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Subject: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
This is one question I have to ask....cuz there has been so much discussion about it on other posts...how do you feel about it...I for one HATE IT!!!! I hate the south in summer...it quits raining....the bugs get so bad...and you walk outside and get wet with humidity even if you are standing still...I know I need to leave Arkie and find cooler places...but am not able to do it right now....my motto has always been you can put on more clothes and get warm...but after you get naked to get cool...and are still hot..then what? !!!!!
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
I hate both summer and winter. Summer is where all the teen punks that skipped school get to make noises and bang outside when school is over. I don't go to the pools because I don't want kids making fun of my large gut. Winter is still better than summer, unless we have an extremely cold or snowy month or so. Then we have to scrape the ice off our windshields. And I had my car stolen twice during wintry conditions. >:(
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
I love summer, if only because it's normally a break from all that dreadful rain this country's always getting (okay, I realise you get worse extremes in America, but I cannot fathom that until I see it for myself). As for Winter, again, I know how cold it can get in some parts of America (Canada too?), but I can't cope being out in 20F's for more than a minute or so.
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
I love summer, if only because it's normally a break from all that dreadful rain this country's always getting (okay, I realise you get worse extremes in America, but I cannot fathom that until I see it for myself). As for Winter, again, I know how cold it can get in some parts of America (Canada too?), but I can't cope being out in 20F's for more than a minute or so.
End Quote
Little Bobo Bear!!! ;) We need to trade...I love rain...and lots of it...just no storms...and 20's..give them too me...isn't it strange that no matter where we live...we are never happy...but I would take the cold and rain..that is right up my alley!!!!
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
I have to agree with cricket (don't faint, we do agree on a few things! :P) I don't like the heat and humidity that accompanies summer. I used to really love winter but since I've moved this far north after growing up in Arkansas, I'm not as fond of it. I hate having to get out and drive in the snow and ice! And the week that we spent in January without power was enough for me! My favorites are spring and fall!
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
I'm with Goldie, spring and fall are the seasons for me. Just the right temp with some rain...maybe the fires in our state could be put out too.
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
I absolutely, positively dread the summer. I live in Mississippi -which I often refer to as the armpit of the sun. It starts becoming unbearably hot around May. So, from May to the end of Sept. (sometimes the end of October) it's too hot to do anything outside. I'm a pretty active person, but when I'm hot, all I want to do is rest - the heat wipes me out. Walking outside during the summer is something akin to sticking your body in a heated oven - just add humidity.
On the otherhand, I think WINTER is AWESOME. Of course, the winters down here are pretty mild (around the 30s-40s). I love wearing thick, chunky sweaters and jeans. That's my favorite part. ;) I don't know how I'd deal w/ extremely low temps., but I would prefer to be cold than hot. I hate to sweat (unless I'm working out). ;)
My favorite season is Fall. I love when the leaves start changing and the air gets crisp. It's also a great time because the best holidays are right around the corner. I can't wait until October.
Whoa, I wrote more than was necessary for this topic.
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
Love summertime!!! I've always enjoyed the summer and I don't mind the hot weather at all. The humidity here in Charleston is opressive but the beach is close by so I can go there to cool off!!! :)
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
If I had to choose between Summer or Winter....I'd definately choose Summer. I hate when it's cold..it takes forever to get warmed up, but when I'm hot I can just hop into the shower for a quick cool down :)
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
I really don't like summer...but so I don't hate it as much, I have become completely anti-social with all my friends from school! I don't go outside, to the (neighborhood) pool, basically anywhere inside the neighborhood other than my house, to avoid everyone! The only problem is it makes it harder to lose weight...the kitchen is in the room next to my computer.
For the record, I've only talked to two people from the day after school to this date!
School is gonna suck so bad.
This was a kinda off-topic post, but oh well.
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
I really, really hate summer.
Fall is my favorite season--the heat is gone, but the real cold hasn't set in yet. But that's challenging me lately because I've discovered I'm deathly allergic to ragweed, which sheds it's pollen in the fall.
If I must pick between the two, I'll take winter. I agree with Cricket--you can always put more clothes on, but after you're nakey, there's nothing else to do.
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
Summer is OK weatherwise, no extremes here!
But..Brighton fills up with tourists in the summer so I prefer winter when things are quieter.
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
I hate the summers over here because it always gets foggy and cold. If we're lucky, we will get a few days when it's hot, but then the fog will roll in.
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
I love summer, and also winter, but I would choose summer for my favorite because I would rather be hot than cold!
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
Love/Hate situation. I love the warm weather in Summer but I hate trying to entertain the school aged kid. Bring on Sept!
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
I actually like Summer. In comparison to Winter conditions... Let's say... I'd rather sweat than freeze. ;D I will add that I Loooove snow. It's driving in it I dislike.
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
I could always swop with you. You planning to come live in Shrewsbury soon, then? I'd pack quickly, so you get here before the mad soccer rush.
Little Bobo Bear!!! ;) We need to trade...I love rain...and lots of it...just no storms...and 20's..give them too me...isn't it strange that no matter where we live...we are never happy...but I would take the cold and rain..that is right up my alley!!!!
End Quote
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
I like Summer somewhat.It's just that in the hottest months of July and August,I sweat puddles.It's just too damn hot.80 degrees in the morning and 95 in the afternoon.I come home and I stink to high heaven. :P PU!I just got to jump into the nice shower.But,then hours later,I sweat again.Man,I can't wait till the fall. -howard-
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
To give it a Goldilocks and the three bears scenario...Winter - too cold,Summer - too hot,Spring - just right!
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
To give it a Goldilocks and the three bears scenario...Winter - too cold,Summer - too hot,Spring - just right!
End Quote
Now we're talking Gis ;)
FB :)
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
I could always swop with you. You planning to come live in Shrewsbury soon, then? I'd pack quickly, so you get here before the mad soccer rush.
End Quote
I am willing to pack and start on my way....one more day like today and I might just go to the North Pole and met Santa....it is so friggin HUMID outside that just walking out to my car I get soaking wet...makeup runs down your face..FORGET about your hair looking like anything...and the a/c does not seem like it is able to keep up!! And here I am moving this weekend in weather they are promising to be in the 100's. I must have lost my mind!!
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
Deal, I'll not want another day like today, that's for sure.
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
Speaking from the point of view of someone who spent 22 years in Ohio, where there are four distinct seasons...
Hate winter, 'cus I hate being cold (except I do miss shoveling snow).
Like autumn because I like the feel of winter approaching -- first snowflakes & all (but once it is here -- see above! ::) )
Hate spring because it rains and it rains and it rains and it seems like summer is never going to get there....
Love summer! The hotter the better! In Ohio we only got a couple months of decent weather, here in LA, at least we have 4-5 months of summer and the winters are mild. It could stay 100 degrees forever and I would be perfectly content... :)
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
How about a better perspective from someone who has lived on the west coast and in Michigan for all seasons? Well here goes....
Summer: love the Michigan summers. the sun is not to hot and there's just a cool breeze to cool you down.rains everyone one in while. high humidity, but that doesn't bother me.
Winter: gotta love the snow in Michigan. snows just about everyday. if you like to go sledding, skiing, ,snowboarding or any other snow activities, it's perfect. I don't mind driving in the snow either, since I have a sonoma trtuck it only makes it better with no weight in the back.
Summer: too freakin' hot in Vegas. the average temp I would say is 115 degrees. at night in the mid 90s with a very low humidity and very very very dry. In southern CA also freakin hot. I would say on an average of high 90s and low humidity. not as hot as Vegas though. at least it cools down at night in southern CA.
Winter: the weather in Vegas is perfect. 'bout 50-65 during the day and if you're lucky it will get to the 30s at night. but there's only one problem here, there's no snow. the winter season is also nice in southern CA. you can go to the beach or go play in the snow in the mountains.
take it from the expert ;D
Subject: Re: Summer...Love it or Hate it?
To-day the weather was at an unbearable 97 degrees F >:( (36 degrees C :o ). Living 15 minutes from the ocean doesn't help one bit since I actually do live in a valley (no, not the valley that you're all used to hearing about, but Saddleback Valley - a small portion of cities in south Orange County, California). I came from work at 8am and woke up with a horrible headache from the heat at 1pm >:( After that, I couldn't fall back asleep, but I felt weak and exhausted (so forget about any sort of work out - I may pass out with any sort of mild exertion from physical work). No humidity, just suffocating, oven-like heat. Oh yeah, and I have to make sure to clean my face, like, three+ times a day with anything beta-hydroxy or else suffer the consequences of oily skin and heat >:(
I'll take anything over this dreadful heat :(
Tarzan Boy