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Subject: cicadas:
I love cicadas during the hot,steamy summer months around July and early August.Sometimes,when you wake up on a July morning,you can hear them chirping.One time,I picked one up and tried to pet it and it stuck me with it's hind legs.(OUCH! >:()Never try to pet it like I did. ;D As soon as the Summer months end,The Cicadas wither up and die.Some hibernate.Do any of you like cicads(ja-kay-das)those green cricket-like creatures that come out in July and August? -howard-(don't call me jammin'!) :D
Subject: Re: cicadas:
Yeah, I remember those little suckers. When I lived in So. Illinois they were synonymous with the warm, balmy spings and summers. I never tried to pet one, though.
Now that we're on the subject, I also remember being mystefied by the eerie, distant sound of a baby screaming every night, only to later discover that it was actally the mating call of the toads that inhabited the area.
Subject: Re: cicadas:
No, those things scare me to death. They're on my hate list, right up there with roaches and centipedes.
However, I do like the sound they make - summer memories.
Subject: Re: cicadas:
I never hear cicadas here in LA, but we had them all the time in Ohio in the summer. And as a child, I used to be fascinated by the little brown shells that they left clinging to the bushes.
Subject: Re: cicadas:
I loved playing with cicadas as a kid! I remember finding their shells all over the trees and playing with those as well. During certain summers, there would be so many cicadas making their chirping noises that it would be deafening outside! :o
Subject: Re: cicadas:
no...no...HELL NO!!!!!!!! We just had a bad outbreak of them....the noise would drive you crazy and you could not walk out in the yard without crunching them under your feet....they finally left/died about a week ago and I hope it is years again before we see them!!!!!!! >:( >:( >:(
Subject: Re: cicadas:
cicadas are locusts, right?? The ones that come out every 14 years..or do you mean grasshoppers? ???
I never petted them. They never looked very 'petable'. :-/
I do find the sounds the grasshoppes make soothing. I only want to shoot the locusts. >:( They are so flipping noisy and make for slippery walking. My dog found them tasty, though ;D
Subject: Re: cicadas:
cicadas are locusts, right??
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Just looked it up...I thought they were, too. Seems cicadas are inaccurately called locusts. Locusts are found mainly in the Middle East and Africa.
Being born and raised in the Calif. bay area, my brief stay in So. Ill. was an interesting experience. I wasn't used to being bomarded by any number of 'creepy-crawlies' every time I exited the house. There were these little, fat, round beetles that flew everywhere at night, bumping into me and ricocheting off my head; there were spiders that hung down from the tree branches on a single strand like apples on a tree. As they were hard to see, I would bump into them. There were stinging horseflies and deer flies swarming over my head. I would run in an attempt to lose them and a few seconds later, the swarm was back doing touch-and-gos off my noggin.
Some people don't like snakes, I can't stand bugs.
Subject: Re: cicadas:
Seemed like the sound around town in Phoenix when I was growing up...very irritating. I think I tuned them out eventually. Can't decide if I'd rather listen to cicadas or that puppet on the Miller Lite commercial...
Subject: Re: cicadas:
Not sure if they were cicadas or crickets, but we had a lot of chirping, singing bugs that only came out at night when I was a kid. Any bug that chirped at night were called crickets, even if they were not.
The sound was so soothing, that when I had surgery as a kid, I dreamed of crickets chirping as I went under with the anesthetic. When I came to, I insisted up and down that I could still hear them chirping. Unfortunately, I was in the middle of the downtown area, on the eighth floor. There was no way I really heard them. My mother thinks I was either still dreaming, or the drugs were making me hallucinate. ::)
Subject: Re: cicadas:
Actually I think one was attacked outside my house by ants
It is being torn apart and stored for the winter
Ants are vicious little things aren't they?
Subject: Re: cicadas:
Actually I think one was attacked outside my house by ants
It is being torn apart and stored for the winter
Ants are vicious little things aren't they?
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Food for the anteaters, of course!! ;D ;D ;D
Er, other than that, I don't really know. :-[
Subject: Re: cicadas:
Just looked it up...I thought they were, too. Seems cicadas are inaccurately called locusts. Locusts are found mainly in the Middle East and Africa.
Being born and raised in the Calif. bay area, my brief stay in So. Ill. was an interesting experience. I wasn't used to being bomarded by any number of 'creepy-crawlies' every time I exited the house. There were these little, fat, round beetles that flew everywhere at night, bumping into me and ricocheting off my head; there were spiders that hung down from the tree branches on a single strand like apples on a tree. As they were hard to see, I would bump into them. There were stinging horseflies and deer flies swarming over my head. I would run in an attempt to lose them and a few seconds later, the swarm was back doing touch-and-gos off my noggin.
Some people don't like snakes, I can't stand bugs.
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I remember when years ago,A cicada flew,it bounced off me and it landed on my arm.It pricked me with it's legs.didn't hurt though but when I tried to pet it,It made that irritating sound("sssss")like a"leave me alone"sound.Then it flies away.I think I remember one of them flew right in our house. -howard- (don't call me jammin'!) ;)
Subject: Re: cicadas:
Dear Lord, I just got back from camping last weekend, and they were EVERYWHERE!!!!! They took off with my daughter Dorothy and my dog...wait, that was the flying monkeys in "The Wizard Of Oz." I don't have a dog. I'm negotiating about my daughter. ;D
My little one and I were coming out of the lake, and one flew up and stuck on her butt. Rather than alarm her, I just swatted it off. My spawn started yelling "What did you hit me for?" I should have just calmly told her about the cicada, right?
They were swarming everywhere...we finally got campsites in the sun so they wouldn't bother us any more...and nothing says "Boy, I'm camping!" like the lovely aroma of decomposing cicadas... :-X
Yuck!!! Are they worse than usual, or what? Since coming home I have not seen one, tho I've heard them.
Subject: Re: cicadas:
I don't know exactly when they come out but I think they come out as early as late July.2nd week of July.-howard-(don't call me jammin'!) :D
Subject: Re: cicadas:
The little boogers were out in force the weekend of June 22!
Subject: Re: cicadas:
...My little one and I were coming out of the lake, and one flew up and stuck on her butt. Rather than alarm her, I just swatted it off. My spawn started yelling "What did you hit me for?" I should have just calmly told her about the cicada, right?...
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I've done that. Swat something off someones backside, (a bug, a leaf, dust) and the other person had no clue why.
For some reason though, nobody believes me when I tell them I was swatting a bug. ::) ;D ;)
Subject: Re: cicadas:
I've done that. Swat something off someones backside, (a bug, a leaf, dust) and the other person had no clue why.
For some reason though, nobody believes me when I tell them I was swatting a bug. ::) ;D ;)
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Plus, saying "I just wanted to touch your booty." is frowned upon...with your children. Members of the opposite sex over the age of consent is fair game!!! ;D ;)
Subject: Re: cicadas:
Has anyone seen 2 cicadas mate? ewwwhewww! :o :P
Subject: Re: cicadas:
Has anyone seen 2 cicadas mate? ewwwhewww! :o :P
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OMG!!! Yuck! Just the thought is gross! :-X
Subject: Re: cicadas:
Has anyone seen 2 cicadas mate? ewwwhewww! :o :P
End Quote
I don't think we had to go there...I for one...and not gonna sit there and give them that much of my attention!!!
Subject: Re: cicadas:
When praying mantids mate, the female bites the head off the male BEFORE insemination.
Cicadas are the loudest animal on earth. A single cicada can chirp louder than a plane taking off.
In Jurassic Park, why did they call them velociraptors and not deinonychus?