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Subject: Believe in ghosts?
http://sassy_elj.homestead.com/files/tinyglitter.gifThought it would be an interesting subject to discuss with you all. I have photos of things that look like ghosts. Never really had a true encounter with one though :-/
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
Nope, I don't. Which I STILL don't know why I'm afraid of the dark (:-[) :-/
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
Yes! Here's one reason why...
When I was 5 years old my dad was on a business trip. My mom was in the living room and I came in and asked her, (turned to look down the hallway) "Who's that man with the hat?" She apparently FREAKED. I don't remember this incident.
Then, a little over a year ago, when my daughter was 5, she and I were spending the day at mom & dad's, she walked into the living room (turned to look down the hallway) and asked us, "Who's that man with the hat?" Mom looked at me with eyes as big as saucers! She turned pale and I thought she was going to faint!
Keep in mind my daughter had no idea about my encounter and we were both 5 years old when we saw "him". My parents have lived in that house 35 years. Can't explain it, so it must be a ghost.
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
I've never seen one, but, then, I've never seen a four-dimensional object either. I guess even ghosts (or spirits) are too cool to hang out with me :P
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
Yes indeedy. I've never seen one, but i believe they exist.
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
YUP!!! it is one thing I don't doubt at all
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
Yes I do believe in ghosts.
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
Yes I do believe in ghosts.
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Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
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Sorry Lester, you may be scary but you are not that scary!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
I believe in them, and on one occasion, have even seen one.
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
Yes. And I believe in the Tooth Fairy, too. ;)
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
Yes. And I believe in the Tooth Fairy, too. ;)
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;D ;D God! See? I love that slight subversiveness in your statement ;D ;D It would be tantamount to me stating: "I also believe in the highest finite number..." and leave people with a puzzled look ??? ???
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
Nope. I'm not superstitious.
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
I can't remember who said it but Floridians frequently encounter ghosts on the beaches known as 'Northerners'. :o
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
Well... I almost majored in Paranormal Science but in the end, dedcided I was too skeptical and cynical and ended up majoring in English instead. According to family lore, every female on my mother's side of the family from my Great-Great-Great grandmother on down has lived in houses that were "haunted". I have seen some weird things, but nothing I could not rationalize in some way. They did an excorcism on my grandparents house once, said they chased a figure out and when it turned around to look at them, its face was all melted looking. But again, I have my theories.
"He beats his fists against the posts and still insists he sees six ghosts." -Unknown
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
Well, at least the ghosts in your grandparent's house are getting their 'exorcise'...har, har! :P
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
I do believe in Ghosts. Hey OSfairy, do you have any links to good websites dealing with the paranormal?
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
I do believe in Ghosts. Hey OSfairy, do you have any links to good websites dealing with the paranormal?
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Have you tried www.castleofspirits.com ?
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
Have you tried www.castleofspirits.com ?
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Thanks Dagwood i will check it out! :D
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
Yeah, I believe in "spirits". Never have seen one, that I can remember, but have always thought I have an "angel" looking out for me.
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
Yes I do,and yes I have seen one and heard one(see previous posts.)
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
"I do believe in spooks, I do believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do...." Cowardly Lion
I'm not that cowardly, but I do believe. There was one in my bedroom in the house I grew up in. I never really "saw" her, but I could hear what sounded like someone pacing back and forth all night long, every night. I also had the "feeling" that it was a woman. My mother always said it was just the radiator clanking away, but I heard this in summer, too. My grandmother told me not to be afraid, that she "was just putting the baby to sleep". Once she said that, the noise was more comforting than scary.
Before my daughter was born, I had a studio apartment in an old converted hotel. It was in a busy part of the city, near the ballpark and nightclubs so it wasn't unusual to hear people walking around outside my door. (I was across from the elevator). Every night, around 2:30 am, someone (or something) would rattle my doorknob. I got the fright of my life one night when I spent the night looking out through my peephole, and saw nobody, but the doorknob was still rattled. :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
One of the old-time residents told me it was most likely the ghost of a former security guard, whose job it was to check all the doors of the hotel rooms to make sure the guests were safe for the night. He used to catch a nap right after trying my door, and one night he died of a heart attack in his sleep. Traditionally, this is supposed to doom him to repeat his rounds for all eternity (unfinished business).
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
Have you ever seen a picture of an apparition? One that wasn't faked, of course. ;) I found this and thought you'd find it interesting as well.
Subject: Re: Believe in ghosts?
I most definitely believe in spirits, especially since my experiences in doing palliative care.
I became fascinated by the paranormal, especially as it relates to death and dying, after being with my Papa during his final months and as he died. In fact, my Mom and I read and researched a lot about it in the year between Papa's death and Mom's terminal diagnosis. Knowing she believed too, I was free to talk with her about her experiences as she got closer to death.
I was a Psychology major in University, and I like to believe I am (for the most part, anyway ::) ) a rational person; yet some of the things I have seen, heard, felt and been told about in dealing with death just cannot be rationally explained by anything in this realm of existence.