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Subject: What do you Boycott?
This is the thread to post witch products You will never support and the reason why. It could be a product you bought in the past and were unhappy with it, or it could be bassed on a principle. Things I will never buy:
Any GM Vehicle - Theres a couple reasons why i wont buy a GM vehicle. The first, Is there trying to Petition the U.S. to require all vehicles to have daytime running lights. Second, GM is compromising Its own Customers freedom by using intelligent systems, the technology will allow state to monitor violations of emissions standards and speeding remotely (It also allows Gps tracking and a few other user features).
Compuserve- I had a bad expierience with thier Internet service, they charged me $279 dollars for one month of service. My bank statement didn't come to to the end of the month I didn't find out for 25 days, and to get a full refund I had to call within 5 days. So, they only gave me $150 of it back.
CD's - Ever since the Grammy awards of this year I have stopped buying CD's. The head of the RIAA got up and made an anti-file sharing speach, pretty much alienating all of his customers, and the ratings for this years grammys prove it (Only 200,000 more people watched the grammy's than watched the Country music awards). So I am not buying a CD until they change their position.
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
Pet stores that sell animals. Too many of them buy from Puppy Mills or breeders who over breed their animals, so I won't even buy a dog biscuit from them. This doesn't include stores like PetSmart who let animal shelters bring in cats and dogs for adoption.
Old Navy, I hate their comercials.
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
A certain convenience store chain. My father works for them and around Christmas they moved him from the store he was working just fine in to another store without even asking him. This new store didn't have hours to give so his were cut severly (no hours for 3 weeks). Then just after he was told by the manager that she didn't have any hours she hired someone else to take his place. They also won't give him a raise because he is at the top of the pay scale for his position (asst manager), yet they won't promote him. In all they are treating him like dirt.
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
A certain convenience store chain. My father works for them and around Christmas they moved him from the store he was working just fine in to another store without even asking him. This new store didn't have hours to give so his were cut severly (no hours for 3 weeks). Then just after he was told by the manager that she didn't have any hours she hired someone else to take his place. They also won't give him a raise because he is at the top of the pay scale for his position (asst manager), yet they won't promote him. In all they are treating him like dirt.
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I know that must've been Wal-Mart. I know it. It has to be.
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
Pet Supplies Plus opens The Humane Society for adoption of cats, but the cages are too small for even one. Unfortunately, The Humane Society in Indianapolis is not infallable. The former chairperson resigned after it was found she was using fund money to pay off her credit cards. >:(
Getting back on the subject at hand, I would boycott Sears because of their cheap-ass products. And Burlington Coat Factory for their part in covering up the fact that they bought fur from China, which was made from the coats of tortured dogs (as reported on Dateline NBC a couple years back). :'( In fact, I should boycott products made in China.
Pet stores that sell animals. Too many of them buy from Puppy Mills or breeders who over breed their animals, so I won't even buy a dog biscuit from them. This doesn't include stores like PetSmart who let animal shelters bring in cats and dogs for adoption.
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Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
I know that must've been Wal-Mart. I know it. It has to be.
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Nope, sorry, actually it was 7-11...don't know if I should say that but it's true.
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
Nope, sorry, actually it was 7-11...don't know if I should say that but it's true.
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Oh, darn. I wasn't even close. See, they too have a reputation for treating their employees like garbage. I'm sorry to hear of the bad experience, dagwood.
I boycott cds. Just because the whole industry is a rip off and that includes dvds. I mean, really. Certain scenes from movies end-up on the "cutting floor" for a reason. I'll stop here. ;D
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
Nope, sorry, actually it was 7-11...don't know if I should say that but it's true.
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7-11 pulled that same kind of crap with me about 20 years ago. I had just moved to CA, was living up in the desert and could not find a job there, so I answered a 7-11 ad for a job in LA. They interviewed me, told me I was wonderful and hired me. The store they needed me at was going to franchise out in a little over a month, and bring in it's own employees, but they said not to worry because they would move me to a company store. When it came time for the move, they were all over the place trying to figure out where to put me; finally moved me to a store that really didn't need anyone, and then spend the next month telling me what a great employee I was to my face, and pulling stunts behind my back, like posting one schedule and changing it without telling me, so that I did not show up one night I was supposed to work and then claiming there had been no earlier schedule posted (I found it hidden in the office a few days later). Eventually the "laid me off" claiming I was not vigilant enough in controlling customer theft, but in actuality there was just as much customer theft on the other persons' shifts. The truth was, they really only needed someone to work that original month, and never had the guts to tell me that they never intended to keep me on. In the meantime, I had moved to LA, rented an apartment, and burned all my bridges behind me. It was one stressful period until I could land another job.
7-11 are not the only companies that do this, however, I had a friend who went thru the exact same thing with Red Lobster.
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
I'm avoiding a certain coffehouse chain. Not only do I not care for the taste of their product, but I am not happy with what they did when they came here.
There was a small, extremely local chain of coffeehouses (only four shops) that many of my friends worked at, especially when they were between jobs. The Big National Chain came in, and without waiting even five minutes to see how well these people worked, fired them all. A few tried to re-apply for jobs as employees of the chain, but were told, "no, you don't think like we do". (Huh? What does that have to do with anything?)
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
Starbucks because of what they did to the ambulance workers on 9/11. Go here to read about it.
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
Starbucks because of what they did to the ambulance workers on 9/11. Go here to read about it.
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It's messed up what they did to them on that day, but in all fairness the article does say this:
Starbucks isn't heartless -- it did provide free coffee to rescue workers, gave $1 million to the September 11th Fund (a national relief endeavor to help victims of the tragedy), and collects further contributions for the fund from its customers and friends. It's thus not an unfeeling company, merely one that fell down badly on problem resolution.
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
It's messed up what they did to them on that day, but in all fairness the article does say this:
Starbucks isn't heartless -- it did provide free coffee to rescue workers, gave $1 million to the September 11th Fund (a national relief endeavor to help victims of the tragedy), and collects further contributions for the fund from its customers and friends. It's thus not an unfeeling company, merely one that fell down badly on problem resolution.
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And it also points out this question to think about:
Had the story about the ambulance workers not gotten out and had it not given Starbucks a black eye, is there reason to suppose that check would have been written or that apology made?
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
And it also points out this question to think about:
Had the story about the ambulance workers not gotten out and had it not given Starbucks a black eye, is there reason to suppose that check would have been written or that apology made?
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True, but using that same logic it actually worked out for the better that the company did charge them, because Instead of donating $130, The company ended up donating $1,000,130
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
DVDs-- I'm not going to replace all the movies I own and all the stuff I've taped just to get some better sound quality.
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
IAMS pet food..they proclaim the best food and products for the animals...but yet they are one of the biggest animal testers in the US.....including here in Arkie at one of the nations largest toxilogical centers.....just miles from my home!! >:( >:( :'( :'(
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
IAMS pet food..they proclaim the best food and products for the animals...but yet they are one of the biggest animal testers in the US.....including here in Arkie at one of the nations largest toxilogical centers.....just miles from my home!! >:( >:( :'( :'(
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I don't know if your aware but Iams and Eukenuba are one in the same. Unfortunately, one of my dogs will only eat Iams so I cant join you in the boycott.
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
I'm boycotting Tapes and CD's. I only download music now, or buy used at yard sales.
And I'm boycotting clothes ;D
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
And I'm boycotting clothes ;D
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Buying or wearing?
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
I don't know if your aware but Iams and Eukenuba are one in the same. Unfortunately, one of my dogs will only eat Iams so I cant join you in the boycott.
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yes I do know that...and I don't buy it either...switch your dog to Science Diet if you want a vet prescribed food...it must taste better if my picky Shar Pei will eat it...and she won't hardly eat anything
and TV9 is boycotting wearing clothes..we all know that by now!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
yes I do know that...and I don't buy it either...switch your dog to Science Diet if you want a vet prescribed food...it must taste better if my picky Shar Pei will eat it...and she won't hardly eat anything
and TV9 is boycotting wearing clothes..we all know that by now!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ACtually I don't really have a say in it a was feeding them gravy train before I joined the navy, you cant beat $7.00 a bag. When I returned home they had the dogs on this Iams stuff. Lets sea One of my dogs is thirteen and Ate gravy train most her life (although only likes Iams now), and the other dog ate Iams all her life and died at age 4. ::)
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
I don't know if your aware but Iams and Eukenuba are one in the same.
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Both owned by Procter and Gamble, one of the biggest harvesters of bunny eyelids known. I try to avoid all of their products. ("I dunno, Walt. The chlorine makes 'em blind when it's all by itself, but maybe when we mix it with peroxide and make 'em swallow it nothing will happen. We better check!")
Robert Downey Jr. anything... see my rant on disliked celebrities
Veal. I've seen one too many pictures.
Crack and heroin... now they're telling me the money goes to support terrorists. Well I cut that habit out toot sweet, let me tell you!
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
Both owned by Procter and Gamble, one of the biggest harvesters of bunny eyelids known. I try to avoid all of their products. ("I dunno, Walt. The chlorine makes 'em blind when it's all by itself, but maybe when we mix it with peroxide and make 'em swallow it nothing will happen. We better check!")
Robert Downey Jr. anything... see my rant on disliked celebrities
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Yup..I have sent many an angry letter to P&G..and what do they send me....FREE coupons for their products..OH yeah..RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! ::)
and as far a RD Jr goes..watch Home for the Holidays....I have to take up for him in this one...as far as families goe..this is mine is a weird sort of way....while I am not a gay man...in the role of life...I am him..the trouble maker....the instigator...goldie is the older sis..with her 2.5 children...(or she was) and the role of Helen whats her name is our younger sister Kerri....it is a household fave at Turkey Day here...and it is remarkable how much it says about us!!!
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
Good Grief! I had no idea about IAMS or that they were Procter and Gamble though that figures.I won't ever buy their stuff again.They managed to keep that VERY quiet in the U.K!
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
ACtually I don't really have a say in it a was feeding them gravy train before I joined the navy, you cant beat $7.00 a bag. When I returned home they had the dogs on this Iams stuff. Lets sea One of my dogs is thirteen and Ate gravy train most her life (although only likes Iams now), and the other dog ate Iams all her life and died at age 4. ::)
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Iam's is low quality dog food sold as higher quality to fool us that we are feeding a better product to our pets....especially after the company had switched hands....you are better off feeding your dog Gravy Train.
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
As of last night, Fuddruckers. This is the second time I've made it home with a to-go order only to find out they've screwed it up (and if mama's not happy, ain't nobody happy). Called them up to see what they could do about it since I did not feel like driving back out there and the manager was no help at all. >:(
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
7-11 pulled that same kind of crap with me about 20 years ago. I had just moved to CA, was living up in the desert and could not find a job there, so I answered a 7-11 ad for a job in LA. They interviewed me, told me I was wonderful and hired me. End Quote
Plus, they made yo ulisten to Disco Duck over and over and over didn't they Z ?
Well maybe they didn't, but they were vicariously liable at least, for your emotional torture !
FB ;)
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
Plus, they made yo ulisten to Disco Duck over and over and over didn't they Z ?
Well maybe they didn't, but they were vicariously liable at least, for your emotional torture !
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LOL! You have a memory like a steel trap! I better be reeeal careful what I tell you! ;)
Actually that was AM-PM where the bimbo from Boron (yes, there really is a place called Boron) subjected me to Rick Dees for 8 hours every morning. :P
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
Maybe they should change their name to Rud...uh you get the picture. ;D
As of last night, Fuddruckers. This is the second time I've made it home with a to-go order only to find out they've screwed it up (and if mama's not happy, ain't nobody happy). Called them up to see what they could do about it since I did not feel like driving back out there and the manager was no help at all. >:(
End Quote
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
What did you expect by the world's largest Satanic cult in the world (at least that's the rumor)? ;)
Both owned by Procter and Gamble, one of the biggest harvesters of bunny eyelids known.
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Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
Maybe they should change their name to Rud...uh you get the picture. ;D
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Yeah, I've called them that and a few other choice names. ;)
Taco Hell's done the same to me in the past. I've been pretty good about checking the order before leaving their parking lot. Last time they screwed up Mrs. Midas's order I took it right back in and exclaimed, "I can not go home with this..."
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
I boycott AOL, for numerous reasons like not leaving me alone when I'm perfectly content with my DSL service, for false advertising (If you've ever work at a Gateway call center like I have, you know that AOL 6.0 is definitely NOT "easier than ever"), and for being overall pains. I give them credit for the early jump in on providing people internet access, but seriously... most local ISPs blow it away.
I boycott Starbucks, but that's simply because I detest anything remotely related to coffee (I boycott every other coffee house as well).
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
I'm not a 100% purist when it comes to this, so I'm not boycotting per se, but some of these are some of the products I watch out for. The day I truly start boycotting is the day I will be strong enough (physically and mentally) to quit the human race...
I don't eat chicken and pork. I'm slowly weeding out the meat. I've seen the slaughterhouses and heard how those animals scream...it's really bad how the animals are kept, treated, and slaughtered. I can't eat them anymore.
BMW. This is a company that profited from Jewish slaves during WWII and now refuses to pay restitution to these same people. Volkswagen, Opel (isn't this company related to GM?), and others also reaped profits from this practice, but BMW is the worst of them.
Philip Morris. This includes not buying Jell-O, Miracle Whip, Kool-Aid, Miller Beer, Kraft, Shake 'N Bake, Maxwell House coffee, as well as the cigarrettes!
I don't eat any fast food - just 'cause.
Radio. This I boycott 100%.
The Democratic and Republican parties. They just be a buncha whack hoes who sell out to big corporations and PACs anyway...
Psychology and psychiatry, and it's brand of "medicine"...
...among other things...
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
What do you live on, TB? After you've cut out all the above, there isn't much left!!
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
What do you live on, TB? After you've cut out all the above, there isn't much left!!
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I know, I know...thus, I can only truly boycott once I quit the human race.
Did I mention I don't buy Chiquita products, "organic" foods (I'd rather eat genetically modified food!), and don't bank at Bank Of America and Wells Fargo...
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
...and don't bank at Bank Of America and Wells Fargo...
Tarzan Boy
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Well, neither do I... but then there isn't one in my area either. :P
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
aol-Awful, Outragous, Liars
nba-Notorious, Boastful, Attitudes
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
LOL-Lots of Laughs. ;)
Unqualified, Nosy, Ingrates Grabbing Our Votes.
Inert Nose Diggers of Traffic (Jams)
aol-Awful, Outragous, Liars
nba-Notorious, Boastful, Attitudes
End Quote
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
I am with the one who boycotts petshops! All of my furry friends are all resued from the pound! And YES, I spay and Neuter! And unfortunately, they are finicky, and only eat Iams as well! But I do boycott Procter and Gamble for the same reasons! And let me add Gillette un there as well! I am a PETA member, so I keep up to date on all that! Of course, this means, I boycott fur coats unless they are attached to the live animal who I rescue from an abusive situation!
Peace,Cat Lover
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
I am a PETA member...End Quote
That's interesting, because I boycott PETA. :o
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
That's interesting, because I boycott PETA. :o
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Me too.
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
That's interesting, because I boycott PETA. :o
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Oh my God, so do I!
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
Me too.
End Quote
Me three. Or is that me four?
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
My sister is a big animal lover and even she boycotts PETA.
May I suggest the local Humane Society (except ours, which has gone through tough times recently) or ASPCA? :)
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
Pardon my ignorance, but it's due to the 'Tyranny of Distance'
Can I ask what is PETA and why do people boycott it
FB ???
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
Pardon my ignorance, but it's due to the 'Tyranny of Distance'
Can I ask what is PETA and why do people boycott it
FB ???
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PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Lots of people consider it to be a whacked group...
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
That's interesting, because I boycott PETA. :o
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I also boycott PETA. (sorry lost track of the numbers ;)) I am an animal lover, though. I boycott pet stores. When I get my daughter a pet, we will go to the pound right down the road. For 40 dollars you can get a pet and a certificate for spaying/neutering. My sister just spent 400 dollars in a pet store, and she has to pay for her own spay/neuter. I think that it is ridiculous.
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
I have read reports of PETA "liberating" animals from captivitiy. If they are/were wild animals still in their native area, all fine and good.
But the news reports I have read show that PETA has caused thousands of dollars worth of property damage, injured and/or killed people in the process, and the animals they were supposedly liberating were domestically born and bred animals with no idea how to survive in the wild. One incident in particular had about 20% of the animals being killed by passing cars, and handful becoming food for local feral animals, and the vast majority of the rest just stuck around the buildings where they were born, and had lived for most of their lives.
Personally, I don't believe in testing products on animals (since when does spraying oven cleaner in a bunny's eyes produce anything but pain for the bunny?)
And all of my family's pets have come from the pound, including a pedigreed German Shepherd we had when I was a kid. Most people are not aware that you can get purebred pets at the pound.
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
I saw a news documentary on PETA entitled "Chickens are People Too" and the PETA member shared her home with chickens that she rescued. Tres strange!
Subject: Re: What do you Boycott?
I saw a news documentary on PETA entitled "Chickens are People Too" and the PETA member shared her home with chickens that she rescued. Tres strange!
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Well, I had these miniature chickens as pets a long time ago...They were cute and fluffy - smart too.
Tarzan Boy