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Subject: cracking knuckles:
I swear that I've been cracking knuckles for almost 15 years.Now,I crack almost everyplace on my body.My toes,feet,legs,ankles,knuckles,head,neck,arms,back.I do this cause I'm flexible and I know how to stretch my body in such ways that It may look painful to you,but It's relaxing to me.I also do it after I get out of bed.I don't know if this true that If you keep cracking your neck,your head will fall off OR that If you keep cracking you will get osteoarthritis? -howard- 8)
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
I do that all the time and I'm double jointed in my fingers, so I have to bend them backwards to crack them (it looks really gross). I don't think you can get arthritis or anything like that from cracking your knuckles, neck, etc.
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
I crack my knuckles every single freakin time they can be cracked. ALL THE TIME. My mom always reminds me my fingers will get fat and gross-looking when I'm older. Is that true?
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
When I got married, I cracked my knuckles just before the ring went on my finger. My new (and present) wife was not pleased that the ring wouldn't fit on my finger. She kept pushing and pushing, I still laugh about that. For some reason, she doesn't? Go figure.
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
I have mild arthritis in my hips and ankles. I wake up every morning in a little pain, and find it difficult to walk. Until I can crack my hip and ankle. Then suddenly the pain and stiffness is gone, and I can move.
I also crack my knuckles occasionally, but I know it grosses a lot of people out, so I try not to do it when others are around to hear.
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
I crack my knuckles every single freakin time they can be cracked. ALL THE TIME. My mom always reminds me my fingers will get fat and gross-looking when I'm older. Is that true?
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Well,I don't know if that true.But,I think fat fingers are part of some form of disease called elephantitus.not from cracking knuckles.
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
My"popping"sounds so loud that it sounds like a rock being thrown at a window.I can also pull my foot to get my ankle to crack all the way around.I can hear a"ckkkkkk".And that sound means it's popped. -howard- 8)
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
Well,I don't know if that true.But,I think fat fingers are part of some form of disease called elephantitus.not from cracking knuckles.
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Everyone gets fat knuckles eventually it's part of the ageing process aparently your joints in your hands spread hence old people not being able to get their wedding rings off anymore in many cases.Artritis also gives you swollen knuckles.
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
I don't know about anyone else here but the thing I hate on the subject of hands is people biting their nails.I can't stand the noise it makes when they bite bits off.I have actually snatched complete strangers hands out of their mouths in the past though now I tend to try to move to another seat or ask them if they would mind stopping if I'm stuck next to someone on the bus or train chomping away.
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
Does anyone else feel old just reading about their peers handling arthritis? ;)
I used to crack my knucles all of the time. I haven't done it in years though. I wonder about all of the myths too.
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
I've never cracked my knuckles :)
i'm weird :-X
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
The only time I did it is when I was playing soccer and I ran knuckles first into a wall, breaking three fingers. Couldn't play the piano for weeks... not so good. My toes can crack too, but not as well (or however you wish to look at it)
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
I do have a habit that involves crack, but it's not my knuckles!
My knees crack a lot, but then, they always have...must be the contortions! :D ;)
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
I've been doing it too much lately.I crack when I go up the stairs,I crack when I get out of bed and It hurts.Maybe I should stop? ???
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
Hey! Last time I posted in June, I used to crack my knuckles all the time. Now I've cut down to only about half the number of times a day that I used to. :D
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
I swear that I've been cracking knuckles for almost 15 years.Now,I crack almost everyplace on my body.My toes,feet,legs,ankles,knuckles,head,neck,arms,back.I do this cause I'm flexible and I know how to stretch my body in such ways that It may look painful to you,but It's relaxing to me.I also do it after I get out of bed.I don't know if this true that If you keep cracking your neck,your head will fall off OR that If you keep cracking you will get osteoarthritis? -howard- 8)
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Thank God Im not alone! Ever crack your jaw?
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
Thank God Im not alone! Ever crack your jaw?
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yes I have Mike and darn it's painful when eating. :( >:(
I'm getting up there in age and when that day comes,I'll wind up in a wheelchair with arthritis. ;D
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
I've never cracked my knuckles :)
i'm weird :-X
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No, you're not weird. It's not all what it's cracked up to be - don't worry.
Subject: Go Ahead And Crack All You Want :D
I swear that I've been cracking knuckles for almost 15 years.Now,I crack almost everyplace on my body.My toes,feet,legs,ankles,knuckles,head,neck,arms,back.I do this cause I'm flexible and I know how to stretch my body in such ways that It may look painful to you,but It's relaxing to me.I also do it after I get out of bed.I don't know if this true that If you keep cracking your neck,your head will fall off OR that If you keep cracking you will get osteoarthritis? -howard- 8)
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Here's the info I found :
The "popping" of the knuckles results from forcing joint fluid to
very rapidly pass from one side of the joint to the other, where the
"sides" are partitioned off by the main bones of the joint. Let me
rephrase that: a joint is an area where two or more separate and distinct
bones meet. The joint fluid provides a cushioning between the joints
so that they don't grate into each other. Cracking your knuckles forces
the joint fluid from one part of the joint to another, and the popping
sound is just the result of the high pressured rushing of fluid.
Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by the loss of joint fluid from the
joint, but it results from damage to the linings of the joint itself.
It's tempting to claim that the high pressure flushing of fluid during
a knuckle "crack" can cause damage to the lining, but there simply is no
evidence to that effect. It was probably made up by some very sensitive
individuals who hate the "pop".
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
yep thats exactly what my physio said when I asked him !!
I am a noisy person. When I walk - my knees and ankles crack the entire way with each and every step. People in my office laugh at the noise when ever I walk by !!
My neck cracks if I turn too fast.
My shoulders and shoulder blades crack when I roll them after sitting at puter for too long.
My elbows crack if I stretch my arms out straight.
My fingers crack if I straighten my hands out - sometimes they actually do it when I point to something which totally freaks out anyone standing near me !!.
My wrists crack when I use them to get up from a chair (for some reason they are particularly louder than any other crack).
I manually crack my neck to the left each night in bed and all the joints of each finger and thumb before I go to sleep.
The irish word for great time is Craic - pronounced crack - so I think that it what I should have written on my headstone - "She was noisey - but good craic" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
yep thats exactly what my physio said when I asked him !!
I am a noisy person. When I walk - my knees and ankles crack the entire way with each and every step. People in my office laugh at the noise when ever I walk by !!
My neck cracks if I turn too fast.
My shoulders and shoulder blades crack when I roll them after sitting at puter for too long.
My elbows crack if I stretch my arms out straight.
My fingers crack if I straighten my hands out - sometimes they actually do it when I point to something which totally freaks out anyone standing near me !!.
My wrists crack when I use them to get up from a chair (for some reason they are particularly louder than any other crack).
I manually crack my neck to the left each night in bed and all the joints of each finger and thumb before I go to sleep.
The irish word for great time is Craic - pronounced crack - so I think that it what I should have written on my headstone - "She was noisey - but good craic" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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you're weirder than I am. ;D :D
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
you're weirder than I am. ;D :D
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hmmmmmm i cant tell if thats good or bad :-/ ;)
Subject: Re: cracking knuckles:
hmmmmmm i cant tell if thats good or bad :-/ ;)
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actually that's pretty funny. Maybe cracking a lot is a sign of getting up there in age. ??? ;D