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This is a topic from the Playful Penguin Place forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Parents
Written By: Mystery Woman on 07/02/02 at 06:55 a.m.
I know they can be your best friends, or your worst enemies; your biggest supporters, or your most worthy adversaries - that's family, and that's life.
But for those of you who are lucky enough to still have your parents around, if you're fortunate enough to have a good relationship with them, can you do me a favour today? Please tell them how much they mean to you. For no other reason than just because you can.
I'd give anything to be able to tell my Mom today... :'(
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 07/02/02 at 07:08 a.m.
Mystery Woman
I'm sorry you don't have the opportunity to tell your Mum all the things you would like to.
I'll be seeing mine on the weekend, and although we have never been close, I'll bear your words in mind and try to find something more positive than usual to say, instead of discussing endless problems.
Hang in there MW......
FB :)
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: Wicked Lester on 07/02/02 at 07:50 a.m.
Will do, MW.
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: Junior on 07/02/02 at 07:57 a.m.
I'll do that, MW.
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: XenaKat13 on 07/02/02 at 08:04 a.m.
Absolutely will, MW.
I talk to my mom every day, just to say "hey", and whatever else comes up. When I was younger I never appreciated all the things she had to tell me. I know I am lucky to have her around now, and benefit from her experience. She's also one of my best friends, too.
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: Jessica on 07/02/02 at 08:30 a.m.
I will.
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: lebeiw15 on 07/02/02 at 09:25 a.m.
I will, also.
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: TripsMom on 07/02/02 at 10:10 a.m.
Great advice MW. I don't have either parent. I know exactly how you feel about wanting to talk to Mom. Sometimes she's the only one I need to talk to.
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: Bobo on 07/02/02 at 12:16 a.m.
I have a thing whereby I say those things every day. I like the quote from Dave Pelzer, where he says - something like - "Mother, Father, I know you might be worried about my spiky green hairdo and my neurotic friends, but it's okay, I do love you."
This, although a comical representation of what can be portrayed in some families as the small step from the sublime to the ridiculous, is so true in the fact that unless, due to whatever differences you have, you straighten these out and tell them how you feel, it's going to eat you out until you can't tell them any more. I had so many things that I wanted to tell Grandma, before she died, because I knew she was going to, that only made it hurt even more. I was planning to see her on the 5th of January, but she had died on the third. My advice, live for the day, straighten out whatever you can, and drop anything that you have against anyone.
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: jamminoldies on 07/02/02 at 07:15 p.m.
I love my Mother and Father.sometimes they can be pains in the asses but they brought me up and they can bring you down.I've been living in my house for 29 years.since 1973.
Don't worry about it,MW.I wish I could've told my Brother"I love you"before he passed away in 1995. :'(He died at age 24.diabetic coma.
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: dagwood on 07/03/02 at 06:05 a.m.
I am going to be seeing my mom tomorrow. I will tell her.
Keep your chin up, Mystery Woman. :)
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: philbo_baggins on 07/03/02 at 06:27 a.m.
I can't - my mother's in Russia at the moment, but (possibly becuase she's the peripatetic sort, jaunting off to the middle of nowhere: she was in East Berlin three weeks before the wall came down) we do have that kind of talk quite regularly. My father, OTOH, is typically reserved in that he just gets embarrassed :-[
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: RockandRollFan on 07/03/02 at 08:00 a.m.
I have the fortune of seeing my parents quite a bit...including regularly every Sunday for breakfast. Our relationship has evolved from Parents to Son, to full-blown friendship. We all struggled a few years back when they wanted to get all thier stuff prepared for death...papers, what to leave to who, and even purchased thier graves ahead of time. They will be in the oldest part of the cemetary, and because of them doing so it worked out to where my be-loved Blaine is right next to them. They have told me they will look him up when they arrive in Heaven.
You have been there for me through a lot so just know, MW, that you are always in my thoughts, prayers & also in my heart ;)
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: southernspitfire on 07/03/02 at 11:51 a.m.
I tell my parents each nite how much they mean to me...esp right now...since I am staying with them...and they pretty much are supporting me while I go thru this divorce. We just hang out and goof off...it is not like being back at home...but more like being at a resort!! Even last nite when my pooch got very ill, Paps came to the rescue..talking us to the all nite pooch clinic and staying with us til she was ok...and then stayed up with me after we got home to watch over her....this from the man that was almost dead just a few months ago...I feel very lucky to have their love!!
MW....I am sorry you are down....my mom sends her love and you know how we all feel about you!!! ;) :-*
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: Mystery Woman on 07/03/02 at 09:14 p.m.
Yesterday was the second anniversary of my Mom's death. After a year of suffering, she lost her battle with pancreatic cancer on July 2nd, 2000. She was 51 years old.
Knowing what she had been through, I could never wish her back; but I miss her terribly, and certain days are much worse than others. Yesterday was one of those days.
I was fortunate enough to have the time to tell my Mom everything I wanted to tell her before she died. After she got her terminal diagnosis, I took charge of her medical treatment; and when she was no longer capable of her personal care, I moved in with her. During the last two months of Mom's life, I never left her side. When she was awake and coherent, we'd spend hours talking, about anything and everything. Her wish was to die at home, surrounded by her loved ones; and I saw to it that she got her wish. The last thing my Mom ever heard was me telling her I love her...
But two years later, I'd give anything to be able to tell her again. That's why yesterday I asked anyone who could to tell your parents how much they mean to you. I know it isn't always easy to tell people how you feel about them, but IMHO, life is simply too short not to.
I want to let you all know how much I cherish having a place where I feel like I can express my feelings among friends when the need arises. I know many of you have dealt with or are dealing with the illness or loss of a parent, and your empathy and support for me and anyone else who needs it make this board a pretty awesome place to be.
My love to you all. And thanks.
Our tears have been shed
That time has passed
Please remember me now
With a smile and a laugh
Live each day to its fullest
Thank God for each dawn
Please don't curse Him for taking me
My pain is gone
Raise your glass, drink a toast
To the good times we shared
You are one of the people
For whom I truly cared
So let me live on
In your memories and heart
For then even death
Cannot keep us apart
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: RockandRollFan on 07/03/02 at 10:20 p.m.
A beautiful tribute to a wonderful soul.....your mom waits for you in heaven and is proudly smiling on you :-*
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: merry-beth on 07/03/02 at 10:34 p.m.
Wow, MW. Your post really brought tears to my eyes. I need to let my parents know every day in some way how much I appreciate them (I moved home last year after a disastrous relationship). After reading your post, I actually went down to their room to tell them. Thank you for sharing and reminding us of the "little things" to remember. God bless.
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: Indy Gent on 07/03/02 at 10:46 p.m.
June 7 was the 3rd year anniversary of my mom's death. And sometimes I can't communicate with my dad either since he's usually reading a book in bed or cooking. He hasn't gone out much since his Bell's palsy diagnosis. But he's all I have now other than my cat and my sister. As long as I stay at home, I will always need them. The future still looks hazy with him considering selling the house and both of our bad credit history. And I don't believe my sister will move out, at least until September. But don't take your parents for granted. Especially moms. :'(
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: Bobo on 07/03/02 at 11:01 p.m.
True words as always, JC. I lost my Gran at the turn of the new millennium (3rd January 2000), and every time I think of her it still hurts. I certainly didn't take her for granted, especially given her declining health at the end of her good life. She had led one, and as much as it hurts, I live in this belief.
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: Gis on 07/04/02 at 05:05 a.m.
My Dad had major surgery last year and I guess that is another one of those times when it makes you realise you should say how much you love someone more often.Thankfully it all went well and he recovered quickly. It was horrible seeing him in so much pain.I guess you tend to think of your parents as this strong rock to be leaned on same as when you were a little kid.Sometimes now when I see his scar it reminds me how vunerable we all are.
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: Zella on 07/04/02 at 10:37 a.m.
I always got along with my parents just fine -- as long as we were not in the same house.... I have only been home twice in 13 years, as I live on the other side of the continent and cannot easily afford the trip. Sadly, the last time I was back for a visit, they could not stop bickering with each other long enough to make the 10 days' stay pleasant.... :'( I phone my mother about twice a month and talk to my father occasionally. We get along okay on the phone.... :-/
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: Crazy Don on 07/04/02 at 10:42 a.m.
I'm glad you miss your mother. I miss my mother too. My dad is still around but today they had to put him back in the hospital again. He suffers from emphysema and kidney failure but he says he's gonna live to be 90! (I don't see how.) I hope he makes it through, though. :)
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: goldie on 07/04/02 at 11:15 a.m.
MW, When you introduced yourself to me, you told me about your mother and how you had taken care of her. That was a wonderful think that you did for her and for you. I know that she was very important to you. The time that you and her spent together is something that you will have in your heart to cherish forever. You know that if you need to talk that I am just a pm away! <<HUGS!!>>
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: Fett69 on 07/05/02 at 11:30 a.m.
Great advice, MW. And I will follow it myself.
I talk to my Mom nearly every Sunday on the phone (she's back home in Ohio), but don't talk to my Dad much at all. And HE'S in town! Guess I'm making a phone call today.
My heart goes out to you, MW, and all others who have lost a parent. My cousin Tony, who's more like my little brother, lost his father (my dad's twin) in '82. His mother (my Mom's best friend since grade school) passed just 2 yrs ago. I always had mixed feelings on Father's Day, and now Mother's Day, because while I was giving cards & presents to my parent, Tony couldn't be with his.
Subject: Re: Parents
Written By: lilting happily on 07/06/02 at 03:41 p.m.
Hon, you know how much I identify with what you feel. Thanks for continuing to be there for me with reminders that we're all in this thang together...