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Subject: What do you think of Southwest airlines new policy
Heres the deal in case you haven't Heard. southwest airlines is going to start charging "Heavy set" people for two airline tickets instead of just one. how are they going to tell if you require two seats? Apearently its up to the person at the ticket counter. What do you think about this?
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
If the people behind the counter were to catch a flight and have to pay double because of their physical characteristics, does it therefore follow that they should receive two salaries every payday ?
Seriously though, are there such things as anti-discrimination laws there ?
Would they apply ?
FB ???
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
That just pisses me off. >:(
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
I just heard about this one too. I think it is obvious that it is discrimination. But, what I'd like to know..
If they are going to get two seats as opposed to one (and they better, if they're paying two fares)--then for all those folks that order tickets online, or even over the phone--will it say "Do you require two seats?", and how do you know if you do? So say you say "no", and then when you get there and the stick woman behind the counter says "Oh, I'm sorry...you need an extra seat" Now, have they not already sold that seat next to you? Will they still have space for you? What if they don't? You've paid, you've made your plans..can ya sue them for screwing them up?
My husband thought, well, they can *guess*, or decide based on weight. My thought on that is, no, because a 6' 7" man will likely weigh well over 200 pounds. But does he take up more room? No, he's tall, not "overweight". His knees will get sore...so should he have to pay for an extra row of seats so he can stretch out comfortably??
Furthermore, if they are going to decide at the airport-what will they have? A seat from an airplane set up at the counter, just like the little metal rack that says "If your carry on doesn't fit in this, you must check the bag"..that says "If you sit here and your thigh flows over by more than 1 inch, you must purchase an additional ticket" ? And do we really want Ally McBeal judging that anyway?? Plus, many overweight people are already plenty embarrassed or self concious by the fact that they are "bigger". Why not just go and humiliate them even more in front of everybody at the airport?? That just annoys me. You know that the are already uncomfortable enough in those tiny seats, but now let's make it worse for them, so the slimmer people are comfortable? How fair is that? Now I don't think that it's all because of grouchy other passengers and mean no rudeness to them--but you've got to wonder how did they come to the decision? And are they refferring to really obese folks, or those that are just overweight, period?
I don't know, I'd have to have much more info on it before I could truly make a call on it. Plus, in fairness, I don't fly enough to recongnize how uncomfortable people can get if they are being "squashed out" by a heavy person, and I do need to take that into account. But this whole thing may not apply to me personally, but it really angers me because I do know people that are overweight, and I hate to see them being judged so harshly over this. :(
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
I think it sucks myself.
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
They won't get away with that. I'm sure activists, boycotting and lawsuits are in the works. The airlines will pay dearly for discrimination. No question about it.
I feel bad for those insulted and affected by this and mad at those inconsiderate people who caused this.
I would say to those people who may be affected by the ridiculousness to not subject themselves to that humiliation, choose another airline.
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
Sounds like a clearcut case of discrimination to me. What would happen if they tried to make black people buy two tickets? Same principle.
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
FYI this is not a new policy...it may be new to Southwest but many airlines have been doing it for years.
I worked as a travel agent for 12 years and we were instructed to use our "judgement" on whether we felt a person would need two seats or not and to charge them accordingly....there was a time when the "second seat" was only charged at 1/2 the rate...as if to make the discrimination less or something....
and FYI...I never charged anyone....
I don't agree with the ruling now and I never agreed with it then.
What's next? NOT charging people like Calista Flockhart b/c they can fit in the overhead bin? Sheesh.....
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
I just heard about this one too. I think it is obvious that it is discrimination. But, what I'd like to know..
If they are going to get two seats as opposed to one (and they better, if they're paying two fares)--then for all those folks that order tickets online, or even over the phone--will it say "Do you require two seats?", and how do you know if you do? So say you say "no", and then when you get there and the stick woman behind the counter says "Oh, I'm sorry...you need an extra seat" Now, have they not already sold that seat next to you? Will they still have space for you? What if they don't? You've paid, you've made your plans..can ya sue them for screwing them up?
My husband thought, well, they can *guess*, or decide based on weight. My thought on that is, no, because a 6' 7" man will likely weigh well over 200 pounds. But does he take up more room? No, he's tall, not "overweight". His knees will get sore...so should he have to pay for an extra row of seats so he can stretch out comfortably??
Furthermore, if they are going to decide at the airport-what will they have? A seat from an airplane set up at the counter, just like the little metal rack that says "If your carry on doesn't fit in this, you must check the bag"..that says "If you sit here and your thigh flows over by more than 1 inch, you must purchase an additional ticket" ? And do we really want Ally McBeal judging that anyway?? Plus, many overweight people are already plenty embarrassed or self concious by the fact that they are "bigger". Why not just go and humiliate them even more in front of everybody at the airport?? That just annoys me. You know that the are already uncomfortable enough in those tiny seats, but now let's make it worse for them, so the slimmer people are comfortable? How fair is that? Now I don't think that it's all because of grouchy other passengers and mean no rudeness to them--but you've got to wonder how did they come to the decision? And are they refferring to really obese folks, or those that are just overweight, period?
I don't know, I'd have to have much more info on it before I could truly make a call on it. Plus, in fairness, I don't fly enough to recongnize how uncomfortable people can get if they are being "squashed out" by a heavy person, and I do need to take that into account. But this whole thing may not apply to me personally, but it really angers me because I do know people that are overweight, and I hate to see them being judged so harshly over this. :(
End Quote
Well said, Marci.
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
Heres the deal in case you haven't Heard. southwest airlines is going to start charging "Heavy set" people for two airline tickets instead of just one. how are they going to tell if you require two seats? Apearently its up to the person at the ticket counter. What do you think about this?
End Quote
If this is the case David Spade and Calista Flockhart should pay half-price each and share a seat.(If they share a flight) ;D ;D
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
My local radio's "morning show" has been discussing this for a few days now. One person calling in made the point that the heavier the plane is, the more fuel it uses. :P
That *may* be true. I personally disagree, I don't think it would matter all that much on one of those huge commercial planes that carry a couple of hundred passengers at a time. The extra weight that a "heavier" person would bring is really negligible.
I'm sure that in fairness, someone is going to demand that all children under a certain age pay only 1/2 or 1/3 fare.
Also, I think that someone who is grossly overweight would be concious of that fact, and purchase two seats anyway. I ride the bus with a neighbor who is "big" and she never tries to sit in the single passenger seats. They are too uncomfortable for her. She always goes down to the back where there are two or three adjacent seats. The local transit authority would never dare to try to charge her or anyone else two fares because of her size.
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
I disagree with almost all of you. Have you ever bought a shirt a Wal-Mart? They charge about 20% more for they're larger sizes. The same thing applies on the Airplane, If the plane Is full and you need two seats you should have to buy two seats. The airline shouldn't charge a larger person for only one seat when they take two on a crowded plane. That extra seat they take up could have been used by another paying customer.
On the other hand, If the plane is not full, then the airline shouldn't charge larger people for two seats. Also, It's Southwest's planes and they should be allowed to do whatever they want without anti-discrimination groups getting involved. If people that dissagreed used their checkbooks instead of thier emotions, Southwest Airlines would soon see a drop in sales, and change their policy.
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
... Have you ever bought a shirt a Wal-Mart? They charge about 20% more for they're larger sizes...End Quote
OK, that makes sense.
Never having flown anywhere, my opinion must be based solely on travel by bus and train.
But as to the shirt analogy, why then do infant and children's clothes (at the same store) cost the same as, or more than the adult's clothes? There must be more to it than just size.
I'm guessing the airlines must have more in mind than just size too...
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
My dad and I both agree that this is blatent discrimination. My P.I. (Politically Incorrect) sister says that she doesn't need a huge person sweating and heaving their flab in her face, and they either need to lose weight or pay for a second seat. But why legislate someone's flaw for more airline profits? It's just another excuse for airlines to cover their own fat asses. (With apologies for my language to my Christian sister, Zella. ;))
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
But why legislate someone's flaw for more airline profits?
End Quote
But why should the Investers and the CEO of an airline have to pay for someones Flaw? Because they are allready Rich? Airlines have lost a lot of money after 9/11, maybe this is just a way of them getting some of it back.
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
This is not the right way to recuperate some of the lost profits from 9/11. There are better ways, like offering lower fares to the handicapped and seniors. Or getting rid of First Class seating? Or asking the Fortune 500 companies to bail them out? Maybe it's not that easy, but it sure beats losing customers because of a policy that appears to be discriminatory. But you do have some valid points.
But why should the Investers and the CEO of an airline have to pay for someones Flaw? Because they are allready Rich? Airlines have lost a lot of money after 9/11, maybe this is just a way of them getting some of it back.
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Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
This is not the right way to recuperate some of the lost profits from 9/11. There are better ways, like offering lower fares to the handicapped and seniors. Or getting rid of First Class seating? Or asking the Fortune 500 companies to bail them out? Maybe it's not that easy, but it sure beats losing customers because of a policy that appears to be discriminatory. But you do have some valid points.
End Quote
You have some Valid points two, but I don't think the airlines will ever get rid of first class, as long as thiers people who will pay that much. After all, one first class passenger can make up for three lost coach passengers.
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
..and, hey, if all else fails, WE, the taxpayers (including the overweight ones...) will end up bailing them out anyway - and they can lay off even more workers while the corporate big wigs still maintain their HUGE bonuses :D Yeah, do some people REALLY think that the airline industry did not receive money from the govt. after 09/11?
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
I can see your point, Screwball, but I still think it is discrimination. There are people out there who look at an overweight person and assume they won't fit. I am overweight, but I would fit into one seat just fine. I would not want some Ally McBeal lookalike behind a counter telling me I needed two tickets because he/she thinks I would flow over.
Subject: Re: What do you think of Southwest airlines new po
...I am overweight, but I would fit into one seat just fine. I would not want some Ally McBeal lookalike behind a counter telling me I needed two tickets because he/she thinks I would flow over...
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I think this is the true problem here. Who decides who is, and who is not, overweight?
For most of my life, I have been unable to buy "regular" clothes, in "regular" stores. Everything they carry is way too small for me. But I cannot buy clothes offered at "plus size" stores either. Even the smallest item at a "plus size" store is way, way, too big for me.
As Marci pointed out, you cannot go directly by the scale either. A man who is 250 pounds and only five feet tall would be considered by most to be "overweight". But a man taller than six feet, weighing the exact same is not.