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Subject: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of Pot
being legal?
I am. I don't see the harm in it any more than the drinking of alcohol. Just follow the same precautions, right? Marijuana doesn't cause any more harm than alcohol does really, IMO.
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
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Thanks for your response, Jessica. I thought mine would be the only post on this subject. :)
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Thanks for your response, Jessica. I thought mine would be the only post on this subject. :)
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Nope, when it comes to marijuana topics, I'll always respond! ;D
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Nope, when it comes to marijuana topics, I'll always respond! ;D
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That's the spirit! :D ;D :)
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Actually, there have been studies done which conclude that smoking 5 joints is equal to smoking a full pack of cigarettes, as far as the damaging chemicals inhaled into the body is concerned. That alone should make someone think twice about burning one! :o
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Hell I'm in favor of it! :D
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
I think the high is 100 times worth it. Regular cigarretes don't give that, yet some people will die before quitting.
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
I guess it all comes down to individual choice. I tried pot years ago in high school, but I didn't see what all the fuss was about. I always got a better "high" from booze.
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
That's the spirit! :D ;D :)
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lol. ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
I guess it all comes down to individual choice. I tried pot years ago in high school, but I didn't see what all the fuss was about. I always got a better "high" from booze.
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your talking about how smoking is bad? drinking is just as worse it smoking.
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
your talking about how smoking is bad? drinking is just as worse it smoking.
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Exactly my point. ;)
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
your talking about how smoking is bad? drinking is just as worse it smoking.
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Anything is bad for you if not done with moderation. Even eating. Most of my drinking was done in college... I smartened up after that.
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Anything is bad for you if not done with moderation. Even eating. Most of my drinking was done in college... I smartened up after that.
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You get tipsy once in a blue moon, don't you? ;)
Some teens do drink for the sake of drinking and getting drunk and escapism. Adults do learn form those teen years and bad experiences how to drink and moderate, but once in a blue moon it does happen innevitably. Does it not? Am I the only one? :o
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
You get tipsy once in a blue moon, don't you? ;)
Some teens do drink for the sake of drinking and getting drunk and escapism. Adults do learn form those teen years and bad experiences how to drink and moderate, but once in a blue moon it does happen innevitably. Does it not? Am I the only one? :o
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Of course I do... I think any of us who drink have those times when it sort of sneaks up on us! :P
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
I thought so. ;) :)
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
I'm suprised at all the new topics on the board, it being a holiday here in the USA.. :)
As for pot, marijuana, Mary Jane, weed, grass, smoke, blunts, and whatever else you may call it, I'm for it being legalized.
I have not heard of any cases where anyone had died from od'ing on it (unlike most other drugs), and while it can and does do damage to the lungs, it is similar to tobacco cigarrettes. It takes longer, and does more damage to some people than others.
As for the intoxicating effects, it can be compared with alcohol. You shouldn't drive or operate heavy machinery while using it. Some of our younger members may not agree with me, but I also think there should be an age minimum if it is legalized, same as for alcohol. Not everyone reaches maturity at the same age, but a "blanket rule" is easier to work with.
There are also many other uses for the plant. I've been told that one acre of the non-intoxicating parts of the plant will make more paper than one acre of trees. The fibers can also be woven into cloth, or twisted into rope, and the oil can be used for cooking.
And that's a type of cooking oil I'd find a way to use every time!! ;D 8) ;D
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
In our state, the goverment has always been anti-marijuana. And I'm afraid I'll have to agree with them here. Smoking marijuana is worse than alcohol in that it kills brain cells as it impairs thinking and vision. A lot of people think their grades improve with pot, but it's only a short buzz and more cells die off. I wouldn't mind marijuana for medicinal purposes if it were non-addicting. But it's too big a risk. Just my opinion of course.
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Anything is bad for you if not done with moderation.
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Very good point, Lester!
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
I am not for it. I have seen my sister smoke pot for the past 15 or so years...and I have seen what it has done to her. She never has money...her health is going down hill. If she doesn't have any, she is worse than someone going cold turkey from cigarrettes. Of course, this is just my opinion and I am sure that someone will disagree. I probably won't change my opinion on this matter.
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
The problem with pot is the same as it is with any drug: it's habit-forming. Of course, potheads tell you that it isn't, but how long do they usually go without it before they have to have another hit? If it were legal and you could buy it in little packets like cigarettes, people would be smoking them all day and nothing would get done. But maybe that wouldn't be so bad. ;D
I don't smoke it myself as it makes me black out, but I think there should be some level of decriminalisation involved, such as allowing a small amount for personal use at home. Use in a private residence should not necessarily be encouraged, but not an offence either.
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
I think it should be leagl, and regulated the same as alcohol. Age and ID required. SDame laws regarding use. Same punishments for violations (DUI, etc). It's no worse than alcohol. I've met many a drunk, even those that no longer drink, and you can't tell me alcohol doesn't kill brain cells either. As for it being available in packs like cigarettes? I'm not saying pack them in the same size. Maybe a 5 or six pack. If someone is obvioulsy stoned at work, you do the same as if they were drunk. Goodbye. End of story. Regulation will make those in favor of it happy, and also supply the states with needed income.
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Well I'm not anti-dope, or for it really.I know the trials that they have done in this country show that it is a great help to sufferers of illnesses like Muscular dystrophy.
I think it's more a case of quantity and quality.I know two people who have smoked it regularly for 20 odd years and both are incapable of anything coherent now,on the other hand my friends Dad has smoked it just about all his life in small occasional quantities and is fine.I used to smoke it at college but I don't now.It's like anything else out there, there will always be people with addictive personalities who will abuse it.
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Actually, there have been studies done which conclude that smoking 5 joints is equal to smoking a full pack of cigarettes, as far as the damaging chemicals inhaled into the body is concerned. That alone should make someone think twice about burning one! :o
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But since generally speaking you don't usually smoke full joints in one go, the health risk seems pretty similar to cigarettes (I'm part of the take a drag and pass it on culture... pot smoking is much more of a social activity than cigarettes or alcohol)
I'm actually a bit extreme on the drugs issue: I think that ALL drugs should be legalised and licensed, but what are currently class A drugs (Heroin, cocaine etc) should only be available on prescription (i.e. once you're hooked - but that cuts down the amount of money going to the guys who got you hooked in the first place).
The main reason for this is financial: currently we spend billions trying to fight guys who rake in billions from making and peddling the stuff. A lot of the money paid for drugs is the result of crime, either petty or large-scale, and this money goes to the worst people in the world. License drugs, and we free up a huge amount of police time, give the exchequer a boost.
Quoting:Freewheelin' Franklin says: drinking and smoking together is like pissing into the windEnd Quote
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
I'm actually a bit extreme on the drugs issue:
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Right on!
I agree with the legalisation of everything. Both the UK and the US make a big thing about freedom, surely I should have the freedom to use/abuse my body as I wish.
I believe in the fundamental rule of Wicca -
"If it harm noone, do as you will"
Regardless of the state of my lungs, noone else has ever suffered from my smoking of a joint!
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Regardless of the state of my lungs, noone else has ever suffered from my smoking of a joint!
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Hey, smoke all you want!! I don't care if you smoke 5 dimes a week, but I still don't think it should be legal.
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Hey, smoke all you want!! I don't care if you smoke 5 dimes a week, but I still don't think it should be legal.
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I agree with you, Lester. I've seen too many people over the years, turn into zombies :(
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
I agree with you, Lester. I've seen too many people over the years, turn into zombies :(
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Fair point, and I ain't gonna suggest smoking pot to anyone.
I do feel, however, that it just isn't the place of the law to rule peoples health. It's all about freedom!
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Since you asked....no.
I may be in the minority, and that's fine, but personally I feel that it is illegal for a reason, and I, for one, am very uncomfortable with it. Don't matter to me if people disagree, but I'm with dagwood....you won't change my opinion on it either.
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Hey, smoke all you want!End Quote
Thank you, I will! ;D
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
In my opinion, it should be legal....BUT!!! only for medical purposes. Those prescribed it should have some kind of card (like a car insurance or health insurance card) with their picture on it. Of course, this only solves a few problems. There will still be those buying it illegally.
I don't see the thrill in it, for myself. I tried it a couple times, and I didn't see the big deal. I giggled for a half an hour, then I needed a nap. I figure, I make myself laugh all day, what do I need that crap for? But if I had a disease or health condition that marijuana helped, I'm sure I'd see it differently. ;)
So...I guess that's what I wanted to say. Do with it what you will. :D LOL
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Just to clarify -
We are not here to persuade or change anyone's mind about whether or not pot should be legalized. We're just sharing our opinions in a harmless discussion of the issue. :)
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
I'm clear on that, Hairspray. ;)
Just to clarify -
We are not here to persuade or change anyone's mind about whether or not pot should be legalized. We're just sharing our opinions in a harmless discussion of the issue. :)
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Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
It doesn't really matter if it becomes legal or not everyone still does it even when it's illegal
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
I do think it should be a matter of personal opinion...if you want to...then go for it...if not...then just stay away from it....I myself was 26 the first time I ever smoked it...and that was the last time...I puked my guts up for hours on end and I learned my lesson...but I have a friend that has lupus and sometimes it is the only thing that will make her feel better....I don't see why if people know pot can HELP people who are sick that it is not made available to them....but then again..I have to say that there should be a minimum age to purchase it..if it does become legal!!!
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
I don't see why if people know pot can HELP people who are sick that it is not made available to them...
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It helped me with some aches and pains ::) no for reals it actually did............
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Wait. It's not? Then what am I supposed to do with my pansies?
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
I agree with you, Lester. I've seen too many people over the years, turn into zombies :(
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But that's while it's illegal... the main point, IMO, is that we're seeing too many cases like that and the entire emphasis is wrong about how to deal with it. Illegality as a way of trying to stem consumption simply DOES NOT WORK - it wouldn't work for tobacco, it obviously didn't work for alcohol and it isn't working for drugs. We're just getting the same kind of organized crime as was seen in prohibition America but on an even bigger scale.
Quoting cases where drugs have destroyed peoples lives is a distraction from the legal/illegal argument. We would be much better off if the billions spent on drugs were taxable and used to help addicts rather than going to the worst people in the world to use the money to actively try and get more people hooked.
I have yet to hear a really good reason for keeping drugs illegal - the only argument there is is that legalisation would cause an increase in consumption, and even that premise is debatable.
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Legalize everything 8)
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Legalize everything 8)
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Legalize everything subsection 1:
Things which directly or indirectly harm a person other than the person undertaking said activity (e.g. murder, reversing up the motorway) should stay illegal.
err... that's it
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Hmm, I haven't been around too much lately but I just had to throw my two cents in for this topic - http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/cool/cool011.gif - legalize it (please?)!
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
WARNING! TOPIC DIVERSION! Actually, it belongs on a different thread, but you get the idea...
OMG, Syanne, that avitar you have was actually option number two for a tattoo. Where'd you find it? I'm looking for more.
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Another problem with illegal substances is the potential for unscrupulous dealers to sell you tainted or impure products.
Almost everyone I know has heard of someone (a "friend of a friend") who almost died from using something tainted with ground up glass, Drano, animal tranquilizers or something else that doesn't "belong".
Legalization would bring pot (and other drugs) under the supervision of the Pure Food and Drug Act.
(Have I got that reference right? I'm thinking of the law that says you have to label something "may contain peanuts" if you use peanut oil anywhere near the product, in case some of it becomes part of the food.)
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
OMG, Syanne, that avitar you have was actually option number two for a tattoo. Where'd you find it? I'm looking for more.End Quote
Funny you should ask, Langdon! I'm looking for someone to design me a tattoo that's similar to this avatar (I actually posted that under the "tattoos and piercings" posting" yesterday - LOL) since my Indian name (that I just received a couple weeks back) includes my spirit guide the thunderbird. Anyway, I just did a search on the 'net for thunderbirds and found some really cool graphics and I picked this one. Mine won't be exactly the same (it'll be red, for one thing) but most of the designs that I've seen are quite alike.
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
ISmoking marijuana is worse than alcohol in that it kills brain cells as it impairs thinking and vision. End Quote
Yes but holding ur breath also kills brain cells. Smoking cigarettes kills brain cells.
I've never smoked, because i sing. It damages ur esophogus. Now the school of music i go to 4 classes will kick u out even if u smell like pot. So i dont hang around wit my friends who do smoke if i have class. i have no prob being around ppl who do smoke or do drugs because i am extremley strong in my beliefs.
I do drink on occation. but mostly for escapism (as hairspray put it).
The reason why the states wont legalize it is that that they dont have any way to prove u were smoking it if u were driving. I mean if your DUI, then u take a breathalizer or an alchohol test, or that walking in a straight line thingy. But because weed smells so strong it can stay in your clothes and on your breath for hours. its not a steady drug. It all depends on the person, what time u smoke, If youve eaten.
But hey legalize it!! I really just dont give a fu*k. Do what u want with ur life!!
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
(UK) Legal update!
It has been announced that from July next year, cannabis will be downgraded to a class C substance in the UK.
This will make possession a non arrestable offence.
You can still be imprisoned for possession, but not arrested -
isn't UK law great ???
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
It has been announced that from July next year, cannabis will be downgraded to a class C substance in the UK.
This will make possession a non arrestable offence.
You can still be imprisoned for possession, but not arrested -
isn't UK law great ???
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It still means that you pay lots of money to (by and large) the dregs of society to feed the habit. The only reason they haven't bitten this particular bullet and made pot legal is that the do not have the political courage to do so.
I'm not really sure that it is a step in the right direction, just a step in another direction
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
I'm not really sure that it is a step in the right direction, just a step in another direction
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Doesn't this sum up British government? - or perhaps government in general! ;D
You're right, they're accepting the inevitable (monetary) facts but not admitting it to the public.
At least this will free up police time to combat 'real' crimes and leave the smokers to their own business!
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Here's another article about legalizing it, this time in Nevada.
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Here's another article about legalizing it, this time in Nevada.
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Yep! I believe Germany and Austrailia have done the same kind of thing (in regions) and The Netherlands did it in the 70s
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
This will make possession a non arrestable offence.
You can still be imprisoned for possession, but not arrested -
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Okay, someone explain this to me!! How is it possible to be imprisoned without first being arrested?
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Okay, someone explain this to me!! How is it possible to be imprisoned without first being arrested?
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My thinking exactly.....
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Okay, someone explain this to me!! How is it possible to be imprisoned without first being arrested?
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Possession with intent to supply is still illegal - you can be arrested if they think you're dealing, but if they can't prove that, they can still prosecute for possession.
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Possession with intent to supply is still illegal - you can be arrested if they think you're dealing, but if they can't prove that, they can still prosecute for possession.
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So they can arrest and prosecute you, but only if they think you're dealing. Doesn't the case then fall apart if there is no evidence to support the claim?
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
Doesn't the case then fall apart if there is no evidence to support the claim?
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::) mY THoughts exactly
Or might they be assuming that you wont lie... ::)
Subject: Re: Ok. I Have To Be Reminded...Who's In Favor Of
So they can arrest and prosecute you, but only if they think you're dealing. Doesn't the case then fall apart if there is no evidence to support the claim?
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It's going for something you know you can get a result on: rather like prosecuting manslaughter (murder two for our American cousins) when a murder (murder one) won't stick. There's quite a bit of historical legal shenanigans where there's someone the police "know" is guilty of something, but can't prove it; so they run with something they wouldn't normally have arrested anyone for. But as IANAL, I can't quote case history...