ;) ) and what it would be...I had picked out one in Florida last summer that I was gonna get then....it was the Chinese symbol of strength and power..so I will probably go with that...but the where part is still an issue...
and I want to my belly pierced...but first I would have to get thru the tat and then worry about that big needle!!!
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
What did you get?
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Despite my headbanger avatar, it's not a skull and crossbones... LOL! :-/
Seriously though-it's Eeyore with a butterfly on his nose. I put some pics together and basically designed it myself. I thought the guy that did it (and we're talking the BIG, long bearded motorcycle guy) was gonna laugh me out of the parlor! LOL! But he said he liked it...I'm like "yeah, sure you do!" But, everyone I talked to said that as an artist, he could appreciate it regardless. I started to wuss out..asking how bad it was going to hurt, and my sister (with two tats of her own) says "You've had kids, Marci--this is way easier" and the guy says "You've had kids?" and I said, yes, I have two, and he said "Oh jeez--well then shut up and lay back!" ::) Oh well--by the time I thought of chickening out, Eeyore was half done, and I sure didn't want a half-done donkey on my leg! LOL! ;)
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Same here! I have no tats presently, but am considering a small one (1.5 X 1.5) in the near future. I'm having trouble deciding where I want it.
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From what I hear, get it somewhere that isn't RIGHT on the bone. My sister has one right on the edge of her lower leg/ankle, and she said you DON'T want one right on that ankle bone, because it really hurts. Hers is a fairy, and she said that fairy's foot hurt the worst of both hers. Mine is on the middle of my left calf, and it didn't hurt too bad. :)
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
From what I hear, get it somewhere that isn't RIGHT on the bone. My sister has one right on the edge of her lower leg/ankle, and she said you DON'T want one right on that ankle bone, because it really hurts. End Quote
So much for my bright idea! :P
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Now why would you guys want to deface and disturb the flow of your beautiful bodies? ??? :)
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I have 3 holes in each ear and I got my navel pierced last year!! (Thanks Blondie!! ;D) I want a tat but haven't gotten brave enough or drunk enough to do it yet!!
and I want to my belly pierced...but first I would have to get thru the tat and then worry about that big needle!!!
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Little sis, I told you that I can get the needle and lido and do it myself. You know what they say: See one, Do one!!
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Little sis, I told you that I can get the needle and lido and do it myself. You know what they say: See one, Do one!!
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Yoik !!
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Four piercings-ears only! I have the remnants of a DK tattoo on my hand. My friend and I did them ourselves in highschool. We didn't go deep enough everywhere so there are only a couple of dots left. Thank goodness since it is on the top of my hand. I have one professionally done tattoo across my lower spine of plumeria blossoms. My sister and I both got one a couple of months after our Dad died. Sort of, "what the hell, we could be dead tomorrow, let's do it". We had them done on Maui. I didn't think it hurt, she did. I'd like another one but my husband would kill me.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I've got two holes in each ear. I've always wanted to get more but they keep closing up on me. I'm always taking the earrings out for one reason or another, then forgetting to put them back in.
I've toyed with the idea of getting my nose pierced, but it's very hard to convince someone to hire you for a high-paying office job when you've got one. One of my co-workers has her eyebrow pierced, but she got it done after she was hired.
I've been thinking of getting a tattoo for years now. Either on my shoulder, (front or back) or on my upper ankle/lower calf. I want it to be somewhere I can see it, and appreciate it, or what's the point? I haven't picked a design yet, I want to wait till I'm ready to do it.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Yoik !!
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Fuss, that's what the lido is for!! Blondie pierced mine and it didn't hurt at all!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I have my ears pierced and a tattoo on my right ankle. It's a heart with some ivy around it. It didn't hurt and I would like to get another one.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
A vague rule of thumb: if you can pinch the skin hard and not wince, a tattoo wouldn't be too bad. If it makes tears spring to your eyes, (under the arm, inside the thigh), don't do it. The ankles, however, are the exception, what with the needle bouncing off the bone and all.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I had my ears pierced when I was 7 and thats all I have now.I did have my belly button pierced but it went septic and I had to take the ring out with a pair of pliers!?! VERY painful :-/.The jury is still out on getting a tattoo........
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Two tattoos - a black rose on my right shoulder (that is beautifully done) and a unicorn on my chest (that I detest and wish I never would have got that drunk) ;).
As soon as I find someone to design the next one, I'll have three!
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
There's nothing more attractive than a female with a tongue ring :P
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I like your tattoo, RnRF. Very nice. :)
No tattoos here. Got my left ear pierced when I was 18. Got it pierced again and my right ear at 20. The right ear kept getting infected so I let it close up. Can't really wear earrings at my day job so I haven't worn earrings in 4 years. I don't really miss it...
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I like your tattoo, RnRF. Very nice. :)
No tattoos here. Got my left ear pierced when I was 18. Got it pierced again and my right ear at 20. The right ear kept getting infected so I let it close up. Can't really wear earrings at my day job so I haven't worn earrings in 4 years. I don't really miss it...
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Thanks....it's the only one I have. It was done for free by the guy who had done all of Blaines (He had 5) so the price was right :D
Back in 1990 I had my ear pierced (Triple) but have long since let them close up.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Back in 1990 I had my ear pierced (Triple) but have long since let them close up.
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It's really weird -- mine never close up, even if I go for years without wearing earrings. I can always manage to force an earring thru when needed, even tho' it hurts like h e l l sometimes.... ::)
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
It's really weird -- mine never close up, even if I go for years without wearing earrings. I can always manage to force an earring thru when needed, even tho' it hurts like h e l l sometimes.... ::)
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In that case you meant to say :
Holey Hell
FB :-X
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
i have my ears pierced
i have a 2nd piercing in my right ear at the top
I want my tongue pierced (expensive)
i had twin piercings,( ;) )but they r gone now and i wont go into an explaination 4 why i got them in the first place.
(To Woman who dont like pain. DO NOT get these pierced. They hurt like hell)
i also want a tatoo of a Scorpion (no surprise there)arched in attack and the words "Hell Hath No Fury..." done in calligraphy underneath
it will probably be on the small of my back or bikini line (what do u think?)
I jest dont have the money for it yet (the scorpion done the way I want is $120, then the wording in calligraphy $60)
My mom was gonna get one wit me but she freaked when we got to the parlor and i left with her.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
In that case you meant to say :
Holey Hell
FB :-X
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I have 3 piercings in my left ear, and 2 in my right. I have a small heart tat on my left wrist, about where a watch face would lie...it has E.J.R. 17 within it. I also have the Japanese symbol for "son" tattooed on my upper back, right below my neck. They didn't hurt at all...
And Lester, go ahead. Those tats were my 40th present to myself! ;D
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I have a tat of a musical note on my right arm, and my left ear pierced. Gotta get the tat redone, it's fading...
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I myself have 3 tattoos and 4 piercings(I had 5 but I took the one in my nose out) You can't feel the pain of the needles when you get tattoos, it goes numb after a few minutes.Banasy has 2 tattoos... I won't say where :-X
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I myself have 3 tattoos and 4 piercings(I had 5 but I took the one in my nose out) You can't feel the pain of the needles when you get tattoos, it goes numb after a few minutes.Banasy has 2 tattoos... I won't say where :-X
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Aw, c'mon....You can tell Me!
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Those tats were my 40th present to myself! ;D
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You've bought yourself 40 presents? :D
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I have my left ear pierced 3 times and my right one is pierced once....I have a small music note tattooed on my left arm and my avatar is tattooed on my right arm minus the red square..
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Banasy has 2 tattoos... I won't say where :-X
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You mean - two more :o ??? :o
Yeah, tell us LilB....
Mum's the word !
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
i have a tatoo that consists of something added on
see the a$$hole that i talked about in the "Ladies..." thread and I got each others name tatood on each other(worst mistake of my life)
I just added something else to it...
It now reads....
R. I. P.
Rot In pieces
David _______
he he he :P
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
i have a tatoo that consists of something added on
see the a$$hole that i talked about in the "Ladies..." thread and I got each others name tatood on each other(worst mistake of my life)
I just added something else to it...
It now reads....
R. I. P.
Rot In pieces
David _______
he he he :P
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Okay, honestly, I always saw you as too nice to fully warrant the Scorpian monniker. I take it all back. You have balls of the purest brass! (I mean that in a good way, please don't hurt me.;))
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
You mean - two more :o ??? :o
Yeah, tell us LilB....
Mum's the word !
End Quote
Mum's the word? MUM'S THE WORD?? Ah, FB, you are quite the witster, aren't you? ;)
There are some things Mums do NOT tell their kids..... ;D
And R&RF, if I include you it's 41!!!!
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Mum's the word? MUM'S THE WORD?? Ah, FB, you are quite the witster, aren't you? ;)
There are some things Mums do NOT tell their kids..... ;D
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Well Banasy, at least that response is easier to handle than the coloured booing you gave me earlier in this thread !
I thought you'd like it ! ;D
Okilee Dokilee - we'll change from asking LilBanasy to MommaBanasy.....
Or maybe you could show us in the current self pics thread !
FB 8) ::)
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
R&RF, if I include you it's 41!!!!
End Quote
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Okay, honestly, I always saw you as too nice to fully warrant the Scorpian monniker. I take it all back. You have balls of the purest brass! (I mean that in a good way, please don't hurt me.;))
End Quote
I am nice but I've through alot in my life. So just like some of you got tat's 2 making ur coming of age a bit better. I did it to signify the rage I still have against that person and 2 also be happy that I made it through. People never believe me when I say I'm a Bi+ch, cuz I'm always the fence sitter making peace. I can be rude and mean, when I have 2. ;D
None of you have brought out the bi+chy Britttany though.
FYI: I am sad today. Yesterday my 15 yr old cousin had an asthma attack in her sleep and died. :'(
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I have one tat (a rat boy holding a guitar standing behind a sexy cat chick in a red dress and blond hair that says" Dir T. Ratt" beneath) and three holes in my left ear that I rarely wear anymore but they never seem to close up.
BTW Scorpian sorry to hear about your cousin :'(
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Scorpian, that stinks. I am so sorry about your cousin. Keep your chin up, and remember we will be there for you if you need us.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
FYI: I am sad today. Yesterday my 15 yr old cousin had an asthma attack in her sleep and died. :'(
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Please know that a lot of people here care...including me.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Scorpian, I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. :'( :'(
We're here if you need us.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. I know that you have suffered a lot of grief and pain over the last few months. You know that everyone on the board is here for you. Hang in there.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I too, would like to offer my condolances.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I thought I should begin by offering my condolences to Scorpian. That is tragic. You are in my prayers.
My ears are pierced and I hae the cartilage at the top of my left ear pierced. I also have a tongue ring and a belly button ring. Last but not least, I have a tatto of a stone cross with ivy just left and below my navel.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Okilee Dokilee - we'll change from asking LilBanasy to MommaBanasy.....
Or maybe you could show us in the current self pics thread !
FB 8) ::)
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Not sure that the moderaters would allow that..... ;)
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Not sure that the moderaters would allow that..... ;)
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Quick while MW is still on holiday !
Chucky G and Hairspray aren't on at the moment !
Now is the time ...... :)
FB :)
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Quick while MW is still on holiday !
Chucky G and Hairspray aren't on at the moment !
Now is the time ...... :)
FB :)
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Hmmm...a challenge? ;)
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Hmmm...a challenge? ;)
End Quote
As Mork from Ork would say "Ah, a hollitakker, I love a Hollitakker"
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
Don't think we've done this since our flurry of new members.
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
i'm dull. no tattoos or piercings for me...although lately, i've been considering getting a tattoo after i turn eighteen (since my parents would never sign for one). i'm also thinking about getting my ears pierced...
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I have 4 tats & my belly button & my ears are pierced. I have a chain of daisies around my right bicep, a sun (RHCP inspired) on my left bicep, a pyschedelic butterfly on my right calf & a tiny monkey on my back. And I am currently thinking of getting another one. They are VERY addicting. :-/ (But oh so delightful) :D
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
I myself only have my ears pierced...but I am dying to get a tattoo somewhere on my body...I just need to come up with the nerve to do it..I HATE needles
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As most of you know I broke down about 3 weeks after I started this thread and got my first tat ( and it was NOT painful, only one area hurt). It is a Magnolia blossom (for being a strong, proud southern woman ie: Steel Magnolias) on the outside of my right ankle.
Then a month after that I got my 2nd one....it is a heart with one side replaced with the profile of the man in the moon (inside right ankle). It is also cool...but while it didn't hurt me...it did get infected (no fault of my own) and still needs some correcting on it. Goldie and I got these exact same ones as a sign of our sisterhood!! How cool is that!!
PoP is very correct about them being addicting...I have been wanting another one for MONTHS! I have it picked out and designed....just gotta find the time and money to do it. Not gonna tell ya about that one yet...don't want anyone to copy my idea! ;)
Subject: Re: Tattoos and piercings
SS the magnolia one sounds gorgeous - can you post a pic at all ?
I got my first tat 2 years ago. Its a purple medieval graphic of my Libran star sign - the astrological sign itself - not scales - with scrolly type stuff around it. Bout 2 inches high and an inch wide - on the inside of my right ankle. I didnt think it hurt - but then I had a cracked wisdom tooth and had been living on codiene for a week !!!!!
I want another one but am struggling to find just the right thing that I feel I can live with forever. I have a 5 inch scar along my bra line from surgery and have considered a line of notes from a favourite song over it - just cant pick what my fave song is.
Piercings - I had two holes in each ear in the 80's but let all close up. The bottom ones can occassionally be rebored for special occassions - but I have long hair so you cant see my ears anyway - so I dont really bother. In the 80's I had Annie lennox hair so ears were a very visible accessory !!