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Subject: have you ever dyed your hair?
Have you ever dyed your hair? what color? (whacky colors will becool to share) today I just (for the first time) dyed my Hair a redish color. I guess you would say an Irish color.
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
I'd love to see your hair now, Alicia. I haven't as yet dyed my hair, just sprayed it many different colours.
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
Being a child of the 80's I have been from purple to orange...right now I am settled with salt and pepper!!! ::) :'(
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
Dyed hair, eh?
Oh boy, this is a loooong story.... ::)
Back in 1980/81, my best friend and I (and also another friend and her husband) were fanatics over Rocky Horror Picture Show. We went every Friday, and in May of 1981, we decided that we wanted to do the whole character dress-up for the Hollowe'en showing at the end of October. My best friend was going to go as Columbia, and Bev was going as Magenta, and her husband was going to get the whole shebang from Frederick's of Hollywood and go as Frankie. I decided to play Riff Raff, as he was my favorite character.
But my hair was brown, the wrong color, and a wig would not do, as I had to figure out some way to make my head look shaved at the front, without really shaving it of course. So my best friend's mother determined that there was some way to rig a stocking at the front of my head and thread the hair thru. Except I needed to be blond. I didn't want to bleach my hair, and become blond immediately, and as I had 5 months till Hallowe'en, I just started gradually. It went light brown first, then a sort of red, and by October it was very light blonde. I had gotten so used to it by then that I kept it that way after Hallowe'en was over. I didn't go back to brown till about 3 years later... :)
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
I started dying my hair 5 years ago...and haven't stopped. I tried to stop but the gray bugged me. (grow old gracefully...not!) I normally have dark brown hair, I went with dark auburn for a while...but this last time I went with Deep Intense Burgundy, figuring that I could change it in 4 weeks if I hated it. I absolutely love it...it almost looks purple in the sun. ;D
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
In one word - NO !
(For fear of doing anything to assist it in falling out..... :'()
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
All the time! I usually color it various shades to enhance my natural blonde hair. I've never bleached my hair, thank goodness!!! ;D
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
I started dying my hair when I was 14 (a blonde up until then, my hair had become a really mousy brown which lightened up just a little in the summer). I dyed it a dark reddish brown (with one foray into a bright orange) until I was 24. When I was 24, I met my other and he asked me to stop dying my hair, which I did (I also started growing my hair long then). It took almost 4 years for the color to be completely gone. My natural hair color is still brown, but somewhere along the line, it lost it's mousy look. It now has red highlights (which I find ironic).
When I start going gray is when I'll decide whether I will dye again or not.
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
I have never dyed my hair. But if it starts turning gray, I might. My mother dyed her hair all the time. She died of cancer. Wonder if it was the hair dye?
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
have you ever dyed your hair?End Quote
No, my hair's dying on its own...
Still, I'm sure there would be a parody to Celine Dion's "Have you ever been in love" - I'd do it myself, but I'm afraid I don't have a strong enough stomach to listen to a whole Celine Dion track ;-)
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
Oh boy, have I ever! I dyed it six different colors in two months! My hair is naturally brown, so I dyed it red but it washed out. So I dyed it blonde. I didn't use a bleaching kit, just a blonde dye kit. Then I decided I wanted my hair green. To make that show up, I decided to bleach my hair with a Flash Lightning kit. It turned my hair yellow. But I thought, hey the green is going to cover it up anyway. Let's just say my hair turned out looking like Mountain Dew Soda. So I covered that mistake up by dyeing it red again. My hair looked like the Little Mermaid's hair, which I didn't mind. Then it started washing out, so I dyed it blue-black. And that's where I'm stopping, because my hair has been through hell. I'm lucky it didn't fall out. ;D
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
I got blonde hilites a couple times.
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
In the 80's, I did "Frost & Tips" twice. They call it "highlights" these days, I think.
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
yup. and every time i say it's the last or that i'll only use wash-out dyes, but something always goes wrong. i've done most red shades and a lot of browns and black once or twice and i had a really awesome burgundy in highschool. i can't do blonds because i have jet-black eyebrows and eyelashes and my eyes are really dark brown...so blond just wouldn't look right on me.
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
I was born a redhead, and my hair darkened over time to a shade of dark brown that always looks greasy and dirty, even twenty minutes after it's been washed. I started pestering my mom when I was 11 to dye my hair and she always said no.
Until I was 14, and used a whole lot of "Sun-In" one afternoon at my friend's house after school. It was the first time for both of us, so neither of us knew how much was "too much" My hair turned bright-screaming-ohmygod ORANGE!!! :o :o :o :o :o.
When the very conservative little old ladies in the neighborhood commented to my mother how much better my hair looked, now that it didn't look so greasy (and even thought it was still orange); she changed her mind about killing me, and decided to let me dye my hair. The only rule was that it had to be a color found in nature.
Since then, I have had my hair dyed dark blond (which looked good), bleached almost white-blond (which didn't), a different shade of brown ( which never quite worked, it still always looks greasy), and several different shades of the red and auburn family (which all look ok, and some look really good).
During the 80's my "wild hair color" phase was satisfied, too. I followed the letter of mom's law by sticking to those "natural" shades, but did my own thing by having them all in my hair at the same time. In stripes--a stripe of blond, a stripe of red, a stripe of black....you get the idea. ;D
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
Nope, never thought about it. Might someday, though.
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
Yes,mostly shades of blonde though I did have it red once.At the moment it's got highlights in it.Sounds like a lot of us have tried the old sun-in spray, dreadful stuff, completely knackers your hair!
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
My hair was always Dark Brown/Black...then it started to become more and more gray...so last year I went Blonde. Since then I have dropped about 50 I.Q. points though :D Just joking, all you blondes out there ;)
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
Yes,mostly shades of blonde though I did have it red once.At the moment it's got highlights in it.Sounds like a lot of us have tried the old sun-in spray, dreadful stuff, completely knackers your hair!
End Quote
Me too, Gis. I was red for several times and recently decided to go blonde again. The worst part of it all is keeping with the touch-ups. My hair grows fast so my roots are always dark!
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
I seriously believe that if I ever tried to dye my hair, my mother would destroy me.
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
Welll....you name it and I have colored it that color. Really. The most unusual was when I went with Manic Panic red and blue for K.U. March Madness about 10 years ago....don't ask. ::)
My hair is natch dark red so now I just find a color that matches mine closest and color every 6 weeks, gotta cover the grey that is moving in. ;)
The only color I regretted was blonde. I am not a good blonde and that got re-dyed right away. ;D
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
I started coloring my hair at 19 (I had grey since I was 15). My orginal color was dark brown. Over the years it got redder and redder. I have never done anything too outragious even though one time I used a color that I don't normally used and it came out more purple than red. Never used that kind again. Today, it is more of an dark auburn. Now, I have it done by a friend who is a hair dresser-reminds me, time to make an appointment with her. That grey is very noticable again.
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
The most unusual was when I went with Manic Panic red and blue for K.U. March Madness about 10 years ago....don't ask. ::)
End Quote
I love Manic Panic! I used their Electric Lizard color to dye my hair green! ;D I want to dye my hair again, but it's already damaged beyond belief.
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
I love Manic Panic! I used their Electric Lizard color to dye my hair green! ;D I want to dye my hair again, but it's already damaged beyond belief.
End Quote
You gotta love the Manic Panic. It was the best for wild looks. :)
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
I grew my hair longer in '89 and bleached my hair out platinum blonde. It was a kick for awhile, and it did get noticed. My hair was naturally blonde but not even close to how it looked when it was done. I swear it emitted it's own light. ;D
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
Until I was 14, and used a whole lot of "Sun-In" one afternoon at my friend's house after school. It was the first time for both of us, so neither of us knew how much was "too much" My hair turned bright-screaming-ohmygod ORANGE!!! :o :o :o :o :o.
End Quote
my one friend did that...it took two years to completely fade out!
i highlighted my hair maroon about two weeks ago...i love it. i originally wanted to streak it lime green, but i live with my parents and until i move out, that's not happening. ;) but i really like the color my hair is now; it turns purply-red in the sun light!
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
i bleached my hair once, and it turned orange so i dyed it back to a dark brown within a week :-[
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
I just dyed my hair today...I had let it go back to its natural dark brown but yesterday I noticed hair color was on sale for $5 off a box so I bought 2 and am back to Intense Deep Burgandy. ;D
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
Only my stylist knows for sure ;)
I'd be frightened to know how much grey I actually have...
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
Haven't done it for years. I messed about quite a bit with the semi-permanent colours in shades of reddish-brown (my natural colour is dark brown). Then I decided to do something really different. I (or rather a friend) bleached most of it just leaving the bottom third dark. The dark bit was then clipped close leaving the blonde bit all spiky. Gained me the nickname Fraggle, so you get the picture.
Occasionally think about having it like that again. When my mum got over the shock she admitted that she liked it. Thing is I can't remember how my friend did it.
After the blonde spell I went black and stayed black for a couple of years. Black everything, clothes make-up moods etc.
Now I guess I'm waiting to go grey, then I'll start again
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
I just dyed my hair today...I had let it go back to its natural dark brown but yesterday I noticed hair color was on sale for $5 off a box so I bought 2 and am back to Intense Deep Burgandy. ;D
End Quote
Way to go Dagwood ! I always end up recolouring my hair as soon as it's finally all grown out to it's natural colour ! I have blond and red blond highlights at the moment,I was a guinea pig for a new highlighting technique which thankfully came out really well !
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
Was born an orange-red head :) but it changed to "dirty" dishwater blond when I was about 4 and then a medium brownish red when I was about 11. I finally dyed it when I was 18 and haven't stopped since. My first foray into light blonde produced orange :o and I had to cover it up with a medium blonde which was actually pretty nice. I eventually ended up with light blond (not platinum) but am currently using Brown Sugar #63 (just like Sarah Jessica) and have gotten quite a few compliments. I guess if you have the red you might as well not fight it.
I do let my boys dye their hair though. But only in summer.
One usually has green and another has blue. My oldest was considering fire engine red at one point but is now asking for dreads instead (yikes). I think my youngest wants orange this year. Everyone thinks I'm nuts for letting them do this (and for letting them get their ear pierced) but I don't see it as a big deal. Besides, if you give in on some of the little things, the big things might not be such a hassle.
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
My oldest was considering fire engine red at one point but is now asking for dreads instead (yikes).End Quote
Simply advise him that you know a friend who got dreads and when they attempted to get rid of them later, they ended-up with many "cow-licks" all over their head. :P :o
It's a very true consequence.
I think my youngest wants orange this year. Everyone thinks I'm nuts for letting them do this (and for letting them get their ear pierced) but I don't see it as a big deal. Besides, if you give in on some of the little things, the big things might not be such a hassle.End Quote
Awesome. You must have a great relationship with your kids. That is very nice to see, especially nowadays. :)
On topic:
No, I've never dyed my hair.
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
I should have bought stock in "Manic Panic" hair dye! I used to color my hair once a month at least. It's amazing because I have really healthy hair now. I am lucky because a friend of mine dyed her hair all the time too & now it looks like a broom!
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
My oldest was considering fire engine red at one point but is now asking for dreads instead (yikes).
End Quote
My brother had dreads for quite a while. His were down to his butt. Then, he dyed them blonde, which looked kinda cool (his hair is naturally med. brown). Now, he's got it short, kinda spiked, and blonde.
As for me, I currently have light blonde, med blonde, med brown, dark brown, and red highlights. My hair is naturally brown, but with natural curl, one color highlight looked funny so my stylist and I decided to be a little creative. It actually looks pretty cool. Oh, and there's those pesky greys that keep popping up. But, over the years, I've been almost every shade of natural color that is possible. Haven't forayed into blue or green, but everything from platinum to black.
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
My oldest was considering fire engine red at one point but is now asking for dreads instead (yikes).
End Quote
Not that I'm against dreads but I had a couple of friends who had dreads and both got nits and the only way to get rid of them in the end was to shave the dreads off :-/
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
Thanks for all the info about dreads. I've been sorta avoiding the question for awhile but now I have some really good reasons why he shouldn't do this. I really don't mind the long hair part only the matted, dirty aspect. And bugs :o Yuck!!
That should be a good enough reason. :)
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
Thanks for all the info about dreads. I've been sorta avoiding the question for awhile but now I have some really good reasons why he shouldn't do this. I really don't mind the long hair part only the matted, dirty aspect. And bugs :o Yuck!!
That should be a good enough reason. :)
End Quote
Well, once my brother got them going, he washed it like normal. He never got bugs in them, but I have heard of it happening. Maybe you could talk him into braids?
Subject: Re: have you ever dyed your hair?
Way to go Dagwood ! I always end up recolouring my hair as soon as it's finally all grown out to it's natural colour ! I have blond and red blond highlights at the moment,I was a guinea pig for a new highlighting technique which thankfully came out really well !
End Quote
I am the same way...I told myself I would stay natural because it is much easier. Then I found a great deal on coloring and couldn't resist.