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Subject: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
Last week my dad and I went to McDonald's, where a really annoying lady who was missing her two front teeth came up and waited on us at the counter, and said "Your total is $500! Haww!!"
Last night, me, my dad, and my mom went to the same McDonald's in the Drive-Thru, and this is how it went.
Lady: Welcome to McDonald's, how can we help you?
Dad: Just a minute.
Lady: Welcome to McDonald's, how can we help you! Haw!!
Dad: I'd like a small sundae, a chocolate brownie sundae--
Lady: I'm sorry, the chocolate brownie sundae doesn't come in small.
Dad: No.. I'd like a small sundae, I WOULD ALSO LIKE a chocolate brownie sundae--
Lady: What flavor small sundae?
Dad: Vanilla.
Lady: I'm sorry, we're out of vanilla sundaes.
Dad: Well, what do you have?
Lady: Chocolate almond caramel swirl or strawberry.
Dad: Strawberry.
Lady: What else would you like?
Dad: 2 small coffees.
Lady: What?!
Dad: TWO.. SMALL.. Coffees.
Lady: Does that look right?? (Talking about Accu-Check Screen or whatever it's called)
Dad: Yep.
Lady: $4.73! 2nd Window! Cream in your coffee??
Dad: No.
(We finally get to the 2nd window after waiting in line 10 minutes, and there, the same lady is working.)
Lady: HI!
Dad: hi.
Lady: $4.73!
Dad: Here's 5.
(It takes the lady 4 minutes to get the coffee, then 3 minutes for my sundae)
Lady: Peanuts in your sundae?
Dad: No.
Lady. Cream for your coffee?
Dad: No.
(Lady thrusts packet of peanuts at us, then turns around to get chocolate brownie sundae, then my dad thrusts package of nuts back onto windowsill)
Lady: Here's your chocolate brownie sundae. If you don't like it, it's not my fault because that guy over there doesn't know how to make sundaes and he put the chocolate on the bottom instead of the top! (Picks up peanuts) Want these?
(Dad drives off)
Sorry about that, but do you have annoying fast food restaurants in your area that are like that? I mean come on, what do they mean they're "out" of vanilla sundaes. It's vanilla ice cream in a cup, dammit. I know they had the chocolate sauce, too, because it was on my dad's chocolate fudge sundae!! Auugh! If that restaurant loves to see me smile, why do they piss me off so much?
Sorry about that, I had to let that out. Any bad experiences at fast food restaurants? (I'm sure you've had some!)
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
McDonald's employees place waaay too much ketchup and mustard in their little cheeseburgers and hamburgers. Those things are goopy as can be!
I finally complained in a smiling and friendly way. I was told that there's no way of measuring the amounts of condiments per burger. Sorry if i didn't like it. There's absolutely nothing that could ever be done to fix that. Next time order it plain or go elsewhere.
>:( How rude!
I told that person how incompetent she was. She was stunned and I walked out.
Burger King's better anyway. It's cleaner, better quality food and their employees are trained to make each and every burger just right, with no goopy messes. They actually measure their condiments!!! :o :)
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
McDonald's employees place waaay too much ketchup and mustard in their little cheeseburgers and hamburgers. Those things are goopy as can be!
I finally complained in a smiling and friendly way. I was told that there's no way of measuring the amounts of condiments per burger. Sorry if i didn't like it. There's absolutely nothing that could ever be done to fix that. Next time order it plain or go elsewhere.
>:( How rude!
I told that person how incompetent she was. She was stunned and I walked out.
Burger King's better anyway. It's cleaner, better quality food and their employees are trained to make each and every burger just right, with no goopy messes. They actually measure their condiments!!! :o :)
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I think Burger King should use the "We Love to See You Smile" slogan since I actually DO smile there, unlike McDonald's.
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
And McDonald's should use Arby's "It'll Change the Way You Think About Fast Food." ;D
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
And don't you just love it when you go to the drive thru, but forget to check your order until you get home, only to have to turn aound and go back because they screwed it up? >:(
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
And, when RIGHT when you come up to the Drive-Thru speaker, they ask you what you want, right away? What the hell are the menus there for?? >:( It's not like I plan out what I want at home!!
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
My sister has a beef (or a fish) with the manager at Long John Silver's close to our house and she won't go there anymore, she says.
My low moment was when I went to the Taco Bell. I told the person at the counter I wanted a Chicken Soft Taco and got a regular taco instead. When I confronted him about this, he said that was what I ordered and he wasn't going to exchange it. The manager then had to correct the guy and gave me the correct order. This was the second time the crew member screwed up my order, and I believe he does not listen to the customers and just goes by what he believes it is. I hope they don't hire more crew members like that, or I will do my business elsewhere.
Slightly off subject, but I recently went to the Marsh Supermarket to get some milk. I was about to enter the first express line, when the punk in the other express line said, "I can help you here. You need to lose some weight." The boy's light wasn't even on. I should have told the manager, but the next time he smarts off will hopefully be his last day of employment there. >:(
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
...McDonald's employees place waaay too much ketchup and mustard in their little cheeseburgers and hamburgers. Those things are goopy as can be!
I finally complained in a smiling and friendly way. I was told that there's no way of measuring the amounts of condiments per burger.....
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I worked at a McDonald's about12 1/2 years ago, and I worked in the kitchen making the burgers. I had to watch a video to learn how to make them correctly, and there was a poster on the wall listing the steps. The mustard and ketchup was placed on the burger from pre-measured dispensers. One sqeeze for each was supposed to put just enough.
My nephew got a job at one (that lasted about a week). He said they don't do it that way anymore, and as for training, all he got was: "You mean you can't tell the difference between raw and cooked?". :P
I go to Burger King nowadays if I go with fast food.
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
Or as I like to say, "McDonald's is becoming so bad, they should just team up with Hardee's."
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
And don't you just love it when you go to the drive thru, but forget to check your order until you get home, only to have to turn aound and go back because they screwed it up? >:(
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That's a "man" thing. Women always pull over and check their order before leaving. :)
My hubby does that all the time. Same thing at the grocery store. Comes home, and then checks the bill and discovers he was overcharged. And then guess who gets to go back with the order.... ::)
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
I only get to eat fast food, 'cus it's the only 'restaurant' I can afford. El Pollo Loco isn't bad... :)
Hey, Tarzan Boy, got that plastic handy? You can take me out to a nice four star restaurant and wine and dine me... ;)
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
That's a "man" thing. Women always pull over and check their order before leaving. :)
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Yeah, my wife tells me the same thing!! ;D
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
hey I work at McDonalds. and yes I've heard some better stories than the ones yous told. I don't eat there sincee i work there, i go somewhere else. but thats only because I know what the food looks like and all. there are some awesome people that do work for mcdonalds, including myself:), you just gotta know where to go.
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
there are some awesome people that do work for mcdonalds, including myself:), you just gotta know where to go.
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Which is obviously not in Marion, Iowa! :-/
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
That's a "man" thing. Women always pull over and check their order before leaving. :)
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Wanna bet? I always ask for burgers with catsup only and lots of times they screw it up. One time I didn't bother to check and they gave us burgers with everything (instead of catsup only, which is what we asked for) and had to throw 98% of the crap they accidentally put on it out and it ruined the burger…
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
Slightly off subject, but I recently went to the Marsh Supermarket to get some milk. I was about to enter the first express line, when the punk in the other express line said, "I can help you here. You need to lose some weight." The boy's light wasn't even on. I should have told the manager, but the next time he smarts off will hopefully be his last day of employment there. >:(
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:o :o :o I would have walked straight to the manager and complained, then I would never go back to that store again.
An employee at the McDonalds by my house said the wrong thing to me and got fired (mwahahahaha). I pulled up to the drive through and ordered. They rang the wrong thing up and when I pointed this out she said "Well we can make mistakes too, you know." I (being the lady I am ;)) said that I would take my business elsewhere, there is no need for an attitude. She said "fine" in a real snotty tone. I (again being the lady that I am ;)) said "f**k you" and drove off. I called the store to talk to the manager. The person who answered the phone laughed and put the phone down. I could hear him mocking me in the back ground. The manager said that they couldn't tell who the employee was. It was 10 minutes ago for goodness sakes!!!!! So I called the office...problem solved..employee gone. I know I didn't exactly act my best, but the attitude she gave me when I corrected the order really hacked me off. >:(
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
I just stopped eating McDonalds altogether.Once in a while I will eat Subways or Blimpies.all that grease and fat just ain't good for me anymore.high cholesterol. -howard-(I'm so funkee!)
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
I hate the "Suggestion Selling" technique - you know the one :
Would you like some Fries to go with that....
I know it is part of their job to ask, so I don't blame the employee, just the company for not allowing their employees to use any initiative.
E.G. : A Few years ago I'm helping my next door neighbour move, along with some other people (not move, helping !).
So he says you and i go and we'll get some KFC for everyone.
So off we go and we practically buy out the store, 3 barrels of chicken, 5 large chips, 12 bread rolls, 8 corns, etc etc. You get the idea.
Then the person says "Would jar like some gravy with that order". We were just stunned. So this guy says "What's wrong, haven't we brought enough yet ?" And she just looks at us with a confused look...... :D
Sometimes I will go to KFC and order a small gravy (only), to add it to something I've got at home. So I get asked "Would you like some Chips or Chicken to go with that ?"
Even if you say when you are ordering "I'd like a small gravy only, and nothing else", you still get asked..... ::)
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
Oh I know...you go to our Sonic and order just a drink...you know an in and out kinda thing and get back on the road....well then I get "would you like some cheese sticks or cheddar poppers with that" well NO...if I did..would I not have said so....then she says "your total is.....and by the way...would you like to add an order of fries with that" and by this time...I am so pissed and thirsty I am screaming NO!!!!! Give me my drink, and the quick stop for a beverage has turned into a 5 minute conversation with a speaker box!!!
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
Oh I know...you go to our Sonic and order just a drink...you know an in and out kinda thing and get back on the road....well then I get "would you like some cheese sticks or cheddar poppers with that" well NO...if I did..would I not have said so....then she says "your total is.....and by the way...would you like to add an order of fries with that" and by this time...I am so pissed and thirsty I am screaming NO!!!!! Give me my drink, and the quick stop for a beverage has turned into a 5 minute conversation with a speaker box!!!
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I feel your pain!!!
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
My hubby does that all the time. Same thing at the grocery store. Comes home, and then checks the bill and discovers he was overcharged. And then guess who gets to go back with the order.... ::)
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There have been several occasions when I haven't looked at the receipt until returning home from the grocery store, only to find that I was overcharged like you mentioned above. I have since learned my lesson and always make it a point to check now before leaving the store! And as for fast food, I always check my order before pulling away from the drive-thru window. Too many times I've found that an employee has failed to give me the right order!!! ::)
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
I hate the "Suggestion Selling" technique - you know the one :
Would you like some Fries to go with that....
I know it is part of their job to ask, so I don't blame the employee, just the company for not allowing their employees to use any initiative.
FB ;)
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Oh, I'm well aware of this technique! Years ago I worked at a record store and the manager would tell us to ask every single customer if they would like to buy some blank cassettes for 99 cents. Arrrggghhhh! >:( I tell you, I started to feel like a broken record (no pun intended!) after a while. And I can only imagine how irritated some of the customers must have been to hear me pushing more products on them! If someone wants something, they will ask for it!
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
my soon to be ex would have rather had a wrong order and make us "fix" it then return to the place and have it corrected...it drove me nuts...but he really believed if you made a fuss over it that no telling what they would do or put in your next order!!! ::) ::) ::)
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
In response to the 'suggestive selling' ("would you like fries with that?"), it's irritating as hell.
The only exception is what they preach at Toys R Us. We're always supposed to ask "did you need any batteries today?" This actually comes in handy, especially at x-mas. You'd be suprised how many people buy something that requires batteries (what DOESN'T anymore?) and not even think about it. I've been on the recieving end of this and had to look at the package, "uh, yeah, let's see here..."
Nothing worse than x-mas morning (or, more often, a birthday party a couple hours later) with a nice remote control car to LOOK at! ::)
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
Heh heh. Being asked for something to add to your order after you've already worked out how much your order is going to be and counted the exact change into your palm is annoying! But most of the fast food places near me are actually quite good. The other night I ordered from the drive-thru at the local McDonalds and as it was quite late they didn't have any Big Macs ready. I sat in the waiting bay trying to figure out why they didn't have even a single specimen of the most popular hamburger in the world waiting in case someone ordered one for a few minutes, until I was finally rewarded with my order... I got it home to find that, to make up for me having to wait, they'd chucked in an extra two servings of chicken nuggets and dipping sauce for free! Yay!
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
In the good old days they used to do that here in Brisbane, Goreripper.
Now you just wait, no matter how long it takes.... >:(FB
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
In the good old days they used to do that here in Brisbane, Goreripper.
Now you just wait, no matter how long it takes.... >:(FB
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Service standards have slipped in the Sunshine State, eh? You need to have another Commonwealth Games or something to wake them all up. ;D
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
hey I work at McDonalds. and yes I've heard some better stories than the ones yous told. I don't eat there sincee i work there, i go somewhere else. but thats only because I know what the food looks like and all. there are some awesome people that do work for mcdonalds, including myself:), you just gotta know where to go.
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I have found that this is true. There are two McDonald's in my city that I have high praise for. The employees are cheerful, polite, and have never mixed up an order (that I know of). Both have a high concentration of customers that are senior citizens. I wonder if that is only a coincidence?
As to the "suggestive sell" technique, it is annoying. When I worked on the register at McD's I found the customer would be less annoyed if I used a little judgement.
One regular customer was an older gentleman who could not have the french fries for health reasons, (he was allergic to potatoes) so I would never suggest them to him. When my supervisor called me on it, I told him what I knew of this man's allergy, and that I thought it would be insulting to suggest something he could not eat. (For the record, I ususally suggested a dessert). The supervisor agreed with me, but only after I went through the aggrivation of explaining things.
Too many of these places insist the employees "go by the book" instead of using their brains. :P
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
Too many of these places insist the employees "go by the book" instead of using their brains. :P
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What, you think large corporations want their employees to think? What kind of subversive are you anyway? ;)
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
What, you think large corporations want their employees to think? What kind of subversive are you anyway? ;)
End Quote
The worst kind. ;) Been one since I was a small child. I would constantly point out errors in the school textbooks...
My daughter is beginning to do the same... (Uh-oh..)
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
OK, wait I'm confused. They actually speak English at your fast food restaurants?
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
OK, wait I'm confused. They actually speak English at your fast food restaurants?
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Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
thought this was quite funny
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
thought this was quite funny
End Quote
Maybe it's my 36 year old eyes, but I can't make out the second line... I can read "now hiring" okay...
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
Maybe it's my 36 year old eyes, but I can't make out the second line... I can read "now hiring" okay...
End Quote
My eyes are only 35 and I can't see it either!! I couldn't even make out the "now hiring" part!! :P
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
LOL! I was an ex-loser at Burger King before my Goverment schticks. When I found out the managers were even bigger losers, I quit and that location closed at little later.
What some good burgers? Try White Castles! Not the frozen ones but the ones that they make on the griddle. You could also try Krystal or another rip-off joint. But the 5 holes make the difference. ;D
Yeah guys, it's "losers".
thought this was quite funny
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Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
My 13 year old eyes can!! It says
Now Hiring
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
My 13 year old eyes can!! It says
Now Hiring
End Quote
Thanks leibew!! Maybe I need to have my eyes checked after all!!!
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
I once saw a sign on a Taco Bell in Ames, IA that said
(I think they were running out of letters :) )
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
Remember on the show Real People where the late Skip Stephenson showed a fast food sign that said "Welcome to Buger King". Then he made all those jokes about being a "picky" eater. LOL, but not for all "tastes"! ;)
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
...the late Skip Stephenson ...End Quote
I had no idea he was dead!! When?
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
I also had no idea that Skip Stephenson had died. :'( Tell us what you know, J.C....
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
heck yeah, white castle got some real tasty burgers
Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
According to imdb.com, Stephenson died of a heart attack on May 18, 1992. Rumours are that he used heroin after Real People went off the air. :-/
I had no idea he was dead!! When?
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Subject: Re: Why I Hate Fast Food Restaurants
my soon to be ex would have rather had a wrong order and make us "fix" it then return to the place and have it corrected...it drove me nuts...but he really believed if you made a fuss over it that no telling what they would do or put in your next order!!! ::) ::) ::)
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When it happens to my husband, he gets really ticked off, but he refuses to go back and correct it, because he doesn't like to complain (At least to the employees; he doesn't have any trouble complaining to me ::) ). So I have to waltz up to the store and be the "heavy"....