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Subject: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
I can absolutley not STAND Alanis Morrisette's voice. Do I need to explain why?
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Well, I don't mind it, but I can see where you're coming from.
I can absolutley not STAND Alanis Morrisette's voice. Do I need to explain why?
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H from Steps, Ronan Keating, Britney Spears (love her songs, get annoyed by her dolphin-on-helium voice).
Et cetera.
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Mariah Carey (she screams too much)
Willie Nelson (too nasal)
Aaron Tippin (originally he was also too nasal; but he sounds a lot better these days)
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
These are hilarious, TB!
Also, Bon (Voyage) Jovi
Jalen (Stinkin') Rose singing "Take Me Out To the Ball Game" at the Cubs game.
Courtney Shove
Donny & Marie Osmorond
Mandy No Moore
Princess Die (Diana Ross)
Destiny's Brats
Where do I even begin? I'd be sitting here all afternoon! :o
Spear Britney
the son of Julio Iglesias
Wimp Bisquick
Lickin' Pork
All the bi-bands
EmmaNim-compoop and all the c-rap from 1990-present
Saline Peeon
THE Dook Meth-eeews Bend
99.9% of Fluff Rock from the 80s
I doubt When Stiff-anni's ability to sing any good
That bag lady from Fleetwood Mac (she dresses so garishly!): Duck thinks she's people ;D
Aaargh-anise noMore-set
Soreh Maclachclachalan
Kid Suck
Sorey Amos
The Smashing Popcorns (with few exceptions)
Paddle of mad
The S-piss Gurls
Poop Retch
...just a to name a few...
Tarzan Boy
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Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Whitney Houston
Mariah Carey
Michael Jackson(sometimes).
-howard-(don't call me jammin'!)
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
I can absolutley not STAND Alanis Morrisette's voice. Do I need to explain why?
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I absolutely agree!
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Nelly Furtado...if she is so much like a bird...then fly the hell out of here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
I got a good chuckle out of your parody names, Tarzan Boy!!! Quite hilarious!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Whitney Houston or any R&B singer that sings in her style, I never want to hear "I will always love you" again yet I'm exposed to it almost every day, even though her version of the damn song is almost TEN years old.
I'm also sick of Cake, I always thought that guys voice was horrible. the first time I heard the song "The Distance" it was so bad my roomate and I thought it was a joke, and I use the word thought lightly.
Blink 182, Not only them, but the thousands of punk bands that sound exactly like them. If punk is so original and alternitive why do all these bands sound the same?
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
The other day I realized that I absolutely hate Prince's voice.
Add to the list:
Janis Joplin
Britney Spears (of course)
Um, I know there are plenty more, but I can't think of any of them. I'll hafta get back to ya.
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Janis Joplin
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HOW did I forget that one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUK!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Nelly Furtado...if she is so much like a bird...then fly the hell out of here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Definatly! Also that horse in a mac(as my friend Paul called her after the Grammys)Macy Gray and finally BOB DYLAN....AAAAAARRRRGGGGH
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Mariah Carey
Macy Grey
Aretha Franklin
Micheal Jackson
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Mariah Carey
Macy Grey
Aretha Franklin
Micheal Jackson
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Shannon..I agree with you on all but Aretha...but why her.....seriously....I have to ask!! Which song?
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Also, Bon (Voyage) Jovi
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I agree!! HATE them! Ewwwwwwww.. ;)
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Nelly Furtado...if she is so much like a bird...then fly the hell out of here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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LOL! My thoughts exactly.
Macy Gray...sounds like Donald Duck had too much to drink...
Ma$e & Fluff Patty...um, you're better off just letting the sampled track play than try to rap over it.
Ja Rule, and by association J-Lo. She's going the way of Mariah Carey on that one; trying to be all "thug" & all that. Stick to your Latin roots, woman! And Ja, clear your throat before you start spewing lyrics. He & most of today's rappers can't carry a tune in a bucket.
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
I laughed SO hard when I first heard about Sean "Puff Daddy" Combs changing his name to P-Diddy...it reminded me of that movie title Chitty-Chitty, Bang-Bang" ;D As for more:
Mariah....she really sounds like she's lying on her back, holding a long note while somebody is jumping up and down on her! In fact most all of the R&B singers over do that Fluttering cr*p with thier voices. Give me the Four Tops or Chi-Lites, ect., anytime, for Real Rythum & Blues :)
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
>:(Macy Gray *sutters*
And Shakira "Ever hear her live?" Don't!! :-/
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Courtney Shove
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Ah, how could I ferget KURT-ney Shove?
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Macy Grey
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I can't believe no-one mentioned her sooner! I absolutly can't stand her voice. Like your comment Dj Midas!
Ja Rule - what is with that throat - it's about time you went to the doctors for a check up, mate!
People also rave about Shakira - may I ask what is so good about her???
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Billy Corgan, the lead from Rush, and Christine Aguilera. Dogs howl, ears bleed!!!!
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Alanis Morrisette - too whiny
Dixie Chicks - see above
Mariah Carey - yuck :-X
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Dixie Chicks - see above
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I think Natalie Maines' voice is irritating…
And Macy Gray? No la comprendo.
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Shannon..I agree with you on all but Aretha...but why her.....seriously....I have to ask!! Which song?
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I have always hated Aretha Franklin....I knew most wouldn't agree with me. Sorry.
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Patti LaBelle.
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Mariah Carey
Britney Spears
Macy Grey
Michael Jackson
Ringo Starr
Christina Aguelera
Madonna (the newer stuff) (sorry Michael!)
Tom Jones
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
I have to add Cher. Talk about a totally manufactured, fake-o voice....among other things.
Oh, and Natalie Merchant. She always sounds as if she is so bored with whatever she is singing....
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Oh, and Natalie Merchant. She always sounds as if she is so bored with whatever she is singing....
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I know! Exactly! But, you know, her music IS boring..
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
I have to add Cher. Talk about a totally manufactured, fake-o voice....among other things.
Oh, and Natalie Merchant. She always sounds as if she is so bored with whatever she is singing....
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I sooooo agree about Cher. Also, Macy Gray. I'd like to add Eminem (great parody, TB)...he sounds like the cast of Sesame Street on crack. There are many more, but I am too sleepy.
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Yes, but Bert and Ernie would probably release a better song, and, if we're judging by the standards of Eminem, actually warrant the title of "music genius" much more justifiably.
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Macy Grey
Dave Matthews Band (seems like they are popular over on the west coast)
The pop scene
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
I sooooo agree about Cher. Also, Macy Gray. I'd like to add Eminem (great parody, TB)...he sounds like the cast of Sesame Street on crack. There are many more, but I am too sleepy.
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LOL!! "Sesame Street on crack"! What an interesting mental picture! ;D
I have to agree there, I don't like Eminem's voice either. I will not comment on his lyrics or musical ability because I have never heard a whole song of his. I just can't get past the voice.
I also can't deal with the Bee Gee's high-pitched squealing. (the Saturday Night Fever stuff). Barry Gibb used his normal voice on their earlier stuff, and it sounded sooo much better.
And lately Mick Jagger sounds like he needs to retire. Again, the early stuff sounds great, but the more recent stuff sounds like he's just "talking" his way through the song.
Bob Dylan. His poetry is beautiful, but he should stick to writing. Bad voice.
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
I can't stand Bonnie Raitt's voice!!! I was at Red Lobster last week enjoying an otherwise nice meal when her cruddy version of Roy Orbison's "You Got It" began to play. Almost gave me an upset stomach!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Hey, don't knock the voice of the great Bonnie. She can't help it if she's the daughter of a Broadway musical star (John "Oklahoma" Raitt). After listening to Melanie ad nauseum since 1975, I like to hear more from Miss Raitt. :D
I can't stand Bonnie Raitt's voice!!! I was at Red Lobster last week enjoying an otherwise nice meal when her cruddy version of Roy Orbison's "You Got It" began to play. Almost gave me an upset stomach!!! ;D
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Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Sorry... it's just my opinion and that's what was asked here, unless I'm mistaken...
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Well, you're entitled to yours. We'll just agree to disagree here and go on with our lives. ;D Thanks for your input, 80sTrivia.
Sorry... it's just my opinion and that's what was asked here, unless I'm mistaken...
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Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
I have to agree with 80's Trivia..if i hear "Something to Talk About" one more time..I will have to hurt someone..and I don't care who her parents are...she hurts my ears..and my dogs ears!!
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
That wasn't one of her best songs. I liked her earlier work and "Nick of Time" much better. But I can think of many people with worse voices than Ms. Raitt. And it's too extensive to list here. ;)
I have to agree with 80's Trivia..if i hear "Something to Talk About" one more time..I will have to hurt someone..and I don't care who her parents are...she hurts my ears..and my dogs ears!!
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Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
I much less prefer that song to a lot of other songs I've been listening to (most out of choice) but you wouldn't believe the good stuff they have on the radio request hour (which, incidentally, lasts from 12mid to 6am). It tells me what I've always told myself, radio presenters have very wooden tastes, and only the tastes (plural) of the people (who like various things, as has been shown even on this messageboard). What I'm trying to say is that people who get paid to play music, play the music they're told to. Often I have listened to Radio One and heard unedited versions of Parental Advisory tracks. Getting back to the point I want to make, this proves what people, in general like, gives us an idea of our own tastes compared with the tastes of others (the more varied the better, no?), and proves that different artists have good and bad songs, good and bad periods throughout their singing career which are matched in the times when they've sung, the way that they sing it, and the amount of respect that they have for the song itself. For an example, The Ev's, who once did a cover version of Release Me (which, in my opinion, has nothing to respect, but...) put varying efforts into their cover version, meaning that you could really hear the differences between their attitudes in the music. So to say, Phil and Don thought differently of that song, one put in a mediocre-to-awful vocal performance, and one belted it out to convey his real feelings about this song.
If tastes of performers (for another example, Brian Wilson hated Don't Talk Put Your Head) are anything to go by, the vocals are bound to be either very good (ie, they're trying to portray how they feel falsely), or very bad. It's only because, in Brian's opinion, Pet Sounds grew to be one of the best albums of the 1960s, that he put so much into the song itself (also recorded by Ronstadt, and very well).
Of course I don't like every song I listen to, that's the point of radio, to cater for all different tastes, but the songs that I do listen to, I have the greatest respect for, from a musical perspective. Again, "the people" feel differently to me.
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
Anything by Bonnie Tyler, post-Lost In France...
FB :(
Subject: Re: Which Singer's Voices Can't You STAND?
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Thank you! I despise him....not just cuz of his lousy views, but anyone worth his salt knows he should never get behind a mike. And frankly I don't much like his melodies either - not to mention his lyrics (see above). Probably most-overrated "entertainer" <i>ever</i>, from every front.
I'm surprised anyone would mention Whitney Houston - she can <i>actually</i> sing.
Mariah Carey was supposed to be a protege, but I agree she does too much hi-top screeching. But I still love her melodies and she basically <i>can</i> sing. She just seems to try emulating more those who <i>can't</i> who do alot of screaming to pass it off - and are usually the ones called great "artists".